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<br /> f • CLARENCE 0. ROMANS and KATHRYN E. ROMANS, husband and wife, herein •
<br /> Vcalled the grantor whether ;.7.z ^r more, in consideration of ONE DOLLAR----
<br />#�
<br /> - -----($1.00)---LOVE AND AFFECTION-----received from grantees, does quitclaim,
<br /> grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Phyllis Ann Romans and
<br /> t,.
<br /> Cynthia.Ann Romana, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not
<br /> t.ray
<br /> z,v as tenants in common, the following described real property in Grand Island,
<br /> Vit.
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> The Westerly Thirty (30) feet of a certain tract or parcel of land.
<br /> situated in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE NWW)
<br /> of Section Twenty (20), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine
<br /> (9) West of the 6th Principal Meridian, which entire certain tract
<br /> or parcel of land is more particularly described as follows:
<br /> Beginning at a point on the Southerly right of way line of the
<br /> Union Pacific Railroad Company, such point being 1537.2 feet
<br /> Southwesterly (measured along the Southerly rightof way line of
<br /> the Union Pacific Railroad Company) from the intersection of the
<br /> East line of the East One—half of the Northwest Quarter (EiNWf)
<br /> of said Section with the Southerly right of way line of said
<br /> Union Pacific Railroad Company, such beginning point being also
<br /> at the Northeast corner of a tract described in a warranty deed
<br /> from Theodore Reimers, et al, to Peter Kiewit Sons' Company, dated
<br /> January 11, 1943, and recorded in Book 83 at page 508 d the Deed
<br /> Records of Hall County, Nebraska; running thence Northeasterly
<br /> along the Southerly right of way line of the said Union Pacific
<br /> Railroad Company, 578.5 feet to the Northwest corner of a tract
<br /> described in a warranty deed from Oxnard Land Company to Henry T.
<br /> 4.7,-.:-:----.,Y. Oxnard, dated June 25, 1890, and recorded in Book 14 at page 98
<br /> of Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska; thence turning an angle
<br /> w of 121°03* to the right and running South, parallel to the East
<br /> l
<br /> line of said Southeast E�
<br /> Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SNWi)
<br /> of said Section, 302.7 feet to the Northerly line of the County
<br /> Road Westerly extension of WEst Second Street in the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska; thence turning an angle of 60° 57' to the
<br /> r' right, and running Southwesterly along the Northerly line of said •
<br /> County Road, 430.7 feet; thence turning an angle of 90° 00' to
<br /> the right, and running Northwesterly 244.7 feet to the place of
<br /> beginning, containing 2.886 acres, more or less;
<br /> SAVING AND EXCEPTING therefrom the following described tract which ,
<br /> has been conveyed to County of Hall, State of Nebraska, by deed
<br /> recorded in Book 95 at page 96 of the Deed of Records of Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska, viz: A certain part of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br /> Northwest Quarter (SE- NW •) of Section Twenty (20), Township Eleven •
<br /> (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th Principal Meridian, more
<br /> particularly described as referring to the point of intersection of
<br /> the present Southeasterly right of way line of the Union Pacific
<br /> Railroad Company with the East line of the Northwest Quarter (NW .)
<br /> of said Section Twenty (20), such point being 200 feet Southeasterly
<br /> from and measured at right angles from the center line of the South
<br /> main trach of said Railroad Company; running thence Southwesterly
<br /> along said right of way line, 958.7 feet to the actual point of
<br /> beginning, continuing thence Southwesterly along said right of way
<br /> line, 74.0 feet; thence deflecting 880 00' to the left and rurning
<br /> Southeasterly 130.6 feet; thence deflecting 150° 57' to the left
<br /> and running North, parallel to the East line of the Northwest Quarter rx
<br /> ' (NW&) of said Section, 152.4 feet to the actual point of beginning
<br /> containing 0.11 acres, more or less. .,
<br /> • L To have and to hold the above described premises together with all
<br /> tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the
<br />