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t <br /> tt ........ <br /> .764S 00028 .4 <br /> 41 <br /> THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME• SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br /> SUM. OR SUMS . OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE MORTGAGOR, AND <br /> IA;` EVIDENCED BY . A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT ' <br /> . . ': . 4.r 4 4' 4 : <br /> EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY ( 120) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EXCZPT FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT MAY BE MADE <br /> TO PROTECT THE SECURITY tad ACCORDANCE . WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE <br /> 4.1,t . <br /> gv <br />*�pp <br /> M' TRE 3410RPGAGOTt FITI2THER COVENANT'S AND ACRE S : <br /> Sa'tet <br /> baa 'hat the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereittirefare• : provided. <br /> - That the :.Irrrlg'at,ur ar: the owner of ,said property in lee simple and has good right anti lawful authority to ;;.mil and. <br /> t-Wi • tarm•ey the_ sante. and that the satire is free anti clear of any lien i t enenunbrance: and that Mortgagor :sill warrant and. defend the <br /> ptitle to . .add :premises against the claimsof all ri erwns •w=1nncwa,ever. <br /> Jr l <br /> T trar : imrnedi atein arisen titre a3Sd pay-able s1! general' ttxe€, vpeciii, taxE pedal as ' c s;sinentf . water charges sewer sere- <br /> - iee charges. avid other taxes. and charges against said prcperry , andall taxes tevi< d on the deht secured hereby. and to furnish the <br /> t I Mortgagee utien request.. with theoriginai ver dunlicate receipts herefor. The :Mortgagor agrees. that there shall be argued to <br /> irk eaci: monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence tel debt secured hereby rte€v n arnmar. i. t nt agate a by trte Mnricatet: <br /> t e • bE: sufficient to erudite the Nfornzage•e: tr, pa. " as they ti c'arrsd le. all tax ^s. asses menu anei. r 'rni1 charges . upon rile pre <br /> g� ..i,e•s imbeca thereto; any rlebkienc because of the insi:ffie-ien •c suchaddlticnai payments s:tali be I rihNitlt. rie.hosited }sg frt.?). <br /> 1lt .Mortgagor with the Mortgagee rrpcn demand by the Mitriaacee. Any- i Iault under terns pa arrant snail let tit- tented a tichinft in - <br /> y paymenti r taxes. a ceta:.ments 4 - s: Tnilar charities reg:. cd +=.• r :.s +fere <br /> f * The Rl*artgugor agrtei that there .shall also be abide-( vi each rnCrnthiy payineret of principal and -._ .ere>st rtc; uirc. d here - <br /> under a.Tl amount estimated by the !Mortgagee to /. sufficient : r, ehattle the Mortgagee to pay . s-: 1 cx ::?r•S I hit 4 . fire '. mutat ^.t' <br /> • <br /> W, k premium on any insurance pub .-try delivered to the `,s •;r, t„a, . .=1r ; dt- figrilifir7.i hr caz.. lo i :» ._::uthcrr•._ y 4 iuch additional ;' e <br /> reenter shall be forthwith abets-.s ted by the " {r rri,•-t ?Tt the 1 r r;tv e a. xsra demand &tv ter ▪ e ' �&r default under this <br /> 4paragraph malt be deemed a default in the payment117.‘1117.1707. c 7• . 1-rt if the ' c : o r x icer i r. .ate I are :ucc a .cs . <br /> ,, aw7 rs nr allrisk policies, and the rle. pc,sits are tucuf:ier_ nt. 1v t. <br /> par he en , r - premium . the I ,'liir! e. aap.: _ inapply the deposit i,' . . <br /> ( - <br /> nay premium% on risks re:.I bred to he ensured by this rnr,rigar't' . <br /> - <br /> t _ amie .got hee - r the as • rcsre2raFn < .^a : . at t } ' :e . cr5 . ^ e _.. 1Xa;: : c . . el . }., Si3; carer <br /> _ .cJ :Lumley with other such funds rit nn funds cr ta . :^ c t ! snob itpnm and beth a{*:: i i.• _ Jt_1 p3int:ilt- Zri' t+ers7;S - <br /> pledged as .a-etlnty for the unpaid balance i.-; It . ._. ,. . ,. . e indebtedness . <br /> 710 , ^'calm•, dtrliVer 10 : anal S.aint'al_^r liar the thttnetit 4.0: a. r.. 71/1071.47.47. r.:14 '1 u _ L..1; traFr tt_e o, t1/21 . , :rtgage original policies arid <br /> renewals thereof• delivered at least teen dayshe-foto the expiration rd any such pr _ .e .., . .rrsunn.; a ai -st fire and (Aber insurable <br /> hazards. casualties. and contingencies as the hM-ortge may require. in an amount equal to the indebti,sineas serrtre,d by this . <br /> klortgage. and. in companies: acceptable to the Miortrausint, with leis_ payable clause in _favor of and in f : tm ace ptarie tee the .":€ crrtea • <br /> See_ In the ts'eiit any poltcy .s rot renewed on '.r /vit - r " tan stays .._ its expiration Mnrfr <br /> orfgaEee may procure ierance :1 ; he <br /> improvements. pay tate prern_iuzn therefor, .and such satin .:haft beY - <br /> ., . immediately due and -pay:a;=1e with int _ rr_=.1 at t ;_ .. ate set <br /> forth in ,said now until ,.aid and shall bt. secured by m rtzst„t 'Failure an the part cif the Mortgagor to tarnish S1.1715 reree a:: <br /> :., 'for _ as are herein.. rws;uzre-d or faJurt to pay any sans aI a. _c . d b __ e under shalt at the if'- .. on. rf She Sienganee - _ em ..;tvte a tie/atilt . <br /> tinder the term.= of ; ,- . - <br /> .. tz- n,e.r^.,-air r . :. eburfryer; c , ti (vett polities *hails : :e the event ::,f default . c = . :tit.stF an a.- st€nm.e r .. •..f the ua- <br /> r:arnfY.i premium. . <br /> : t,_ " „ reason of ' or damage in ' ur€CC arairest. may IDs. . ei.airi .._ . . he - . trreagee <br /> n}' :-um4 rs,c>syrci by the `tiz , s'-ew . � : etre. <br /> and applied toward the pa - 'm _ nt t.,: the tieshi hereby -,. cured. er, if : I h : •,rtm:::n of the Mtsrtztagrie. snort sum. s ether witriliy ter in <br /> part may be paid ;.'. ser to :. ,r :.lartaa ter ,:, }y, u: .;.•.; tc, r.' ;a.31r tree. • , r,i< i7. `.n,i ,, . 1 .. 1 " :rite ii c.:inr4S •r. their plata er :ere any <br /> other MI fitt'-i!e _ _ Cit .ea't Sal., staae .. _ ;va 4. 177 i.7. itil'i"e ',sI LI 9.--citr•� . . lien i , . 7 in! erre trauf` . . , r the a _ . f _. . ,:kr?t _z. , erre . <br /> y M_ fore -3th pa ne, t. ever i ,k place . <br /> TO promptly - r . restore re. lap . .1 ate, i-en . :a . ,. un _. ,; :T_ . e erste .e .. . r ..7. r_ite t. . .:.ii- tareini . ._ .e Fet7.7h . .. Si ' <br /> 4. <br /> zee damaged jrsttY.:!ii. ed . - ...k-e.p ..sari seemIcer .: xr ; ec•i ? ti ...h . _ . _ . . _ . 'r . . . _ = . erain' teen . .steer -er ::r <br /> claim of lien net F .- Z s.:J . ctlrr.e'cin8 to t:ht ' n 'heretit : reit e ': suffer e r r'r; 7 erre . ur e.= . . ._ . ,1 -ante L. _ ren <br /> staid property :'tree t'.a-T:'� x'ti.:e t .. :1 _r_ ;.: rf. rn1 e'_ r: _ . tie other e3 _ , . . . , r '3 , pet' .. rtt hereby Iv: �'r :Mali :�ri)n e <br /> iec�e. vithira si_., 7107 :-: dialing-6 Cr i.^apair its valueby any 1".t.:7 : .r . . . t . .. all ; . l+neva s • ,f ,.Arh a.11a ti, ».:a <br /> to the rrierigas:eci prt:tiles and the :a :. there d <br /> Thai should the prestnisers ar any art vi be lateen fir rialnax 1-. ,e ,._ _,• ... ........... .. . caan• :ern, emma <br /> TLcs'eding , 0.77 ct :ucr rter , , .F r^;.n_ n, _ erra _ . ^r • n any other n-:yru . - zthe- ` rt . rim tri }'at: :,. . . it 'd t . " � . . . . <br /> ; 1ti.atifinr. <br /> Wcrus. and any other ^i•y-;r - , . . r . and .hal be c . t tr-, i _ r . .... . t _, , s.xr <br /> erre .. . - ., . . erre <br /> , - . _ erre . . . .. II - 1.� ._.. .' reCK:I t.x' tel :its <br /> + ,xT. name . any ac-tic-n or I? R :•F-•l :moi . . a _ ! :m ? r �_ _ _ • .. r-. ., .' a,. : .- _ .t^ t:r _ e ':T ', stitch :atm:: T (:_i^, ` , err . . T :: . ».:. t •• <br /> ntripensatiEr_ awards, ria ages . :: Ent t; =Cir:n anti J. - ...e._ : ..i are here ^ s iirrieti TO: i .brei•-i ;i Aia. . - ‘r.. .rit, atter detiuming _ <br /> therefrom all its €-,Ponca-(- n9ims+- an ; ' ra<inc•. received by at r r app: ' the same on any . true :kCn Y, : ,.-.. vri11 ,y -: = r:iye Thr.- Mc:l <br /> gager steales to execute such ftir . `ter igfrnr. I ed any nerntx sailer; a -mise -, , ee. ' and rights f action ,. n. : -, r as lib*: <br /> . <br /> erre . <br /> .'.lonzage a may flccEu; re. <br /> t est S[*: any - <br /> i :at 3.^, cafe, of t a e 2 ' a ,. _ . 1 ,,^,t cc Y'E I:ana t . r 'i _ i ! r ri dl e•e _^,:d1 ni : evert; e thing. <br /> .`+i Ltovenantec : that the :Mortgagee may a; sr. do ;any act it nate deem. . . . '.ear:. - ±, .•reel : . .tee . , . . .. Tire -`.! t rt.._Jg"r let . <br /> n-pa} tgx.21 eie1TLS.rit7 Any moneys paid or -t ur`4 3 b-v the Mr.r+ - tor 1 : I ,.P* r rnitneys i f .(>r with <br /> rr ,. _ rest thteetain at the rate .l, f. _._.e:i , . . said neic shail t 'ecame so much a _ . . e .; •n3. r,rs, .he. re -.,K _ ' t <br /> _ <br /> - eluded ill any deserC4, f^rsclieunz . his . - C* ditai:_ anti : e , - [i at / f , � r . a . , " Tt _ :- _err. . . Yes . = !Ent • C � . . > . .^ r . , <br /> . . <br /> yaid; ,that it shall not be r,b;..,atr_•ry .:term the .•l .,r __:>s _ 7.0 inouirt inn , t . - Vaiirim. tV ,en, encintittrarittes. hr e . . ; r in rel . <br /> va-•sacg tr+-,=e•s as rediae aut.; . nuc rut 7,,ithing. t1ere -: .. ta*r ai be _ r r i i ,1'.11: 7177-17.1-4-7 <br /> . , <br /> t _ <br /> dris 5 for an sacra P rtvtti nor r .c) d . ,' any artT'. un 1 r .'91 ,1 eta . Mr . . _ _re• . nail . . . • .. _ l. - r. _. n2 _ - A. - . 1 .:.f au‘e. . if .:rev ,_ <br /> thing : t r^.._ , -r.= Or ores: te', .er&u':(erre <br /> In the :vent of he, defauit by Mtn: -' try' raymi'nr of -a:i . - : .aaiir_rent t.insi : . - , : c -ureter i . . c- i <br /> tri the performance of the - rtilgat en in s mortidare tir In the ini . Ii7 -7.1--Carreri thPireriy. 1h . c E - t F d24:-dare I ,77. <br /> nebt ae.ctared bitri. b th&— and pat-able wilt:tad notice . :roti tnc ?-? . ., he . rrt. > 1its • . t _ , i ! <br /> ,r bx a recnv-er - is be apfaiinted int its: court thereof. and ' x; bc• a . regan3 tit 1 _,.. .:t .t ._;at. y , ;n; c77711 ', •: r 7 rie : ted ..ti✓. jnesi .w -'r: ' <br /> cured 4'rerrirt, to enter ripen anti take Tresses _ein tI ti -e imorritageri S '- . he• _s .. : _ .. anti n•r:rhtn <br /> _t-Atli-est, arr4 apply the same- less tans tA c4per3 i- n and chilect Gn . uprin )fl:.. ; 1eC d t h r' a a} rents.. <br /> t ees arta profits tieing hereby assignee./ a re Nl _ " ;, <br /> artcaxee as Sur : b e r . t the . . . r"—. . e .-_ , :n e <br /> n } <br /> The ASnrtgagee €4740.11 have Lb F i-.17 tc ,y, : y agent _a . <br /> zees : - rendes the stone cat etonnar the inn :avenues and . ' - r- :aria - p3 ' s . . 1- a : - r , + r <br /> _ . _ .,�n,a,^„ing to and.. e 'ectir`C > e , . re• n , a. - + Thej. n • . _ , . . . 371t <br /> 11/..^ arra(: same •�. '- -` <br /> ,ti ac tetrtr of the =airman indebtedness. : i. t . ,trLR. - , .,.-r . . - - r -.i _ a <br /> 2 - <br /> . _ . .. , f . . T . . , _ - . .. erre <br />