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� <br /> 76- (i r� � (���7 <br /> ntoRrcnc� <br /> nuniTCAQIs LOAN N0.��2,050 <br /> KNOWALLAt1iN0YTfIL•SGPRESIiN'IS;That Richard L. Geist and Darbara D. Geist, each in his and I <br /> her own right and as spouse of each other, e���,�����,whaqieruncurmure,inconsiderotlunoftlmswuuC <br /> FortY Thousand and No/100--------------------------------------------------------[x���nits <br /> loaned to suid mudgagor by 1'he Equitable llutlding nnd Luun Associatiun o!Cf�IiII ISI�IIII,Nehraska,�turtgugee,upmi 400 nharee u(atocic oC <br /> sald ASSOCIAT[ON,Certificate No.L 22��r�p ,do here{iy grant,conveV und nwrtgege untu qie saiJ ASSOCIA7'ION lhe foliowfng <br /> descdhcd real esteta,situateJ in Ilall County,fletiraska: <br /> LOT TWENTY FOUR (24), TN L� HETGHTS FOURTH <br /> SUQDIVISION, PART OP 7HE EAST HALF OF THC• <br /> NORTHWEST QUARTER (Ey,NW�) Of SECTION ELEVGN <br /> (11), TOWNSHIP ELEV[N (11) NORTH, RANGE TEN <br /> (10), WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., IN HAI.L COUNTY, <br /> NEQRASKA. <br /> fugether with ali the tenements,lieredituments and appurtenances thereuntu belunging,including atlached fluor coverings,all winduw screenn; <br /> window ahudes,blinds,sturtn winJowx,ae�ninga,hcating,ait conditiuning,and plunibing anJ wamrequipment and accessorie�therete,p�m�ps,stuvee, <br /> refdger�tors,and uiher fixtures and equipmcN noa�or hereafler allachcd to ur umd in connectiun wilh said renl estata • <br /> And whercas q�o saidmortgagur has agrecd aud docs hcrcby ugrce thal thc mo�t�ago� ;;;cll and will pay all taxes and essessmcnta Icvlad ot <br /> as.ussed upon said p�emiscs and upmi tliis mmtgagc and tl�c bcnd secu c}�tf�e�by¢,eli�re the samc shnll become deBnyuen4 tu fumisli approved <br /> insurancc upun Ihc buildings un said premius siluated in the sum ui S ��1,�1�1�•��1 payablc tu said ASSOCIA7'ION and to Jeliver to sa(d <br /> ASSOCIATION the policies for said insuruncr;and not lo conunit or permit any waste on ur ubout said premises; <br /> In case of dcl'nuil in�he performancc of nuy of tl�e tc�ms and conditions of diis morlgage o�qic bund sewred hereby,the mortgagcc sliall, <br /> on demand,bc entiUce!to immcJiale possession of thc nmrtgagcJ prcmisus and Ihc mortgagur hereby assigns, transfers and sets uver to thn <br /> mm�gageeull Ihc renls,revenues and income tu 6e derived from die nmrtgaged p�emises during such time us tho mudgage indebtedness sliall eemain �� <br /> unpaid;anJ tl�e murlgagce shall have thc po�vcr to uppoiM any aFenl or agcn�s it mav Jesire(ur thc puepose oC repairing eaiJ premises and renting � <br /> the same and cotlecting d�e rents,revenues and income,nnd it nmy pay uut ul'said incume all expenses of rrpairing sald piemises and necessary <br /> comrnizaions and expenses incurred in renting and managing tlic s:une and of cullecting rentals Ihc�efrom;the Unlnuce�emeining,if eny,w be -. <br /> upplicd toward Ihe dischargc of said nwrigage indebtedness:these righls of the worlgagec may be exereised nt any tinw during Ihe existence of such � - . - . �: <br /> dcfaui�,irrcs�xclivc of any temporary waiver o(thc same. .: <br /> Tlicse Presents,hawever,8fC U(1U0(I7C CUI7lIlIIUtl�Tll�l II IIIC 101(I AIOf��B�+Of SIIBII tl'41�Y Sili(I I0811 O�I U!ISC�U[C UIC II1lllOfl�y Or S�I(I AII�ICS IlY � <br /> payment;poy monthly lo said ASSOCIATION uf the aum speciGed in�he Uund secured herchy as inlerest and principal un eaid luan,un ur bclbre <br /> (I7C T��CIIUC�II IIBV 0�CJl'II 8i1(I l'VCfY I17011(Il�II11�1I 5811I IONII IS I IIII)'�1;IIlI;�)3y JII I�XI'S:111(I 855C9SfI1Ci115 ICVICII 8�'8I116�301{I(lfl'IOISCS TOII VO lIIIS nIOtIRB�@ , � � . <br /> and the BunJ secureJ thereby,bcl'ore delmyucncy;(urnish appmved insurunce upun the bullJings thercun in qie sum ol'S 4�������� paqable �' <br /> tu said ASSOCIA7'ION;repay lu said ASS(H'IA'IfON upm�detnanJ all tnune��by il paid Ibr such taxes,assessmenls and insu�m�ce with interesl at � ^•� i�t' <br /> the ntasimum Iegal rate lheremi 1}um date of paymenl all ul'which Murlgagor hereDy agrecs ln pay;permil nu�vaste un said premises;keep and comply - � �"',��_ � -� <br /> with all the agreemems and cunditiuns uf Ihe fiond Ibr S 40�OOO.00 this day given b,y the Sold��urtgagor�u saiJ ASS(H:IATION,and comply <br /> with all thc ol'the Constitutiun and ByLaws uf said ASSOCIA'CION;lhen thesc 41ICSCfIIS SI18II bl`COIl7C mdl and vuid,uthcnvisc thev <br /> shall rcmain in futl fo�ce aud may bc furcclused at thc uption ol tl�c said ASS(KIAI'ION uftcr (ailure fur thrcc nwnll�s tu makc uny ul'said � � � � � <br /> paytneNa or be Uuee tnunll�s in arrears in uiakinK saiJ monlldy paymenis,or lo kecp and comply with the ag�eemenls and condiliuns uf said Uond; � . . . <br /> anJ Morlgagur xgrees lo ha�•e a rcceiver nppointed furih�vilh in such fureclusure p�uccedings, � .� . . .� <br /> If tlicrc is any ch�nge in ownc�ship uf thc real esWte tnmlgaged lierein,by sale ur otl�c�wiu,then N�c enNre�c�uuining indebledness hereby ; . � � <br /> secured shull,al die optlon ol'The flyuilubie Uididing and Lnan Auuciatiun uf Grand Island,Nebieska,becume immediatcly due and payabic witiwut <br /> furlhcr notice,and!hc amuunt mmainlnq Juc undcr saiJ bund,and any vther bunJ for nny ndditional aJvances madc thereundcr,shall,Irom tl�c <br /> dalc of exercise uf said oplion,beur interesl at Ihe maximwn Icgal rate,;wd Ihis nwrtgage tnay thcn be(urcclumd lu salisl'y lhe amount Juc un auid . � � � � <br /> bnnd,anJ mry uthcr bond for additlunal aJvances,togcther with all sum3 paiJ by said'1'hc L'quitablc HuitJing and Luan Assuciatiun uf Grand Is1anJ, <br /> Nebraska for insucance,tdxes and as.,s�mcnls,and ebslrucling exlension cltargee,widi in�eret� thereon, fmm dule uf paymenl nt t6c tnaximtun <br /> icgal rata <br /> As proviJeJ In Ihc Duud sccureJ hcrc6y,whilc�his morlguge remaine in effccl Ihc morlgagec muy hcrcaf�er advence aJdilional sums to thc <br /> make�s of said[3ond,their assigns or succeeson in inlerest,which sums slmll be within Ihe secu�ity uf this murlgage Ihe swne;is the funds uriginally <br /> sewreJ thcro6y�lI1C IOI�I 8111UI101 o(htlill'IN�I llCbl I70(l0 CXl'CC(I JI BIIV 1iI11C IIIC Vfl(t1Il0I ilOW110i OI fIlI5ltlOIl�`8�0. <br /> u���n�5 31 st e�y�r March ,� i� i, 76 •`� <br /> rw' ;'� � / ��'`,s'��l;1�� r! ) «...1ilt.�.✓r <br /> �R c iar L, e "§t� " ' tiarbara D. Ge si t <br /> STATGOfNEdKASKA,lE6,. bnthis 3�St e�y�,r March 19 76 ,befurc,nc, <br /> -COUNTY Of HALL J �i <br /> thc m�Jcr�igned,a Notary Pu61�c 6i and I'or said Cumrty,persuually curoc ° " <br /> Richard L. Geist and Barbara 0. Geist, each in his and her own right and as spouse of � ' <br /> w���� � �' <br /> . each pr, �re pe�sunallyknownto � £ <br /> ' c�sonS whoso name 5 are nffixed tu the abuce inst�amcnl na muftgogurS a��d they scvcrelly :" , <br /> a�hp»�L���tl�y�li trumcnt to bc th81 r voluNary ac1 and Jecd. !4 ��}. <br /> �, ���TN 5 my hand and Nutariel Scal thc date:fi�resnid. <br /> �� l J�r ic:lt3��RC Isslon expirc� � -;�1, �(�-�b 1 * <br /> � i �irg � ` �td.a� <br /> q �Y�" utoryPublic � <br /> y��'��i^P::F,,.^` . <br /> .';i�. <br /> `2'r /p1COr� �'��� . <br /> �`,\.i+`SwVurr"� � <br />�I � L� <br />