<br /> � . y,
<br />,, _.,.. :'>o-
<br /> 4� /l�_ i..t 1.�.UU � ' �.
<br />_ � STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cuun:y of ....................................................:
<br /> _ Filed for record on ................................. 19........ut............................ o'clock
<br /> „ . ........................ hi.
<br /> und recorded in tlie Uecd I?�c�,rd ................................ P.�ge
<br /> ;; ........................................... ................... T3 v
<br /> ......................
<br /> Registerof Dcc,ls . ..........................................................................................
<br /> lleputy I�egister of Deeds
<br /> ' Robert W. Kensinqer and Susan Kensinger, husband and wife, ea� in his or her own
<br /> �,? right arcl as spouse of each othez
<br /> ;;
<br /> rr� , herein called the grantor tivhether one or more,
<br /> � in consideration of Forty-two 'Phousand and no/100 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DpLLARS
<br /> ,.;1
<br /> ;� received from grantecs, does grant, bnrguin, sell conti•ey and confirin nnto
<br /> -�;t
<br /> Gezald E. White and Virqinia D. White
<br /> ,�i
<br /> as joint tennnts with right of surrieorship, und voi as teuants in commou, the following descri6ed reul
<br /> ` property in Hall......................................... Count}�,\ehraskn:
<br /> s
<br /> .................
<br /> <,�
<br /> �`i
<br /> Lot One (1), in Le Heiqhts Third Subdivision, being
<br /> Aart of the East Half of the Northwest Qaarter (EagNFi�)
<br /> of Section Eleven (11), Tozmship Eleven (11) North,
<br /> ; Ran9e Ten (10), Y7est of the 6th P.M., in Hall County,`_�
<br /> �: hebraska t�'EBRASKA �OCUNEf'JT�RY f
<br /> j STAP;iP TAX
<br /> ��y
<br /> � alAlEt�tENf ATTA(;NF� r��pR 7� �9�6
<br /> i
<br /> �'� ��._��QY ✓� �� .
<br /> t'
<br /> ; To ha��e und to hold the aUove described F�remises togeLher �ti�ith nll tei�ements, hereditaments
<br /> j and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the �rnntees and to ft�eir assigns, or to the heirs and assi�ms
<br /> of the surci�•or of them fore��er.
<br /> And grantor does hereb�� co�•en�in[ with the grantres and �cith their assigns and k�ith tLe heirs
<br /> and assigns of the sur��icor oi them that grantor is la�cfull�•seiseri of said premises;that they are free from
<br /> encumbrance
<br /> s;ibject to all easements and restrictions of record �- :
<br /> '; :,.,�
<br /> ` Lliat grantor has good i•ig}it and la�sfiil �nithorit}• to conve�� tlie came; and tL.it gr�ntor ���arrarits aud �s•ill �S
<br /> defend the title Lo said premises against the ]u�cftil claims of all per��m�s �cliomsoecer. � � �
<br /> It is the iutention of all p;irtics hereto that iu thc eve��t of' t6e dexth of cither of the grantees,
<br /> ' th� entirc fee title to tLis re.�] propF•rty cl�nll �•est. in thc surciti•ing grantee.
<br /> �,'i
<br /> Dated 2•farch 24 75 �g,
<br /> .................................................................................... ����� �
<br /> .. . �rt W. ��'�✓
<br /> ' z�ger ......��„`...........
<br /> .................................................................................... ��'.�.'.u�..G2.�.�!'�,7,y�„��*,--.r
<br /> ' ��san Kensing(i ����'�"""'
<br /> :' Nebraska Hall I
<br /> STATE OF ............................................................. County of .............. ......................... J
<br /> ''_.; ........._.......•
<br /> Before me,upotary yublic yualified tor said county, personnlly came
<br /> Robert W. Kensinger and S�san Kensinger, hu�tssnd and iafe
<br /> r;(;'.
<br /> s
<br /> ko;;�`n�ty,�e,i.Q be thc identical ��erson or persous w}io sigried the fa•egoiug instrument :md ackno�ti�ledged � '�`y"
<br /> tGc �xecut�o�,t�1� eof to be his, hcr or their volu�tary act and deed. N •
<br /> - � l ,,.`,�� t� ., Q .
<br /> �•, � �
<br /> ; r;ur �*;tne9s m hand a�d notnrial seal on ............ �arch 24 ly 76.
<br /> . : c •.: .CUJN i.e` � � ....^............... ................ - p.
<br /> i ',. :, r.., Ea i ' , ................�, .w J ���c��-�+� t�
<br /> . � , . � ... ose..�...Jo "nst'On.........r................ Not�ry Public 1A �
<br /> ; �- �,.; 6
<br /> la: .�^ a. _
<br />' � •..:;... ..
<br />� \'� /; ........••�\�'��"' li}• comu�issionea ires....Septetnber ZO 96
<br /> \.. C'r I�E��,�,� P ................................... ]9
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<br /> b`urin_-�,',�y-3�'bc nppro�•ed by �rLr;��kn Statc R;ii•,lssuciation r•��4i�6 lYolf(b..Linmin.heLr.
<br /> C
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