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<br /> r,xn2 r�ot; extt;t�d o,� � iUat { � unc thc ni,ic r, ;atc ui t , : t . ncnstl � � , . . a �i ! u,� ut -- rii � i <<� � t to iu � �;ir -.'';t} � t �, 1 3iEd '' LereOt or 1
<br /> sru j
<br /> ' cliange the uinounL tii sucl� in;�ailinc �� t. . ;
<br /> ri � 10. BorrowerI�iotReleased. 1 �tensiou oi ihc iin;r iur � �;t}��nunl. or nxadific:ii�ion ai amortic3tiou oP tlie �ums �
<br /> � .eeured by this ��Yurtgage bianCed i,c I .endc r to any u � cc ��m� fn inecic [ i i i3or� o�ver sl��� ll not olic.�te to relea,se , �
<br /> � in any in.inuer, the iiabilit.y ��: thu origin :it 13orrc��r �r anct 13o�'r�,�«' er'� . ii� ccssoi ; � ri i �itcresi. Luider al�sll not l�e
<br /> � �� required to eommenee proceeciings againsC �ucl� aurc�esscu• or ieiuse to extenfl t' ime for patiyment �r otl�er�cise modif,y �
<br /> .i�nortization ot tUe sutns secured b� tliis \ lortga�e In• rcasou of an}� ciem.ind tnade uc� the originati Borrower nnd '
<br /> Borrotiver's successors in interest. ;
<br /> 11. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waivex. �vy forbeurance by Lender in exercisiitg any right or remedy �
<br /> � hereunder, or ot.herwise afforded by a�>plicable la«• , slialt noi be a �vai✓er of or preclude ihe e+:ercisc of an5• riglrt �
<br /> � or remedy hereunder. Tl�e procurement oi insurancc or thc pi5�ment of taxes or other ]iens or charges by Lender a
<br /> shall not be �a wsiver�� of Lender's� rigl�if, t� � aocelerate the u3.�tm�ity of tl�ie � in�ebtediaess secared by � this tilortgage. ' �
<br /> � 12. Remedies Cumulative. �12 i�emedies pro�-ided in tliis \Zort�age are clistinct .ind cumulative to any other �
<br /> �' righL or remedy under this `. Iort:g�ge or :zfi'arded }>y lati�• �iz• cqi�ity , ,ind m�.ti• bc< exr:i-ci�e�' conci�x•rent[} , inclepend- �
<br /> t- ently or suecessively . �
<br /> �:` 13. Successors mid Assigns Bound; Joint and Sevezal' Liability; Caplions. 't}�e co��enemts and agreements I
<br /> ' herein contained sliall l�ind , an�i i:Le righCs lici•cunder �liall inlire lo , the respective successors :ind �.ssigns of Lender . �
<br /> � nnd Borrower, subject to tl�e provisions of ;�aragraph 19 heieof. �11 cocenants an�l agreci»ents of Borrower shall
<br /> j\ be joint nnd several . 'I'hc cafitions and I�eadings o 't tlic paragra��h� oi thi� \ Iortgage are fw• convenietice only and �
<br /> are not to be usec3 to interprei o�� �lefine t.l� e }�rovi�ions l�ereoi. �
<br /> 14. Notice. Any nof,ice to F3ur�•owec pro��ider{ for in this \loi-tgagc siial ] he gi�-cn � by }nailing such no"tiee � by �
<br /> certifiea mai! nddressed t.o I3orro«�er at the Yroperty Addc-e�a stated belo�v , exce{�t far arrv notice required under
<br /> parsgraph l8 hereof to bc gi��en to Borro�.'cr in tIie u�unner ��rescribed b�• :tpplicsblc l:a��•. Any notice provided
<br /> for iu tliis �Iortgage shsll hc decn�ed to hsti•c beeu given to I3orro«•er �vhen gi��cn in ihe naanne.r designafed herein.
<br /> 15. Uniform Mortgage; Goveming Law; Severabiliiy. '1'l�is lorin of �norigage co�nbines uniforrn covenants
<br /> for national use and non-uniTorm covenunt� �vitli limited �-ariations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity instruinent covering a•eal property. 'I'his \Iortguge shall be goverired by tht. la�v of the jurisdictiom in which
<br /> the Property is located. In the event that any ��rovision or clnu=e of tl�is 14ortgage or the Note confiicts with
<br /> " applicable la�v, sucF3 conflict shall not aiffect otliei• pi•ovisions of this �fortgage or the Notc which can Ue given
<br /> effect without the conflicting provision , .snd to tl�is end ti�e provisions uf i.he \Iortgagc and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. Bonower's Copy. Borrower shall be iurnislied a confornied copy of tUis �Iortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordatior hereof.
<br /> 17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. Ii all or any paxri of tl�e Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by Borrower �vithout Lender's prior writ,ten consent , excluding ( n) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to this tiortgage , ( b) the creation uf' ;s purchia�e inoney security interest for household appli-
<br /> ances, (c) a transfer by devise, ciesceni or liy operation oz lae� upon the death of a joint tenant or (d ) the grant of
<br /> any leasehold interest of 'tliree years oi• le;s not containing an o}�tion to purcl�ase , Lender may, 3t Lender's option,
<br /> declare all the sums secured by thSs l�Iortgage io be iminediately duc and payable. I.ender shall have �raived such
<br /> option to accelerate if, ririor to tl�e sale or trnnsfer; Lender sud fhe pereon to �vhom the Property is to be sold or
<br /> t transferred reacl� agreement in writing that t)re credit oi such ��cr�on is sstisfactory to Lendcr and t6at the interest
<br /> payable on ihe sums secured uy '[his \forigage sliall l�c at sucli rnte as I.ender shali request. If Lender has waived
<br /> the option to acce]erate provided in t.his paragraplx 17 and if I3orrower's succe�sor in interest has execut.ed a �vrit-
<br /> ien assun�ption agreement accepted in writin6 by Lender, Lender shall rele�se Borrower frorn all obligations under
<br /> t.his Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises sucl� optioii to accelcrate, I.ender shall :nail Boi•rower notice oI acceleration in accordar�ce
<br /> with paragraph 14 hereot. Sucl� notice ,l�ali pro��Sde a period of not le�; Llian 30 days from t.he dat.e tl�e notice is
<br /> mailed «�ithin which 13orrocrer may p.�y thc �wns declsred dUe. Ii I3orro�cer f:�ils to pay such su�ns prior to the
<br /> expiration of such period, Leuder may, �vit}�out furt,lier notice or c;eruand on 13'orrower, im�oke any remedi� per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereoL
<br /> \'ox-IJ �.iFoi�as Corrii.~wxz�. I3oi•ro�aei• ancl Lent3ei• furil�er covcsnant and agree a4 fallo�vs :
<br /> 1 & Aeceleration; Remedies. Except as pro�'idect iri puragr:qih 17 ix•reof, upon Borrower's breach oi any
<br /> covenant or agreeinent of Borcon•cr in thi� lfortg.tga, incl��dinR tlic cqvi�nants t.o i'�ay ���l�en <lue any sunis secured
<br /> � � � by� this '�'Iortgage, Lendcr prior to flcceleration uhslt uiuil notico to I�orro..�er eis �»•uvidcd in pai•a�graph 14 � hcreoP �
<br /> � specifying : � ( 1 ) the� breacii ; (21 tl�e nct� ioiz required t4 cixre �ucl� breacl� ; ( 31� a data; not liss t6an tt�irty days �
<br /> from the date tl�e notice is iz�xiled to 13orrol�•cr, b�- ��•liich � urh brcach �uust bc curc�i ; �nd ( 41 that failure to curc
<br /> such breach on or before iliE dace �pecifieci in tlit� uoticc e�u�y re; ult in accelerxtior� of tLe �ums secured by this
<br /> - Mort,gage and sale of the Property. If the bnach is not cured on or 6efore the daie ;pecified in the notice, Lender
<br /> at LundeT's option in�y dcclarc ull of the swus securect E��� this .lIortguge. to be immediatcly due and payable
<br /> without further dernand and muy foi•eclose tliis \�tortg:age t>y judicial p�pceeding. I.ender shall lre entitled to coliect
<br /> in suoh �roceeding all expenses of foreciosw�c , inclu�ling, bul iiot . liwited to, costs of docunrentur� evidence;
<br /> abstracts and title reports.
<br /> 19. Boaower's Right to Reinstate. \ otwithstanding Lendei's ucceleration of the amus secured by this
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall have ihe right to i�sce any proceedings begun b�� Lci�der to enforcc ttti, �iorfgage dis-
<br /> ; continued st any timc prior to entry bf a judgment enf4�'cing tlris �Iortgagc if : ( al Borro�rer pays Lender all
<br /> sums which wouid 6e then due under thi� �longa�e, tl�c '_\ote :md notes securin�; Fixture �dvainces , if any, hud no
<br /> acceleration occurred ; (b) 'Borron�er curc� all tireaches o: an�• ot3ier co�•cnants �r a�mements of I3arrower con-
<br /> r,ained in this A4o;tgsge; �e } Borrower pa��s al] rca_�uiiLie e�penx� iucw-i�ed b�� i.eaue: iii cufm ��in�; tl;c aov4nunt� �
<br /> and agreements ot Sarrower confttiined in thi; \fortga�e aiul in eizfurcin� Leu�ler:s remedics us pro���ded in pura-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, includin�; but not limited ta , rcasonaUle attorne�- 's fees ; and � dl Borrower takes such Hetion as
<br /> Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lieir o£ this \lortgage, Leuder'� interrst in the Property and
<br /> Borrower's nt>ligation to pay tlie suins secured by thr 1lortgac;e �l�all roniinue unirnpaircd. Upon auch psyment, �
<br /> nnd cure by Borrower; this i4fort.gnge �+nd the obli �ntion� �ecured hcreb}� shall rerna,in in i�ill force anc9 effect ns if -' M�� ,,. �;% �
<br /> • no acceleratian had occurred. #.�: '^+� 1�`°
<br /> 20. Assigan�ent of Reate• Ap�ointaient oi Receiver Lender in Possession. As additional security I�ere- �
<br /> L unde;;,Borrower hereby assigns to Lender' tl�e rents of the Prope��ty : �iroti�i<}ed t}iat Borro�ver shall , �arior to acceler- ' �` k,`�
<br /> ation under paragraph 18 hereof or abnndonsxaent ot the Pro�>erty , ]�ave the right to collect and retain sucli rents '��^i
<br /> sa they become due and paysble. . r
<br />�' Upon.aceeleration under paragrapli 18 hereof or absncionment of the Yro��erty , l.ender, in ��ercon , by agenc
<br /> or by judicially appointed receiver shall hQ entitded to enter upon , take Possession oi � nd �utinage che Property „ _ ,
<br />� and to 'collectthe renta of the Property , including those �ast c3ue . All rents collected h�� Lender or the receiver �
<br /> shall be applied first topayment of the costs of management af the Property and collection of ��ents, including, but
<br /> � not liinited to, i•�ceivei•'� fur�, prc�iiiuju� -ui. � cwir'ei '� Lu�i�.s uua� rcaspnub�c �attotne•r �s fecs . and then to the sums �
<br /> � secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver slisil be liable to nrcount onl} ior those rent� actuallv rer. eived .
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