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• <br /> • <br /> R t . t d 1JY•LAwSO10 TI-II: SUUELTON TO%1• NSIIIL' Ch,ILP1;ItY <br /> q;• ;34., 3 SECTION I. TIM Cemetery situated in the Southeast .Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the South- d <br /> rd • west Quurterruf Section Six ( 6) , Town Nine ( 9) , Itange . Twelve ( 12 ) North, County of Ball , State of Ne <br /> lY : braskn, shall bedontivatod "as the Shelton Township Cemetery and shall bo the property of Shelton Township, , <br /> IV a; i Buffalo County, Nebraska, on the couditloes Bet, forth In the Deed conveying said Cemetery to Shelton 9'own- <br /> 1 • ship, : Buffalo County, : Nebraska, from 'ilm Shelton Cemetery - Association. <br /> I1 r . S1:cTIOn • I .'' >.Tho Shelton Township Cometery shrill be under the management and emitrol of n <br /> t Board or Trualeea„ consisting of three qualified electors of the .Townnhlp of Shelton , who etinll hold their of• <br /> rice fora terun • or three years, and tint!! their successors are elected and ; qualified. <br /> SECTION III. . At theatnaal town meeting , of Shelton 'Township held on the fifth day of /thirds, ' <br /> 1918, • the electors .present shall elect one Trustee for it term of three ( 3 ) yours, and one to hold .his office <br /> a17 fora term of two ( 2 ) yearn, and One w1to shalt lipid his office for a term of one ( 1) year, and there shall be <br /> t elected annually thereafter ono Trustee who shall !mitt lilts inflect for three ( 3 ) years. Said election to be by <br /> le , . ballot, requiring a majority of nil votes cant to constitute an election. <br /> "cf , SECTION .1Vd . Before entering upon the duties of their office, . each trustee shall take and aubncribe to <br /> the following oath before the Town Clerk: <br /> rut t 1 .-4-444-----44-44-44, dosolemnly swear thatwill support the Constitution ot' . the United States, and <br /> YI f the constitution of the State of Nebraslta and that I will faithfully perform all the duties Imposed upon me <br /> iby the state !awe, .anti the by-laws or Skelton township, and especially those laws and by-1nws governing Shot <br /> ' lou tell'nalilp 6onutel.Y• <br /> b .- S13CTIO.1 V. The board of trustees shall meet not later than ten ( 10 ) days after the annual Town- <br /> 4 1 ship meeting and shall organize by : electing one of their number Chttrnutn, - and another of their number <br /> Y t Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Chairman to Preside at all meetings of thebeard , to sign all deeds <br /> ;std all warrants. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a record of all ineetinga he shalt also have <br /> ,V.:-•;','3 ' authority to sell lots, issue and sign deeds for same, to nign all warrants on the towualip - treasurer. and to <br /> '"?'‘."."-"/ collect all moneys -! arising from the sale of lots or from any other source for the benefitof the Cemetery, <br /> 2. <br /> ''''',331:!... . . ., <br /> t unit to pay the same over to the Township Treasurer, taking ills receipt therefor, . <br /> } SECTION VI, _ The Secretary shall before'entering upon the duties of his Office and not later than ten <br /> (10 ) days after his appointment or e;ecticn , give bonds for twice the amount of Money, that is liable to <br /> tonic tut) ille hands in any our, year, conditioned upon the faithfulpestersuance of his duty as Secretary. <br /> The anscunt of the bonds shall 'be fixed by the Township Board, who nball approve the said bonds : maid <br /> bond shall be filed with the Township Clerk and shall run to Shelton Township, <br /> 1 SECTION VII. An monies arising, front the sale of lots and from all othersourced for the beneflt of <br /> the Cemetery shall constitute a Cemetery fund and shall be kept separate from the other tends of the i'own- <br /> r'` ship by the Township Treasurer; and it is !tetchy made the duty of the Township Treasurer to keep an <br /> . . itetnlzed aecount 'of the receipts and e::pond .tures of the Cemetery fund. <br /> r+ ' SECTION VIII.. The Township Treasurer is herebyauthorizedto pay all warrants , en the Cometery <br /> 4.11;;;;-. -fun1 th .t cite signedby the Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Trustees, to a limit of the funds on hand <br /> -2 ; In ails Cetuetory fund. <br /> i le SECTION IX. : It Is hereby made the duty of the electors, present at the annual Township meeting to <br /> 'i ' } . : , .macre a levytrhlch in their judgutent w4:1 rase sufficient funds to meet the tuqu.rc. t.ent.,- .:of the cemetery <br /> t ' .. . ror the ' ensuing y&r. <br /> SECTION X. The Trustees shalt hr:ve pewor. ea behalf of the To . ; nehip tr. au ire allcontractsand <br /> sup rintend all labor done; to direct the expenditure of all money and superintend all hnp cvements and em- <br /> 4 beli!sltments of tile Cemetery on: y to thewill eta- majority. of the e: ecthrs p;o:,et.t tU. any annual Town <br /> xp ' ship meet.'ng, and to have general su ;orvlsicn of the Cemetery and the Property '. thereto , belonging and to <br /> 1> , ) : keep the same In nsgood repair :as the : funds will permit. <br /> SECTION Si . The trustees shall contract ne grester expenditures than .hasbeen provided ter In the - - • <br /> 4 Cemeteryfund, but tile Township Board may , in of sudden or unexpected otuergeucy, appropriate' from <br /> • the general fund of tine Township; such sum : of .money . as in their discretion shall lie necessary to meet smelt <br /> emergency,` provided the - amEiunt on hand In the general fund, will permit without serious . detrirnentto ; the <br /> ` other interests or the Township. . <br /> ,. _ SECTION XII. The.-Trustees shall receive the renewing compensation for the time expended in the <br /> interests. of Shelton . Township Cemetery : the Secretary shall receive the sum oftesty dollars per annum ; <br /> the Chairman shall receive the sum of fifteen dollars per annum ; the other member of the board shall receive ' <br /> a : the stet often dollars per annum. • <br /> ±i;; •, SECTION : XIII: The Secretary shall slot allow any internments In any unsold lots in . the Cemetery, <br /> „ii:..:".. . . except in that part known as. the. "P•. iters Field ' ', and no lot shall be sold until it has been paid for in rush , <br /> "SV- 3 or otherwise to the satisfaction of the Secretary, who shall be . responsible for theamount or all sales: <br /> ` ` SECTION XIV. The Trustees may secure the services of a suitable -person to dig and fill all graves. - <br /> Y c The compensation to be paid for this workshal be determined by the Trustees, butsaid contpensaticn filial. <br /> be collected by t.he , grave-digger from the party or partieshaving the interment made and shall be retained <br /> 7 . by hint as his total compensation for (fleeing and. tilling said grave. <br /> SECTION XV. No interment shallbe made in Shelton Township Cemetery • nor shall any grave be <br /> Jigged therein, until a Burial Permit shall have been obtained front the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. <br /> Said permit shall give the name of the person to be burled , the number of the lot, and the name ofthe own- <br /> ei• of said let as shown by the boolcsuf the Secretary. . <br /> t' '” SECTION XVI. Any person may purchase one or morelote in Shelton Township Cemeteryfor the . . • <br /> - <br /> • . : purpose of interments, by paying the appraised value ofthe same us established by . the Board of Trustees and <br /> . complying with all requirements of these by-laws thatmay relate to or govern the sale of lets: <br /> SECTION XVII. All vacancie ria the office of Trustees shall be filled ' by appointment by the Town- <br /> ship Board, and the appointee shall hold officeuntilthe next annual township . meeting, whenthevacancy <br /> shall be filled by election. <br /> SECTION XVIII. These by-laws may be changed or amended at any annual meeting by a majority <br /> +r '• vote of all.electors presentand voting. <br /> r. _ <br /> ,,; _ <br /> • <br /> suala io 03 <br /> � • to • e3usfi <br /> { A F, ! • . • e tflST <br /> ��J <br /> r ` PP <br /> tat Z% fi . 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