<br /> _ . , _ _ : . <,.�
<br /> F ? �.,. .,_ �
<br /> J � Lil� � � � r!
<br /> . . �� •fUe � .Alorigagee � mny � cullect a ' •lat�• chnrRe" ¢ol fa rxceed � Fi�vr ('enls t .5cl for ��ch dulinr 1zLIN11 nf varh I ��tal n�unfhlc � . .
<br /> . . �+aVm€nt tnore -il�nn l:sil:tcsin arrr�u�; � tn �•n�•nr Ihr �rxtrn � rx � �rnse inc<dvrrl in bnndli�i�; d�dinryurnt a�Ynunh . . .
<br /> �. �. � AU paymenls n�ada. �und�r tlie provi�iim. �u[ tl�i. �rorit;agc . �ir Ihe notr he[t�l�y ::rcured. +chieii tnuy be� c•unstrurd a�� im��resL � � .
<br /> r �ha11 'aioi , In ihr �apFraa�te nrer ihe Iwnn thrxeot:� . ezrrwl: lhe �� rnen lhat. may no+v� h� Icxiidiy �r.mt �acte�l for in. � «�riun� . .
<br /> � ' Tl ,is turthCr :+Kri�d thslt m cst;e pnp suif is lri��un tn f�ac��la.�e th�s mcirt „�g��, thc Tlart�;z��;ce, its r��pnsentati� rr�c nr ��SsiRns.
<br /> . � tihalla, at; �anrn 'be . rntitled toikhe . l�ot:cr.sion �rt sniJ premise�v. nnd u;aon �tppiicutiiin iherr(nr, thf� i�oilrt in K'�1lCIl NIIC}� nctinn n)znll
<br /> � :* ix ,lirrni�ht �tir �nV'�;i4�1ge nf� 9uch COUrI, 'eii6er �n� term timr u� t�ncatinn: � is herebp� � uuthoriz�Kl 4o uphnint � rerriver�.lo takc -��xisscs-
<br /> ? 4i4n . ntrsnid" premisefi, �>r tcr coTlt�c[ the rm�ts Yherefrom, tiii8 fn �:o �uid �rerfonn such oNur acfs as mnr !+e requimd 6p t3ie order
<br /> .i � e
<br /> �i �ihc�; i.UWL Tnnk�ing S� a}ipninUnpiat ; � ancl saiii . �tartgngor- Lerrbg � Hai.•es �any. mtice uf �uch � n �qiSiratinn. :u��l �i•niisf�nfs t4. thr ap. . .
<br /> � , �witttm�nt at a rtv�eivNr iqabtt �the pt�xtuc.ticxn n( this m�rtgu�e, withr.ul nfhar rvirlenr��. . � � , � .
<br /> � � . � � . . �. . .. . . . �
<br /> ,, $ 'Pha, DiurtgaRee Ehall i�e suhrngat�N� tn idt b( ihe rigl�ts, privilegea. priorities. mid ��yuitics of uny :lirnholdrr saio;e lirn mac •:
<br /> i�+�vts. 6r�•n {lisclL4rreed trvfm the prnceed, nf this ioan. ur hy� nny funds herehp Pnid or (�irnishecl iiy ihr ?�lurtgngee.
<br /> �: � .
<br /> � IT IS ECPRESSJ,Y AGREED tliat ii ihe ilfotty.igur shnll soli, ronre�• or nliennte naid p�uperty, ur any part theieof, i ' :;
<br /> " + or nny : intemst !6erein; ot shs11 Ue divestid of Iiis litlo or nny inG:rest t4�ercin in any mnnner or t� aY, xhe�ther talimUuily or
<br /> ' '� in�vluntaril r,: ttitliout` �vtitten cot�sent of tl�r Mnrt�ge� Lxing l rst lind and obfnined, ;�3ortgagee shalj h�ve the rj�;ht; at fts �ption,
<br /> s
<br /> ; � !o detlate any , indeUteduc� or . nbligattoas s��curcd herrhq, irtesPectire of ihe nLduriiy date spre[(ietl in ctny nnte ' ovidencinfi the
<br /> ' ,� same, imraediately due and payahle iritliout ttotice, nnd uud drbt shnll thrreupon becnme ntantute. If ihf� owncrship uf the mort-
<br /> j � ga$ed �.property- 6ecorzies ;ce_=ted in� a �'person � nther �.thnn th�i i�•Iortgagor,` tho� T4urt�agce � may,� H�itf�out �t�otic� to t1�e � I�fortFagor, doat � -
<br /> ; <� r�ith`Euch suixes�or oe si+cnsaorn in`intereit � with mterenec ta this .mort„^a�e and the ' deLt ��hercb}� � scx�umd +ss «ith�� the �� A4nrtgagor,
<br /> e
<br /> � 'y und muY fochear ts� suc or mny estend . time for the �isy�nent ot the debt h�seby secumd wiQ�oui �iischnrging or in any �cxy flffecting
<br /> '-, ; ' the liabaiEy oPQhe qriginal blortFagorhereander ur upon the debF senrred.
<br /> ; �
<br /> ' ry . .� Xn this.�.inskrument� . t}io singu(uc �indiide�x � � the . ��lurul .' nnd U�e� masculine includes tl�e feminine and � thr� nruter an<I thi� in � � �
<br /> ;, .
<br /> :.' . . .t.rumentahall �lir bi�iding � u {wn the un�ler,i�neri.� his . hein. perv�nil mPrrsenlativrs. . siurewsnn � nn<I a�:iQ�s. � � � � , :, . .
<br /> " ' - � � iti YdITISESS 1VHEREOF. w�a hnve herrunto .cf� our. hands� and wml: ihe ��tay nnd � yeur ftnt: aU�nr u•rittrn. . . . . � -
<br /> ,,;�� � � . � . , � . . � . . . � . . � . � . . .
<br /> , � .�� � . . . . . . . � . . . . , .. . , .
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<br /> i �, ���..3,,..�.�..�'. ..�2,�:�.,,�.�..; .. _ :_. ..._. _
<br /> '� Connie D . Jardine �
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<br /> " . . :. .. :_H811: .::._ :_ ._County. { rs. ,,
<br /> L . . _ . . . � � � � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � . . . . . '. 1. . . e ..
<br /> : On ihis .. , . / ..,s.f. . . dny o! _ . .��T �. J. . . . - ....., 1U. �6 befum me. t}�r undcrsigncrL a Notnry Yublic, in and for Faid
<br /> : ; Cnuntv. Ners�,allv c�.me.�en . e1 L . _ �a*di�e . and Cornie. D.. ._Jax.c'tilae, . ..t�usb.and._aud.:�zf. e. . ,_ ._ . . . _ . _ . . . _ . . . _ . _
<br /> 7xrauaally knuwn to me ta be the i�lnntical persens whose names nze af(ized to the ataee i+nd ;om;oing inetrument, as mortgagors.
<br /> � � and `ench �acknoivledged snil instrument � ta be � his ur her voluntary act und deed. � . . � � �
<br /> p _ ..
<br /> � � ,
<br /> i
<br /> , \Vitncss tny hand and notnrial seal at._. . - :.GTHAd ..I51?.Tidr._ NCbz'&&k8. _ . . . .. . . .._ .. _. _ _ . _ _ _ . . . . . . . _ . . . .. .. . . ��5� ,
<br /> � ,i' �: . - tF.e �:lnte last nho�•c w•ritten. Th6,T.]S L . ��f� I�S . -
<br /> � � � . G 'tt+ Er".i�L HOisaR1AL �� � �J �j • �
<br /> ; ��AL _ _ ,��G,GIRGL�. TL . /!��-. .....
<br /> � � � � . S7F.TE qF NEBRASRA � � � � � � '
<br /> , . ; . . _ . .. . Notary � PuMic. �
<br /> . � . CO�� N�SSID�: lt �: RES � � . .
<br /> � h1y` commisaiun expires.. . . . _ . . . . . . . .. . . .. _ OCtAbef 13 , 14i3
<br /> ; t
<br /> �
<br /> $ .
<br /> < STATE OF. .. . . . . . . . �
<br /> ` ( s�.
<br /> - ; County . _ . _ _ . .
<br /> ;
<br /> " ' F.nfered -on numeric�al index und fileci for mcord in lhe Register uf Lleeds OHice ot said County the
<br /> , . .,
<br /> day ot. . . _ : . . . . :: . : . . _ . . _ _ . _ , 19. . _ . . , at . _ . _ . _ . . . . _ . o'clock and : . _ . . _ . . . . - _ minutey . . . . . . . . . . M,.
<br /> � . , and:n�xotded in rAoak. . . _ _ . . _ . of Atortguges at pa�!e , . . . _ . . . . . _ _ . , as Instrument ATo.. . . . . - _ .
<br /> ,
<br /> , . _ , _ . . . _ _ . . . . . . . .. . . . . _ _ . _ . . . . . . .. . .
<br /> ReB. of Deeds
<br /> „ - _
<br /> ; � � By . ._ .. _ . . _ . , . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _. Deputy ,, :: � p ,
<br /> t , , . ..
<br /> Wlien Tecordc� to l:e returncd ro tne �. � �"J
<br /> ja . .
<br /> � � �INCOLN OFFICES :- . Fhoned75-05211435•2111 - . . � ' p.,, �' � '� �
<br /> � � - . � ❑ ?23S "N" Street � ❑ S35 No. Cotner 81vd. ❑ 70th a�M "A" St. ❑ 2541 No. l lth Street � � �� �'� '
<br /> . . � � OMAHA-0FFlCES : Ptwna . 558�C323 . - � � � . . � � -�
<br /> ❑ 87Q6 PaciLc .St. � 210� Sv. 42nd 5f. ❑ 3245 No. 9UN Sl. [l 10920 Y1e ,t Dodqe Rd.
<br />' ���� � � � � � REGIONAL OFFIGES : � ❑ 2120 . Flrst Ave., Keamey ❑ 513 "E" Street, Fcirbury ❑ 1433 "M" Strcet. Orr1 � � .
<br /> Fhone 234•2473 Phor,e 729•2202 Phnne ;28�3215
<br /> ❑ 1301 lAain Ave., Creto �. ❑ 223 Box Butie Rve., Atliance ❑ � 181 : Yd�st 2nd St., Grand island �
<br /> Fhone 82fi-0348 Phane 762-Z1G0 Fhone 3S<1�4433
<br />� � u�s • .�.�<�::u.R., ...�a�. .,o «.� 4 �
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