P. . . E.
<br /> C .
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<br /> 441: 1;.q . "!gl{'£ . MORTGXGOR FURTHER' AND AGREES; •
<br /> tl�
<br /> "That the M
<br /> mtllalwr will pay the .indebtedness as Vxrrnintrr(em• •1,irrJ:uiBad.
<br /> .
<br /> to hxfY Thatthe Mbrigagar is the 'ismer <,f 'sarid , pruperty in for aimPle . and has trend right and lawful authority to snail and
<br /> hit •tunyey The Same 'anddhat .' a ssmer +s free staid *clear 'ufsa lien +erenr•umbrance , and that Mortgagor kvll wstrant and ;t)efend the
<br /> tsitle to said :,promises against • tie casino cif .all pereona whthmsneverr.
<br /> •
<br /> r4":1•• To pay •inutudnately 'When dile Arta pkrtai e ail general Attest :apodal tafes, special aswwsments. water c:harges,:sewer wry,
<br /> it , 'it* 2�harges, "and tither tares and :charges 'against said ,;rrup erty, .asnd all 'lases )(Ivied on the lie+M stcured hereby, and to :fatma h they
<br /> Mortgagee, adon. :regnes't, with the mrigintil• or duplicate receipts •therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that thew shall be ;added Pi
<br /> tianit mronthly payment :required ' twreundek 'or under the evidence of debt secured }rerehy nn amount testirnated city the Mortgagee
<br /> e ogee be ..su$iciCM. Aft-onable The :Mortgagee ;tri gray, as they 'hecomedoe, all taxes. assessments. and similar chargesttpern tbeprem
<br /> •
<br /> Saes wlhject thereto; any deficiency excuse of the insumliwnncy -a f such additional .payments shrill he forthwith deposited 'by the
<br /> s Mortgagor With like( ihortgagee - 'tsar. demand 4115. the Mortgagor Any default under this paragraph sihall the icrmed - a rirf ;rule iirh -
<br /> Dtturrient of taxes, assessments, err similar 'charges required :hereunder. .
<br /> The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also he added to each a onthly 'payment of ;principal and 'intrrr•si -required here-
<br /> ..-atsoer an amount a orated - try: 'the Mortgagee to lit sufficient to e rthble the . Mthrtgagee - t;. pay, NS litbecomes tire; tool• malt:cam. .
<br /> premium war any ;in t-rs u:e -gpante delivered to the .Mt rtgagee; .An9 deficiency, to because (If the ins.if ktiency -ref such -arS-itional . pay -
<br /> " , { menu shall be, Jort&-with .ereposite+d try the 'vThngagor'with the .;Mortgagee ,upcm demand l y the Mrortgagees r ydt t is l under this
<br /> -Li•, . • • paragraphshall ire -denims] a default in the payment cd insurance premiumsIf the polity er
<br /> cr .policies de ,p ns'ited are suchas twine-
<br /> owners -nrall risk 'radicles, an' . "the. &Irwin; .are - :insufficient to ,pay the ;•atone Jprc•mmm. the Mortgagee may apply the deponrl. .iri` w- - '
<br /> play premiums cinrisksretmiredtob ire-lured 'bythis mortgage - -
<br /> Pay-meritssteal( by !the Mortgag+tt -Mailer '.rhe abbe(' pxra(.ra,hs .17121Y . at tbe. •hellion of the Mortgagee, her held by rt. . and
<br /> � ` darmircg)en with other such funds •rr .it c wa .fangs kr the 'pavrte nt ot s,aci; i :ems. .and unto: so atp,.11ed; such •payments are -hereby: ,
<br /> fledged as seearrtyfor the unpaid 'balance -of the rnnrt„xge indebtedness:. • •
<br /> •
<br /> To procure, :'delver Mr; rrrd maintain for , he lierrtif a 'the Morigugce during -the lite cif this- :mer;Rage original polities 'and
<br /> rr:eea'aJs thereat . •delivered at 'Leath ten days before the enpiratinn of any . =tutor. policies, insuring angainet fire •and other in:urable
<br /> t.; , : hazards, .tsatuubes, Wand contingenciesgas the Mortgagee may require, in an rtmo-iut tn,uaf to the indohtednes's •sea:tired by -this
<br /> T!:ortgage,:arid in unupanres acceptable to the Ido rtgat;. t , v tth loss payable Soto• :n .favor ilf and 'i-ri if ant ace]. ptatble Yo 'lhc M sego( •
<br /> ro • : Ott, In the tvd•.rt - -try :amity is::sot -renewed on - -or rhefarr tial days ,m :its ei: it tiinn. the Mortgagee g,. s xp riga_ger procuremay ?rrsusancr• K,s; the
<br /> l'13... - - irrhpr'oveements. pairt.}ie furanose' therefor, anJ ats, h omahailb c' e irruneci r `cay .clue and payable with :interest at :the rate ,set
<br /> torts 5n riaiia ante until pard End hall he se•:ured toy this Mort; age. Fa lura an the part cit the Y cirtgag ,: tit 1a:, ,rte,}: such renewals
<br /> nisi -as ire -iterecn :required or .molar( to :pay any sans tidvaneed hereunder shall; at the option -orf the Mortgagee, n h to a default . . .
<br /> tit , W:6:7 thci :tntris oil dais rnort rag:. light ileliee a ill oath .policies shell, to the tx•ent of ;rirfauJt. 'cctatetttte -en :assijnment .of the :un- - •
<br /> ‘i- i
<br /> . :earned n rernitnt:.
<br /> i4ny suints roc reel },y the Mortgagee* by, reason ,4 loss -or darting& insuree against rcay v exit- sped by the Mortgagee ,...
<br /> :snd 'applied 'toward -the, payment of thedebt hereby -stirured. 'or, at the .option of the. Mortgagee; such aroma ather . :,, tonally CZ i;z
<br /> . clan may be paid over. to the Mortgagor to be Pissed 'est repair such buildings or to build - new buildings in their jplate or -for any .
<br /> s`. • ''a<ther `;sul•pos., •objets satisfactory tri :hc• .iiiteagee without a8ecung."-the lien on the mortgage 4or the full Amount :secured here - .
<br /> i'y 4ifirre suck payment ever •t c,k Pities. - . ..
<br /> T.;i proahptly repair. rast..rr• ku ruhaiidi any h..-ldings - r :n,r,row.•rsrts ,ecu- r,r tmi
<br /> ereaiter on the premises. Which may'.Se-
<br /> : sewn d/im-iaged `o."dm-troy/4i; to keep said premises in grand condition and repair and free -from mny -aechaAic bon 'or Miler •lien ..or .
<br /> claim of lien not taprestsly subordinated to the 'lien hereof, not to suffer or fermi :any unlawful uitc of or .any -nuisance to oast an -
<br /> F • - saidproperty-. root 'ta 'permit waste cm seid premises, -nor in do any other asdl whereby thr 'prcrprrn .r:tttrl• rcnveyed HhaiJ b t xne •
<br /> -
<br /> i.^_cs valuable, nor to •d'iminishrir --i1tfpair. its Value ., any a.-t. or nmissoa l., xgt-s „r vrimply with aft renal-( nests of law with respect ,
<br /> to the nnngtgnd premises and the uses thereof. •
<br /> - That vier;id the premises o. any :pari thereof hr. taken r. . :.irar.,age n by reason of any -public irnprm•enu ..L alioCondemnation . :. . •
<br /> proceeding, al' wader the ...g?>t of -ensinuart riornsin, ( 4. in any - ; ber manner. the Mortgagee fhaa :be er ititd to all cciMipeas: Gong,
<br /> au+fa'es, arta arty. 'othe-r payr:iertt rir relit.'f t erefor ani thaei he entitled. at :t e,alon, to commence, a,pear m- find 7tr,•cicrate i:n , its
<br /> •satin nameany acoon or proceeding, or to make any ciicapronirse or settlers nt, in ronneCtion ^nrth uc h to ng ,., :enrage. Ayr . :cfn . .
<br /> cinrapensaiion. swards. damages, right of . .action a:nd toreede are hereby assigner] to the Mortgagee, who may, after declocang
<br /> thereat-.,m all its expenses. release any moneys so metas d hy it . r apply the same on any indebtedness secured hereby . The . :•Mart• .
<br /> Fag,.: asrees- 2n execute sur: farther assignments ;c ars' compens non award!.. damages. and .rights ct sictic ,n anti proceedsa< the -
<br /> Mortgagee .may require: •
<br /> That in case td failure to perform any of the roventmts herein. the Mortgagee nay dotut the Mortgagor 's behalffit rt .hthg -
<br /> _so covenanted : that the Mortgagee :nae also sic, any act tmay deemnecessaryttr. r.rarrr, the lien then •if: that the Mortgagee; .will
<br /> repay `upon demand any moneys 'paid ri.iharnr3 -to ' hr Mortgage -. for any of the above purposes. And s.. t h rncnc•y'<_ tntogether with '
<br /> r,tert~st tberenn at the rate prcn'.tded in said nota shat Semite + -morn nc ,tt..,n„i rnci brednese• hereby secured and .seas 'be in
<br /> fir . r.'aded zn any decree foreclosing this mortgage and be -.aid out ret the rents or proc.•eeds of stale Of said premises if not r,>. heTWIN. •
<br /> : -
<br /> paid; that a shall not be 'obligatory :upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the vtilKiity d any lien, enttmhran;er. r>r claim n ad -
<br /> TA
<br /> canting •tn:meys as above autorized_ but nothing herein contained shall be construed ass requiring the Mortgagee in advance any
<br /> rnorneys < Jr any such peapc,se nor to do any sethereunder, and that. Mortgagee shalt nm incur any pe rani 'liability because ref any-
<br /> thing it Ina? -do m :snit to do heroin:1m. - - . . '
<br /> In elf• event -.i! the default by. Mortgagor ire the payment of any irstallmrnt. as reiguirri by the Note. secures :hereby . e
<br /> 2 .
<br /> in tilts performance of the aih igarmn in this .mortgage or in the note secured thereby. the :Mortgagee shah 'be rrr ..tird in declare the
<br /> debt se area hereby. due .and ,payable without rtorice , and thr Mortgagee. -shaii be entitled at its eip then w;t}eout -,,. riot. either try =sell . •
<br /> or by a . receiver t<, be appointed by the court hereof. ani v;ithoat regard to the adequacy cif any security far the indebtedness re-
<br /> cared hereby, to niter ;-prole and tate posceasion iii the rnvrtgsged -premises. and to 'collect and receive the rens issues and prcfts •
<br /> thereof, ana- spply the tame, :Jess costs of Ts-statism - and roileetiori. 'upon the :ndetitriatte secured by this mnrtgare. said eats: . •
<br /> issues rift , irrifhts being, tin by assigned to the ?Mortgagee as if otther security- for the ;, isy'vmeat of all i. .neeitr',ness secured 'hereby.
<br /> Thr. Mortgagee 'Shia hatear patiwer to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the pur,t'me of repairing said Timm -
<br /> ve.
<br /> totes: renting the lame: concreting the rents, revenues and 'inerrne . and it may pay out of said Income ail expense / incurred in rent -
<br /> ing and raanagng the same and of collecting the rentals -therefrom. The balance remaining, if any.. shall be applied toward the - -
<br /> • discherge d the rr*cutgage . indebtedness. This assiglearint is le terminate and hecorne null and void upon release ;if this mortgage •
<br /> 2. . .
<br /> •
<br /> .i .
<br /> • ,.
<br /> •
<br /> { i - - + ne
<br /> I .
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