rrv; fic :"s� .J. ` G - - ,R, . � , iYk )n . :G9 ..x `�'A"l � � ,, t9f:qr S k*•�� .. �3 g fi :S;w x=:- ,�,y;
<br /> Fym
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<br />��� . � . . . . . . .. . . . . . � :
<br /> ��. . . . . , � . � . �
<br /> not extend or �aostpone tl�e due date o1 theanontlilt- in.tatl )ruents refer.ecl Lo in p.aragraphs 1 and '2 hereof or
<br /> cl�ange the umount of sucli insta,llments .
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Released. 3:xt,ensioii of the tiine f�i• p.Lt�7ucni oi� �nodificsi,ion of a�nortization of the sums
<br /> secured by tfiis i�?ortgage grantied b�� I.ender to any sucees;or in interest oi Borrower sliail not operate to release,
<br /> in any �nauner, the liability of tl�� originsl liorro�ver and Bm•ro«�er � �uccessor� in interest. I.ender shall not be
<br /> � required to emninence proceediugs against. sucli �uccessor or irinse ko extend time for �aynient or, otftercvise modify �
<br /> � amortizntion of tl�e sums secured- by W�is \Iortg:�ge � n� reason oi nny demand made hy ilie original Borrower and �
<br /> � Borrower's successors in interest:
<br /> � 11. Po:bearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbeara��ce by T.ender in exercising nny right or remedy
<br /> � hereunder, or otherwise afforded Uy applicable la�<<, s1it�11 �iot be a wai;�er of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> � or remedv liereunder. The �irocureinent of insurance or the ��ayment of tsxes or other liens or eharges by Lender
<br /> � shall ript be a �vaiver of Leuder's riglit 'to acce3erate tl�e insturity of the indebtedness secured I�y this Mortgage. J
<br /> � 12. 8emedies Cumulative. �ll remedies provided in this _l4oi•t.gage arc distinct and cumulstiye to any other �
<br /> right ur remedy undex- t.hi� �Iortgage or,afforcled by ]a��� ur equity, ;and m��� bc� exereised eoncurrently, independ- '
<br /> ^ ently or successively. j
<br /> j� 13. Successors and Assigns Sound; Joixtt axad Several Liability; Captions. Tl�e covenants and agreements
<br /> herein contuined shall uind , and tlie rigl�ts l�ereunder sliall inure to, tlie respective successoi•c and nssi�ns of Lender a
<br /> and Borrower, suhjecc tn tl�e provisions of paragraph 1 i l�ensof. 3,ll covenyuts nnd ugreen�ents of Bo�-roiver shall
<br /> be joint and several. 'I'I�e captio�s and lieaidings of the paragra��hs of tl� i� .1lortgage are for cqnvenience only and
<br /> are not to be used to interpret or dehnc t1�e provision5 liereoi. '
<br /> 14. Notiee. Any notice to I3orro�cer pro�-ided for in chi� \lortgnge �l�a�11 be gii•en by ri�ailing such notice bti� `�
<br /> � certified inail addressed to Borroit�er ait tl �e Property :�ddre�> � �tateci b�lo��• , ex�ept toi• any notice require<i under
<br /> � �� � parrtgrxph 78 I�ei•eof to be givi��n to I3orro���ci• in the ii�anne� p � escribed � by applics� ble l :a���. �.Auy notice pruvided � �
<br /> for in tl�is 13ortgage ahall be dee�nee.l to liu�•c becn git•en to I3orro��-er +��hesr gii�en in che manner designate�l herein:
<br /> 15: Uniform Mortgage; Goveming Law; Severability. This farm of mortgage combines tmiform covenants
<br /> for national use and non-uniform covenunts with lirnited variat.ions b3• jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity instrument covering real pruperty. Tl�is \ iorfguge shall l�c governed by Lhe la��• af the jurisdiction in which ;
<br /> the Property is locuted . In the event that siny provision or clause of t}zis �4ortgage or t,he Note conflicts cvith -
<br /> applicable law, such conflict shall not uffect. other pro�•isions of this \4ort.gage or the Notc whicli can be given
<br /> effect without tl�e confiicting pro�-ision, snd to 'this end the provisions of the �fortgage and t.he Note are declared �
<br /> to be severable. �
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower sl�all be ittrnished a confornred copy of this \4ortgage at the time of execu- ; '
<br /> tion or after recordation lsereoL �'
<br /> 17. Tzansfer of the Property; Assumption. If all or any part of t,he Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by Borrower w3thout Lender's prior tivritten conseut,. excluding ('a ) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance suhordinate to this \4ortga�e, ( b ) the creation of s pnrchase money security interest for household appli-
<br /> ance�, { c ) a transfer by de��ise, descent or frv operation oi la�+� upon the death of a joint tenant or (d ) the �rant of
<br /> any leasehold � interest of tlirce years ox• less not� containing an o��tiori tc� purrhase, I.ender �na��, at I.ender'� option; �
<br /> declare sil the sums secured by this 44ortgage t.o l�e imuiedisiely due and puyable. Lender shall have wsived such
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or transCer, Lender and tl�e person to �chom tdie Property is to be sold or
<br /> transferred reach agreement in �vritin� tl»,t the credit of ;ucli per,on is sat.isfactoiy to Lender and that tl�e interest
<br /> payable on the sums secured by this Murtgage sliall t�e at sucl� rfitc as Lender shal ] request. If I..ender has waived
<br /> the option to accelerate provi3ed in tl�is paragrapl� 17 siid if 13orrower's successor in interest ]ias executed a �vrit-
<br /> ten assumption agreement uccepted in writing by Leuder, Lendei• si�all release Borrower from all ok�ligations under
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises sucli option to accelerste, Lender shall mai] Borrower iiotice of acceleration in accordance
<br /> with paragrnph 14 hereof. Such notice sha31 pro�•ide a l�eriod of not less thsn 30 days fran the date the notice is
<br /> inailed wiiliin which Borro�ver inay pay tlie suxn: declared duc. li 13ori•o���er f:� ils to pay suclx sums prior to the
<br /> exPiration of such period , Lendcr ivap . �viUiour furtl�ci• r�otice or �{eivarid ou B'orrowei•, im�oke uny remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragr�.ph 18 hereof.
<br /> \ox-UxiFoxnz Covr:xnx2s. l;ori•o�ce, r .uicl Leiidei• i'ui•tlier coven;tnt aiid :ig•i•ee a� follo�v5 :
<br /> 18. Aecaleration; Remedies. Lxre}�t as jiro�•icieii in � ��tra�rul�li 17 hereof, u� >on Borro�+�er's ' l�reach of any
<br /> covenant or t�greement oi Borro�ver in this \1ortR;tigc, including t6c covenants to pay wl�en duc zny sums secured
<br /> by this �lortgage, Lender nrior to :icec:leration �hull niait �iotice to 13orro���cr as ��ro�•icled in pxrugraplz 14 liereof "
<br /> f � specifying : ( 1 ) t}ie breacl� ; � (, 2 ) tl�e action rcquirpd + c cw�c ,ucli tarcach ; (3 ) :x date, irot les�� tliun �thirGy � days
<br /> from the c3atc the notice is ri�ailed to Borru�cer, b�� �chiel � .iicl � in�caeh must. 6e cured ; and f41 that failw•e to curc
<br /> �uch hx•each on 'orbefore t6a daf�c� speciGed in the notire mx,yl•esult in �uccclerat�ion � ot the sums ne�cured b� �this � � � � �
<br /> !��lortgu,ge and sale ot tt��e Property. If tt�e �reach io not curE�d or. or betore Y�lic dnie specificd in t.lie notice, I.ender �
<br /> at Lender 's option iu�y declare ull oi thc suir�a eecur��d !ip thi, \loc�tgage t.o be iu�cnediatcly clue ;and pssysule
<br /> x•ithout further demand and may fomelosc: this 1Iortgrige l�y judicial �7roceeding. Lender shnll he entit.leci to collect
<br /> in surh proceeding all exj�enses af ioreclosure, inclu�lin�, but �tot limitcd to , costs of doctnnent�ry evidence,
<br /> abetraets and tit.le reports.
<br /> 19. Bcnower's Right to Reinstate. Not��•ithstanding Lender 'a accelerution of t:he snms secured by this
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower e��all l�ave t2ie riglit to ]ia�•e any rzroceeding� begun by Lcudcr w enforcc iliis 34ortbage �3is-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enforcing this llortgrige if : ( al Borrower pays Lender all
<br /> + sums which would be Chen due under thi, \ lort�ae,e, thc �nie :�nd notes securing r'utum Advance� , if any , had no
<br />� .� , „ ; � � , � roi•row �r eori'
<br /> . -081C:u�ivA OCCll+:Ct� � ( �) � BGII'OSPO � C Tii,. .i. � )I'i.ai � �': J� :t t� UL�ii.'. 1' it)l'c'I1:1I1i � 01' :i��lt`cillCtiui Ua . .
<br />� tained in this �4ortgage ; (c) Borrok•er pa}�s s]] rcasonable exprnse� 3ucurred b� Lender m cnforcing the co�•ensnts
<br /> " ; ' and agreements of Borrowec aontained in this �Iortg�;ge anH in enforr. in� Lender', reiT�edies as provided in p3ra-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, roasou:ible :itto� nc}• 's i� c� ; and idl I3orio �cer takes sucti action as ;
<br /> Lender may reasonably require to assurc �hat thc lien of this \iortgagc , Lender's ir_terest in the Yroperty nnd � .,,
<br /> Borrower's obligation to paythe sums secured by this \lortg3ge �hall continue unirnpsiircii . LTpon sucl3 payment - �� ' '
<br /> and eure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligation. .ecured herebp stiull remain in iull force and effect as if k� . +I� " � .
<br /> no acceleration had occurred. ��
<br /> , � 20. Asaignment ot Rents; Appo9ahaent of Receiver: Lender in Possession. As additionnl security kiere- � ` ��"t u` :
<br /> � ���..
<br /> , under; Borrower hereby assigns to Lender tlie rents oF tl�e Proa�ert}•, pro��ideci thst Borro�eer shall , prior to acceler ,' ,,�,�;�..M1 :
<br /> ation Under puragraph 18 hereof or ubsndonment of thc Yroperty, ha�-c tlxc right to collect ane4 retain such renLs
<br />� as they t�eeome due anci payabie. - _
<br /> Jpuu accrleimii�n ; uvucr liarsgrn�riz iF iierevi uA• si�e �auoniueni, ui ii�4 Yru�>ei•ty , i.endez, in ��erson , i��� agent , �_ ,
<br /> or by judieially t�ppoirited reeeiver shall be entitled # o enter upon ; take �osse�sion of and in:ina�e the Property
<br /> and to collect the rents of Zhe Property, inc]uding those pasL due. _111 rents collecked by Lender oi• tlre mceiver
<br /> ahnJl he s7�.plied first te papment of the cost� of rnsna�cr±mrn± ef tlic Propert�- and collcction of rc:�ts , includ +.n�, but
<br /> noL lirnited to, receiver's fees, premiutns omreceivei's "t.3ond� and rrasonnble �ttorney's (ce�, and then to the sums
<br />� z secured by this Mortgage. I.ender and the receiver shxll be liabl�� io account only for tl�o�c rents actuallv recei�•ed . �
<br /> !.
<br />�
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