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G. L'N` . .,�,�,y � 9 �fY�° 9 .. 1 . : 1 � fJ ..�, ' »:In w�e,� t. ' �' F <br />;'i1:.23'.� . <br />,:.M;;c:�:1 <br />�� � � <br />�� <br />�"aq� <br />�� `..�,�... <br /> �a- � � � � � 9 <br /> ' TktE MOATGAGOR FURTHER ,COVENANTS 'AND AGREES : ' ' ' ' <br /> , � � . That the �Mnrtgagor will pay the inrl.ebtedness�� as her�einbefore provided. . , � ... . . . . . � . � .. . . . . .. . . . , . <br /> � � � . That the� ��Mortgagur is the � �owner of sairi property in fee s�mple and hus go<x3 righf. and Iawful authority l0 5„1 ar�d . <br /> � wnvey Lhe same: and thab the soma�is free and of any lien or encumbrxnce ; anci that MortgaR,��r wi:! warrant and dcfend the � � . � � � <br /> � � title fo said premisea a�ainst the' claims uE� ��ail persons whc>msoevec � .� . . � � � . . <br />� �_ � . � To Pay 'immediatgly when �1ue and F�ayable all� general 'faxes. s�ictiul `taxes; special a.x�ss�nents, watc•r chargc�s. s�we:, r serv_ .. . . . � . <br /> � � � � ice C}rarges, and �� o[I'ter taxws anu cirr.r e;� o '- � ' � .' � � :�•^��r �, :? nri af[ [axes tev: e�i on thc� clelit secured hc-ri•by, and ta farnisl� lhe . . <br /> ss., ... ,. , . . <br /> � � � �� Mortg�gee, u�x�n �requvst.� wii.h �the originai �ar.�duplieate, receipts � thrrefor.. 'Phe D4�urtgagor akr��F•s t}rat there shait � b�e aiicieti to � � � . � � � � � � • <br /> � �� eaeh month2y payme�nt required hereunder or undcr t}�A evidrrnco �n( [{ebi :�ecured h.rreFiy an un'iount cst�irnalyd by� the Morigagcc � . � � � . � <br /> .. to 43� su�cocnk to`� enable�':the IVlortgagee � . l<r isay, as they beeomc due. a11 taxes, assecsm.e�»ts, and similac ehurge� ulxm . tNrr . prem� � . � <br /> �. ises sr.i3�je.r.L tlrrreb>, any �ieficiency lrecautie i�f Uie in:,ut�'iciency of ,uclf � :�ddifiu�al F�ayments shatl. he forthwith deF���� 4ed . !'zy tti�3� � ' � � � � <br /> � � � � . Mitrtgagor wiQh � lhe MortgaF�e<e uporn� denu�n.3 by t.he \;;ce. Any defexult un;i�� r ihis paral; rapl � shall be deemrtl a default in � ; . .� <br /> ° . . � nxyrnent nf taxeti�, a�ssessmerits;� i�r sfmilar cht� rgea rrryuired 3u^reundcr. � . . . � . . . � . �� . � . <br /> : . . 'I'hc', . MortSaBvr agreea. Lhat there s6a11 rilso. i>e :3�ideu io r.acii i��us; .;..y �:,; � �. �:i ,;r �. � �,r�nsri an�: intcre:;t reVuared here,.. . . �. . . . . <br /> . � � - ttndar are aa�ount esLi�nated by Lhe b1r>r2gagee :o f�v seilficiatat £o enbblr. tJ'�e�;et� '[.a pa.Y, as it Heromea dur . it'ie lti�::trant.e . . . . <br /> � � � �. prerniurn on an5' insurunce palicy deti�crerl to tF�e �dort �a�e�u. -, n)' zic (iciency Le��cau�e� nC lhz i ��.�ufficiency of sur}r addit�anaI pay- . � � � � �. <br /> i: � � � � tnet� 1�s � sball he forthwith i,lepr>vited Fiy the Mr�rtqagor " witN thac ;�lortg�/''ec uE�>on demnri<f :>y � tl��e T�1ortKdKee . AtrY drf�ablY uudmr th3� �� � . <br /> . paragraph sRaiL tre clermed a dr, lault in the payment. ot insuranca Prn:3� iumro. If Lhe liolir, oz p�;,licio��r depnsttr:i are�� s�ch a+� tnime- � �� . � <br /> t <br /> . � ciwn�n <�+r a:l ris•k �x>licies, and the deposit.s :are insu �eimnt. to �>ay the e�ntiri� F� rc•mium , ihe iviurKgaRE'� n +ay apply � ihe depcesii to � . � <br /> . paiy premiurns on risks required to be msurud F�y this mnrtgaRe . . . <br /> ' I�'aymenLs zcaade by the ?�� urtgagor urider thr abcrve partagra � i}xs �na}�, :� t Uie o�riin�i of i6f� M< irtgUqee, be heid � l�y it untl � � � . <br /> � � cirmminglf, d with uthrr sucf'� :onds or iis own funds for fl:<,� payme��t of ;ueh ile�rns. ;.nd until so :aj,�7li��d , etich jueyri�=nLti nrc� 1���veby . � � . � : <br /> � pledged a� securif.y for the unp�aid hala�nce of che mortg.e�;e ir�drbledne>sn. . . . . <br /> . , To procure , deliver to, ax�d maitatain Lor Cl�e ben.,tfit � i>f the Mt�r4Knkete during thN 61e� of 4 }ois nr� n'1.gaqe r,,ritiinal �:t�t �i:i � �< and . � � . . .. <br />�i � _ renc:v+als tl'ic:rcv>f, delivered at least tr-n ciay5 Fxrfr�re tf�e rxpiratiun of any �ticl'� polic'ieti, insunrn �� r+gair. .,t £ire• and +.�tht��� r i:tsutaihle � � <br /> � � hiizanls, casuc+lties, anci r.otzcingrncices as thc Me�rtgauee may rev7uire, in un nrnount rquat tn R.he indebudne�s �,erure�af I>y this �. � _ . <br /> � . Mnrtgage. �nd in eonipanies aece��>tatrle to the '�4oifgag�>e. w� ith lass payablc. r.lauz:e� in favor of 2ncf in f�,rm acces'�tat�lc" Eo the `.1rntE;a- �� � . . <br /> � . gee. In the event any policy is not� reuewed <.an or la�!fore• f4m ciaYs iif � t.s rxpir:�tion , the h'tot � �aE;e�c rneiy irrocut +- instsranc<- on the � � , � . . <br /> . ir[ipz'ove:nents. pay the pretrtium t:hcra�fr,r, and vurh .iim. sh,�� [ be�come immediatt�:3y tiue :nr�d pays6le wit.h int.erresf at r-atr sri . �� <br /> � . forth in said nc�t.� unlil paid and �:hal1 i+c �ecured by Lhis mort�.�a�c. l�wilurr. on thi: part of thc ib7 �rt�;agrr: in [urrsi=h such ranrwats� � � . � � <br /> E � . � . as aie here'tai r�.�quirad or failvre to pay any tiun�s advana�d hereunder , hzlL S+l. thc, o(iticrn of the Morkg:ager•_ cnnst4tutr ;� ; te[snit . . . � . <br /> � � unuer the t� rrr�� uf .his m�'utgege. 'Phc- de•] ivery of such puliri[r.�; shall , in the nvent of d<-faoit. con�titutr :rrz a.�signrr:rnt. tof t.i�<t um � � � . <br /> . . ' carn<sl premium. � � . . <br /> . � An� sums recieived l�,y Lhe Mortgag.rc by r«raspn u£ loss ur <ian�ixge insutrd ag�in:st rnsy !m rc•taiaed by the M19t�rtgagr-,e � . - �. . . <br /> � ' . a�r�i xpplied toward the payrnent u[ the dePvt }�errby srcured , or, at ihe �,ptior, o[ the Dlortgagee, such .surns rit 'h�� r vrfiull -y- ca in � . � , <br /> �. �� pur2. inay b� paie7 over tr.� th� A9ortgaKor tn Lc u�ed ta� re �,�air sucki huildings ur I.o buiict ' ne�r buildings : �� tne�ir ptace� or for az�y � � � � <br /> � ot}xer purpose or objeek sal.isfar.tury� to the D4ort �;agvr wjthnu[ a(tecting tl��� Gen ��n lhc mcrrt�age ior the €eill amc,unt .c.rcurc�rl here- � � <br /> .. : � by befure sisch payme.nL ever t�w�k piace. . � . . . <br /> .".� �. To promptly repair. resrore ur rf�fruiid any buiidings nr improvemFnf_� nnw �,�r hrreatter on the prr•mises H�}��irh may be- . � . <br /> . con'ie damagFd or destroyed ; to keep vnid pre:z�ii:;es in �;�Kx3 condition �nd mpair an�1 frf•��� Irorn any i�mch� nic's lirn or nther lien or . � <br /> . daim tif lien uoL expxessly su?�orr,lin;�trd to the lien h� r�eul; nnt tu sufter ur permi� t ar,y t� nla�.�=f'u! use uf «r an}� mszsanCe to exi�t. on . <br /> f' � . said propertV nor to permit was[e pn sbid }ira•misc�s, ��a�r � o d�7 any othc�r act whereby- LS�e proprr7y hereby qomveyed shali f�ai:ome � <br /> ,�'�' less vnluable. nor lo diminish or impair its value by xny ac3 or nmissinn tu act �, tr� e.��rtnply� �+'itt, all requirements nf ! aw with resprct � � � <br /> to the mortgaged premises and the use t.herenL . � � ' <br /> � . 'Phat should t.he prernises cir any Parf. thercoj M� takc•n ur tininagad by r��a���n u( ;any public irnprnvrment r>r cunder-enatinn � . <br /> � � r�r�ceedsng. or under the righi of emiinent dornai�r, or in t+ ny ott�er m.inn<= r, thv 91< rtkag�-�• s}ial! hr rntitlecl to ai ! ci��en�n; ns:3t �ons, .. . <br /> �` . �� uwards, and any ot}le� payment or reIief therefor. �tnc3 shall be entitled , at its opti+»i, to commence , � appe•�.r in ancl pr�ceeute in � itti �. � <br /> � nwn name any aetion or pr�xei�ding, ur to mfake uny cumF>romise or sctd��ment in i�onnec[ion with such taking or da�xixge. hil such . � <br /> � compensation; . awards. �larnagtw. , right . of action and proceecls are herebV assignrd to t.he Mort�;ay;ee, v.�ho may, after deducting � � � <br /> therefrorri .a31 �its ex�nses, re3ease �any moneys eo received by it or apply the sarne un any indebteriness secured hereby. 'I'h<� Morb �� � <br /> ��� �. � � � gagor agrees to execute such furthe.r ussignmcnts of any comiienvatiun , awards, damagew, z+nd rights of aclion an<�1 nr�xec,vls as the � � � <br /> l. �� �� � � � MortBagee .rnaY reQuire: . . . . � � . . <br /> '� - � That in case: of failure to perfurm any a�if the covenants herein, tf�e A1ort �agre• may rio on the� Mortgagor's M• half t•verything �. � � <br /> � ' so covenanted; thut the Martgagee may also do any act it may dee�m neressary t� + protect the lien thrrrof: Ihat th< A1�:utgagor wi❑ �. � � <br /> repay upon demand nny moneys paid �or disbursnd h1' the Mortga�;ne !or any uf the above purp<nes, and sa�ch naoneys togetFier with � � <br /> � intetes't ihereon tit the rate �rovided iri� said note shail bec.oma so ntuch aclditi<>nal in<iebtedness hereby sccured anrl may I�• in- '� � <br /> � ctuded in any decree foreclosing this murtgxKE' and t>e paid out of Lhe rents or Proceeds uf sale of said yremisea it nut ot.herwise . - � � <br /> � paid; � that it shall not be obtigntory upon the Mortga6�* to inquire into the validit.y of any lien. encumkrrancr•., or daim in ad - � �� . � , <br /> . � � vancing . moneys as abuve � authnrized, but nothing herein r,on4ained shall A�r construed as reyuiring � the Mortgager :to advaace any <br /> �. � � ' moneys �for any. such purpose nor to � do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagc.e shaU� not incur any persuna( liability hrcause of any- , � � <br /> i � - � � . thing it. may do qr omit to do hereunder. � . � � � . . � � � � � . <br /> � � � ' � � In thc event oC thr� defauCt� by Mortgagnr in t}a�• �aayznent of any instal7mcnt , as required by ther Note secured hrrei�y , or <br /> ��� . in iite �w�te:r�uance of thc u:,_.�;a.,..n . n : f:is ^: :. . t�se.. .:r ±• . . . t }+r• ^ s<r•�r�.�d ther•:•h. tho �4 �,*tg�rr�r� �hal ) !x., rntitlyd tr, ri„rt � r�� thF � <br /> � � � debi secure{3 hereby due and pnyahle without notiee, and the blortgagee shalt be entit.led at its oT>ti�an, �vithout notice, cit.her by itsc:lf � � � <br /> . or hy a ,ieceiver t4 be appointed liy� the � court thereof, xnd without regard to �the adequacy o[ any security tor ttie indebtedness se- . � <br /> � � � cured hereby, to �enter �upon and take pos§eds4on o7 the � mi.rtgaged premises: and� to colterct � anA rrceive� the rentc iatiuers� and rxofits . . <br /> -� thereof:�� and xpply the satne , .less costs of o�ieration 'snd n�lfection, �upan the � indebtedneas � �secured �by this mqrtgage; . said rents, . ` . <br /> � � � � issues and pzofita�being hereby assigned to �the 1tilurtgagee as'further seourity for the �pa,yment o[ all indebtedn<rss secur��d herehy. � , _ .._. T'^ ! � ��� � " _ �` <br /> . : . . . . . . . :. , . . . . . . - ,,.. . . ' . <br /> � � . � Thr Mortgagee sha17 have the power � io appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the pur{x�se a( repairing said prem - . t � +: � � <br /> ' I . . � ' . ises; renting the. same; collecting the rents, revenues and .income,. and it may pay out at said income all cxpenses incurrcd in rent- � <br /> L— . � . ing. and managing ihe same and of collecting the : rentals� lherefrom: The �� balance remaining�, if any, shall be applied towatd the � � <br /> � 4 <br /> . . . � . � discharge of !he mortgage _indebtedness. This assiP,rvnent is ta terminate and hecome null and void u�n relea.ce ot this mortgage. �w� .'� u°^ � <br />� � � � . . . . . . . <br /> _ <br /> � . __ . . . . . . �.:: . " - � . . ._. . _ . .-.,,,. .. . � � <br />� � � . . . .: . . � . . : � � . ... .,.......,..�......._,.�..,-.w.....,,.,M,.�........�._._ <br /> . . .. _ . ._� � <br /> � _ _. ._ . �.. ...,......,._._ � <br /> i <br /> P <br />