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_ ; ... .'� � <br /> . ' � <br /> 76- OQ1657 <br /> AfORTCAGG <br /> _ __,- <br /> MORTGACf:LOAr NQ_L�2�LQ,� _ <br /> KNOW ALLMEN llY TI�GSL•PRGSGNTS:That. W���i 7p1 J. I��@Il and Mary Ann Degen, each i r, hi s and <br /> her own right and as sWouse of each �ther, <br /> Alortgegor,�vhether one or more,in consideration of the aum of' <br /> Forty, Thousand and No/100------------------------------------------------------- �o�Lnks . , ,:, <br /> luane�to said martgagor by The fsqufta6le puilding and Luan Assuciation of Crand Island,NeBraska,t�iortgagee,uporr_400. sliare;oF stock of <br /> 'said ASSOCIA7'fON,Certificate No.V 22�QQ9 ,clo liereby grant;cunvey and mortqage untu ihe said ASSOCIATION the following <br /> described real estate,siwated in Hall Cuunry,Ne6ruka: <br /> FRACTIONAL`LOT ANE (1) IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK SIX (6) <br /> IN WOOD[iINE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRraND ISLAND, <br /> NEBRASKA, AND ITS COMPLEMENT, TO WIT: FRACTIONAL <br /> LOT ONE (1) IN FRACTIONAL DLOCK SIXTEEN (16) IN <br /> G{ARLES WASMER'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRANO <br /> ISLAND, NEBRASKA, AND WASMER'S ANNEX TO �IRST <br /> ADDITION. <br /> wgether widi ali the tenemenn,hercditaments and appurtenanms thercunto bclonging,including attaclied Ilour cu�Trings,al!�Pindow screena, <br /> window shades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,heating,air conditiuning,and��I�mbing anJ waterequipment anJ acceswries therero,pumps,st�vea, <br /> rcf�igerators,nnd otfier fiaturcs and equipment now on c�rca(�er attarheJ to or useS in cronneclion with said real estate. <br /> And whercas the.said mortgagor has agrced and dues herehy agrce that thc morl�gur shail and H•ill pay all iaxes and asuasmenta le��ed ar <br /> assesscd upon said premises and upon tl�is murtgage and the 6ond secured tlrere6y betore the same shall become delinquent;tu furnlsh approved <br /> insuranoe upon Ihc buildingc on said prcmius siluateJ in thc sum of 5¢O, O�O.�0 payable to sai3 ASSOCIATION and to deli�er to satd <br /> ASSOCIAT[ON the poliries for caid insurance;and nnt ro�rommit or pernnl any�vaste un ur about aaid premisea; <br /> In casc oi dc(aWc In thc perfonnance af any o(the tenns and cunditions oF this nwrtgage or the 6und s�cured herehy,the mortgagee shall,c <br /> � un Jemand,be entitled�to immediate po:session uf tlie mortgaged prcmises and Ihe nwrtgagu� hereby assi�nr, transfers and sets u��er tu�the�. <br /> mortgagee all q�e rmb,rcvenues and income tu 6c derived from the murlgaged premise:during such time as tha mongage indebtednes�siiatl remain. <br /> unpaid;anJ the mortgagee shali have the poH•er to appoint any agent ur agents it may desire for the purpose oi iepairing said premises and ienting <br /> the s�me and rnllectfng the rents,re�Rnues and income,and it may pay out of said income all expenses uf repairing sald premises and nc��essa�y <br />. ... ��mmmissions and ex�enu:incurred in reNing and managing the same und uf collecling mntals tLeretrom;tlie Ualantt�rcmaininp,if am�,to be� ' <br /> applied toward the dfscharge o(said mortgage indchledness;tlicse rights of the mortgaqee may be exercised at any timc during the exislence uf'sucl� �• <br /> default,icrcspective of any lemporan•wai�rr of thc samc, <br />� Thex Presents,hoac��er,arc upon qic Cunditiun,That iC the said lfortgagor shall�cpay said loan on or be�bre the maturity nf said shares hy . <br /> payment;pay monthly�o said ASSOCIATION of ihe sum spccilied in the Ilund securcd liercby as mtercet and p�incipal un said loxn,on ur before <br /> the T�ventleth day of cach and cvery month,witil said luan is(idly paid;pay all taxex and assessmcnts levied against said prcmises and on this 111urtgage <br /> and the Bond secured the�eby,bofure delinquency;fumish approti•ed insurance upon the buildings uiereun in�he sum of S 40�OOO.00 payable <br /> to said�1SSOCIATION:repay to said ASSOCIATION u�wn demand all money by it paid for such laxes,assessments snd insurance�vitl�interest at w' ��- � <br /> the maxim�m legal rutc the�eon Gom datc uf payment ali of which�fortgagur here�y agrecs tu pay;pennit no wauc on slid premiscs;keep nnd comply � <br /> with all Ihe agreements and�ronditions of�he Uond Ibr 3 QQ�OOO OO����s dap giean by thr said�turlgagor t��said e1SSOCIATION,end comply <br /> with ail thc requirements uf the Cunstitution and Bp•Iaws at said ASS(x1A170N;Hicn these presents shall bewme null and�roid,utherw�ise they <br /> shall remain in full furce and may be I'oreclosed al lhe option ol the said ASSOCIATION after t�iilure tbr thrce munths to make anv ot said � � � <br /> paymcnls ur be three months in arrea�s in making said monthiy paymenls,ur to kcep and compy�with the agrecments and mnditiuns u:wEd Uond; <br /> and Morlgagor ag�ces tu ha�e a receiver appuinted lbrthwith in such(oreclusure proceedin�s. � <br />� If there is ar.y change in ownership of the real ca�ate mortgaged i�erein,by salc ur othet�vise,Ihen the entire romaining indebtedness here6y <br /> xwred ah�il,at the op�ion of The GyWtablc Building anS Loan Asscn;ialion o(Crand Island,Nc6raska,6ernme inunedtately due and payablc withuut <br /> further noticc,und thc amuunt remaining duc undcr said bond,a�iJ any othcr bonJ fer any additional adwnces made thereunder,shall.Gum tlie <br /> date of exercise of said optiun,bcar interest at the marimum Icgat rate,and this mortgage may then be fineclosed to satisl)�the amuunt d�c on said <br /> bond,and any otlicr bond(ur additianal advances,toqethcr with all sums paid by said 7'he I�yuita6le Building and Loan Assucialion of GranJ Island. <br /> Nebraska fnr�uurance,taxes and assessment�,and a6slracling extension charges,wifh Interest thereon, I'rum date uY payment at the nfaximwn <br /> Icgal rata <br /> As provided in the Bund xcured hereby,e•hile this mortpage remains in ef(ecl q�e urorigagee may hereaftec ad�ance ndditionai sun�s to the <br /> makcrs o(said lland,thcir assigns or aucccssor:in interest,�rhicli smns ehall bc wiihin ihe secwi�y ol Ihis mcrtgage the same as tiie fwds uri�inally <br /> secureJ thereby,lhe lutal amount nC principal debf not to ex�sed at any lime ihe uri�inal amount of this mortgage. <br /> �ip u��n 31s� a�y�r March n.[�.,�y 76 <br /> ��' � � •�.a, ;, C,_� <br /> -�'p .�il... � [ � �7t-n,' � `.t:. ;^ . <br /> William J. D en Mary L�nn Degen � <br /> STATG 0�NEpRASKA,��. On Ihis 3�5 t day of March 19 76 ,beforc me, <br /> COUNTY 0�HA!L M., , <br /> Ihe undetsigned,a Nolery Pubiic in anJ Cor said County,per,wnalty¢ame „3''. <br /> William J. Degen and Mary Ann Degen, each in his and her own <br /> who are Mraunally knvwn m "' <br /> and as spouse of each other � <br /> ��� <br /> V 1{b� cai peraon 5 whosc name S affired to the a6o�e instrument as iuvngagur S and tf)@y sc�Ere!ly ,,, r�_ ` <br /> C�a��'��daa�� inatniment m be thei r �'�luntary act and Jced. ,�' <br /> r r <br /> r :"�� ��!,N7 BSS my hand and Notarial Seal Ihe date afuresaid. <br /> �'y rr � � � �1 'mmiasion expirca t��a.��,p,�' `}� I ti 7�n ��\ J,'1 ��\(�s <br /> 4 �- �t�> r - ,n-- <br /> u'.Sy&JM �.'x���',��� Nntar Public � <br /> .7�`�.'� a�+;tc�C', � � <br /> ������'i:i'� �. � <br /> 6w�'r v�'� 1..� <br />