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<br /> �y�:: a �y`) �� `�� i` FZi:Lt.ASG C�k•' MEi:H,',NI:C'S LII:N
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<br /> � " DATED: T�tt�:j ;� , I977
<br />�,�' LZEN RELEASED SY: Donald Schwieger
<br /> ,�.
<br /> LIEN RELEASED AGAINST: William H. Hombach, Margaret Robb, Evelyn G. MPves,
<br /> � � Jacquelyn K. Alms, Judith L. Kemptar, and John S. Meves.
<br /> ( ss:
<br /> Donald Schwieger, being first duly sworn, upon oath depases and says:
<br /> k
<br /> 1. On March 4, 1976, D. Steven Leininger, as attorney £or ponald
<br /> Schwieqer, filed a Mechanic's Lien against property located in Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska, owned by William H. Hombach, Margaret Robb, Evelyn G. Meves,
<br /> r
<br /> Jacquelyn K. A1ms,. Judith L. Kemptar, and John S. Meves, as follows:
<br /> A txact of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NWa) of Section
<br /> Twenty-One (21), Township Eleven (11) Nprth, Range Nine {9) West of the 6th P.M.
<br /> : j.n Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Heginning
<br /> ` at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
<br /> (SEoNW�) (as laid out by County Surveyor IIaldwin in 1890 and since used as
<br /> such) ; thence running easterly along and upon the south line of said Northwest
<br /> Ruarter (NW;) , a distance of Two Hundred Twenty-Five and Seventeen Hundredth�
<br /> (225.17) feet to the intersection with the northerly line of the C.S. FY Q.R.R.
<br /> ; Belt Line; thence northeasterly along anc3 upon said northerly line of the
<br /> C.B. & Q.R.R. Belt Line, a distance of Four Hundred Eighty-Eight and Forty-
<br /> Seven Hundredths (488_47) feet; thence southeasterly perpendicular to the last
<br /> described course, a distance of Twenty-Five (25.0) feet; thence Northeasterly
<br /> along and upon said northerly line of the C.II.& Q.R.R. Belt Line, a distance of
<br /> One Hundred Ninety-Four (194.0) feet; thance deflecting left 89� 34' and
<br /> ? running northwesterly a distance of Three Hundred Fifty-Three and Seven Tenths
<br /> s' (353.7) feet to a point Three Hundred (300.0) feet south of the southerly line
<br /> of Anna Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; thence running south--
<br /> westerly parallel to said sauth line of Anna Street, a distance of Four
<br /> Hundred Fifty-Seven and Thirteen Hundredths (457.13) feet; thence deflecting
<br /> left 90� 00' and running southeasterly, a distance of Twenty-Five (25.0) feet;
<br /> thence running southwesterly parallel to said south line of Anna Street, a
<br /> ` distance of Three Hundred Sixteen and Sixty-Four Hundredths (316. 64) feet, to
<br /> ' the west iine of said Southeast Quarfier of the Northwest 4uarter (SE�L3Wa) ;
<br /> thence southerly alon� and upon the west line of said Southeast Quarter of the
<br /> Northwest 4uarter (SE aNh�a> , a distance of Two I-lundred Twenty-Six and Thirty-Two
<br /> x Hundredths (226.32) feet to the place of beginning and containinq 6.086 acres,
<br /> more or less, of whict► 0.178 acres,more or less, are presently occupied hy
<br /> county road right-o£-way.
<br /> Said Mechanic's Lien was recorded as Document No. 76-001136 in the office of
<br /> ' the Register of Deeds in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> 2. Wiliiam H. Hombach, Margaret Robb, Evelyn G. Meves, Jacquelyn K.
<br /> Alms, Judith L. Kemptar, and John S. Mevas have paid Donald Schwieger in
<br /> full for all labor anci materials furnished £or and placad on the above
<br /> z
<br /> describ�d premises.
<br /> 3. Said Mechanic's Lien is hereby rel sed and discharged in full.
<br /> �
<br /> /
<br /> IJIG�i'"�
<br /> �- Donald ckiwieg
<br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me ttsis r'1'i"r\ day af
<br /> 3�3y, 197T.
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