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<br /> N10RTGAGfi
<br /> A10R7GAGE's LOAN N0.L ZZ�07�
<br /> i �
<br />,q KNDWALLMCNBYTHESBPR'GSBN7'S:Thet Ant�nia King and Clayton A. Y.ing, her husband
<br />,: I.
<br /> 3i. . _ . . . � ; ' ;;` ".
<br />% ____Mortgngor,whether one or morc-ln eonsid-nlion of the tum of ; `
<br /> IbL4J�Y-4ne Thousand'Two Hundred and No/100----- �oL�nns � "
<br />� loaned lo said mortgagor 6y The Equltable BuJding and l.oan Assocladun af Crand lsland,Nebraska,Mortgagec,upon Q 12 shere.of stock of j ,
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,fertlficate No.,L 22,�]�' ,do hereby grant,convey and mortgage unto the aald ASSOCIATION tho CoCowing '
<br /> desaribed real estate;silunted(n Hall County,Nebraeka; ' ' ,'
<br /> �
<br />� � � `
<br /> ,� '�ri,
<br /> r � (
<br /> t+' � ,i�
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<br />�'� �� LOT 'fW0 (2) IN BLOCK EIGHT-FIVE (85) IN `�
<br />�A�
<br />,� j, ;�
<br />� � � � � NEBRASKA. �� �� ` `
<br />� �
<br /> 4
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<br /> 4
<br />,4•, together with alf the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belongng,inciuding attached fuuc rnvetings,all winduw saoens, '
<br />�� windowrshades,bllnds,storm windows,awnings,heating,air wnditioning,and ptumbing and waterequipmmt and acceuodes thcreto,pumps,ftoves,
<br />� iefrigeratort;and athet!ixiures and equipment now ar hereafter attached to or used in connectiun with said real estate.
<br />�� And whereas the said mort�gor hns agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shnll and will pay all taxes and asses�ments levied or
<br /> asseued upon said premixs and upon this martgage and the bond secured thereby before the sams shall become delinqtienh,ro furnish app�oved
<br /> N , insurxnce upon the buildings on said premius vtuated in the sum of S Z��2�0.UD payable to said ASSOCIATIUN and to deliver W said r -'
<br /> ASSOCIATION ttie poicies tor said insurance;and not to commit or permit any waztron or about saiS gremiser, �
<br />�, ln au af default in thc perfortnance of any of the terms and conditions oC this mortgage or the bond secured hereby,the mnrtgagee shall, ' ��
<br /> t. on demand;be,entided to immediate possession,of the mortgaged premixs and the mortgagor hereby assignr, ttansten and uts o�ir to<the ''
<br /> mod ee all the tents,revenues and income to 6e derived from the mort ed mmise:d�rin such time u the mort e indebtedness shall[emain r ;
<br />�{ BaB €a6 P B Ba6 9
<br />�r' unpaid;and the morigagee shail have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may des've ior the purposr ot'tepairing eaid premises and tenting
<br />� the sarne and colletting the rents,revenues and income,and it may pay out of said income all expensea of repairing sa�d premises and ntcesxary
<br />� wmmiuions and expenses inc0rrcd in renting and managing the same and of coUecting rentals ihercfrom;the balana remaining,if any,to 6e
<br /> app6ed'lowa�d the discfisrge of said mortgage indrbtedness:tlxse rights of the mortgagee may be exerciud at any time during the existence of such
<br /> default,irrespective of anytemporary waiver of ttie same.
<br /> Theu Presenti,hox•ever,are upon the Condition,That if the said Mortgagor shall repay xiid loan on or before the maturiry oPsald shazes by i. ;'
<br />� pay:nent;pay monthly to snid ASSOCIATIUN of the sum specifed in the$ond secured he�eby as interest and principal on said loan,on or befort �
<br />,� � � the Twentieth day of each and evcry month,until said loan is ful(y paid;pay al1 Wxcs ar.d asscasments leviedagainst said premius and on this kortgage
<br /> R,� and the 8ond secured there6y,before delinquency;furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S 2��ZO�.0� payable '� 3;
<br /> to said ASSOC1AT10N;repay Io said ASSOC(ATION upon demand all money by it paid for such taxes,assessmmts and insurance wit5 interea at +:
<br />�� the maximum legal Yate the�eonirom date n(paymrnt all o(which Mortgagor hereb}�agrees to p�y;permit no waste on said prcmis-s;kesp and comply
<br />�, with ail die agceements and condilions of the Bond for 5 9 9�nnn this day gi�xn by the said Mort�agot W said;iS50C[A770ti,�d�d a�mply
<br />`' w•ith all the requirements of the Constitution and ByI.aws'e�l.tfti'1KSSOClATION;then these prcsents snall become null and.roid,othenvise thry
<br /> F shall remain in fuil forcc and may be forecloud at thc option of the said ASSOCIATION alter failure for t}uee months to make ary of uid
<br /> 6 payments or be three months in arrears in making said monthly payments,or w keep and comply with the agreements and condi:ions of said Bond;
<br />� and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed fonhwith in such forcdasure proceedings.
<br /> lf there is any change in ownership of the real estete mod�aged herein,by sate or otherwise,then the entire remaining indebtedneu hemhy '
<br />� secured shall,at the option of The Equitsble 8uilding and Loan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,become immediatety due and payable without
<br />�„'; fwther notia,and the amoum cemaining due under said bond,and any other bond far 3ny additional advances made thereunder,shall,Ctom the
<br />�; dato-of exercise otsaid option,bear interest at the maximum legal rate,and this mortgage may then be foreclosed to setisfy the amount due on said
<br /> K� twnd,and any other bond for additiona!ad��anas,together with all sums paid by said The Equitsble Buil6ing snd Laan Association of Crand Island,
<br /> Nebraska for insurance,taxes and asse�smrnta,and abstracting extension charges,with inurest thereon,from date oC payment at lhe maximum
<br />�; legal rate.`
<br />�! Az pravided in the Bond ucured hereby,while lhis mortgage remtins in eifect the mortgagee may hereafter advana additional sams to thc
<br />�rf makers o(said Bond,their assigns or suceessers in interest,which sums shatl be within lhe security of thia mortgake the same as the Cunds originally
<br />`� aeciired thereby,the t�tal amount of principal debi not to exceed at any time the originaf aznount of this mort�aga
<br /> nac�a�w: �QtI1 Say of Apri 1 n.�.,i9 76
<br />�� � �. ��..v� - �.�T�-, -
<br />�r Antonia King " Clayto A. King
<br />��
<br /> f ' u. On this�Qth day af APr1� I�lJ( .before me,
<br /> � , COUNTY.OF HAI.L q•.a- t r
<br /> ; , the undetsigned,a Notary Publie in and foc sald County,petsonalty pme 'Ky �:
<br /> � r.- ,; Anto ' King and Clayton A. King, her husband r; �
<br /> , ; wno are personat�y known co
<br /> � . � <
<br /> � ` c
<br /> ,t � n 5 whose nazne 5 afCized to the above instrument as mortgagor5 and th2y severally
<br />�' a �aid tumcht to be thel r volunary act and deed. ' f � �
<br /> MOTARY��� my hand and holarial Seal the date afor_a:d. ^� �r�r�`
<br /> �' COE�XF��i{RES�N�� missian expires �i �' �(,�1 b 1 \ ��� � `''
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