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<br /> � . �2.1—WARRAN7Y DEED �� � Fel�on F..Woli Company,lincc,ln,Nebr. ��� � � � �
<br /> �7- l!(p��i�9
<br /> RLTDOLF F. PLATE and JEANNIC R. PLATE, Huaband and W3fe; FtALPH J.'
<br /> BISHUP azad ELLEN I.. BISHOP, Husband and Wife; FORREST J. POLLARD �
<br /> r and TRri1A E. POLLARD, Husband and W��'e; and DELHERT D. TfiEASMEYER
<br /> � and LOIS A. THEASMEYER, Husband. and Wife; eact� in his and hsr flwn
<br /> right and as spouse of each otYier > 2ierein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in eonsideration of S�}C THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/1(?OTHS DOLLARS(�6�500.00�
<br /> reeeived from grantee, does grant, bargain, sall, concey and confirm unto MF,R2LL SHUI..TZ
<br /> herein called tlie grantee whether one or more, the follo«-ing described real property in
<br /> .....:... ....:i..�a11.,.................... . County� Nebraska:
<br /> Lot Twelve ('12), Western Heights Third
<br /> Subd3vision, Fial1 County, Nebraska.
<br /> �NESRASKA DOCUMEiV�A±,'r { `
<br /> STAMP TAX
<br /> ,�P-�P�a�� �C T 12 �g77
<br /> �P�E�„���
<br /> �' (a�"$� S�'->�?���
<br /> To have and to hoid the above deaeribe�3 premises together with all tenements, lieredita.inents
<br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging unto tfie grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> Aud the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee snd with grantee's heirs and assigns
<br /> that grantor is lawfully seiaed of said premises; that they are free from enewnbrance except for
<br /> easements and restrictions of record
<br /> that grantor has good right-and lawful authority to conbey the same; and that grantor warrants and 'will
<br /> defend the title to esid premiaes against the lawful claims of all peraons whomeoever.
<br /> n .,,,� � is I/'�
<br /> ,
<br /> ' � . .�.... .....���\���.�....�........`_ ,�_�...--�. '-�'�..... ...�-� . ._
<br /> .......... ....... ._... . ..
<br /> . .. ....
<br /> Rudolf F. e or�est 11ard
<br /> , l .
<br /> ` .�'.�xs.r.�....�.w,�..,�� .. . °`....k.L.."�'�:?x'�l.�.P......................... . . :. .
<br /> � ................ � ...... .....
<br /> ice R Plate' 2r E Poll
<br /> ......... . .....:.. . ......../�'� �.: ............. ........... .... .......: .......:.:........:�-n.-�-:�,�----�
<br /> a�,�'Gh� � � elbert D._..Thea �.�eyer
<br /> � ' � � 0
<br /> /
<br /> �..�'�..�-�'�.: .....:..�,�—�......�.: .............. ���%��,.. .�,�'......,�...��:�.���..r.'....
<br /> Ellen 3. Bistxop � ois A. Theasmeyer
<br /> ; gTATE OF NEBItASKA, County of................��d.7.,�...............................:
<br /> Toeiore nie, x noiary public qualiiieu ior saiu cuuiity, uersonally came RUllUI,F i�`. pLATE
<br /> . ar�d JEANNICE Ft. PLATE� Husband and Wife; RALPH J. BISHOP and ELLEDI =.
<br /> BTSHOP, Hvaband and Wife; FORREST 7. POLLARD and �R�4A E, pOLLARD,
<br /> Husband and Wife; and DLLBERT D. THEASMEYER and LOIS A, THEASNlEYER,
<br /> Iiustasnd :and "Wife; eaat� in•<his and her own sight and as spovse of eacti _; �� "..` n`4
<br /> ' otYier
<br /> i . - �. . � . .. � � . . � . . � . � . . � �'� , k'ri ;ias
<br /> � known to me to be the identical perewn or peraons who signed the foregoing instrument and aeknowledged J e�� �
<br /> the eseeutiicn thereof to be_his, her or their voluntxry act and deed.
<br /> i'�J„�� .� .J� _ , � ` `�
<br />� � R%itneas my hand and notarial seal on �-' <-" ...... 19.i..,.....
<br />- , < ) ,�.-�,.h-.'�''�.L-� '
<br /> �#MtLi01lldll.11QflU►-8bbatKNs. ....... ....... ��..'.`.`� ......... ......�....�/... �ioiary Pu�ia � �
<br /> .aYSE E.S`aTi.iK L/ •-••
<br /> ._.. . ...,
<br /> m^,.f.;.�z.....s.tfi�;, b3y eommission esp�res ....y�`�.9..eSt.::..::"..!................. ly...�, �
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