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<br />„ �hiity ihousana anci vol1JJ -- -- ------- --•----- --- -- ----"-�„nt,�a5
<br />, _ ___ ...._ _. . _ _._ .._._ ___ _ _ . _.__. ._..._.. _..
<br /> inaned tu seid mortg7g�>r b�1 hi l;qwtable 13wlding and Loan,lssocSation ol Grand lslsnd,Nebraska.�tortgngee,u�mn ;jQQ shar.s nf stuck ul'
<br /> wid AS5(XIATION,Ceriificatc No.L 22�OSB ,do hcreby Rranl, convcy and murtgnqe unto thc said ASSt!CIATIU\th!ii�llowing
<br /> dexcnbed reol c�yetc,situntcd in Hall County,\ebraska:
<br />,;
<br />�k'
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<br /> $,.
<br />�i� i,
<br />:�
<br /> �O�CfiiCt Wll�t d��1�1C iC11CI71C1113�liercditaments and appurtenances thereunto belon@ing,inciuding anaclie�i Ilour cuw.rings,all�window screens, �
<br /> windoe�shades,blinds,atorm windows,awnings,heating,air conditiuning,and plumbing and waterequipment and ec��essories iher¢to,punips,stoves,
<br />�i- rcfrigerators,and othci Bsturcs and equipment now uc herenfter attached io�x uxed in connectiun with said real estate.
<br />'�� And whercas the said morlgxgor has xgrced and does hcrel+y agrec that the murtgagor shall and wilt pay all taxes and asusrnents levied oc ';
<br /> '� : assessed.upon said premiusand upon this mortgage and thc bond secured thcrc6y before the same shall become delinaurnt;ro furnish appruved � '
<br /> insuraoc¢upon the Uuildings on:aid premssca s;tuated ie the sum nf 5 3O�000.�� PAYable to said ASSOCiAT10ti and tu dNiveY 4u said
<br />"f; ASSOCIAl10N the�x�licies for said inaurance;and net ro�vmmit or rermit any waste on or atwut saidprenuses;
<br />!j In case uf def'ault in the perCormance of any uC the lenns and cunditions of this mortgage��r ihe bunA secured here6y,the mortgagee.shali;
<br /> � oa demand,be er,:itled to immediale possession nf the mottgaged premises and the mottgegor hereUy es'signs, tiansfers snd setR b�pr tu,the !: ;
<br /> inortgagee ali the renls,revenucs an3 incume to be dcrived fcom ihe morlgaged prcmises during such time es Yhe murtgage ind<btedness shall mmaie � ';
<br /> ` unpaid;end;ht mortgagee shail liave ilia power to ap�int any ageni m agcnts it mar desire for the purEwse of repairing said pttmist3 add ienting
<br /> � tltr same and collecting the rents,tevenues and income,and it may psy ont of xaid inrome all expenses of repetring said premises and neu.ssaq� ` , ':
<br /> ` commislions and ezpenses incurred 9n renting and managirig the same and ut':ollectii�g rentals thereEri>m;the batan��e remaining,�f any,to� t
<br />� applied towanl thc dischaige��f said moitgage inJe6tedness;tliese cights of thC iuisrtgagee may be ezeroised at anq time during the existentt uC:ssch �
<br /> 3efauli,St'rcapceti��e uf any temporaty waive�»f the aame, �^
<br /> x 'fhesc Prose�us,hu�vever,are upun the Gondition,l'hat if the said�turtgagor shall repay said l�an on or lief'ore the maturily uC said sharts hy `
<br />� paymenc pay monthly to said ASSOCI A7'lON uf Yhe sum specified in the 13ond sncured hereUy as iniereei and pcincipat un said luarr,on ar bel'ute .
<br /> thc 1\renticth day of cach an�l evcp�month,until said loan is[ully paid;pay all taxes end asseasments le��ed against said premises and on this\lortgzge
<br /> "+. and the 13und securcd there�y,before rfetinquency;fumish appnx�ed insurance upun the buildings thereun in the sum o�5 3O����.0� ps�able �
<br />"k to said ASSOCIATION;repay to s�id,45SOC1AllON«pon demanA all tnunev liy it paid fbr sucli taxes,assessments and imutance with in1¢rest st '
<br />���' thc maxiMum legai�ate thereon from datc of payment alI of wh:ch Dlortgagor here6y agrees to pay;}xmiit no waste un said premises:kecp and r:�+pty '
<br />.� utith all the agreements and cbnditiuns ot ihe 13ond fo�5 3(��(��p n�this day @iven bp the said\lurtgagur to said ASS(X:lAT10N,and ctimply
<br /> ��tith all tlic requirements oi'tlic Ci�nstitution and Uy-Laws ora i3 AS$lk.lATfON;then these pretei�ts shall become ntdl anJ�uid,othei��i�they
<br />�� shaN remain in I'uIl force and may be fbrccl��sed at thc option oC the said ASS(X:lATIOh al'ter failure fnt thme munlhs to make any of said
<br /> ^? pa}•ments or bc'threc munths in arrcars in makitqt said tnonthly payments,or to keep and comply with ihe agcecments and Cunditions i��xaid Uond;
<br /> � and Morigago�aprees to have a receivet appuinted forthwith in such forcdosure pro Yedings.
<br /> � lf there is any ch�nge in owncrship uf Uie real eslate ihortgaged herein,by snle or uthenvix,then the emire remaininR indebtedness liereb��
<br /> ` secured shhll,at the option of 11ic liquitablc 1loilding anJ Loan Association u(Crand Istand,t�ebteska,becume immedfately due end pnyabte Hv4mut
<br /> t ihtther notitr,and th¢amomit remaining due undcr said bund,and any olher Gond For any additiunai ad�rences made thereunder,3hall,Pront th2
<br /> date uf rxercise of saiJ uption;beac intcrest nt the maximum IegAI tatc,and�his mortgage may then be foreclu:ed to setisfy the emount due on seid
<br /> bon�l,and any othet bund for additiodal ad�ances,together wiih al�lums paid�y�aiS 1'he liquitable Build'uig and Loan Associaliun oF Giand Island,
<br /> Nebtaska(uf ihsi�ranre,taxca and assessments,and abstracting oxtensiun�liarges,�vith fnterest Ihereon,from date uf paymeni ai the iitakimum
<br /> tegal tate:
<br />`; As pro��ded in Jhe Dund secured hereby,�vhilc this mortgage remai�is in c(tect thc mortgagee may hereaRer ad��en��e additiunal s�Inis ro the
<br />,� makets ol'said Uond,their�ssi�ns or successors in intercst,whicl�aums shail be within the securily oC tliis mottgage the same as ilie Cui�ds uriginalty
<br />;� secuicd ihemby,Ihe total amounl uf principal dCbt not ro exceed at anp tfine the o�i�inal amumit of tltis moHgAge.
<br />'� , ,yDated this 2 a day o[ Apri 1 �• �,1976 ,-•� .�
<br /> f~ �d`ZG2Gltr /
<br /> � �
<br />�� Ro� , uft J� — �nna/ R, Luft ��
<br />�ip
<br /> j. STA�'ki 0�NGBI2ASIC.�, p,
<br /> ¢ � CbUNTY OH NALL��� ��h Ihis 23rd �iay uf �1�Y`1� 19 7G,before tne, '
<br />:3 " the undersigned;A Notary Yublic in and tbt sa(d Cuunty,}�ersoually came 1`�' ' � a
<br /> E R�ger,W, Luft an�"boi�n�:R, Luft, each in his and her otvn right and ; ?
<br /> � �:2dCh Oth2P `���� ar� lxrei�tlallyknu�rnro � �
<br /> t i ersons whos�name S afffxed t��he aGo�e iueirument as mi�ttgagor $ and tihgy se�craLy
<br /> ,7 � , E . . . . � ',
<br /> ; a U i`ge$ij�j id ttucrienl to bP tttt�11'' �vluntaty act and dced.
<br /> r
<br /> ` � NOT�3Y N l'(�, my hai�d end Nota�ial Scal tha deie eforeeaid,. ¢c .,
<br /> � �t CbMM1S$IOP�1 l.�di ttissiiin expicte , � �\t,,. , ..,,r �
<br /> EXI 112�8 A �� �G�'��. V� ���`_
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<br /> ,,ati� r������ ��Nuteiy Publie
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