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<br />� y REAL ESTATE ;F10RTGA(>E LOAN IQO...�;.1C;24-3
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<br /> � �,�'" �J C)��3 0� c�xY.�iv c�.[1 �` IPxt ��� C`�I. hesE ��r�c�Pxt#��
<br /> That ...r'elvin F'. Gosda and ��irrjnia M. Gosda I?usbar.d and F7ife
<br /> ......................................................................................_.................... ................................................................................----•--.........
<br /> �. � hereinafter referred ta as 3fortgagors, whether one�or more, for and in consideration of.................................................�.......:......._......._... .
<br /> :h'.im.e.t.�.an....T.lza:u.s.a.n,�...:a.nd...i:a.l:l.fJ.�..-.-..-.-.-.---.---.---.-.----.--.--.-.-.c.-.--.-.--r...--.r,.-r..- noLLaxs
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby bargain, sell and convey to NEBFiASKA STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, of Fretnont,
<br /> '� � ��Nebraska,�the following descriUed.real estate situated in... ..................� II�11....,..:.._....:.....:.....�....�............._...........:---County, Nebraeka:� �
<br /> The idesterly Forty Eight Feet (W48') of Lot Eight (8) , Block Five (5), in Rollins` Addieian
<br /> to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Neb:aska
<br /> � Together with aA the.tenements,hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging,inciuding attsched floor covering,�a11 heat-�
<br /> � ing, plumbing and Iighting fixtures, and equipment and accessozies, window screens,�window�shades, storm windowa,�Venetian-�
<br /> �blinds,�awnings,stokers,hot water heaters, pressure pumps and tanks,uir conditioners,and uii other mechanical appliances�which�
<br /> �� are now or�may become attached to and used in the buildings on said real estate; and it is agreed that aU.��such fixtures and ap-
<br /> pliances shalk be considered t�.pnrt of said�real es[ate. If any such items of equipment, fixtures and appliances shauld.be con-�
<br /> � � sidered as�personalty, then this mortgage shali conatitute a security agreement with respect to any property so.considered
<br /> . whether now or hereafter affixed to the above renl estate. . � � �� � .
<br /> � .Said mortgaqors represent that we are lawfully seized of�the said prernises; that they are free from encumbrance,�and we
<br /> � � do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the tawful claims of all persons�whomsoeven � � �
<br /> . � �PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon these conditions: � . � �
<br /> . � � Mortgagors have executed and deli��ered to mortgagee their note for the aboveanentioned�amount, payable according.to
<br /> the terms of said note. It is understood and this mortgage shall constitute notice thereof, that this mortgage is security�for not �
<br /> � only.the�smount advanced concurrently wiih�the execution hereof,Uut all future advances to be made at the option of the parties �
<br /> . � � or their assigns, not to exceed an amount equal to�ll.b percent of the amount of the original note,but in no event shall said note��
<br /> ezceed the maximum amount permitted by luw, and to the same extent as advances originally made hereunder.
<br /> �. � � It is further agreed, in the event that payments and taxes herein provided to be paid by mortgagor,are not paid when due,��
<br /> � �arrd the pre�nises at that time or thereafter, are occupied by a Lenant,the inortgagor herein,hereby aells and assigns and trane- �
<br /> fere to the Nebraska State Savings and Loan AssociaLion,mortgagee herein,all rents and income of all kinds arising out.of�eaid
<br /> property snd authorize said Nebr�ska State Savings and Loan Association to co]lect same and sue therefor in its own�name,
<br /> � and after paying costs of collection to�apply the remainder on the debts secured by this mortgage. � � ��� . �
<br /> � � Mortgagors further agree to pay all tnxes ]evied upon this mortgage and the debt aecured�hereby; and to pay ell taxes �
<br /> and aasessments upon said real estate at or before the time the same may become delinquent;also,to maintain fire,�and extended �
<br /> ' coverage insurance on said premises in the amount of 19000.00 ....9n such com y
<br /> . . $........._......................................... pan as mortgagee�may direct,
<br /> .; with an accepiable�mortgage c]ause attached for the benefit of mortgagee or the legal holder o4 said note,.and deliver said�pol-�
<br /> � � icies to mortgagee. If mortgagors fail to pay the taxes at said time or fail to comply with this.proviaion with rnference�to in- ��� �
<br /> - surance,mortgagee may pay said taxes or may obtain such insurance, and mortgagors agree to repay the same with �interest . �
<br /> � �thereon at 11 per cent, and this mortgage shall secure such repayment with interest. If the said note and�intereat thereon, and�� . �
<br /> . ali insurance.snd taxes paid by mortgagee or assigns, shall Ue fully paid, this mortgage shall be nu11 and void, otherwise to be
<br /> � and remain�in full force and effect. The neglect or re£usal to pay any of the monthly installments on the same,agreeably to the ���
<br /> �Constitution.and By-Laa�s of mortgagee, or according to the terrns of said note,or in case of waste or in case of breach by mort- . - �
<br /> � gagor of any covenant in this mort�;age,mortgagee may dedare all nmounts aecured hereby at once due and payable�and may� �. �� �
<br /> � tareclose the mortgage therefoa . � .. � � � . �
<br /> � In the event the mortgngors herein convey the above deecribed premisea, the Asaociation, at its option, may declare the � � �
<br /> � entire balance of the above mentioned note due and payable. Acceptance of.payments hereunder from such purchaser, without � �� � � � �
<br /> wsitten notice to the home office of the Association shall not be considered as s waiver of thie.right. . � � � � .
<br /> In case of default of payment of any installment of principal or interest, or in payment of the taxea or inaurance or in- . � .
<br /> � terest on the same,the mortgagee shatl 6e entitled�to the immediate possession of said premiees and to the receipt of all rente � �
<br /> therefrom,�and in case of foreclosure it is stipulated that upon request of the plaintiff a receiver shall 6e appointed for said prem- � � � � .
<br /> � � � isee to take�possession thereof and to c,n��t the rents and profijs the�eon ^ . �
<br /> yDated thi,�j.----...__�.�_ ..........._day of...----�4<�7��:!�-:`_. ...---.A.D. 19::?-7--�- --
<br /> ; / � /��� �',/. � ,/
<br /> ' ` :. � • �Z"�'.'.Go:-•-.�''4�.T---`--•3�'<.T-'-� ----------....---• "�'�t+�-'-'I.�..�!r�.'�,�.a'a�'.G�c'.�'../..�l�:/�..�-!---`�:,,..�=�---• ' . .
<br /> - elvin -H. Gosda ; Viz�ania T',. Gosda
<br /> .... .....
<br /> '}�A�.� �sg. } 9g.
<br /> ._... CyO,UhTY J ' ............................ COUNTY )
<br /> /-[i ,�f �+-�r
<br /> ' .. On this.--•-._... �.�. T..... . .......:...day of �.l�..":.�`.�i���...�-., 19.../..��,... before � Filed for record on thia ................---::...-_ � � ; . .
<br /> � m¢,�the undersigned s Notar� Public duly commissfaned and qualified for said day of ..:......._. ........ .. A.D. 19......., � � � �� � ( .-�
<br /> � r:el�vin �i. Gosda and Virpinia M. Gosda """'
<br /> - County.Personally cnme}Ius�a�n.d_arcd T,x3fe. . o'clock ..`_." '� '
<br /> ............................_. at ......... ................... ........M. and. , '�. �
<br /> = ; �.� to�.me knowd to be��the identical peraon�or persons whose name is or names are � � recorded in Book�......... ....... ...............of � �.. '�,����
<br /> � aubecribed to:the foregoing���instrument,and acknowledged-the execution thereof ...................„_.......,._..,_,., PBge _ . �� � �� - ., .
<br /> � o��be,his,her or their.voluntazy act and.deed. � . . . . . �' ' �,,,.:
<br /> i ' mY hand and�officisl Sea)the day and year above written. .....................................•.:.--......... ......... � , ��`"�.
<br /> � ,c � � � .. .� � Re ister of Deeds � �� . � �:
<br />� , . +�.w.���'�Ir� �,/��� �� ���`�1,n ,�� �y..............�. '
<br /> y� _. . ............. �,,.x.
<br /> ' ��
<br /> - "�t �'� ���._...._. G�"V.--- �.. ::C:.s.....�.(��.'.�.:. --L • _ .....Deputy
<br /> � �- . . � � . Notary Public � .
<br /> . . � �. .� :� � � . . Fee—$�--•----........ ..__.. � .
<br /> c��,(- ....-, Indexed............ Regiater......
<br />• . .l�y�o^imissicn esgireo:te••--.........• ....... .............uay oi ���..._.... Grantor........--- Compared... .
<br />� � �;��. . . 19_ .ri...._ � � . . . � � � Grantee_....----.. Paged........._ �
<br />�•:
<br /> c��:. . . . . . .
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