«.��....w�r,�.�r�uz�ev�ow.�ss,u�....t,..W:.�_� .�x...�.., W...,w..�...:.,,....�.,�..wn„r�:=sas�.�.0�wµ-„n.w.���...,,.,�,.�...,...a:.,.a,,..,aw,m,�,ui�.u,.�,r..�r�,�,ww,s:,.�.�,a�xJ�,..r�,�tau'":�k;&s..w:..�.mvi�.r�.a2�...��.�..w n r` a e:r �
<br /> �' �.Ja�r�.xr.S1.s. 5.�a`w4.� i!a,a�F_:'. ��1,.
<br /> �� _.,.._.. � �
<br />��
<br />.t.
<br /> �� ����,�� SURVIVOF2S�iIP WARI2ANTY DEED '
<br /> � IZuth 24. Boyd, a widoio, in her own right
<br /> ,herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of Twentp Ttiree Thousand Five Aundrec3 anc9 no/lOQ FaQLt.AF.S
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, bar�ain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br /> Glen h. Spidle, Sr., and �:mma E. SPid1e, Husband and Tdi£e
<br /> as joint tenants witb right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real
<br /> property in ..............Hall......................................... County,I�Tebraska:
<br /> The West One Hundred Twen�y-FighY. (].2f3) feet of the '�Iorth 6ix.[y-3'3ve (fi5) feet of
<br /> Lot Seventeen (17) of the County Subdivision of tfir �+TesL !ialf of the Southwe.st
<br /> (?ciarter (W�Sf,1'-;) of Section Fifteen (15) in To*..�nsl�ig F.leven (1.1) '�orth, Range �Iine
<br /> (9), tdest �f the Fth P.M., as surveyed, platted and recorded, also knoh*n as: Ttne
<br /> We�t Qne Hun�red and Twenty Fight (12f?) feec of tile following descrihed property
<br /> to-wit: Cor.unenr.ing at a point nne I?uridred Feet °vorth of a pa3nt 23`a rods �:orth of
<br /> a point 33 feet East of. ttze Southwest Corner of Section Fif.teen (25), Township
<br /> �2even (1Z) ^;arth o€ P,�np,c �Iine (9), 4Jes� of' L'ne 6th P.:t. thence from the first
<br /> naned point (said point being thc Fast Uoundary 1.3.ne af tlae G�unty ::oad adjoinin�,)
<br /> running thence idortt� al.ang on the Fas� boundary l.ine of said zoad for a distance
<br /> o� Sixty-Five (b5) feet, tlience T;ast running at risht angles -r.�ith said �ast line
<br /> r,ounaary �f said road for a distance of sixteen (ifi) rods, tl�ence Sauth para11e.2
<br /> with said East li.ne of sa�d raad for a c13.stance nf Sixty-Five (fi5) feet, thence
<br /> ldest to pl.ace ef beginnin� for a di.stance of Sixt�er rods (1F), (4F?; ATTICF�F.I' StrF•.PT) '
<br /> ` ? Be7nq a rectanaular niece of qround, sixtv five feet wide north and s�uth and a de�th �
<br /> � of 128 Feet east and west, in Ha71 Countv, Npbraska.
<br /> ;
<br /> ` .. ,....:
<br /> + r,;,. _
<br /> To have and to hoYd the above deseritad premises together with a11 tenement�, hezeditamenta
<br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees and to tl�eir assigns, or to the heirs and assigna
<br /> of the surv3vor of them forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby eovenant with the grantees and with their assigns a.nd with the heira
<br /> and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is ]ai�fully seisec3 of said premises;that they are free from
<br /> �
<br /> eneumbrance r.��ept T:asements and x:estrictioxis of Recnrd.
<br /> that grantor has good riglit ancl 1awFu1 authority to convey the yame; and that grantor ��arrants and will
<br /> defend the title to said premises against the lr�tivful clairns of all persons �vliomsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees,
<br /> the entire fee title to this reul property chall �est in the surciving grantee.
<br /> / � �
<br /> Dated �'.%t_1�"�_ �r r.,:- ,l/ , 19 ..i - ____
<br /> t�- , .
<br /> NEt3�irlSi(=, ti�U(,Uti'Es:7FfY`t' �
<br /> 5 i A1�iP T.AX
<br /> � .. .... ................ ...... ........................... ................ .....................
<br /> .
<br /> , � �,/ � i ..� �. {�( . y �7 7 � .
<br /> �� �� t.1'!r i.,�. � �-� lft�'t L•� �(J .
<br /> }l,... .-...... D. . �q ...._................ .......�............��..............................I..............................
<br /> '
<br /> STATE OP .........2!ebraska ............... County of A317......................_ .`"pcaGa7.:--Q"S BYjyx�'.c-:�-.^—
<br /> Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, F.�ersonally eume ,7',�,7'cit1:?aT��Tr?CH�"�
<br /> Ruth :4. fioyd, :i w3dow ,
<br /> ���p U..A,�Fy�
<br /> O t �k - f
<br /> kn '�` e to be�the� .�nticnl pes�on or persons who signed the foregoing instniment and aeknowledged f
<br /> th exe�utiqYhfJt1lt.3�'eof�o li+� his, her or tlieir voluntnry act aud deed.
<br /> �� co �''� . ic'a ;:
<br /> . : EA1 iRES f.� .
<br /> � ;W�nesa �ny 3`ian�•and uotarial seul on .... ..n.G.C:k�.�X...I.�...._. . ....... ...... 19..?3......... ,.,,� � .�
<br /> \.`1�.� e 1"- ,�..� . ` � 1 k
<br /> � �"���' r � . .�...�. ...._... ...... Notary Publie �� 9ro ,�.;.
<br /> � .,s� �F�� .T .. .... .. �
<br /> �_.._.r- ;
<br /> ' My commission eapires........August..`�...................... 19...��........ 1 � ` "`'
<br /> #,.
<br /> Form 42 'I'o ht• r+nnroved bv \ebraska Ctate 13ar l�ssociation Fvmn&Wolt Cb..Lincdn,Nebr.
<br />� '. . ... . . . . ' ... .
<br /> .. � . . . . � . . . .... . . . . . .. . .. � . . . � �.. �
<br />� '.. . . . _... �- � �
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<br />