, :.
<br /> r�s�:i +� ,a'w'^ '" mt�m ' k[ . ;� . 1�Y :: ,p rbv i ,�.� A5.«. �� "`Cy �:�.= 17 . ,; t. " � ; S r. a ��t .� . ,. _ . }�; . ; ��;:�
<br /> y • x
<br /> .�i
<br /> �.. s
<br /> . r_ �
<br />�� � � � ��
<br /> �� ; _ �7- � (15 � '�� �
<br /> . � 9. Upoa �ny failure by the Mortgagor � to comply with or perform any of the terms, covenants or mnditions of tfiia i�iorf• . .
<br /> � � . � gage tcquiring the paymrnt oE any amounF of money � by the Mortgagor, othcr � than . thc principal amount of the luan evidenced by � . . �
<br /> � � � the Note, � interest and othet tharges, �as provided in � the Notq � the Mortgagrc may at its option make such payment. � Every . .
<br />� . . . n�ymenr m � made .6v the Mortgagee ( indudinR zeasonable � attorney's Fecs � incurred thcrcF,y),� with � interest cheezr,n Erom ihe . date � � . . � . . �
<br />�'�' " , of. . such payment, at� the ute of. six . percent (6 °Jo ) � . Qtr: annum, ezcept � any paymrnt for which a tiit (erent rate ox m[ere,t is � � � . . � �
<br /> r � speeiEied herein, shal( be payabJe by.. t6c Nfortgagot � to the . Mortgagee on demand and shall be secured fiy this Mortgage This : � � . � . �
<br /> , Mostgage wicd tespect �. to any such amount and : the interrst.� thereon, snaii constitute a � iicn� on i.:r mc�...�.grd p..,rc. cy r.ao: iv �
<br /> .. � , . - . any oWu- lien ,a[tachiag or accruing �subsequent to . the lirn � of this Mortgage. � � . � � . . � �
<br /> �30. 'The �Mottgagee, by any �� of its � dgents �or rtpresentstivos, shall � bave the right ro. inspect thc �mortgaged property �from tima . �
<br /> � to time at any reasonable hour of the day. Should the mottgnged property, or any � part thereof, � at �.any � time �� require � inspection,. � � . :�
<br /> . � . . repaiq tarc .� or � attention of any. �kind . or nature �not � provided by this. Mortqage as de[crmined by � thc � hlortgagee in its wle ,dis� . . �
<br /> . � � . . . cretiuu,� thc itiuitgagtc � may, �aiiee . �lotice � to thr �t.io;tg:ger, entc: ot ::�sc. c:ir� [e bc rosua uper., the mererg�pe�1 nrnpCSt..; eod � ��� � . � � -
<br /> � irispecq repair, prote<t, � caro for or maintain � suth property, as the �Mortq�gcr may in its sole discretiva deem ncressary, md rtuy � � � � �
<br /> pay ■II rmounts of money thereFor,� as tbe� Afortgagoe may in �iU sule �discretibn Jecm nrcossary. � � � � � � � �
<br /> � : 1. T'ho princip.l � asnouat owing on thr N�:m toget6zr with intttest thereon �. xnd �1! other charRes, . as � � therein �:� provided, . � � . �
<br /> � � .� �. and all other � amounts. of money , owing . hy the Mortgagor to tUe Mortgagee � pursuant to and stcured or intended to be � secured � . ' � � � . �, �
<br /> � .. . � � � by ihis Mortgage, shall � immpdiatety become due and, payable without notice or demand upon the appointment of a receiver or � � � � �
<br /> � � . � liquidator; 'wFiether � � voluntary or involuntaty, fot the �. Mortgagor or xny of the properiy of the Mort�agor, oc upon the filing o( � . � � . �
<br /> � � � . �a� petitioa by or xgzinst tht Mottgagot � under the ptovisions oI auy State insolvency law, or under the provisi�ns of the Bank• � � . � . �
<br /> + � . . � . � � tuptcy� Act of 1898, as amended, or upon the making by the bfortgagor oF an assignment for the brnefit of the Mortgagot's� credi[ox�, . . . � � . � � �
<br /> . � . � � � 7'he Mottgagcr is � aufhorized [o decfare, at its option , alI or any part of sucfi indcbtrdness immediatcly due anJ payabTe upon� the � . �� �
<br /> � . � . happening � of any o( the following eventr. � � � � � � � � . . �
<br /> � � � � � � � (a ) Failure to pay . the amount of any instalimrnt of principxl and interest, or othcr chuges payabie on the Note whic6 sha[I � � � �
<br /> . . have become due, priot to !he due date of the next such installment � � � � � �
<br /> . � . (b) Nonpet�otmance by the [vior[gagor oi any covo�sni, :g� i.��i;. :,.'. �crn :..- � . ,�.l. ,., r, � � er •�.;� u,,.t�=e_ � . � � t r�,. N..r. . � .
<br /> �� � (euept as �otherwise provided in subdivision (a) � hereof) or of any othrr agrremrnt herctofore, herewith or hereafter made . � � � . �
<br /> � � � � by the: .Morlgagor with the hlortgager in connection with such � indebtedness; � � . � � � � �
<br /> ' � � (c) . Failute oE ihe Mortgagot to perform any covenant, agrcement, term or condition in any instrumcnt «cating a liea upon � � � . �
<br /> . . . � . , .. . . . �.the � mortgaged � ptoperty, or any � part thereof. which shsll have priority over thr lien of tbis Mortgage; � . . . . . .. .
<br /> � � . . (d) . Thr .Mortgagee's� discovery o( the Mortgagoi s .fni(ure in any application of the � �Mortgagor to the Mottgagee to disdou � � - . . � . �
<br /> � � � �. � any . Fact deemeJ � by the Mortgagee lo bc material, or of the making tf�erein ot in any of the agreements � en(eced into : � � � � �� �
<br /> � � . , � by the Mortgayor with the Mortgagee ( incluJing, but not limited to, the Notr and this Mortgage) of any misrepteun• . . . � . .
<br /> . � � � � tatioo by, oa bchalf of, � or for the 6ene(it of, the Mortgagor, � � ' � � : �. � � � � � � � .
<br /> �. � . � .(t) The sxle, ltasc or other transfer of any kind or nature of tbe mortqaged � property, or :my part thereof, without the priot . �. � � � � .
<br /> . . . . written conssnt of the Moctgagee; � . . . � : . � . . . . .
<br /> . � (f) � The enactmcnt after � thc drte of this bfortgage �oF any law of Ihr Sratr of Ncbraskr Jeducting from thc � vaiun of � - � � . �.
<br /> ��.. � � ' tht � murtg e� pr�p":ty ' fe� any �art � ttiercof) ; For t!�e purpo<r of tnxafi<�n, any lien thereon, or chanRinR in a�y way � � - � � �
<br /> � � its laws for the tlzation of mortgagas or debts secured by mortgagr fo� etate or locat purE:oses, or the manner of colleo- . . � � . . � � � �
<br /> � �. � tiun of any such tax, so as to affect this Martgage, and iE after such enartment or .hange tlie holdez of the Note and this � . � �
<br /> . � � Mortgage gives written natice to the Mortg�gor declating the Notr and all othrr indebtedness secured by th.is Mortg�ge � ' � .
<br /> : � � to be due and p�yable, becnuse of any such enai-tment or change, immedi�tdy upon the expiratioa oE thirty (30) daya . � � � �
<br /> . � � � after surh noticm � . � � � �. .
<br /> � �� � The Mortgagce's failure to exorcise any of its rights hereundcr shall not constitutc x waivcr thereof. All the events in thin Pan- � � .
<br /> � � �� graph enumerated upon the happcning o( any of . which the Noto sha11 hccome, ar may be declared to be, immediately �due snd � �. � � � �
<br /> � . � � payabla, are in this Mortgage called "evcnts of drfault". � � . � � . �
<br /> � � � 12. The I�Sortgagec may from time to time cure each default undet any covenant or agreement in anp instrument creaking a � � � �
<br /> � lien upon � the mortgaged property, or any part theteoF, ahich shall havt priority ovcr the lien of this Mortgagq � to such extept . � � �
<br /> � � . asthe Mortgagee may �exclusively determinq aad cach amovnt paid (if any) by the Mortgagce m cura any such defauli sha0 � he paid � . .
<br /> � . � by- tk�c bfortgagor to Ihc Mortgagec ; and the Afortgagee shalt alsu bectime subrogatcd tu whatrver rights the holder of the prior � �
<br /> "' . . . � � fim might .havc under such � iastrument. � � � � � . . . � �
<br /> � � 13. (a )� �Aftet the happtning oE any default hereunder, the Mortgagor shall upon demand of the Mortgagee surrender posses• � � � �
<br /> � � sion � of tho mortgaged property tn thr Tiortgagee, and� tl�e Moitgagee rnay cntrr surh prnprrty, and let the sxrne and collect all the � � �
<br /> � renis� �therefzom which are due ur to become due, � and apply the same, after paymmt of all charges and exptntes, on account of. �
<br /> � � the indebtedness hereby secured, and al1 such rents a�d all leases existing at the time af such default are ho�eby assigned to [he . � �
<br /> � � � . Mortgagee as further secarity for tht payment of the indebtrdnoss secured hercby ; and the Mortgagee may • !so dispossess, by the � � �
<br /> . � � . usual summ�ry� pcoceedings, any trnant drfaulting in the payment of any rent to the Mortgagee. �: � � �
<br /> �' � � � {b) In the evmt that the Mortgagor occupics the mortgaged proper2y or any part thezrof, the Mortgagor agrees to surrender � � �
<br /> . . possession uf such property to the Mortgagee immediately after any such drfault hrreunder, and if the Mortgagor remains � in pos• � . . ��
<br /> ,,. . � � � � � session aftet such drfault, such posscssion shall be as a tenant o( the Dfottgagee, and the Ttortgagur shall pay in adeance, upoa � � �
<br /> � demaad by the .Mortgageq� as a reasonable monthly rrntal for the premise< ncrupie.l hy the MortFagor, an amount at least equi.•alrnt � . � �
<br /> , . � to ono•twd(th of the aggreqate of the twelve monthly installments yayable in the currrnt calendar yrnr, plus the xctual amount of � � . �
<br /> . � . the snnu�l sround rent, i( any, t�xas, asscssmrnts, water rates, othrr �:ovcrnmcntal chatqcs and insurance pcemiums payabtt in � �
<br /> � . ' � connection with the mottgaged property during such yeae, and upon thr failure of the Mnrtgagor to pay such monthly reatal, �
<br /> , ' � � � !!�e bfortgagor may also be dispossessed by the usual summary proreedings applicabtc to trnants. This covrnant sha❑ 6ecome � �
<br /> � � . eEfoctive irnmrdiatrly upon the happening oE any such default, as determ:ned in the sole discretion of tfie Mortgagce, who shatl �
<br /> � give notice � of such determination to the Afortgagor, and in the case of foredosurr and the appointment of a reccivor of the rents, � �
<br /> - � � � the within covrnant shal! inure to the brncfit of such � rettiver. � � � � � �
<br /> � � � � 14. Thc Mortgagee in any a�lion to foredose this btortgage sha❑ be entiUcd to thr appointment oi a rcceiver without natice, . � �
<br /> � � as a matter of right and a�itheut reg� rd to th; ca: u: af thc mor:�;aged pl�p�rty. .�r tE�e �a; �ency ur inwivency oi ihe Mor[g�g�i
<br /> �� � � . � . � ox otf�et parry liable for the payment � of the Note and other . indebtednrss srcurcJ by this bforegage. � . . � . �
<br /> � � � � � . � �. � 13. The �Mortgagot, within trn. ( 10) days upon request in petson or� � within twrnty ( 20) days opon tequest by mai1, wiil � � < . . . �
<br /> � � fuxnish prornptly a � written statrment in focm � satiafactory to ebe. Mortgagee, signeJ by the hiortgagoa a�d duly acknuwledged, of �
<br /> � � the �� amount � tken � owing � o�i� �. the Nott . and ather indebtedncss ucuud by thi> I�tortgagq� and whether •ny offseu . ot dtFenses �"''"� � �'`� ` "; "�; �
<br /> . . �� ezist agaiast such indebtedness � or �any part thereof. . � � � " ' � ��-�� � " .. "� -.-
<br /> w
<br /> k � �
<br /> 16. The Mortgagor wi11 give immediatr notice by registered ot cvtified mail to .the Mortgagee of :ny fire, damage or othn �
<br /> 1 nsualty affectiag the mottgaged ptoperty, nr of any cooveyancq trensfrr ur ehangc in ownership of such property, or mp part
<br /> a,
<br /> L thereof. �r�
<br /> . . 17. Notice and demand. or req�est may � be made in writing nnd may be served in person or by mai) , � . .
<br />� � �� 1B. In cas� vf s foreclosuzc � sale of the nortgag� � proprrty . iC nuy l�.c sul� i❑ onr purcel.
<br /> . . . �.. 1�J. Ti�e � bioitgigos . will not pssign the . rents,� if any, in whole � or in part; from the mortga�ed property, or any part thereof, '"�� �
<br /> without thr prior writtrn mnsent � of ihe Mortgagee. ; , � � . � � � � � � �
<br />�.
<br /> .. � . . � . � � . � . . � �
<br /> • . � � � . . . . .
<br /> s
<br />,'�
<br /> �
<br />