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�Y t �r. <br /> I I P <br /> � � 6' Of) �' U91 � <br /> S. lf Me f. nily I.o pn�� au�� sum ur kocp auy cu��entin � �, ro��irled fnr in tliis nuu•t ��i��rr , �hc D1urt �,�nF�ce. at <br /> ils optiun , mny pu,v or p� rform lhc same, iind ni e� pendiCuccs so miide shall bi� uddod ln thc pi� incipnl 4um <br /> u�ving ou the above uole, tih �tli Uc sectu�ed herebY� unci slu� il beac inleresl uutil pnid al, thc rnte providod <br /> forin thc priucipalindebtecluces. <br /> .' ,; 7, IJpon rec�uest of the T1lortbiigcc, Diortgngm� shiill executc uud ilclirer a aupplemenlnl tioCc or uoles <br /> � for iltc stlm uC 9LllTlB 7kI1'IUICCII �y blm�tgugcc for lliu tilleratinn, iundcrnir.utiun , or improvemcuC tntidu ;il <br /> .� th� Mortgngor'� requca� ; ur for n,���»t��,��n�� � e ��� ta nremiaca, or for 4tixes ur asscssmenls ag;nins6 thc <br /> j ; aflme, and for uny olhec purposo elsewhere authoriied herewider, Sui �l uotc or uotes sluill b� aecin•ed <br /> ; ��. . I1C1'QU,y GIl !l �)RCl�1° 1PII�II lUICI U5 �UIIV tl9 1f tI1C !l(�VRttCB CVICICIICC(� LI1CPeUy u•m�e included in the uuto first � <br /> i cicecriUcd iibnve: Snid stipplementnl note nr uoGes shall bettr i �iterc�C nt tha rnLc provided for in the prin- <br /> 1 cipul indebledtieas and shall be p�iyuble in ixppro�imotely� eqiia! inuulhly pa�•mr. nts for such period ns mny <br /> be flgreed upon by the llortgngce iuid Mortgngor, l�:tiliug to aqrce on thc maturity, thc �ehoic of lhe ainn <br /> � � ar suius so ud��nncerl shall be duo aud pnyaUle thirLV ( �� ) �1ny� uftcr �Icmand by thc DSn��lgaqee. lii �ie <br /> � ,. ,, eve��t sh�il thc an��Lurity ex6cud FieYond 6he ultimute mntw•ity of lhc ncrto IirsC described aUu��e. <br /> 8, lie hereby nsyigns, Cra��sl'ecs nnd sets over to tite Mortgagee, io Ue applicd to�vnrcl thc paYment of , <br /> " i ttin note emd :�ll sumfi securcd hcrebt• iu case of o defnult in the performauce nf .iuy of the terms and condi- <br /> � .� . tions of thia mortqage or thc snid notc, all the rents, revenucy nud incuiur, lo bc deci��ed frrnn Lhc morG- <br /> � - ,, gii�cd jnr.�uises` during such time as lhe mortgE�ge indeUtedness ahnll remnin �mpiiid ; .uul the 1lortgngee <br /> � shnlLluave po��•er to nppoiiit nny ngeut or �igents it mi�,v desire fm� tlte �ttu�posc of rcuting the same iuid cnl - - + <br /> ' ' " ' Iccting ihe rente , 1'CVC11UC5 :�ud income, and it miiy p�y out of siiid iucames all uecessary commissions and <br /> '� .,, espei�ses incurred in reuting nncl mnnaging tlic same rind u[ coilecCing rentiils therefru�v ; Uic balnuce <br /> d remt�il�ing, if n�ny, to lan tipplicQ lon•iird tlie discharge oC snid murLgnge indehLeducss. <br /> �� 9. lie �vill coi�Linuously mnintain hnznrd insuruuce, of such type or C}•pes twd tuuotuihs ns 1lfortgitgee <br /> ;�,;Y may from time to tiuic ri�qi� ire, mi the improvemciitrt uo�v or l�crcafter on said premises und e�cept �vlie�t <br /> � pn�•mcut for aU such premituus hns thcretoCore bcen madc tmdcr (a ) of pnragraph '� luu•eof, �cill pny <br /> promptly ���heu due anv prcmiums therefor, tipou defnult tltcreof, Morlg�igce ma�• pn,y thc snmc. All <br /> 'a iusurnnce yhnll Ue ciu•ried in companiea nppro��ed by tlie ➢fartgagee nnd ihe policies tuul nne���als thereof <br /> i� sliiill be lielri uy the llortgaqec and liave aittnched thereto loss pa�•nble clauses iu fa4or of and in form <br /> • ` � ucceptaUle to the \Iorlga�gee. In event of loss I1lortgagor �vill give immediate notice bv nuiil Cn Che hlort- <br /> " gngee� who maiy m��ice proof of lose if no� mnde promptly by A2ociqagor, uud eiich insurnuce cumpany coii- <br /> � ' a�cned is hereb,v aiuthorized .ind direcied to mnlce payment tor such loss direclly to the 1Tortgagce iustetid ' <br /> ` of to tlie RTurtgagor :iud the i�I�rLgtigee jointl��, nnd tlie insiu•nnce procecds , cr r�ny part thereof, ' <br /> ' '� mtiy be applied Uy the Mortgn�ee at it�s option either to Lhu reduc�ion of the indebledness liereb�� seciu�e�l <br /> or lo tiie resLoraLioii or i�cuair of the propert�� damaged . Iu event of foreclostu'c nf ihiy mqrtRttge, or uther <br /> : '; transfee of Litle to the iuortgaged property iii esliuguishmeut of the iudehtedness secm�ed horeby, all <br /> : :� ri�*i� t, title and inCeresC of the Rlortgngor in and to any insur�uce policics thmi in force shail pass lo tl�e <br /> i Ptu•chnser or grFuitee. <br /> � ;:3 10. .As ndditional nnd collaternl secui�iLy for the l�nymeul of tlic uote describr.d , and all sums to become <br /> ' -i duc under tltis mortg•cigq the nIortgngor heceby nssiqns to the ltortqugec nll ict�se bonuses , pi•olits, reve- <br /> , � nues, i•oyultica, rigiits, aud oUier benelits accruiiig to tlie Nlortgugor tmder �iu�� ;ind nil oii .md gns lenses <br /> now, or durivg ti�o lifc of Uiis mortgnge, executed on s�iid pcemises, wiCh thc A� ight to reccive iind receipt <br /> � for the anmc iuid npply tl�em lo said indebtedness as mell beforc as after def�tult in the conditious of this <br /> mort�u�e, :iud the Ddortgngee� mn�r drmnnd , sue for und reco��er .inF sucli puymm��s «•hen due aud pny- <br /> ; ablc, but shnll nat bc required so to do. Tiiis assignmenC is to ierminale 1nd lmcome null and �•oid upou <br /> ' release of Cliis mm•tg�gc. <br /> 1t . He shall ttot comnti � or permit �vnsCe ; and shnll maiutain the propert�� in as goncl condilion as at <br /> present, rensonable �cear and tear excepled. Upon any fnilure to so maiutaiu , ntorLgagee, at iGv option, <br /> � mxy cnuse reasunttble maiuteniince �vorl: to Ue gerformed aL the cost of A4octg<tgor, Any nntowtGs paid <br /> Clierefor by Morlgagce shall bcur inCerest nt thc rate pro�� ided for in thc priucipnl iudeUteclncss, sl�nll <br /> Lheceupoti bcrome x pnci; of the indebCeditess xecured by this instrument� CIItlIIJ�\' :ltl(I 011 il ))1CILV \CI �II IIII <br /> OCIIC'1' 111C�CUtI'(II1C99 SCl'UI'CCI I1C1'CliV� a ��d slinll bc pa��nbie thirty ( 30 ) days afti�r dem:ind . � � � <br /> l2. ] f. tltc premises, or nny pnrt thercof, be coudemned mider Che po�r•er o [ emine•.it domniu , or <br /> ' :tcc�uired for a puU(ic use, the dnmages a�vtu�ded, the procecds for thc talciug oP, or the c;myidcration for <br /> ' such ncquisition, lo the estent of Che full nmouut of t.he remxining unpnid indeLtedness secured by titis <br /> mortgtige, or hereby� nssigned to the Nioi•tqaqee, ar.d shall be paid forth ��• ith to s �iid h[ortgagce, to be <br /> applied on accomit oP lhe I .ist maturinq in ;:l:tlimeuts of such iudeUtednesy. <br /> y 1.3 . If the Dlortgagor fll1l3 LO 111A�CC' f10y pn��menLs tvheu due, ��r to couform to nnci comply with uny ; <br /> oY the conditions or ngrecmeuls cunLained in this mortgagq or tlic nates �shich it securce, then the <br /> � eutire principnl siim and .iccrued iuterest shall .it nnce become due and pal'�� ble , at thc rleclion nf tlm � <br /> , ' ; ltorCgngec ; :tnd lhis mortgagc m�ty thm•eupun be foreclosed immediatell' for ilie ��• holc of lhc. indebted- <br /> i ness hereby accturd , includi ��g lhe cost af e�tr. uding tlie ubstrnet of title from the dktt� of tliis mort- <br /> gnge to the lime of cmumencin� such yuit� 11'(?:150117IUIC iltCOi'OCV�3 PCC� nnd an >' sums puid bp the Veterxns <br /> ; `j Administrntion on aiccomit oF the guitraut,y or insurtuice of tlte indebtedness .ecured hereb}�, ,ill of which <br /> � shnll Ue included in tite decree of foreclosura '' <br /> � <br /> i1 . 'lf the iudebtedness secured i�ercbY be gttnrintced or insurad tuider '1' iUe 38, 1Jnitect States Code, �r�' � �i <br /> f � such Title ttnd ltegultttions issued theee�uidec nnd in effect ot� the daite heeenf shail qovern lhe rights, duties ' • t% �Y <br /> : and liabiliHes of tfie parties hereto, nud iui,y pi•ovisi�ns of this or other instrumeuts c.r•ecuted in connection � �k, <br /> 'i �vith snid inde}�tedness �vhich au•e incon9isCent �vith said 'PI ��L OP RCy;lllilt10H9 71CC I�ereby aimended to ;,� <br /> conform thereto . ' '���� <br /> The covent�n�q hereiii contuined shnp bind; iind the Uenefits aaid ��dvautaqes shall intu•e Lo, thc � � . '� <br /> . <br /> ' <br /> I <br /> _ .I 1 <br /> � f � <br />� � <br />