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; � . . .;1 ' <br /> '• : .i 1317-LAWS 010 inti; S1I1LIIIION - Tt)11'NBIIIIf CJ LETEItY <br /> SECTION I. . The Cetuctery situated inthe Southeast flouter of the Southeast Quarter 6f the South- <br /> westQuarter of. Secttoa Six ( 6 ) , TowttNlno: ( 9 ) , Range Twelve ( 12 ) North ,- County of Ball , State of No- <br /> • • braska, slallbe dominated an the. Shelton Township Cemetery and shall be the properly of Shelton 'i'uwnshlp, <br /> Buffalo •County, Nebraska, on the conditions set forth: in the Beed conveying said Cemetery to Sheltou :Tnwu- <br /> slilp, Buffalo County,,-Nebraska, : trent the Shelton Cemetery Association; - • . . <br /> � ! SECTION 11. Tho Sholtou Township Cemetery shall be uudor the management • and control of a <br /> t, Board of Trustees; consisting of ,ihree : quaitfied : eleetot•s of thO Township of Shelton, who obeli hold their of- <br /> d • fico for a terlit of three years,:and until their sueeessors aro elected and ttuullftod . <br /> ) SECTION - III. At the annual townrtneeting , of Shelton- Township - hold on : the fifth` day of March , <br /> wt + '1915 , tlte` olectora present shall ' °beet one Trustee for wi ternrofthree ( 3 ) years, and one to hold Ills office <br /> tort torte- two 2 ' <br /> *a r+ • r . ( 1 years, and one who shall Ilei;; his office for a term of one ( 1 ) year, and there Shull be <br /> „ii,: :::/. : ' elected : ouaually { hereafter ono Trustee who shall )iotd his office : for three ( 3 ) years. Said election to be by <br /> ballot, re uh•lug a majority of all votes eust. to constitute an election. <br /> iy ' • SECTION IV. Before entering, ttpon the duties of their office, each trustee shall take and subaeribe to <br /> 4,'•'•(:,.;• );•. the following oath before the Town Clerk : . • " - : <br /> I = ------ do solemnly swear that twill support the Constitution of the United Staten, . and <br /> Irr + • • <br /> • tile , constitution -tion of - the State of Nebraska; and thattile will faithfully perform all the duliea imposed upon : 0 <br /> • by tiro state laws, - and the by-laws of Shelton township, and especially those laws Will by-laws governing Shel <br /> fr ", : tun townulltp Cemetery. <br /> rG-1:04'44z SECTIOt4 V. - The board:`of L:uateea shall meet not later than ten ( 10 ) days after the annual Town- <br /> Yz • ailp meeting and stinll organiio - by ;electing one of their number Chairman , and another of their number. <br /> It Secretary, , : It shall be the duty of the Chairman to preside at all meetinge of the board , to sign , all deeds : <br /> and till warrants It shall be the duty ufthe secretary to keep a record of all meetings : lte . sliall also !give - 4 . <br /> t • authority to sell lots, Issue and sign 'deeds for same,- to sign allwarrants on the .towlInhip treasure., mutt to <br /> ..v+ f collect all tuoneys. : arising from : the sale of lots or '. from: 'any other source for the benefit of the Cemetery. <br /> 1/2.V +' Fi and to pay the sante over to the Township Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor. <br /> S ` SECTION VI, The Secretary shall before entering upon the duties of his office and not later Limit ten • <br /> r' . • ( 10 ) -days ' aftor hit appointment or • elc..tlrngive bonds for twice the amount of - money - that is liable to <br /> co;.t0 fiats his hands In any one year, . conditioned upon the faithful performance of. his duty as Secretary. <br /> p - The amount of the bonds shall be fixed by the Tovuahtp : Board, who ' shall approve the said 1)0111111 : 81111.1 i <br /> bond shall .be filed with the Township ` Clerk` and shall rum to Shelton - Township. <br /> • SECTION . VII, All monies arising from the sale of lota and from - at! other sources for: the benefit o f <br /> V...!, the Cemetery shall constitute a. Cetuetery fund and shall be kept separate front tine other funds of the""rowa- <br /> > $ , - slid' by the Township Treaaurei; and it in hereby ' niade the duty of the .Township . , Treasurer •• • to keep : alt <br /> iP a , itemized account ofthe receipts,and -.o::pentl_• tures of the Cemetery fund. <br /> tf ECTION VIII: '" Tile Township ' h'rease: or la herebynuthorkod to pay all warrants en alto Cemetery • - <br /> fun l tm sic signed. by the Chairman nud ' Se relaryof the hoard of Trustees, to aliiuit of the funds on hand <br /> { In old CometorY fundi <br /> b14 ;ION IX. It is hereby made the duty of the electors present at the annual Township meeting to <br /> • r: ' maze a levy-iihich In their judgment w:&1 sufficient fluids to meet the of tile cemetery ,• r. .- <br /> aJ for the ;ensuinC yt ar. i <br /> SECTION X. The Trustees si 'r+ l h. ‘ ve poweron behalf of the Td- . mettle tr maize all :. contract° and <br /> superintend all labor. done; to direct the expenditure• cf allliuoney andsuperintendall improvements and em- <br /> belishments -ot the Cemeterysubject ctj7y to the will of a .majority of the nectars p .eaont at any annual Town <br /> ' ' n <br /> A p cetin6.: :.nd to have general su-,eryn aislathe Cemeteryandthe property : thereto belonging and to <br /> keep the same in as -good repair as the funds will. permit. <br /> 4i , ' SECTIO.: Xf: . The trustees shall-cents ct nogreater expenditures `. than hasbeen provided for In: the , _ <br /> Cotieteiy fund , but the Township Board way. in case, of sudden or unexpected emaergent appropriatefrom <br /> h + , • the general :faint , of : the Township, such built etmoney, as In: their diaet•otionshall be necessary to meet such <br /> S emergency; -provided , the amount - “en hand Inthe general fund will pariah without sericus . detrbaent to , . the <br /> , tr other interests of the Township. <br /> SECTION XII. . The Trustees shall receive . the following compensation for the time expended In. the <br /> ' • r' , :interests of Shelton Township Cemetery :' the Secretary shall receive - tae cure et forty dollars perannum : <br /> the Chairman shall receive the sum of fifteen dollars per annum ; the other member of the begird shall receive . <br /> - the sum -cf ten dollars per annum, - - <br /> 4, - SECTION \III. . The Secretary shalt .not allots- any interment: ! n any unsold . lets in the Cemetery, • <br /> t,1 • except in lhr- t. part . known as . the 1 l. tier's iedtl, t and no loshall be sold until it has been paid for in •east:,or .other t i:,c to: the satisfaction of the Secretary, who . shall be responsible for the amount of all sales. -. <br /> !a c - • SECTION. XIV. The Trustees may secure the services of a suitable p .,scn to dig and fill all graves. <br /> •g ' • The eo:upon.raticu to be . paid -for tlds Work Slott be determined by the Trustees, but said conr.pensaticn _ shali <br /> f r; be collectedby the grave-digger fro . -t the p_trty or parties having the interment nude and ehall be retained <br /> pi by . him . aa his total compensation for digging and filling said grave. - <br /> i SECTION XV. No interment shall be trade In Shelton 'township Cemetery nor obeli any. grave - be <br /> 6 digged therein , until a Burial Permit shall have been obtained from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, <br /> : Said permit shall give the name of the person to he buried, the number or the lot, and the name of the own- <br /> •f! • er of said lot as shown by the bookaot the Secretary. . <br /> • SECTION XVI. . Any person may purchase one or more lots In. Shelton Township Cemeteryfor the • <br /> purpose or internients, by paying the appraised value of the same as established by the hoard cf Trustees and <br /> coiiiplytng - with all requirements of these by-laws that may relate to or govern the sale of lots.. <br /> '+' SECTION . XVII. - All vacancie ; in the office of Trustees shall be filledby appointment. . by the Town- <br /> ship hoard , and the appointee shall hold office until the next annual township meeting, when the vacancy <br /> • shallbe filled by election. - - <br /> •• SECTION XVIII. These by-laws may be changed or amended at any annual meeting by a majority <br /> < • : : vote of all electorspresentand Voting. <br /> s\ ' <br /> I • 1 . <br /> ,. <br /> r { A M ` ti3d1110 .03 • <br /> .••.. T N IdWNYNY ' <br /> CI - •S - 4 (i� TIVIl JO f. 0 `�1 <br /> r ` Y1ISaN83N, 90 $ <br /> H o 1 91 ;11e ” I It- . gl• • � <br /> s• i z U I J • <br /> _x;,: , <br /> I . <br /> a �( <br /> �t F a+ 0 ' o N k le011autntl <br /> $ N • o _ . . r nalurau <br /> • a ti a <br /> 7•••-••• <br /> iii N Lt <br /> to ina,0d so peialu 1 . V <br /> - . - # - . . , <br /> ` I <br />