<br />��,: .
<br />:.. � �
<br /> � '
<br /> ' �� .M�ORSG.rIGE--Savtag. mid Y.o-un�Ferxs--9D!*•'• r...�c. p�3...yc.co. � � .. . . . .. . .. . . � ... . .
<br /> � �7- 0 a 5 s���' MORTGAGE
<br /> ,. . . .. . � . !�a N� � �
<br /> � re�s umra�roxe.�n.�. 13th ��. � October ,_.is77 M�ab.e..� �
<br /> JOHN ;R. MciNTYRE AND MELEN L. MeINTYRE, husband and wife, each in? his and her own riaht'
<br /> antl as�spouse of the other
<br /> �p�_ �����Ha t t � �rouxiry�.NeL�a.ta,a.murtgagor_s..ma�Eloa�o Foaerae se.ing.'ma:t.om�Aaeodatwn os C>rcaa.Isl�a,����
<br /> �-� a coiporatlon.mqtmiaed�d:emtinq��under tae laws oE Nebraelca�.wlth��ib prtnt3pd offtca�d�plaae of.bw[�at Gmad�Llaad.Mebtnalcv..�
<br /> ��aa mortgmgee: ..� � � �, .. � � � . . � . �. : � . . .
<br /> W11'l�iE55E1'H:� T6at��sc3d mortgagor 5� toz and in oouaidaraflon�ot tLe,aum of � . . � � . .
<br /> TH i R7'Y S 1 X THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NO/I00-----�--�-----�--�.----,�,,,,,,,., �;' 35.400.00 �,
<br /> ;- 'Ihe recelpt:�Pt wffich���ie Lerebp�aeknowled.qed, dn...._ bp��theee��pzesenta-mort4a4a�..�d wrmiant aato wtd.moctqaqee.-�SL s�rmeawn amd ���- ..�.
<br /> � .aaeigna,�forever, all the fallowinq deaciSbed r¢nl entata. aituated in the aounty uL Ha� � � �
<br /> ' °;.`�. ':.and Statnr.:of Nelxaslca,towat�,.,.. . . . . .� .. . . .... , . .. . .. . .. . ... " ��.
<br /> �
<br /> � ��
<br /> A
<br /> F .�Sogether�with all beaCnq, lighting, aad plvm6ing �quipment�ausd fixturas,including x1ok�.eis cnd burnera,eereens, awaingt,etosm�viadpw� � � .
<br /> �tm.d dooce, nnd wtadnw��shades or hlinda. umd aa or�in connection with said property. whethez tho s�e aro aow� Ixated on��¢id pzaperty �.
<br /> � � �or ho:eatter ptacrod ehereoc. � � � � � � �
<br /> �TO HAVE AND�?O HOLD iHE S14ME, together with all �d aingular the tenemeats,he:adita�eab md appurtsn�ces the�euato beloog-� �
<br /> inq.�or in�ywtee appert.*�o:�rg.forever.a¢d w�r�t 1Le title to the same. Said mortgagar S_ Lereby covra�L__ with aaid martqaqee � �. .
<br /> � ���thal� t ��y�.e v a�e at the delinery hereol,thr lawtul owner S oi the pcemises above coaveyad�d deacrihed,cad a r�-' � �
<br /> . $ �:teized�of a qood aad�indefeasible estate ot inLerii�ce thezein, frce aad dear at all encvmtuaaees, aad!hat �e�`_vei11 wonmt.ossd .
<br /> $ defond the.tlt3e thereto forev+er aqainst the da7ms and demanda of all pa:aow whnmeoever. � .
<br /> � �� PROVIDID ALWAYS,�mnd 1LIs imtrument fs e�euted �d delivered to secute the papcaent o[tLe sum ot � � � �. �
<br /> - TMl RTY Sl X THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED ANO NO/t 00------�------ -- --�,,,,,,,' � 36,400.00 �,
<br /> �vrith�intareat.thereon, togat6rz with such ehmges and adv�rna as.map be due and� papat�le ro add martgagee under t6e teima and . . � �� ��
<br /> � �� � �conditions ot�tLe promiseoip note o! even date herewith �d secured Le:eEy.erecutad bp sa[d mortgagor � W aaid mongagec,payabta '. ..� .
<br /> �. .�ae eupreceod in said aota.�d to aeeura the perfozmaaee of aIl the terms �d condition� eontained thecain. Yhe te�s ot�amd nota m7e� .
<br /> � hereby.iac�pocated hezein bp Wis zaferenee.� . � . ..� . � � � � ... . . .� � . . . �
<br /> i��� � St i�lha.S¢tenHan and agzeemeat ot the�partiea hareto that thia mortqmqe �hall aleo tecure any future advancea made M emd � �� .- . .
<br /> S
<br /> �: mortgagrnc.__..:....by s�oid mort9e4ea. �d�y �d all iadebte�ess in add3tion to the amouat abova stated which aaid mort9a4o:s.or aaq . � .� . ..
<br /> .. of U�em.,�may orre to said�m,ork7a4ae. Lnwever evideneed, whether bY��.��account or otherwise. 7'hia morlgaqe ahall romain ia fuii .. . ..
<br /> .,�force�and ottee!brtween�iLe�partiea lfe[eto aad��their Lei:a..Pe:sonn��repreaenta4vas, suooesiors rnad aWqai..uatil all amaunb �aevred � �. , .
<br /> ���.Lereundai.:iaelud3ng tuAue advancee. �e Pmd in tull wirh in�aceet_ . . . . .. . . �
<br /> ' �� ���� ?ha mwt4a9or.�-5—.�:herebY.astlge.� fo amd mongagee all rena cmd iaoome mieta9 at �p amd all timsa iraon sadd SuoPBr�Y.mid . �. � . .�� �
<br /> hazebp avt2sorize�aa[d�mortgagee or i4�aqent.¢t its optFan, upon defaul4 to talce r3aaqe o1�atd Propocty��d eollect all rents�d ineomw � � .
<br /> -. tLecafzom�aad apply�tLe aam�to tLe papment of Yntara�t. P�dPa1,..3asumnae pxsmiuma. tm�ea.�eoments.repai�e or 3m . . . . .. ..
<br /> provlmanb neoer
<br /> sary�to kecp said properlY la�tenaatacble ooaditioa.or.to�other ch�qas ar pcymenta provSded tor 6arefn�ia tho aote haroby eseuzod. Thfs . . � � .
<br /> .:�reat�asal4nment�shal! coattinuo ia tosce until�the unpmd�bal�ee of said note is tulip�padd TLe takiag of pwrndon hereundez ahali!n ao . . ..
<br /> . � m�ner preveat or retacd��d morigaqee.ln tLe aollecNon of aatd �ums bp taeelwura or otLeswiae. . � � .
<br /> ; . �.��. 4La fmlure.o!� tEe martgeaqee to mmrt�aap�af iu riqhb�Lereunder at�y tims aLaL not ba aooatrued va a waiver d its . .. � .
<br /> ' ��� tLw wme at an iater�time.�d�to in,afst ri4��m�ert� .
<br /> Y .upoa.m�d�en[orca suid compliance �vitL aR.t2�e ternu mad pro�is&me�of said nde md of thin
<br /> s me
<br /> �.,.; �mort4a9w.. . . . . . . . . . � .. . . . . . . � . . . .
<br /> � �-. L .a:a mo�eyaQof.�.twu'oa� to��e. Fwca�oo.�a mortg�es tEs oatire amount due it Lezemder.�d�ander the tezm��d piovi�ion� . . �
<br /> � o!eaid note.:Lezebp axvred.[ozludinq Eutuce adranaea�.tmd.�p ettea�iona.o¢ =saawaL,thesad�!n a�cordmoe wlth Ws tarm�md �o�idons � .�. .�
<br /> + thszeof.tmd.lE eaid mcvtqag^=.5.� ahall aamplp with�all tha prov7etoas�W�ald aots aad of�tLls mnRgags.thea the�e preaemu shdl bs�d: � . . �.
<br /> � j utherw�La ta'r�Sn.hxll loza��m�d eftect.�tl aaSQ mortSq$eo sha�l be�eadtkd to tha pe�eion o!cll d aatd Pzoperep.�8 may. at Us . .
<br /> '. ` ��� optia�.declarm tlu whole o! �add od�and all Sndehlednea�7spreaented tae=ebp.lo...bs immsdtal�ly dne�d�PaiTable.�d may�lo�eelwe thia � � .. �...:.. '"� ,�� p'� -
<br /> o� 1 �
<br /> � moctqago or�take �p ol�ez iegal a�Oaa fo p=otect fl�rlgLt, tmd trom.1he dab aE�ucL.detault all itemr ot.indebtedaer�aonired Lezeby� . ���G;.,^
<br /> ehail draw 3nWrest at 1!.%pes •,•••�,,••• Apprad�emsnt walved. .. . . . .
<br /> � �..�r
<br /> ..:�.�'dLt� m�a �Latl ba bfndia9 c�p�;md ahall:raura b�tLe b�swtlR ot ths 1rin.ar�cvtoxa aAmW�haban..�uoon�an�d artqa�at � "�..�
<br /> . �,-.�� �e�*a*lr�a�!g.Pmttr.�Laseto. . _ � . . . � . . . . �.
<br /> H ��`
<br /> � . . ... . ...-. � �. .-. �.: .. :. . . .. . . .
<br /> 1yy�
<br /> :���.irr WPLNE93 VP��. aaaa sWseqagor 5 3�a:�'e si.r.runw ..��� the�..i t' � . . �w...,a�.tn.aey and p«a ftrr abo..
<br /> • :. „
<br /> � ����r/<Q��� . . I n� . .. � .n �a?i`�n \ 1� �r'. . .. . . ? . . , mm�.., .
<br /> :JQhn R, Mclrtyre Nelen �, Mcintyre �� � _
<br /> -- F
<br /> , �
<br />. � ._ ,_ , , �
<br />�
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