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<br /> MURTGACL _ --��— _�
<br /> - n�oiiTCAGG LOAN N0._�22,055�MrT c
<br /> KNOWALLML'NBYTIIL'SC:PRIi5CNTS:'fhut Gerald 0. Su�mners, a single person
<br /> Murtgagur,whethcr one ur moro,in consldcratlon of the sum uf
<br /> 7hirtv-six Thousand and No/100------------------------""""""-""-"-"-�-�- �oLLnRs
<br /> louned to suid mortgagur 6y'Clic Equituble lluiiding und Loan Assuci�Han uf Grand Islund,Ncbrnsku,A1ortgagce,upnn �(Q shures uf nrock nf
<br /> snld ASSOCIATION,Certificate Nu.L 22 055 ,do hcreby grnnt,couvoy nnd mortgngc unto the s�id ASSOCIATION the fullowing
<br /> descdbcd real estute,situnted ln liall Counry,�Jebrnsku:
<br /> LOT ONE (1) IN 4LOCK FOUR (4), -
<br /> together with all Ihe tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunro belonging,including nttached Iloor covcrings,all window screens,
<br /> window sl�ades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,lieating,air cunditiuning,and plumbing and water equipment nnd accessories therem,pumps,sroves,
<br /> rekigerators,mid other fixwres and equipment now or lie�eafter attaclmd to or used in connection�vith said real estate.
<br /> And whemns the said mortgagoi lias agrecd and does liereby agreu that thc mortgagor shall and will pay all iaxes and assessments levied or
<br /> assessed upon said premises and upon this murtgagc and thc 6ond secured thereby befurc the samc shell hecome delinquent;W(unilsh approved
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on said premiscs situatcd in the sum of S 3(��QQ.QQ P�Yable to said ASSOCIATION and to dcliver to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION thc policics for sxid insurance;and no�to commit or permit any waste on or�buut said prnnlses;
<br /> In case o(de(ault in the perturmance of any uf the terms and cunditions uC this mortgage m tlio bund secured hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> on demand,be entided to immediate possession of tlie mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereey assigns, transfcrs and sets over to the
<br /> mortgagee all lhc rents,cevenues and incomc to be decived from the mortgaged premises during such time as Uie mortgage indebtedness shnll remain
<br /> unpaid;and the murtgagce shall have Ihe power tu appoint airy agent or agcnts it may desire for the purpose uf repaifing said premises nnd renting
<br /> the same and collecting the cents,revenues and income,and it may pay out of said income all expenses ot repainng said premises and necessary
<br /> commissions and expenses incurred in renting and mana�inglhe same and of collecting eenta�s therefrom;the 6alance remaining,it any,to be .
<br /> applied toward the discharge of said mortgagc mdcbtedness;these rights of the mortgagee may be exercised ut any time ducing the existencc of such
<br /> default,irrespcctive uF any temporary waiver of the same.
<br /> Thesc Presents,huwever,are upon the Condition,That i(thc suid Mortgagor shnll repuy said loan on or before thc mawriry oF said shaces by
<br /> payment:pay monthly tu said ASSOCIAT[ON of the sum specified in thc I1ond secured he�eby as interest and principal un said luan,on or befare
<br /> the Twenticth day ul'each and evcry month,untii said lo�n is fully p�id;pay all taxes and assessments levicd against said premises and on this hturtgage
<br /> and the Bond secu�ed thereby,before delinyuency;fumish approved insumnce upon the buildings thereon in tl�a sum ol'S 36,���.�� payable .
<br />� to said ASSOCIATION;repay to ssid ASSOClAT10N upon demand all moncy by it paid(or such laxes,assessments and insurance with inlerest at �
<br /> thc maximum legal rutc tliereon from datc of paymcnt all oC which Alortgagor hercby agrees tu pay;pemiit no waste on said prcmises;kcep and comply
<br /> with all the agrecments and conditions oC the Bond for S 3E����.�� Ihis day given by�he said Alortgagor to said ASSOCIATlON,and comply
<br /> wi�h all the�equirements o(d�e Constitutiun and Dy-Laws o(said ASSO(:fAT10N;thcn these presents shall become null and void,otherwise[hey
<br /> shall remain in full force and may be fureclosed al lhe oplion o(t6c said ASSOCIATION after fuilure for thrce months lo mnke any of said
<br /> payments ur be tluee months in n�rears in making said montldy payments,or tv keep und cwnply with tlie agrcements and condition:of said Bond;
<br /> und Mortgagur agrecs�u have a rccciver uppointed fbrthwith in such(o�eclasure proceedings.
<br /> . If thece is any change in ownecship of the rcul eslate mortgaged heiein,by sale or ulherwise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby . - ,� �
<br /> secured shall,at the option oCThe Gquitable Uuilding and Luun Association of Crand Island,Nebraska,become immediately due and payable without
<br /> further notice,and the amount remnining due under said bond,and any othc�bond for any additional advances mnJe Uiereunder,shall,(rom the
<br /> Jate of cxercisc of said option,beac intccest at the maximum legal rute,und this mortgage may then be Comclused to sntisfy tlie amount due on said
<br /> bond,and any uqicr bond(or additiunal advances,togetlier with ull sums paid by said The Hquilabte Building and Loan Association uf Crand Island,
<br /> Nebraska For insurance,laxes und�ssessments,and abslracting extension clmrges,with interest thereon,from date o(payment at the muximum
<br /> legalrale.
<br /> As provided in the I3ond secu�ed Imreby,while this murtgage�emuins in effect the mortgagee may hereaftec advance additiunul sums tu the
<br /> makers of said Bond,thcir assig�is or suacssors in inlerest,wliich sums shall bc within tlic security of this mongagc the same as the funJs originally
<br />- ucuced thcreby,ihe tutal amount o(principal debt nol�o exceed at uny tima thc aiginal amount of this mortgage.
<br /> o�i�a�n;s 2n(�:—, day o( Apri 1 n.u.,t�� 7g
<br /> � J�S}J,..�Y--`�1 �"'. ,�.LL_c.. r\.L_;�._.�.,c_-��
<br /> era . ummers
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,�"ss. On this Zrd day oC Apri 1 �9 �( ,before me,
<br /> the undersigned,a Notary Pubtic in und for said Cuunty,personally camc
<br /> Gerald.0: Summers, a single person who 15 pecsonallyknuwnto • . "t' ;�"
<br /> ' 4�6
<br /> me to be the identical pe�son whosc nnme affixed ro the above instrumcnt as mortgagoc und h0 �DP70]y > .
<br /> � — .f j �� i.
<br /> acknowlcdged it�e said instrumenCto be h1 S voluntary act and deeJ. .,�, ;
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the Jate aforesaid. ��' � / /� �"'' t� '
<br /> , Q `:� f �s�-'t-� �
<br /> _ __�__r1y.Commiuiun.cxpu s -7 � `/�(%"s,� ( �� �_.�`"
<br /> � CENtFfI�[lr;it! t .M iV��7r. � Notary Pu66c
<br /> ,
<br /> ���;� �^MF 2�V i_ C' ��G'LG--L!_ �} . ti^;�� � -"..
<br /> s'!a'?M,.�� fd,r�!n n,t. ....:�i979!
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