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<br /> A F F f D A V I T
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<br /> Art R. Goodwin and Irene M. Goodwin, husband and wife, as joint fienants,
<br /> ' being duiy sworn, depases and says that they are the legai owner of record
<br /> ' ofi the following descirbed real estate:
<br /> i
<br /> The Southerly 4 Feet of Lot i , 81ock 25, in Packer and Barr's
<br /> Second Addition to the City ot Grand Island, Ha� � Cou�ty, Nebraska,
<br /> � ' toget;�er with the Northerly 50.5 Feet of vacated Blake Street, i�
<br /> � the C+t ofi Grand �sland', Hall Count Nebraska, more
<br /> Y y, particuJarly
<br /> described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest;Corner of Lot i ,
<br /> E31ock 25, in Packer and Barr's Second Addition and rune�ing �asterly
<br /> along the Soufherly Iine of said Loi- i , a distance of 'fII Feet �
<br /> to the Westeriy line of Custer Avenue; thence running Southerly
<br /> aiong and upon tne WesTeriy iine of Custer Avenue a disfiance of
<br /> U 50.5 Feet; thence running Westerly and parallei to the Southerly '. �
<br /> � Iine ofi said Lot I , Block 25, Packer and Barr's Second Addition ,` `
<br /> � a distance of III.O Feet; thence running Northerly along and upon
<br /> r the Westerly line of Packer and Barr's Second Addition a distanc2
<br /> ; ofi 50.5 Feet to the point of beginning, but subject to a sanifiary
<br /> sewer easement across the Southerly part ofi said proper-ty as more
<br /> fuily set out in Ordinance No. 4990 of the City of Grand Island,
<br /> a HaII County, t�ebraska.
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> ' ? and that they are now in possession thereof. �j
<br /> � Lf'` �' ,� Ls ,
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<br /> HaII County )
<br /> Be it remembered, that on this �day of ��G�, A.D. 1977, befiore
<br /> _ me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the County and state aforesaid,
<br /> came Art R. Goodwin and Irene M. Goodwin, husband and wife, as joint tenan#s,
<br /> who'are personally known to me to be the same persons who executed the
<br /> i � within Affidavit, and such persons duly acknowledged the execution of the
<br /> same. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set may hand and aftixed my
<br /> Notarial Seai the day and year last above itten. --�
<br /> . � .�
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<br /> My Comm. Exp i res: �c.' � ���F ��
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<br /> . . ..SeptemA,r?n. ��^�i �
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