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,�s°d,� ���, s.� r ,i: ,.r t.. �tF.'-,r.F r� ��.;�y.,.•y� <br />-'r'� <br /> x�:m�� <br />� _.._ ! � <br /> � <br /> �MQR4'GAGE—Savinqs �d Lomi.Fo`m-�ir«.K Crodit Plam) 155-2 (Spedal) . � . � . � <br /> � 3°: ���.`je3`� <br /> ,, - MtaRTGAGE <br /> � .������ .�.� : �. . � :� . . �-.: �LoanNo ���.� �..,, � '-: <br /> � 1 <br /> reas txq�rrrune.'maae rn+. 13th ,,,.� ,f October xs?� t,y cme nei..eea <br /> HUGH M. MINER, `JR. AiJD JUDY A. MINER, husband and wifie; each in his and her own riqht <br /> ' aod as' spouse of the'other <br /> �e��� Hc��� .. .Couaty.Hebraska,m mortqagor S�d Home Federal�Saviaqa��d�Aatiociatlon-of Grand�Ll�d. <br /> : �a.corporation oiganiaed and ezistiaq�under the laws of.Nabrnelca��with��lb PxindPal otfica�and.piaee of bustnaas at Gsand�Iaiand.��Nabme�ca. ... �. .� �: <br /> ' :c+��mort4a9oe: . . . .. . . .. �. . .. . . :,_ <br /> �.� WISNFSSEiH: That amd mcrtgagor S. � for.and ia maaideration of the sum ot. . . .. <br /> TH 1 RTY TWO THOUSAIVD AND tJ0/100�-------- -- -- - - - - - -- -_- .,,,.,,,,� �a 32 000 00 �, <br /> : �.. the��receipt.of wLich.�3e..herebp��aclmowledged� do�_�bp tLeee�presents mortqage aad w�iraaf unto�euid moriqagee. lb��.succeaeon mtd � . . . � .��: <br /> ...�aaaignr.�.torever.-all tLe following deec�ibed real eafale, aituated in tLa�caxaty oI_ � Ha� � . � � .�. . �. <br /> ec <br /> ': . <�,.amd�Siate�of�DTabrwka.� . � . . . . .. . . . . � � - � `� <br /> LOT THREE (3) IN BLOCK THREE (3) OF SECOND AODITION TO HOLCOMB'S HIGHWAY <br /> HOMES SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISfON OF A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF � <br /> �£ THE NORTHE9ST QU4RTER :NEµNE,',) AND A PART OF LOT FOIiR (47 MAiNLANU, IN � <br /> SECTION TWENTY-EIGHT (28�, TOWNSHIP ELEVEN ( II) lJORTH, RANGE NINE (9) <br /> WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. <br /> ��:$� � Yoqether with .dl�LeaRnq, lighting. and.PI„mbfng equiPment esad fiziures.Lzcludinq atokere and burnern..ecreens.awn3aqe. etoxmwiadpws�. <br /> � .� �and daozs,and�wlndnw ahades oz blinda umd oa or In �oanection wilh safd property, whether tha e�to are nwv loeQled oa smd properip <br /> or hereatter ptaced tLarao¢, � <br /> : �70 HAVE AND 70 ROLD 7'E� SAME, toqetLer with all �d singu7ar the tenements,hereditameata and appurtenmcea theraunW heloag• � . <br /> ?� �� ing,or in anywise appariaininq,[orever,and w�rant the title to the same. Said mnztqagor_S_Lereby mvenan� with acid�moalgaqee � � <br /> i <br /> � �ty�_ t yQ�_ a re ,� v,e�livery hereot,the lawful owner of the premisea abova conveyed m�d deseribed,uad a re � � � <br /> �.eefaed ot a qood and tndefoc�i6fe eatate o! inheritance therein. iree and clear o!ali eneumbr��as,aad fhat.the�—will waa�l �d . .... <br /> � defaad the title thereto Sorever againat the daims and demanda of atl peraons whomaoaver. � � � . � <br /> � PROVIDED ALWAYS, aad thia inatrument is ezecuted and delivered to necuie tLe paymeat aE the si�m o�� <br /> THIRTY TWO THOUSAND AND Np/100--�---------------------------�__-__ ��� �� 32,0OO.OQ , <br /> with interest therepn,together witL such chcvgea and�advaneee as may be duo �d�payable�to aaid mort � � <br /> . 4a9�e under the teiacs md . <br /> coadiNom oi the promisaorq aote o! evea date herewith amd secured hereby,ezecuted bp sa[d mortgaqor�—ta wid mo:tgaqea,payable � <br /> �� uo ezpreased Ia eaid note,and to eecuce the pedormance of ail tLe terms and� coaditlom contmned thezetn: �76e terma ot�smd noee csse . . <br /> hereby iac�porated heieia by tLir retareace. . . . . . . . . . . <br /> � I!ia the lnfeation and aqzeemant of the parties hereto thvf this marlqage ahall also sacu:e �y future advances made to said � � <br /> mortgcxgor.S�. � by edd moztgagee.aad aay and all SndeMednasa in additioa to the amaunt abave stated which «aid morigago=e.�or�p � � � <br /> of:tltem.�map owe to eaid mortgagae,however evidenced, wLelhez bp note,book aaount or�olherwlse. Y'6is mortgnqe ahall remain ia tull � � � <br /> . �.�force.aud elfect between the parties heceW aad tha'u Leus. Peieoaal.xepreaentativea..suxewws and a:siqns. until �dl amounts� pecuzed . . . <br /> here�sader,including futuze,�e pcad Ia iull with iaterest �� � � � � ' . �� � ��� <br /> . �...11te mortqcsgors.herabp asaim� to eaid morigagee ap renm md inrome eiainq at aay �d ali�.times 4om aaid Droy�Wer(Y.�d � .. <br /> Lereby wthoriza�eaid mortgagea or its agea4�at�ita option, upon defeulA to take c6azge d ea3d propertp�emd colleet all�rents aad�iacome � <br /> . thereirom and epP1Y the amne to the paymeai at intereet,pr;aKig�sl,incuraace pzes.iss�. t�es. c�, repmrs or improvements ne�ea• . <br /> �;� wzy to keep emd D:oparty Sa tenantable conditioa, or to�othar chnrgea or.pQymynts p:ovtded!or heratn or 3n 16�e note heraby sen�red- 2his� � . <br /> reut asslgnment s6a71 eoatiaue in force�unbi the uapaid balaace of �md nWe ia fully pai3 .ihe taking of poseeasioa hereunder ehall in m <br /> manaer prevent or ratard eaid�moatqagee ia tLe coIIecttoa ot edd euma by toreclosure or othenv(ee. <br /> 3 .�23e imluie of tLe.mortgagee to aasezt �y of ita righb Lerevadar at anp time ahall not be eanstlued m a wafver o}fu nght to as�ert .. . . .. <br /> � t the.�p ah�pmgwJtlter Yisne and�iar'lnefat apon amd�en}orca atrict compl3aaee with all the terma and pzoviaione ot ea[d aote and oi thG � <br /> m°rtga� g�A:� �� :uz . - i: �: .:. � .. . . .. . . � �. ... : . . . .; . . . � � .. <br /> If s¢id� E�e��:.ahall eauee�"to be ptad to wid moRqaqee the eatire ampuat due tt Lereunder.aad under ihe te:ms�d pzovia[on� � .. <br /> � oI eaid uGte"L"er�m"���`e.'�"q�f'e`ciired,tiacludiag lnture advunoea,and anp extsnsfonr or��reaewaL thered im accord�ce with the te� md proviaton�. . � . <br />, theceot,aad�if��wid mortq�a4ar_S_ `hatl eomptp wtth�all the pmvia6ons o[.dd aote md af Wf�mortgage. Wen theee preeents�ahall be vWd: � � � : <br /> mOrtq�a .� g ....�.,y .. <br /> ' . .���f 9fbacwS�e ta'rematn in luli lozcs��d eLtact..and said mortqa4ee�hall be eatltled to tl�s par�eidoa o!.�aII ot safd property.�d�may, ct ih . .. _...�:, . g ' ..�.r� . . <br /> ` opNon, deciare�[Le whole of eaid�note and ull iadeblednee� repiesaated tltereby to ba imaudiately due�d payable.aad may�tozeclose thta � '^ .�.,,„. � <br /> mor14e4e or talrs umpg qo�tLer laqai-�acflon w proteet 7b riqht �d lrom the.dats ot.sue6 delault all item�o!Indebtednes�saeured herebp �: !� .�+" <br /> .haU�4raw tntarmt�_I. ..'P°c anaum. Apprmeement wat�ed. � . �� . . .. � . .� �� . . � � <br /> = � �mozt9ags�dl��.be binding upoa �d �hdl �mve to the b�aslit o!tLe 1�tn. smcvton..adminfatratoa.�.suac�son�cmd mdga�o� � � . � t,�' , <br /> tL0�MptlCiS4e,Pa[UY]IqfelO. � � . . ' . � ' � <br /> � <br /> � '�:d�i�.:, <br /> j� IN YVR2NF$8 YYHEBFAF. wld Mortqaqors �•••V e h�esnnb �wt ��� t h P.i.r . . �.....dS 1L�daz�d�pear itrd above t � � � <br />�` �rinam. � .... . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . � 3 <br /> �rf <br /> / ` /'> r"� \ <br />� 1"'�ti.���`:'i' �"I,�/L`YLG�, a,,��.� � f..�-� �,/ �...,��'J i — <br />� . .: .. . . .. . . . � . .. .� ,ii i f�. ii.J'�'`".��� . .��� <br /> FiugFi°A(�loftner, r, Ju y• f �r <br /> � � <br />� <br />