<br />,, .
<br /> t76- 000315
<br /> is
<br /> *::;',1-,:;::,,,
<br /> KNOW, ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the undersigned, in considers-
<br /> c tion of having.public utilities:.made available to her property, does hereby
<br />'� set aside the following described property:
<br /> The Northerly Twelve (12) feet of Lot One (1) in
<br />, Schuele Subdivision of Part of the Northeast Quarter
<br /> (NEf ) of Section Twenty-Six (26), Township Eleven (11)
<br /> { North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska,
<br />}
<br /> t` as platted and recorded of record in the office of the Register of Deeds,
<br /> + Hall County, Nebraska, said Northerly Twelve (12) feet lying adjacent and con-
<br /> tiguous to Stolley Park Road, for such utilities for the transmission of electrical
<br /> xR ' energy, and of water, sewage and gas, in transmission lines suitable therefor, .
<br /> -:%:-:P,-:;:',:,=,'
<br /> such lines to be maintained in accordance with the general useage of the utili
<br /> ties:industry in Nebraska, and I do hereby grant unto saidcompany or companies,
<br /> as the case may be, their successors and assigns, the right, privilege and
<br /> authority to trim or cut down any trees which may interfere with the construe
<br /> "71
<br /> cup ; ' " tion,-maintenanceand operation of such lines, and to grant unto such said.
<br /> .
<br /> 4k,,,,,:-...:'.-?,-. company or companies, it's successors and assigns, the right to enter upon said
<br /> premises at any and all times for the purposes herein set forth. This grant
<br /> 1.1.g.2:::::: .
<br /> is made subject to such utility repairing any damages to the use of the premises,
<br /> t
<br /> it being the intention thereof that in the care and maintenance of said lines
<br /> that such utility shall repair any damage to the use of the remainder of the
<br /> ' premises to the owner thereof, and subject to said utility or utilities, as
<br /> W
<br />°rithe case may be, paying any and all taxes due on said utilities or the con-
<br /> duct or the transmission of said utilities through said premises.
<br />,-4:::',H- The undersigned hereby delegates said easement area to the use
<br /> 1
<br /> of said public utilities, said easement to run with the land.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused their signatures
<br /> y
<br /> to be affixed this i7,..9' _. day of. Jaauary,1976.
<br /> (,-.1)--
<br />'-'4L-':: GLENN SCHWARZ, HEFY SPOUSE . .-
<br /> 3
<br /> 7-.L. _I •
<br /> , . . a . -,Is „ '
<br />