<br /> �
<br /> fi. If lie faiilx tn � iay ati�� �um or kec:p tmS co��E� uiiut prrn• idi�ci for iri this mnrtgnge, the Mnrtgtcgee, t�t
<br />:� itt; op�inn , rnxy ptit� i� r ����urfr�rm Chc s;ime. xnd till erpariditures rto rnude shtili l�e addcd to tlie prineipal sum
<br /> mti• ing on lhc fihovc note, sluill i.�e aecured hcrcby� , fiud �hall bcar inYcre�t until p�� id .il the rate pro��icled
<br /> for in Chc principttl indeUteclnrs�.
<br /> � ?. tJpon requc�t of t.hE Mortga�re, Mort�+Hqnr nhnll execute nnd deiivrr n xuPplemantal nc�te or natc�
<br /> for Lhe hum or surns Kdvanccd l��• Mortxngce for .+.he alteraLion , modm niztri;ion , or impru��ement made at
<br /> tho Mot�t�ugct 's reques�; or fu1• rnaintennncc of Said premi�e�, oc fior t;aaes ar atisesaments Hgainat the
<br /> snme, und for any other purpose clsewhere :mthorized hercuniler. Said nute or notcs shall be arcnred
<br /> her�ehY tin M .pa'�iCy tti�ith nnd es 'fult5� as it' the advance e��idenoed therebp a•ere inciuded in the notr, fit�st
<br /> desci�ibed :hbove. Suiti su�plementttl nate or notns shsall besY interest<at thc rate pravitled for in the prin-
<br /> ; � cipttl .inrl�btedness and sl�ell be .payable in approximatcly equal monthly� nxyments for� snch .period as ma��
<br /> � ' be agreed apon :.0 the M�iri:gngee &nd Murtgtzgor, i'ailinq tu agree on lhe maturiLy�, the whole of the sum
<br /> oa• sums vn acivaziced shiill be due and �xytible thi.Ly ( 30) days after demarid b�� thc+ hlorLgagee. In no
<br /> i, �� e'rent �httll the mntYirity extend br.Yond the ultimate rnaturity of the noYc first deeeribed nbove.
<br /> ; S. T•Fe hereby assigns,. transfers and 'sets over t4 the Mortgnqca, to Ue xpplied toward the �ayment of
<br /> t:he mote and a1] Sums secured hereh5• in c�,ye of a dePavlt in tihe perfa.rmance of unr, • rrf the'terms and condi-
<br /> tiiuns of 'this mrertqa�;e or the waic; noto, sil the renYs, revenues and incume to be derivcd fa•om the rnart-
<br /> gaged premises during such time -as i:he mortgage inc?ek�tedness shtt71 remain unpaid ; txnd ihc h�tortgagre
<br /> shnll have potifier t� nppoint t�ny agent or agents it inay desire for the Put•pose of a•cnt.ing the same nnd col- � '
<br /> lecting 1,he: i•ents, revEnups uncl incoine, and it ma,v nay uut of said incnmes all necessui�y� rommissions and=
<br /> "- ea�7enscs inCurr,ed ,in i�enbinq and mannging 1;n� yame and of collecting i•entals therefiom ; the bAlance :
<br /> � remaining, ii' any; to be applicd tok'ard 'the dischxrge nf said mortgage indebte�iness.
<br /> ,� 9. He vr�iii 'contimiously m�int�lin haza�d insurxnce, �ofsuchh•peoi• tvpesxnd:amountsasMortgagee .
<br /> ; may, 'Pcom time to time :r•eqiiire; on the improvemE+nts ne�s� on c�reafter on said nremises xntl except s�•}ien
<br /> � pa�-rnc�nt Y'or nll s;�cfi premiums has theretofore been made under ( a) of ��aragraph � hereo{, will �isy
<br /> �4 .
<br /> �� nro'mptlywhen due anr nremiiims therefor, 1?pan defaiilt thereof, Mort�agee map pay 3.he snme. Ail
<br /> ,ry� : insu��ance shall !7e cf�rrieci in companies approved by the Murtgagee and the ��olicies t�nd renewa9s thereaf
<br /> Siinil:be held 6j� tt�e 117ortgagee and have aL-tached thereto .lnss pa}�ab7e clfluses in i'a��rn• of and in fbrm
<br /> '� nc'..epYable to the Tviortgzgee. In e��ent of ]vss Mortgagrn� u•ill give immec3iate 1i�tice bv mail to the Mcrt-
<br /> ? g•ngce, x•ho mA�� make nraof of lass ii not ma 'le }�tromptly b�� Mortqagor, and each ir�surance company con•
<br /> cerned is l�ei�ebs= Autharizr(] ATtC� (�li'CCtF)d �O MA}C� rayment for sueh luss directiy to Lhe Moi•tgagee in3tead
<br /> af to Lh2 Mortgngor srnd the Mori�gugee jointlti�, tmd the insur�nce �rocceds, ur flny pxrt thereof,
<br /> ma�� be applieti Uy the Mot�;gagee at. its op�ion either to the reduetion of the indeUte�iness hereby secureii
<br /> or tb t;he rastoi•ation or repuir of the pri�ierti� ilamaged. ]n erent of fore�losui�e of this mortgage, 'or other
<br /> � ; �transfer=of 1:itle :to the rnartgaged propei�ty in extiinguishment of. 'the indelitedness 'secured hereby, nll
<br /> :. i ri�ht, tiitle and inte7rst. oF the 14lortg9gor in and to an}� insarxnce policies then in force tihall pass to the
<br /> : '� purchaser cir grnntee.
<br /> L n , ] 0. As ;ael8ition�ii xncl collnteral security for Lhe pa5�ment of the nate clescribed ; an�t sll sums to become
<br /> fluc und2r th�s mortR'�xge, l,hc IVloitgagor hereby assigns tn t.he Moi�tgagee all lease bomrses, j�rotiis, -x•e�•e-
<br /> ! nues, i•o��altics, ��ighCs, �1nd other 'benefits accruing to the Morkgagor under an3� and a11 bil nnd gas. )eases
<br /> �t no�-., or dui•in�z tne 7it`e of khis moi'tgage, e�ecuted �on said pi�erriises, H�ith the:right to receive ancl rereipt
<br /> for the same �ncl applj�. them to said indeUtedne5s. as u•eli beforc as.at'ter xlrfaulti„ the conditions:of this
<br /> ' '+ mot�tgage, flnfl the n4urtgtsqee mae demand, sue for and reco�•er ant� such na�-ments rshen due xnd nay-
<br /> flt�l�, `�ut sh:till not be reGuired so to do. This assignment is to terminate and uer.ome nuIl �nd ��oid upon
<br /> ' 'i rele�se of this mortffage.
<br /> 7 L He shnil ntit commit or pei�nit w-asf;c� ; and shall maintain the properl3� Sn ns good concrition as at
<br /> present, rrxsc,nxble t;•ear anci i�ear eacepted . Linon si��• failnre to so maintair, Mortg�;gee, ��t its option,
<br /> may cause i•easonab2e �naiiitenance �ti•ork to be pe��'oi•med at the cost of Mortqagu,. An1� amoants paid
<br /> t.hcref.oz� b�• Mai•tqagee shali l�euc• inter�est at the rate procidecl for iri the an-inc:ipai in�lE�btedness, shall
<br /> til� rrn,�pon became n part of' the inclebtedness secured l�y t:his instriament, ratably 1nd on a p1i ii�� �rith atl
<br /> nthei• iiidebt��clness secni�ed hereU��, and shall be pa�rsble thirty (30) daZ�s aftcr demancL
<br /> 12. 1i the ��rnmisefi, or 1m� prrt therenf, be condemned tmder the po«•er of eminent domain, or
<br /> :zcqtiit•ed fot a pnblic use, ihe �amxges aa*arded , the Procerds i'or f.he i �king of, ur the considet•ati�n 1'or
<br /> such neqnisition, to tl�e extent of the fnll amount oi' the remxining unpaid indebtetlness secured li}� this
<br /> mortgxge, ar licreln assigned to the Mm•tgagee, and sl�all be �7aid foi•ihn•it:h to s�id Moi•tgngce, to be
<br /> applieA c,n accotmt of the lasi matm•inq instZilmenbs of such indcUteclness.
<br /> t3. 7f �:he R2ortgagor i'ai7s to make any pa�-ments ai�hen clue. or to conform to and com�lt� �iith ant- �
<br /> uf the candiYi�ns oi� ag1•eementc ec,ntained in this morLgage, or the notes ��-hich it secures, tlien the '
<br /> eniii�e tyrincipal sum and accivrd interest shall flt once become due an�] pa�-able, at thc eleetion of the
<br /> 3'lot�lg4gee .; flnd t,Ilis n�ort�;age may thercupon lie forr.closed immecliatel�� for the u�hole ��f ihe indebted-
<br /> ness het•eb3• secnrrd, i7,clt�ding the c�st of extending t:he abstrnct �f title from �lae dlte of Lhis moi*�
<br /> - �age to the :t;ime <f cammencing sdch suit, a i�easonablc attorney�'s fee, atti3 nnr si.�ms paicl l:,c thc i'ehera�s �
<br /> , : Ac]mittistrati�n on account of Yfie ,gvaranty �r insurance-of the indeUtedness secared hcrebp�, all of u•hich
<br /> shall be mchyded in Lhe decree of forcclosure.
<br /> 19. iP t.he indel�tedness aecm•ed liet�e�y� be ;�uai•anteec3 oi• insured nnc�er Titie 33, 'C'nited States (;�>�3e, � �,
<br /> stteh TiUle <�itei Rzgtilations issuecl thereutider ancl in efTect �n llie datelaereof shall go�ern the rights, titrtiea �� '
<br /> and liabilities of Lhe. ParHes fiereto, ancl anq nro��isions of th?s or oChe� lnstrnments execisted in :comtc�ws�n f
<br /> u7tih slid indeUtedne�s which are inconsistent ti�-ith said �`itle �r Fegulai.ions a�•e tiei•eh,y amended , to � x �, .
<br /> cunfornt thhreto. . � ; .
<br /> t.3
<br /> T'he cot�enxn�q hc-rein -contained shail k�ird, And the benefits nr.d advantages sh111 inin•e to, the `' '
<br /> ,�-- '
<br />� .~ �
<br /> �., . .
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