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:Ty <br />� , i � <br /> � ��� thU 1 '7 � 't <br /> o- <br /> 6. If he fxils to pfly any sum or lteep auy covennnt provided for iu lhis mortgage, the Mortgagee, at <br /> its option , muy pay or r�crform tlie same, and nll expenditw•es so made shull be added to the principal aum <br /> o�ving ai the above uotc, shall be secured hereby, and shull bcar interest unlil paid flt the rate provided <br /> for in the principal indebtedneas. <br /> ' 7. Upon request of the ➢4urtgagce, Mortgagor ahnll execute aud deliver a supplementnl note or nutes <br /> � for the aunt or sums nd��ancecl by hfortg�gee for the aiteration, modernizatimi, or imptrovement mttde at <br /> the Mortgagor's request ; or for m:�intenance of said premises, or for taxes or assessmeuts againat the <br /> sume, ancl for any other purpose elsewl�ere xuthorized hereundm•. Said note or notes shaill be secured <br /> hereby on u parity ���iLh .utd ns fully us if the advance evidettced tltereby �ti�ere included iu tiie note first <br /> , described above, Said supplemental note or �iotes ahall bear intei•est nt ti�e rate provide� 1'or in the pi•in- <br /> cip�l indebtedness und shall be payable in approximately equal monthly puymrnts for such period as mxy <br /> be agreed upon by the i1tortgaqee and Morlgagor. N ailing to agree on tlie maturit��, t;hc tis• hole of the sum <br /> or sums so udvanced sh111 be due and pnyable thirt,y ( 30 ) days after demand by the 11Tortgagee. In no <br /> event shall t}te matui•ity exte�id beyoiid the ultimAte maturity of the note tirst described above. <br /> 8. IIe hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the ➢4ortgagee, to be applicd toward tlie payment of <br /> the note and all sums secured hereby in cnse of a defatilt in the performance of any� of the terms and coudi- <br /> tions of this mortgage or the snid note, all tiie rents, revenues and income to be dei•ived from Lhe mort- <br /> gaged pi•emises during such time as the mortgnge indebtedness shail i•emain unpaid ; .uid tiie nfoi•tgagee <br /> shall ha��e po��•er to appoiut any agent m• a�ents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same and col- - <br /> lecting the rents, revenues nnd income, and it ma,v pay uut of said incomes xll necessary commissions and <br /> expenaes incurred in renting and mannging the same and of collccting rentals therefrom ; the balance <br /> ; ; � remaining, if any, to be applied to�rard the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness. <br /> 9. He t+� ill contiuuously maiutain hazard insura�ice, of such type or types and amounts xs 14im•tgagee <br /> inay from time to time require, on the improvements now or hereafter on said premises and except ���hen <br /> pa�onent for all such prcmiums has tlzeretofore bee�i mflde mider ( n ) of paragraplt 2 l�ereot, �vill pay <br /> promptly when due am� premiums thcrefor. Upon default thereof, Mortgagec may pny the same. All <br /> iusurance sltall Ue carried i�i companies approveci by tlie Btui•tgagee and the policies nud renen�nls Hiereof <br /> sh :ill be l�eld by the lIa•lgagee and have attached thereto ] oss payable cinuses in fa��or of and in form <br /> ' acceptable to the DTortgagee. In event of loss Diortgagor n• ill give immediate notice by mail to the ➢Tort- <br /> gagce, �+�ho may malce proof of loss if not made promptl,y by 117ortgagor, <uid each insiu•ance company con- <br /> cerned is hereby authorized aud directed to make payment for such loss direclly to the Mortgagee instead <br /> of to the �Iortgagor and the \tortglgee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or tiny part fhereof, <br /> map be applicd by the Mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtcdness hereUt� secured <br /> or to the restm•ation oi• i•ep:� i�• of thc property damnged . In c��ent of foreciosure of this mortgage, or other <br /> - lransfer of title to thc moriga�ed property in extinguishment of tlie indebtedness secin•ed hereby, all <br /> right, title aiid interest of tlie 1Ioi•tgagor iu and to any insurance policies then in force sliall pass to the <br /> purchlser or grantee. <br /> � 10. As additional xnd collnteral security for the payment of the note described , :md all sums to becane <br /> - due under this mortgage , ll �e TIm•tg.i�or hereby nssigns to the .11ortgagee all lease bomises , prolits, eeve- <br /> �tucs, i•o�•alties, rights, ;iud uUier benefits acci•uing to tfte llortgagor under tm�• and all oil and gxs leases <br /> no���, or during tne lil'e uC this mortgage, executed on said premises, ��� ilh the right to recei ��e ancl receipt <br /> ' for the same and appl}• them to said indebtedness as ���ell before as after defauit iu the conditions of this <br /> �: murtgage. .u�d the liurtga�;ce may demand , sue for and reco�•er ant• such pa��meuts n•l�en due and pay- <br /> aUle, but shall not be i•equii•ed so to do. This assigiiment is to tcrminate and become nttll �md �•oid upon :: �;. <br /> rcicase of lhis mortgage. <br /> �_i <br /> 1L He shall not commit or permit «� asle ; and shall maintain the property in as good condition as at <br /> present, rcasm�a�le �cear and Lear e�cepted . Upon an�• failui•e to so maintaiii , Dlorlgagee, at its option , <br /> may cause reasonabic mainleuance �1•urlc to be performed at the cost of ➢furtgagor. Auy :unounts paid <br /> '�� �}icrefor by Morlgagee shall bcar interest at the rate pro��ided ibr i �i tiie principa] indebtedness, sl�all <br /> 1 therettpon becomc a part of the indcbtedness secttrecl by this instrument, ratabl�� and m� a paril�• ��� ith all <br /> � other indebtedness securcd hereb��, :ind shall be pa��able thirty ( :; 0 ) days after demand . <br /> 12. If the premises, or any part thereoC, be condemned undcr ihc po�cer of emincut domain , or <br /> � ' acquired for a public use, the rlamages a«�.u•ded , the proceeds for the t<< kinq of, or the consideration for <br /> suclt acquisition , to the eslent ol' the full amotmt of the remaining unpaic( iudebtedness secured b�� tliis <br /> moi•tg:ige, oi• hereby� .issigned to the Moi•lgagce, and stiail be paid foi•lh�citli to s:iid hlortqatgce, to bc <br /> applicd un accottnt oF the last maturing installments of such indebtedness . <br /> � li; . If thc .lIm•tg:Agm• f�iils to mal:c an)' pa)'mcnts t�•hen due, or to conform to and complp �ciih auy, <br /> fl af the conditions or agreements contained in this mm•tgage, or the noLrs ��•hicl � it secures, thett the <br /> � eulire princip<il sum and accrued iuterest shall xt once become due nnd p.q�able, at the election of the <br /> ;1loi•tqagee ; .u� d lhis muctgage mtt�• Uiei•eupon be 1'oi•eclosed immediately for Chc n�holc of the iudebted- <br /> ness hereby secured , iucluding ihe cost of estending Hie abstraet of title 1'rom Uie date of this ntort- <br /> gage to the time oF commeuciug such suit, a reasonable attorney 's fee, and uuy sums paid b�� the �'etecans <br /> Administration on account of the gu:u•antp or insurunee oC the indebteduess secured hereb�•, all of ��;hich <br /> sh111 be inciuded in tlte decree of foreclosttre. <br /> 1�i . lf the indebteducss secw•ed hereby be gu.trt� nfeed nr insureJ w�der '1' itle :i8, linited States Code, � ' <br /> such Title and Regulations issued thereunder �md in e(fec � on the � late hereof shall go ��ecn the riglits, duties ' N'..Y , <br /> and liabilitics of tfie parties hereto, avd any pro�•isions of this or uthei• instruments executed in connection � � <br /> wilh said indebtedness �t•hiclt :� re inconsistent «�ith said '1'itle ur I;e�;ulations .u•e hemby an�ended to �, ' <br />� � ' conform thereto. �,, ; <br />� The co��enxnts herein cont:iined shall bind, and the benclits .md acivantages shall inure tu , thc t'�tT <br />�� <br />��� - <br />`�� <br /> �;� <br />- ` 7 4ar`��' L_ � <br />�::` Z <br />` : � <br /> "3 <br /> i <br /> i <br />