<br /> . � .. ._ .... ... .. .._.., _....,_.� �a�,,,.v,.rY�..,�„ ..�,u.w.u„:�.,..�...�.�i.�w.��,!�-..�:�w...�.:�,,.�.; rr�i
<br /> �� �
<br /> '0..�' ����� I�,rui 5,�1 iKr. in 7:�
<br /> C 4's
<br /> � +__,�
<br /> ,�",a_. =5i�� �i)�_t, .:,G�:�I _.
<br /> ��jl� ��l'�l�E��E!<<°� ,:,,�i.• ft:,a i�.r.�<:�,c�•,: �r,i�: ?t.. „�,> ., Octobe: « ;, '7'7
<br /> ny nnd vriwern Darrel A. Davis and Myrna J. Davis , Flusband & Wife
<br />�°i . r of h�. tlrs I, r ,
<br />�� � e„� Harlan .H., Nelson and Emma M Nelson, ;Tusband & Wif'e r,nrty`�,r t �n��:ond pRri.
<br /> t
<br /> ......... ._.. .._.. .....__ . _... .__ ._. .
<br /> h �
<br />��`� YJI1'Nr:BS�"1'H� thn� ii�e nuld pnrLy uf fne �.rat p.,rt,[ur and in c�,naiiiriuliru u: t 5..2.�U�.u_.0.0..._... . �. .SWti..... - �
<br /> �� ---- --------'r----�-..UOL.LAFt3� Y P Y..,. .
<br /> ,tho,us.and,_and ,.no/1Q0--- ---.- pnld n Aqlt� nrt or th�
<br /> � ,_._........ .... . . ....... .. ... .. . .... . .
<br /> . . eecand pnrt, the receipt whereat ie hereby acknowleJgeJ,haa gra»Icd, bxrqialncd, sotd and conveyeA, and by these pmsentw, � . .�
<br /> . Aocs grant, bargnSn, aeit nnd cvnvey, unto eald yarty u(lhc sa�cond part. tl�e fultowing dcscrlbed reni property slturtte in the� � � � . �
<br /> . . CoUnty of ..-. H,8.11.... .__._ ... _ _ .....__. and 9La[e ot Nebranka, to-wfi: � . � � �.
<br /> � L,ot S.i.x .�.��. _�..n .BJ.oc.k .k'.ourteen...�l.�+).. i.n. A,rno,]d._and, Abbo.tt!,s,..,Add.itian to
<br /> the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> ................ .....:.. . .................................................... .... .. ._....._. ._.. .__
<br /> _ ... .__..., ...... _ ... ......... .... . .... _ _. .,
<br /> � �� together wltA all the tenemenb, hereditamente and eppurtenences [o ttio nume bctonguig, and aif ffie estnte, titte, d:�w�•r
<br /> � . Hght ot homeetead, clalm� and demnnds whataoever of the aafd purty ol lhe flraL part u(,1n or to Fald ��remisca or an�• pnrt, � �
<br /> thereot; and �ald party oi the Srai peR doee hereby covenant, Wut saW party o[ iha 6rat Fnrt ls lswtully eeized of eald prcm- �� � -
<br /> � I�ea,thet entd precniaee are free from SncumLrance and lhat asld party o[ the flrat part will wurcnnt and defend the title to �ntacl . � . .
<br /> � . � pra Isea atnul Lhe�Ipwf l alms end demanC��S att�+e noas wnomeoev•r, @XC"""i: u fit's'G mOY"tg3ge hC' . � . .
<br /> �y G�ommercia� �ederal Savings, �iCea.rney, i�ebras�k�.
<br /> PROVIDED AL�i'AYB, and lheae prerenta are upon theae condltlons: � � . � .
<br /> �WHEREA$,snid pdrty ot the Aret part hna executed and delivered to lhe aufd pnrty o( the eecond parl . ...e._ . .
<br /> promSwory note.... th.at..c.a11,s...fo.x'.._monthly...p.4y.men.tS..p.�' $�.Q....00,.,eac,h .a..t .9 e_, interest
<br /> ,, , for a p,eriod of five .(5)__years. Principal balance due in full at the j
<br /> . ...,.... _ . . . ....__... _..... , _ ... ....._,
<br /> end of five years . No prepayment penalty for early payof'f.
<br /> � . _. _. .. . __ ...._.. _. . ......... ...._.__..... . . .__ _ _._ .. .. ._.. _ .. .._.._ ..__._ .._..._ ..._. .... _... . _.
<br /> ,
<br /> , _ .. . .,. _ . . . .. ... __..,_. ....__ . __ _....... _.... _ _ _... ._ �
<br /> ,�"' ' ....... ...... . .__ ........ ......... . ... .. . .. ....... ......_ __.._ .,_ . . __. _ _. ._'_. . _.. ,... ... _ ._ .
<br /> � � . � and whereaa. lhe party o! lhe flret pert hae ugrced to kecp tho ��tlidln�n, 1f iiny, upon �nld premtres, Oiaurcd in sranic cnui• . .�
<br /> . . � pany or cnmpanfes approved by eald party uf the eccond p�irt. f or tho lull inHun�bl�•vuluc n�;ulnst loay by tire nnd wimt.tornt.rith � � �
<br /> extended covcrage anci dellver tu aald pariy ot the aecond yurt!he pulicy or pollcirs contnining tt stundard�mort�age clauae �.•�th . .
<br /> � the loea puyabfe to sald party of lhe accond pnrt, or nxaigns,anJ h�ngrca•d to�u�y all tnxes nra3 ussessmentv rigau�.v! sai�l��rc�n• . ��
<br /> � . Inea belore the same, by law, become dellnyuent, nnd h� agreed Lhxt 1(sfild prtrty o(the Hrst part docs nut provl�li�xuc� � . . - . �..
<br /> � lnaursnce, or lalle to pay ell taxee aa alorexa�ci, then nnid party ot the sccond prirt, or holder hereof, mny p:��• such lnyur;�nce � � �
<br /> � &Td taXee,or Nther�or them, and ell arnounte eo patd by�aaid purty ot the aecond pnrt shnll benr tntereY[ nt thc �a_o i��t ninr . � �
<br /> � per cent�per annum [rom the date of payment, and this mortgage shntl stanci as security thcre[or, and enid su�m m�y be. � �
<br /> � udded to the amount ot Yhe mortgage debt,and the Bame recovered as n pnrf thercof, Now, ff the said pnrty o! the flr,rt p:�r4 � �� .
<br /> .� � shall well snd tnaly pny or cauae to be pald lhe anid aum of money in sald note.. .......mi•nttoned, wltt� intercvt Chercon u�c��rd- . . � �
<br /> �� !ng to the tenor and eRect o(natd note,....._..and nhxLL kcep auid Guildinga insured as nture•suld, an�l nhnit krcp aq�t;�xes�nrt�l ,.� �
<br /> � . aaaeeamente pald, and eriell duly kcep, nncl pertoi•m ull the ather coven:uits nnd uqrecinentn hcreen CanGilncJ, thrn the��: � . � � �
<br /> presents.to br nu❑ and vold. E3ut If s+aid suni of monry or nny pnrt lhi�recid, or nny Interest ih�-ri�on,�la nol pnid when the o�eme
<br /> Is due, or 1t an1c1 bulldinga ehall nul be kept inxur��� uy ufurcnnki, or�If the t¢xes nnS uvcyan�ente ngninvt Kaid prcnnsrx ��r,� � � �. � .
<br /> not paid at or betore the tlme [he eame become try law delinquent, ar 1( xaid �.xirty of the Rrst part ah¢ll tuil tn kceep nnd �. �
<br /> pertorm eny covrnanls heretn conlalned Ihn holden c�reo[sluiti h;�ve the optlon to dectFire thr whule of anld i:r�iebtrilui�sy dui•:in�l � � . � .� .
<br /> , � � paynble ut uny time alter euch failure or default,and mny ntain Iuin wi¢i•tion tit In•.v i�r rquity to rccover thc samr.:tr.cS Oic c+�n�• . �. . � . �.
<br /> � mencement ot euch actior�ahall be lhe unly notice ot the exere lsr.u[anid optiun requlred. � �� � . � � �
<br /> �AND IT I$ FCJRTHER PFtOVIDEll ANf) ACItF.F.t), Th�t tho ruiil M��rtFagor shall nn�l wlil pny fll!tnxes let•i��ci u��n thiv � � � .
<br /> �� �. mortgage or the debt xecured thereby, together wlth nny other Laxen nr nascaan:enls whlch mny be levtral undrr the• (,nwa ��t �. � �.
<br /> �,; � Nebrsska, ngelnat the said Mortgagen or the legal hulder ol tho anld princfpal nnte....._._.on account ot thiy indebted.neas. . . . �� � �
<br /> � . AND IT IS FURTFiFR PROVIDE:D AND AGRF_F_I), thoi the und��rsl�nud ht.Ntt�. �,��r .o rnant nnd ugrcc a:th thr Aiort�;��ti�•. � � ��
<br /> Ihut one o( the eonditiuns for making this loun is thut lt�e Morlkeqors ��� and ikI i�nt� i•Iu, �wn and occupy Ihe reel eebrtr � - � �
<br /> herein desr.ribed ua ihe prrsunul ot vute dwrlimg of thc morfKag< su Inn�, ps th�+ o ty,�y;c H d the suid nole �rcured h<•rrhy, n � � .
<br /> � &��Y Pdrl �hercof, remuine unpuid. I�ut nny time. whilr• thc m� �g�tic ie in f( :i �n i il�o nutc fur wF.ich th�s mnr!;.��u �s�;ivcr.;i-; . . .
<br /> i � Recuruy, �. any pyrt Ibrrrot remoins unpeid, the undere�g ned k1 iF uy ��. . .II r �. i�cy thr n•u! rstute hrre�n a�csctibr or anc �� .
<br /> � part theri�of. or �tie MortQaqor■ do not hr�ve or cence ta hev tiUc tu n1d r.•el .t tr ar any purt tha•rrof or cr�vr to nrnoaully . � .
<br /> accupy ihe nnid reul eat�tY fl6 LAu+ orivute dwell�nN �f the und•rv�gnrd. ihi•n nd iu uny �ucG �•v•ntx, 7he�tertgag en . ay.nt �i. �� . � �
<br /> nv��nn,.doclrro the unpaid.orincipal balunce, onA intrreat, of the notc se�ucrJ hrreby �mmedialely duc f�nd pu}:,bie. � �
<br /> ' �lri T�e�.timanp �fjerciof, __ _._ __ _ _ ._ _ _
<br /> ; _._ ___. _ _ . _ .. _ _ ._ .. __
<br /> /f7 �H�y .
<br /> � IN PRESF.SvCE OF ��l��I�� ���'�`3i�2?`���'�-'L-�''.'� . �. . .
<br /> --�2d GZ-v...4-�..-
<br /> �� �-� �%
<br /> . _ . _ _ __ _
<br /> ___ �
<br /> s�rwT� c7r• r;F:riR.A3KA, On cn� _ 13th day oc _. Octob.er. a. t>. �e 77
<br /> . q
<br /> y
<br /> . Cnunty of� �HS,1:I. _. Detnre me, a Notnry Publle ln and for the xnfd Cntmty personnllv :nm� the xhove � '
<br /> nam�c� Darrel A. and Myrna J. Davis , Husband � Wi£e y
<br /> �PS k;
<br /> .. . . . � . � . . . � . .. N
<br /> i., . �i
<br /> L _ _ µh�, 8Te perv�+natly known lo nie
<br /> to.be the tdcnticnl perenn�.. whove riume..5...... SZ'entfixed to ltcc nbovc lnstrurnent �" ' �°• �
<br /> HAROLQ C: PZICHTER as grerttnr and arknow]eJgi d 9��i 1 3nytrument tn b< th�l.r , voluntnry act nnd dceii. �,
<br /> ��FNERAI N�TARV f. �5':^.`:�ESS.^.7;/h, : a..,.N nr���:�.c.i::!�:��i:�t� 'vst i::r��yLt.._
<br />� � SiATE C�F 9yf6h.4�+(G t �,�---� �_.. . . ._>>--. __..` '
<br /> My Commfssion Exp . .; zv, .974 i ;;-_.-.G--�, « �- �-� 1,, �-� .
<br /> ' ,
<br /> -----; ,C e.V'�a� �-%l �,;-�� � : t -
<br /> . . . . � •. Nntnry F'ubtlr. '
<br />�� � My com m!aei�n explrrn � . .. . . .
<br />�'dfi� . _.... ._.
<br /> J
<br />':�. . . . . . . . . � _
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