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<br /> � THIS.INDENTURE, mada this �3th day pf October ., i9 ��, by a�d becween �
<br /> _� Qjrgpl .j�., Ri�l 1 ingtnn and'`-Vannt�ta M_ Ri�l 1in,9 nn husband and wiFP�_g,ach in h;'9 and ��hOT
<br /> _qw�. rignt and as s�ou�e a£ the o�her '
<br /> �of �}jgj,j, �� County,Nebraska,.es mortgagor,s�_, and Grand Island�uet Company of Grand Island, a�corporation
<br /> organized and existing under the lewe of Nebreska with ite priacipal office end place of busiaess at Grand Island,Nebras&s,as mortgagee; .�� '�
<br /> WITNESSETH: That eaid mortgagor_S,for and in coasiderption of the snm of
<br />� � G�x�housand Thre u,ndr�e�d '�'wentv and 80/100 - ' Dap&,.B�g 6,320 80 y. ^
<br /> � ' � �
<br />— !he re��i t ef whf�h ie hare+by acknowled .do^by these presents mortgage and warrantunto sa��qiai£gagee,�its sacc�seors and asaigns,. �
<br /> �forever;ell the following described real estate,situeted in the Couaty of Ha13 '��� � '���� - -�-� � � ��--
<br /> � 1 �� � �and��State of Nebraska,to-wit: � � � . � � �. � � . .... . �� . .
<br /> �•he N�rtherly Fifty-Four feet (54') of Fractional Lot Si�c (6) in Fractional
<br />� � � Block Nineteen (19), H. G. Clarks Addition, and its complement; Northerly jj${jj
<br /> . .� :, � ..... „ ., . __. . . n---_ ic:i� . �r ..`�i.'�.... G\....v..17 t�nc ��U ' ' .�
<br /> Fifty-Four teet ��4`j oi Fractivnai i.u� r�v� �..�, ;,.1`S2„�.. (,,,, .,____.._
<br /> ? Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hali County, Nebraska.
<br />�
<br />� ; ;�
<br /> Together w�th all heatiag,air conditioning,lighting,and plumbing equipment and fixtures,�including screens,awnings,stann windows and
<br /> .doors,and wuidow shades�r blinds.,used on or in connection with said property,whezher the sazne are now located on said property or hereafter.
<br /> i�... ..�Iplaced thereon..�. .. � . .. � . � .
<br /> . �� T`O HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and singular the�tenements,hereditaments and appurY,enances thereunto be• �� �
<br /> longing,or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor_,�_hereby covenant__with�said. ��
<br /> mortgagee thst___Lhe.� are ,_, at the delivery hereof,the lawful owner__5..__of the premises ebove conveyed and described, �� �
<br /> � 'and at� _seized oF a good and indefeasible eatate of inheritance therein,�free and clear of all encwnbrances,and that�t.he�will �
<br /> . warranG and defend the titletheretoforever against the c!^�^�aad demattds of all Qersons.whomsoever. �. � � ..
<br /> � � PROVTDED AI,WAYS�,and this instrument ie exacuted and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of �
<br /> Six Thousand Three Hundred Twentv and 80/100 - - - - -��lle,.s�$ 6,320.80 _ �
<br /> . ,. with interest thereon,toget6er with such charges and advencee as mey be due aad payable to said mortgagee under 6he terms and�condiCions
<br /> �of the promissory note of�even date herewith and secured hereby, executed by said mortgagor_S-to said mortgagee,payable as expressed �
<br /> � � in.said note,and�to secure the performance of all the terme and conditions contained therein.The terms of said note are hereby.incorporated �
<br /> berein by ttiis reference.
<br /> . It.ie the intention and agreem,eat of the perties hereto that this moKgage ahall also secure any future advances made to said mortgagor:_S.. �
<br /> � by said mortgagce,and any and all indebtedness in addition to the amount above stated whicf.said mortgagora,or any of them,�may owe to � ��
<br /> � seid mortgagee,however evidenced,whether by note,book eccount or otherwise.This mortgrage shail remain in full Torce und effect between �� . �
<br /> � � the perties hereto and the'v helrs,�personal repmsentatives, successors nnd assigns,unti!nll amounts secured hereundey�, inc7uding future � �
<br /> � advances,aze paid in fuL'with intereat. . � � � � �� � .
<br /> � �The mortgagor�_hereby assign_to eaid mortgagee atl rents and income ariaing at any�and all times.from said property and ,�� �
<br /> hereby authorize said mortgegee or its agent,at its option, upon default, to take charge of said pmperty end collect all rents and income
<br /> ��therefrom�-and:apply.the same-W��the�payment�.of��iaterest,�principel; insurance premiams,�.tazes,�ssnesaments,;repaizs.:oz�.�improvements. � �
<br /> neceseary tokeep eaid�property in Lenantable condition,or to other charges or payments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured.7'his � �
<br /> �reat essignment ahall.containue in force untII tha unpaid ba7ence of said�note is fully paid.�The taking of possession hereunder sh.all in no manner .
<br /> prevans or retard said mortgagee in the;collaction of said aums by fo�eclosure or otherwise.
<br /> . � � The failure ot the mortgegee to assert any of its rights hereunder at any time shal]not be�construed.as a waiver of its right to assert the �
<br /> ' ��same at any lates time,'and to insist upan und enforce strict�compIIunce with uIl the tenna nnd provisions of said..note and of thie mortgaqe. � � .
<br /> .� If said mortgagor���.� .ahall�cause to be paid�to�eai.d mortgagee the entize amount due it hereunder,and.under the terms and provisions '
<br /> of said note hereby.eecured,including futura advancea,�and any�extenaions or renewals thereof in eccorda�e�with the terms�and provisions� � �
<br /> thereof,and if��said mortgagor_,_,shall comply with all the prpvisions ot said note and of thie�mortgage, Lhen these presents ehall be void:� �
<br /> otherwSse to remain in{iyp force�and effect,end said mortgagee nhali be entitled Eo the possesaioa of all of said property,and may,et its option, �..
<br /> declare the whole of eaid nate end all indebtednese repzeaepisd thereby to be immediately��due and�payable.�and��may foreclose this��mortgage : . . .?c� '�+'".'�A, �.�
<br /> or take any otheF legal action to pmtect its right.Appraisement�w:aived.�� . .. . � ... ..�. . . r^"' ��,
<br /> ` � �Thia mortgage ahall.be binding vpon ami�shell enure to the benefit of the heira.;executors,administrators,euccessors and�assigns.of the � �' �
<br /> respective partiea heretoi . � �' -� � �� � �' �'.�� :� � . � �
<br /> . �.. . .. , .. ' � . � ��� ���.
<br /> .�W WITNESS WHEREOF,eaid Mortgugor�_ha�zg.�hereunto set_��j„r_hand�_�_.the dey and year first above � �+°y�`^ �
<br /> written_ , . .. �� /� � >. . . ... . .
<br />� . . .. . . . �/ ' � G" . •n� �� .. .. �
<br /> .� � �. � . . . �..//-�—,.�,•�9-,E—'„�• • ��•��„ n/Ce� . . ;" ,�' ',. .�
<br /> , --��'T- -- ���r 4 S_
<br /> - �� �, .V 12' �1 ll. Bili ngton �... e . . .:~.
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<br /> � '.. .::, . ..., .." ,. .... . . . .. .. . .. . . � .
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