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`"6` v1"a -.!4, yn�u !."�Vt.��y,r Y���1k'.' ,l�v� �V <br /> p: <br /> �:.1 <br /> Y�d . <br /> v�, <br />� <br /> , .__:,_.._. _... .._. .:_�.._..,._ _.__..:.__._ ...--._._.._ .:....:.. .�..' .�.''_..._ . .. . .. _.. . ... . �� <br /> < . . _...._._. �._�_ _:__._..._ . ___.._._._ . . , _ ._. '..��,.. <br /> {.�' . . . . . . . .. . . . . . � ' . <br /> �� . ..MORTGRGE--Saviags aad l.oan�Form—(DSxt�Crodit PI�J.:255-2 (Specid) . �. � � . � � �.- <br /> � 77» MORTGAUE <br /> t�C���53 <br /> ,', ', , � :. ��, � � Lo��.No . ' � <br /> � 12th October ly 77 t,y�d m,tweea <br /> �xFits 1N�ENSURE. made tLt " daY'o <br /> ' � i:OAIA"LD P. HUGHES AND KAREN A. 'NU�HES, husband and'wife,'each in his and her ow� " <br /> } right and as spouse oE the other <br /> pf'� Ha� ���� County,13ebtaaka,as moriqagor�S and Home�Federal Savinqe nnd�Loaa Raaoetation�ot Grand Islcmd, <br /> �a.�corporatioa brqanised��aad e�isting�;uider�.tlw laws�oF Nebzaeka ��c�Ith 1fe priacipal o1lice�d place o!business at Grand Id?md.�NebracYa, <br /> . i.", aa.mortgaqee:�� � � . . . � � , � . -. . . .. � � . . � � � . . �.. <br /> .�.WI2NESSE7'H: That eaid�mortgagor S—.�for and ia�contidezation ot the aum ot . . . <br /> FORTY-ONE THOUSANO THREE HUNDRED AND NO/100 ------------------ noua:a tS-� 41,300.00 � <br /> � tha��reeeipJ n1��which 3s��hereby��acknowladqed, do_ by these preeents mortgage aad warranc unto�uid mortgaqee, ita���euecesaor� �d <br /> assigas, torever, all�tLe�Jdlowiaq.deacribed�zeal estate. nituated in the eouaty ot Ha� � _— � �� <br /> 'and'.State�,of�Nebaaaka.�taw�tt: ' . . �� �.. . . . . . . . . � � . . . . . . � . � <br /> ��. . . . . . � . . . . � . . . . <br /> LOT SIX (6) lN BLOCK TWO (2) UF CAPiTAL HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, BEING A <br /> PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SEaSWr,) OF - <br /> SECTION TWO (2), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (II ) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) WEST OF THE <br /> � SIXTH P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> � <br /> ; , <br /> g <br /> ? Together.w[th:dl'heatfng.��lighting, and.�pl�ambing equipment aad fixtuzee, inciudinq�tokeTs aad buraera,eceeens,awr.inqe,stormwindowa <br /> � � y and�.dooss,�aad window�ehad��or blindn, uaed oa or in conaeotion with eaid property, whetber the same.are now loeated on emd propezty <br /> ' ��. � or hexeatterplaced thereon.� � � � � � � � � <br /> 3 � <br /> � �TO HAVE AND�TO HOLD THE SAME, toqether with all and aingular the teneseata,hered[tamenta and appurtenancea theieuato beloag- � � <br /> ' ing,�oz in anywfse appertaining.lorever,and warrant the title to the eame. Said mortqagor S hereby covenant_ with said moAgagee <br /> that:—the�— � a re � at.the delivery�hereot,the lawful owner�sot the premieea above conveye3 and deseriSed, aod—. �re�� <br /> 3 aeaed o!�a.good and indateasible eatate o!inherilance therein, tree and clear of aIl encumbraacea,aud that _tho�_ will warraat�d <br /> detond the�Gtle Ihereto forevez aqaiast the elaima and demanda of all peraona�whomaoaven � � <br /> . � �PROVIDED� ALWAYS, and��thin tnatrument ia executed and delivered to secure the paymeat of the aum of � <br /> � FORTY-ONE._THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NO/1 00 ------_---------- n„��a=, is__ 4 I ,300.00 �' <br /> �wi�h��intecest thereon,�togother with such charges and advances as.may be due and payable to aaid mortgagee under the �ierau aad : � <br /> conditiona��oi the promissory note oi even� date herevrith aad seeuied hereby,ezecuto3 by said mortgagor_S_to smd mortqnqee.paydale � <br /> �.� ae�expzesaed in said��note.and to eecnse the perSormaace o!all t2re terme and crondi6ona contained�therain. The terma of eaid uoto aze � <br /> ' �heraby incorporated herein�by thia�reterence.. . . . � � � � � <br /> .�� lt ia�he tntention and agreemeal of the pazties horeto that this mortqaqe shall alao so�vre. �any luture advances mada W wid � <br /> � mortgagor��=._ by smd mortqaqee, and any�and all iadebtedaeaa in additfon�to the amount above atated whtch said mo�lgaqo�;�or cmy � <br /> ' of them.�may owo�to eaid mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by nole, book aecount or otharwiae. This morigoga shnll rem4la ia Su31 <br /> t lozce and�effect�betweea ihe���parttea�hereto aad iheir heirs,.petsoaal repreaentaNves, succeaeoza and asaigns, untii �all:�amoun3a secured � <br /> � hereuader.ineluding future adv�ces. �e patd tn !ull with fatezest. . � � � � <br /> TLe mortgagor�,`-'.�,heieby..Rssi,+�+ �to said�mortgagea all reats aad in¢ome ariatnq at aay.and aU.timea }rom oaid p:apoAy aad � <br /> y Lereby authorize aaid mortgaqee��or 1ts.ageat. at ih option, upoa detault,to�take charge of aaid propertp and oollect all ronts and tncome � � <br /> theretrom and opply the�same to�tLe�payment ot' interest,�pzladpal,�ineurcnx promi.uma.�tazea, assersmeats, zepmrs or improvemeaU aecen-� � � . <br /> � keep aald pzoperty in tenantnbla coadition, or to ocher chargee oz paymeats pcovidad for herein oz ia tha note hereby aecured.� 1�ii <br /> ,�� ient aseignmeat shall caat[aua tn.torce�until the uupald halaace of �aid note is fully poid Tha taicing nf poase�aiun hereundar shall Sn no � <br /> manner prevent or retard eaid tnorfgaqae�in the coiiec¢on oi aaid ru�e ty+`az�c�,:�.::�a:c•*er.viee. � <br /> P <br /> � :�; �The ta3lurs ol the mortgageo to�oueert-�anp oE itr�iighta hezeundxr at�any t3me.shall not ba coastrued as a waiver ot.ita�righ!to aaaert . . <br /> t �� the��pame�oi any.later tima aad to insistupon��.and enfaxce'strict compliance with�al.; the terms and piuvistoae o! naid no�e �d ot this { . <br /> � morlqa�e. ... . '- . . . . . . . . ; . . <br /> � , �� �I4 aaid morigagor�ahall em�b ba pmd to iwid�moitgagae the entke a�inount 3ue it heceander,aad under ihe tezaa and pzov3aians <br /> ', ;: .ot eaid aote�dezeby aeCu:qd,indudin9 luture advcsncqa and.any eriamioaa.or seapwaIs::thereof ia accordaaee with the.xamu aad provi�iom . <br /> . . , . . . . . . . . . � . . p ' ,:.. <br /> .�. : the[eo#.mid if.-:sald mprlqaqor S_���.�hall comply.w1W all�ths providoa�ot said note aad ot�.thia mongage.than theee preaenb ahall ba ratd; . . . <br /> , • <br /> . . � ptheiwlae to�:rcmafa ia��.tull Soru.aad aSfaet.��d acdd.mosiga94e ehaU be eati�led to the poweseion oi all of said property, cmd may,�at ixa . �. -� .,�.� *,� <br /> s �� opt(oa, declare�the whole of said nots aad.�all ladebtadnew repre�mted Worebp to br immsdiately due.and payab)e,and may foreclose 4his .M.• , <br /> m <br /> mottqage or take any other legal wclion to proteet lU�ri9ht. and from.the data oi �uch detault all i�ems ot indabtednees wcuzed heceby � �� - . <br /> �hall;draw 1nMrqt W)$$��r�nvm.'AppraLeateat waived. . � � . � � . . . �; "� },'�e` <br /> ,� Th3s�awrt9aqe �hall:be bladlaq upoa and �hall onssss to th� b►aelit ot the h�in.�ezen.tors. aeiminutraMra. �uccasso:s aad asei � o! ��4 <br /> tke ra�pact[a�:partiea Le+eta :�. . . � � � �`��^ <br /> ; � �� ' � V2 � 'f'f1E 1 f� _.�� fhe and ear tirel above �r�� <br /> TN WHEREOF, d agor 4_ 's._ b�r�unW wt Y <br />��, ' MTifl� � i� . .. . . . l_..� � � . . � FS� . <br /> � „. � � � . .a.. . <br /> Danald R, Mughes ren . ug s <br /> , <br /> ��� <br /> � � � � <br /> ,; ... <br />� <br />