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<br /> MORTGACL�
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<br />,�� MURTCAGL LOAN N0. L 2Z,O6O
<br />' KNOWALLMBNBYTHESCPRGSL'NTS:Thul Edmund H. SCh�Ulld and Jacqueline L. Schlund� @dCh in h9s �;
<br /> r„ � � � � ,
<br /> i
<br /> Et ; ,
<br />�, and her own right and as spuuse of each other, Mo�i�gor,wnecn�ronaorroore,lnwnslderetlonoPtheaumot �; ;
<br /> Fourteen Thousand and No/100----------- -------------------------------------- no►.�axs i +, '� ,
<br />��' �, ;
<br />� Joened to said mo�lgagor by The Equltnble llutlding and Luan Association of Grand islend,Nebreake,hlortgagee,upon �4Q sl�aree o!stock of i. 'c<<.
<br />``� saW ASSOCIATION;Certifiwte No.L QZ�Q6Q'. ,do hcrcby grant,wmey und martgogc unto tlu snid ASSOCIATION the fullowing f
<br />�7� described reaf esteto,situated,in Null County;Nebreska: jI, i N h'�
<br /> � � � � `� � , `�
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<br /> i;, (18) ORIGINAL TOWN Of CAIRO, NEBRASKA. �� � �
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<br /> together-with all the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto betonging,including attached Iloor coverings,all window acreens ti: / �<i
<br />�� windaw shades,blinds;storm windows,awnings,heuting,uir conditioning,and ptumbing nnd watec equipmentand accessodes thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> r��; reGigerators,and otlier fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in cunnection with said real estatc. ;: ,
<br />�. And whereas lhc said mortgagor has agrced and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and wiU pay all taxes and azusnnents levied or `-' '� ��"
<br />�� assessed.upon said premfscs and upon this mortgage and the band secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent;to Cumish approved �: , a'
<br />, insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in tha sum of 5 14�Q��.O� payable to said ASSOC[ATION and,to delivcr ro'wid k ;�
<br />�` ' ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurxnce;and not to commit ur permit any wasle on or about said premiser,
<br /> ; �
<br />;'� _ ln case o(deteult ia the performance of any of thc terms and conditions of this mortgage or the bond sewred hereby,the mortgagee,shall ; '
<br />�' on demand,be'entitled lo immediate possession ot ihe morlgnged premises and the mortgagor hereby essigns, transfers and sets ovcr ro the y '�
<br /> `t mortgagee all the rents;�dvenues and income to be dc�ived trom the mortgaged promius during such tima as the mortgage indebtednessshall iemain `i !
<br />�t'i unpaid;and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agcnt or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing s°d premises and{enting ; S` ;
<br /> /� the same and collecting the rents;revenues nnd income,and it may pay out of said income all expenses ot repairing said premises and necessary �, ''
<br /> wmmissions and expenses incurred in�enting and managing the same and of collecting rentnls therefrom;tho-balan<x remaining,if any,to be ; ' , �
<br />� applied toward the.discharge of iaid mortgage inde6tedness;lhese rights of the mortgagee may lie ezercised ut any time during the existence of such r , ;
<br />�'�� , default;i�respective of any remporary waiver o(the same. ' �i
<br />��. Tfiese Prosenls,howevcr,are upon the Condition,Thet if the said Mortgagor shab repay said loan on or heCore the maturlty of said shazes by � '^
<br />�� ' payinentt pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of tha sum specified in lhe Bond secumd hereby as interest and principal on said loan,on or before
<br />�. . the Twenlieth day oC each and every month,unlil sxid loan is Cully paid:pay alltaxes and aztessmenls levied against said premises and on lhis rlortgage �
<br /> a;
<br />;,` � and the Bond ucured thereby,before delinquency:fumish approved insurance upan the buiidings thereon in the sum o(S�4��00.�0 payable
<br />� j ro said ASSOCIATION;�epay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it paid Cor such taxes,auessments and insurance with interest at
<br /> � the maximum Iegal rate thereon fmm date of payment all of whlch Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay;permit no waste on said pmmises;keep and comply � "
<br />� t . wiih ail lhe agreements nnd wnditions of the Bond for S�4 OOO.0� this day yiven by the said Mortgagor to suid ASSOCIATION,and comply
<br />,i wi t h a ll qu cequuem en t s o(t h e Co ns ti tu tio n a n d B y L a w s o t�s a i d A S S O C I A T I O N:t h e n t h e s e p re s e n t s s h a l l b e c o m e n u l l an d v o i d,o t h e n v i s e t h e y
<br />�,,a shall remain in full force and may be foreclosed at theaption of the said ASSOCIATION atter failure Cor three months to make any of said ;- , `
<br />� f payments or be threc months in arcears in making said monthly payments,or to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions u[said Bond;
<br />� , and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such toreclosure proceedings.
<br />� � , lf there is any change in owneTship oE the re�l estatc mortgaged herein,by sale ur otherwise,then the entue remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secuced shali,at the option o(Yhe Equitable Building and Laan Association o(Crand Islend,Nebrasku,6ewme immediately due and payable withtiut
<br /> further notice,nnd the amount remaining due under said tiond;and any other bond(or any additional advances made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> t.�' date of exercise oC said option,bear intemst at the ma�cunum legal rate,and this moetgage may then be foeeclosed to satisfy the amount due on said
<br />� � bond,and any other bond far additional advances,together with all sums paid by seid The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Crand Island,
<br /> r ' Nebraska Cor insurance,texes and assessments,and abstracting exrensinn charges,with lnterest thereon,from date oP payment at the maximum
<br />� � legal cata
<br />� � As provided in the Bond sec�red he�eby,while this modgagc remains in e(fect the mortgagee may hereaftet advance additional sums to the
<br /> ,} makers of said Bond,the'v assigns or successors in interest,which sums shall tie within the security of this mortgage the same as the funds originally
<br />�:;� secured lhereby,the totaP amount oC principal debt not to exceed at any time the ori�inal amount of this mortgaga
<br />� j �,: �tll . day�o( =��`y`1� A.D.,i976
<br />�-� � � � �_ .�;��',;a��,�,
<br /> i�� Edmund . Sch und • �ja��ine L. Schlund
<br />�_ ,
<br />.�:�i � � :1 " . .;,
<br /> '� ;.r.. � � . . . � . . � � � .
<br /> � ss. On tlus ]th day of Aprl j 19]( ,before me, �
<br /> i ° COUNTY 0�HALL �
<br />� � the u derpign d,a Nota Public in and Cor,sa'd Count ,personally camc �� "�� '
<br /> Edmund H: Schlund and Jacqueline l. Schlund, eac� in�is an� her own right an� as spouse `"� E� {° ,
<br />�_' Of",88Ch OtheC� whO dre penonally known to '..,, �
<br /> a `
<br /> f � ,,me to be the identicnl peraonS whou name S dPE atllxed to the above in ent es mortgagor g and they severally � � ,
<br />�'_,� acknowledgedthe seid instrument to bc,thel P voluntary act and deed. ���,.
<br /> k 'i r WITNGSS my'hand and Notarial Sesl the date aforosald. �''^'� '
<br /> ,i �R$���N�RIIR�i. . . . . _ �r.;. `
<br /> #'ty Ctlmmist�g},e�pires G
<br /> 1 � 141 E5 Y:;nt:50td Notary Pub c
<br />� r. ��MyComm,Gip.�t(uv.�12,1979� .,/��.
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