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<br /> hioitTcncr:
<br /> --- — —-- __-- --___-_-
<br /> ----------- -_' AfORTGAGELOANN0.��2.Q�Q IfiGIC
<br /> KN014ALLAfENBYTHHSEYRHSL•NTS:'Ihat John �lajorins and A1ice Y.. t�ajorins, each in his and
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> r
<br /> -�� Afortgago�,whether one or more,in consideration o(the sum o( : � � �
<br /> < Eleven Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty and No/100------------------------------------
<br /> — — __— _DOLLARS
<br /> loaned to said mertgago�6y The Gquitabk Nuilding and Luan Association of Grand IslanJ,Nebrxska,Aturtgagee,upon ��8 shams of slock of �
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Ceriificate No.L 22 03 a �'�� ,do��eieby geant,convcy and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the(olluwing � � � �
<br /> described real eslate,siluated in}{all Count}�,Nebraska:
<br /> r �
<br /> FEET ( N 2N'-i Of E 14') FO LOT TWO (2), ALL Ifd BLOCK
<br /> i:w�
<br /> �ogether �vith all tlie �enemeNs,hereditaments nnd appurtenances lhereumo belonging,including attached(loor coverings,all window screens, �� � �� �
<br /> a-indow shades,blinds,storm windo�vs,a�vnings,heating,air cundi�ioning,and plmnbing and wate�eyuipment and accessories thercto,pumps,sroees, . . �
<br /> refriceretors,and other fixturcs and equipment nuw or hereafter ut�ched�n or used in cunnection with said real estate. � . - ��
<br /> And N�hereas ihe said mortgagur has ag�eed and dues hcreby aerec tha[ thc mortgagor shall end will pay all taxes and assessments le�ied or � �
<br /> :�ssessed upon said premises and upon this mongage and ihe bond saureJ thcreby before the samc shall become delinquent;to furnish approved � � �
<br /> insurance upon ihc buildings on-suid premises situated in the sum of S ��,$5Q.QQ payable to s�id ASSOCIATION and to deliver to s�id
<br /> ASSOCIATION lhe policies for said insutance;and nut to commit or pc�mi�any waste on or about said premises; �
<br /> In case of default in the performance n(eny of the te�msand conditions of this tnortgaee or the 6mid secured hereby,the mongagee shall, � �
<br /> un dcmand,be emitled to immediate possession o(thc mortg�ged premises nnd the mungagon c�reby assigns, transfers and sets over to the ' � �
<br /> mortgagee all the rents,revenues and income to be derived(rom the mor�eaged premises during such time as die mortgage indebtedness s}iall remain � �
<br /> unpaid;and Ihe mortgagee shall have thc puwcr to appoint any agem or egems it may dcsire for thc purpose of repairing said premises and renting - � �
<br /> the s�me and collecting ihe rents,r�venues anJ income,and it may pay out o(said income all expenses ot repairing said premises and necessary " �
<br /> commissiuns and eapenses incurred in renting and m�naging�he same and of collecting rentals .hereCmm; the balance cemaining,if any,to be � � � � - ��
<br /> applied roward the dacharge of said moneage indeMedness;these rights of the mortgagre may be esercised at any time during the existence u(such � �
<br /> de(ault,irrespec�ive o(any tempo�ary u•aiver of the same. , � .
<br /> � These Presents,ho�cever,are upon the ConJition,That if Ilie said�torleagor shall rcpay said]oan on or be(ore the maturity of said shares hy � �
<br /> payment;pay monthly to s�id ASSOCIA7'ION of the sum specified in ihe Bund secured hereby as interest and principal on seid loan,on or before
<br /> the Twemieth day of e�d�and every month,until said loan is(ully paid;p�y all I�ses and�sscssments leaied aeainst said premises and on this�torteage � � �
<br /> and the Aond secured thereby,betbre dzlinyuency,furnish approved insurance upon Ihe buildings tlmreun in tlie sum oC5���$5�.�� p�yable ,.,.� �
<br /> to said ASSOCIATIO\:repay to said ASSOCIA7�10\u;un demand all muney bv it paid Cor such taxes,as<_essmonts:�nd insurnnce with intcrest at � ti`� � -
<br /> the maximum leeal ra�e theicun from d;�te of pa��ment ali oCw�hich pturtgagor hrreUy agiees to pay:permn no u•:aste un said premises;keep and cumply �?L
<br /> a�i�h all�he agreements and condi�iuns of Ihe Bond(or S � 5(� (��fus da}'gicen by II1L'S81(I��OflyLbUf 10 5:1jd ASSOCIA"fIOV,and comply '
<br /> u�ith all ihc�rquircmcnts u(the Constitution and p��Laws o�s�1�,a,��St)LIf1770N;then these prescnts�hall bccuma null and vuid,othenvise thcy .
<br /> shall remain in full(oree and m�y be Io�edustd at thc upiiun o(d�e s:tid ASSOCIA"IION after failure for three months to make any of said � �
<br /> payntrnis or be threc munlhs in errcars in making said tnunthly pa��ments,o:tu ke�p and cornply with the ag�cements and conditions uf said[3ond;
<br /> . and Alortgagor aerees to have a receivcr appoinied furtha�ith in euch forecluswe proceedings. ' .
<br /> 1(�here is miy change in ua•nc�sliip u(the real csiate mortgagcd hcrcin,by sale or ulLrru�ce,then�he entire irmaining indebtedness hereby � .
<br /> securzd shall,at ihe option uf The Fqui�ablc Building and L.uzn Assuua�ion ulGiand Isl�nd,\cbras};a,Lecume imrnediately due and pa}�eble«�ithout �
<br /> � further notice,and the::muunt �emaining duc uuder s�id bund,end any uthci bond for any additional ad��ances made thercunder,shall,ftom�he
<br /> da�e o(exercise o(said option,beai inicres�ai Ihe ma�imum Irgal ralc,�nd this muri�eee rtiay then be foreclused to satisfy the amuunt due on said
<br /> Uond,and enp other bond(or additiunal ad�'ances,toee�hcr wiih all sums paid by said The C:yuitable Building and Loan Asso:iation of Grand Island,
<br /> ' Nebraske for insurance,taxes and assessments,and absiracting cxtensiun cherges, �eiih inierest thcmon, from date of payvnrnt at the maximum
<br /> ����. - leg�l�ate.
<br /> As p�ovided in Ihe Bond secured heicby,while�his mur�gage rcmains in e(fect �he mmlgagee may hereafter ed�ance additional sums to the �
<br /> , makers of said�ond,lheir a�aigns m successors in interrst,which sums shall Uc u�ithin the security of this murtgage the same as ihe tunds oricinally � .
<br /> sew�ed thereby,thc total amount of p�incipal dcbi nol to cxeced at any time the o�icinal amount of this mortgage.
<br /> Datcd this 22nd , d�y o( Ira rch A.�..»76
<br /> � , •
<br /> 1,_ titi_,_�1%;,�.L< �, - (-�,;_,�,` ?, -;;;,,_,<���.{;,�.
<br /> John Lajorins � Alice K. htajorins �='
<br /> STA"IC:OFNl3BRASKA, ss. Onthis 22nd da uf �'�dl'Ch
<br /> COUNT'1'OF HALL�- Y 1) �6 ,before me, 4 . i
<br /> John Ma j ori ns and Al i ce f:. �da j ori ns, each �SS°{{��signcJ,a Notary F'ublic in und fur seid County,pe�sonallywme ^,H `
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other «t�� are perwnallyknoento �
<br /> Lme to be the identical persun 5 ��4iose name S affixed to(hc ahuve inslrum_n�as murtgagor S '0� they ���'erally � «
<br /> acknowledged the said ins�rument�o be thei r ��luntary act and deed. , tp .
<br /> 11'ITNESS rny hand and Notarial Seal�he date nfotesaid. � �
<br /> 4Xf
<br />„: �"- MyCommission- xpircs � . --- �
<br />•. � GE 1 F 1C .�"� . . ,, i. �.
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