. ,. 1., . ;;::; � .,.,i,:. , .. . :�; ., . ,� ... �,: ,_ .,::,,, ��.i ..
<br /> v . 3 � ,� r� . y:.�ro ., i7� ;ii �yj ��{ ai�;: £' r ?n.:iti E 'o� � . .n. :. .xy. v F .. 4� „ vaxu �i' .t ',d"`
<br /> A�Y� ,
<br />� - . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . � � � .
<br /> P..... . . . . . �
<br /> tiot extend or liost.pone the due date oi tl�e monihly- i>>stalli� �cnts refcrrecl t:o iti parsgraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br /> change the amount of sucl� installments.
<br /> l0. Borzower Not Released. Lxtensio» of tl�e tiine foi• paynie�it or �nodification of arnortization of the sums
<br /> secured;, by this l�fortgage granted by I.ender to any �uccessor in interest of Borro�ver shall not operate to release;
<br /> in any inanner, Ll�e liability of tl�e origitial BorY•o��ei• anc� Borro«•ci•'� Successors in interest, Lender shall not be
<br /> ' �, required to commence proceedin�s against sucii successor or i�efuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br /> amortization pf the sums ' sscured by tliis SIortgage l�y reasau of aiic den�and made by the originul Borrower and
<br /> s , Borrower'ssuccessors 'an interest. '
<br /> '; 11 .' Forbearance by Lender' 13ot a Waiver, _Any forbearance Uy'Lender in exercising any right or7emedy '
<br /> `. hereuiider, or otk�erwiEe a_ff�rded by applicabte lnt��; si�a11 not bc a waiver ' of or preelude the esercise of any right � . >
<br /> or remedy hereuz�der. Tlie procuren�ent of insurance or the �>ayiuent of taxes or otl�er liens or charges by Lender
<br /> � shall not be a w�iver ot 'Lender's right to ' aceelerate the maturity of tlie indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> � 12r Remediea Cumulative. .911 rerneciies pro�:ided in tliis llortgage :�re distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> � . right or remedy under ti�is lloitgage or nffordeci by la«� or equit,y; nnd �usy be exerciaed concurrently, independ-
<br /> ently or successively.
<br /> �' 13. Successors and 'Xssigns Bound; 7oiat �d Several Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements
<br /> ' � herein contained sha,ll bind , iind the rights liereusidei• shsll inure to, thc respeetiv6 successors :1»d assi�ns of Lender
<br /> w and`Borrower, suUject io tlie provisions of �iaragr:�pl� 17 heieof. alf coven:�nts snd agreements of Borrower shall `
<br /> � � be joinE and several. The cuptions, and 6cadings of tbe l�aragra��lis of tliis �Iortgagc are for convenience only and
<br /> ` 1! are nat'to be vsed to interpret or de&ne tltc provisions liereof.
<br /> a 1�'� 14. Notice. Anynoticc to Borro«�er provided for in tl�is _llortgage sh.ill be gi�•en by mailing sucli notice by
<br /> ^y certified mail xddressed to Borro�cer at the Yroperty Address 5t.itecl t.�elo�v, exce��t foi• any notice required under
<br /> paragraph 18 liet�eof tio t5e gi4en to Borrotivcr in the mariner ��rescribed by applicaUle law. Any notice provided
<br /> �x forin' this \-Iortgage sh�li he deemed to l�ave been given to Borro�t�er �vl�en gi�•en in t.he manner designa.ted herein.
<br /> � 15. Unifoim Mortgage; Goveming Law; Severability. This forxi� of �uortgage combines uniform covenants
<br /> for national use and non-uniform covenants �villi limitcd ��aristions by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform seeu-
<br /> , r rity instruuient covering real proF)erty. This \Iortga�e shall be governed by- the la�ti- of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is located. In t.he event that any provision or clause of this 14ortgage or the Note conflicts with
<br /> applicable law, such conflict shall not affeet otl�er provisions of this Jlortgsge or the Note which can be given
<br /> � j effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of tlie llortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> , 16. Sozroweis Copy. Borrower shnll be furnished a conformed copy of this :1Sortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> tiomor after recordation hereof_
<br /> � 1T. Transier of the Property; Assumption. If all or any pnrt of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> � or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a ) the creution of a lien or encum-
<br /> � ' 'brance subozdinate -to this Mortgage, ( b) tlie creation of a purchiise money security interest for household appli- ,
<br /> ` nnces, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or b,y, operaiion of la��• upon the death of a joint tenant or ( d) the_ grant of '
<br /> ; any leasehold interest of three ,years or less not containing an option to purchase, Lender inay, at Lender's option,
<br /> t declare all the sum5 secured by this D�ortgage to be immediately due and payable. Lender shall hnve waived such
<br /> ; ` option to accelerate if, prior to tl�e sale or iransfei; Lcnder and tl�e �jerson to whom the Yroperty is t4 be sold or ;
<br /> : transferred reach agreement in tivriting tliat tlie credit of sucL ��erson is satisfactory to Lender �nd tliab the interest ,
<br /> � payable onthe sums secured by this tilortgage shall Ge at such rate as Lender shall request. If I.ender h,as waived �j
<br /> ; the option to accelerate provided in t.his paragraph 17 and if Borro�ver's successor in interest has executed a writ- !
<br /> ' ten assumption agreement accepted in �vriting Up Lender, Lender shnll release Borrower froin ali obligations ; under M
<br /> ; this Mortgage rsnd.the Note. ,
<br /> If Lender exercises sucli option to accelerate, Lender shall :nttil Borrower notice of acceleration in accordanee '
<br /> `�
<br /> `vith p�ragraph 14 hereof. aucli notice slie�ll provide a period of nob less thssn 30 days from the daie the notice is
<br /> � " inailed within ivhich Borrower inay 7�ay t.l�e sums decls3•ed due. lf Borro�ver fails to p�y such sums grior to the
<br /> expiration of sucl� period, Lender may,, �vittiout furtl�ei• noticc: or dc�ii3nd on B�orro�ver; in�•oke any remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />�` ; \�ox-LT�iFonnz CovExnxTs. Sorrower aria Lender further co��enant and ag•ree as fo?lowti : '
<br /> ! 18. Acceleration; Remedies. Exce��t us prorided in parugra�>h 17 hereof, upon Borrower', lzreach of any
<br /> covenant or agceement of Borrower in tiiis \fort�ri �c, mcluding tlic covenznts to �>ay �sl�en duc any sums secured
<br />� � by this :l4ortgage, Lender prior to a�ecelerntiun sl�all mxSl notice to F3orro�ver as �>rovided ixr parxgrapla 14 hereof
<br />� ' specifying: ( 1) the breseh ; (2) tl�e action required to cum �ucli I�reacii ; ( 3 ) a datc, not less than thirty daps
<br />� , from the date the notice i� mailed to I3orro�cea•, I �y �cl�ich �ucli hreucL urust Ue cin•ed ; , snd ( 4 ) that failw•c to �urc
<br /> � such breach on or before the date specified in the notice wuy result in � acceleiatioa U[ tl�e suu�s seoured by this
<br />„ 31ort�age r.nd salc of the Property. If tl�e brcacli is nut cured on or before the date specitied i�i Hic notice, Lencler
<br />� at Lender's option tnay declare all of; tl�e sums secured bp t)iic \lortgage to be immedia#ely �1ue and payable '
<br />�, F without further demand snd mnv foreclose this _llortgage by ,iu�iicial proceedirig. Lender shxll be e�titled to collect
<br />� ; in such proceeding all expenses ot foreclosure , inclu�ling, t�irt not liiuiceci to, costs of documentary evidence,
<br />� abstructs and title reports.
<br />�
<br /> s . 19. Bonowers Righ! to Reinstate. �'otw•ithstanding I.ender's acceleration of the , swne secured I�y this
<br /> f i " Mortgage, $orrpwer shall have the right to ha��e any proceeding;; beguq b,y Lencicr tti enforce this 14ortgage dis-
<br /> ` continued at ainy time prior to entry of a judgment enfoxcin� this \iortgage if: (� i BorroH�er pa,ys Lender a1S
<br />� sums which would be then due under this Jlortgage, ttic '_\Tote an�i notes securing Futurc Adt�ancce, if any, had no
<br />� i acceleration occurred ; ( b ) Borrower cure; ali breaches of .iny other covenants or u�;rc:en�ents of Borrower con-
<br /> ; tained in this Mortgage; {c) Borrower pays uil reasonable rxpenses i�icurmd l�,y l.ender in enforci�g the covenssnts
<br /> � and agreements of $orrower contained in tl�is 1Tor#ga�e and in enfo�•cing I.ender'c renxedies as provided in para�
<br /> i' ' graph`18 hereof; including, butnot limited to , reasonsi>le attornev`s fee, ; and tdl Borrower takes such action as �
<br />� ' z Leuder: may reasonably require to assure that the lien of tliis , _llortgage, Lender's interest in the Property and
<br /> ; Borrower's obl3gation to` pay the sums secured by thi� \tortgage �hail continue uuimpxired . Uporr such paymeni _,, , ,, " ` �'3,; ,
<br /> ; and cure Uy Boirower, this Mortgage and tlie obligationa securecl licrek�y shall rc�i�ain in full force snd effect as if ^" � � ''"
<br /> +. ,Ms,�"
<br /> � no acceleration had occurred. �' �,
<br /> �� 20. Assignmeat oi Rents; Appointment of Reeeiver, Lender in Possession A� additional security here- ` � `�� ',, '
<br /> uY�der, Boirowershereby asaigns ta Lender tl�e rents of tl�e Propertt� . pi•oti�ided ttiat Borrocver shall , prior to acceler- _ '`+�:
<br /> ,� ation under paragrsph 18 i�ereof or abandonnaent of the I'roperty; 1ta��c tl5c righf to collect and retain such rents ��
<br /> y as they t>ecome due and payable. ' ^""
<br /> ` " ` TTpon acceleration under paragia��1� 18 hereof or sbandonment of t1�e Yropei•t}�: Leniies•; in person , by agent ` " '`
<br /> ,
<br /> . ,. ,..
<br /> � ` or by audicisily appointed receiver shall f>e entitlecl to enter upon , take ��ossession oS and �nanage t:he Property "" ��-
<br /> ' and to :�ollect the rents of the Property, including :those past c1ue: A31 rents colleeted 1�y; Lender or the receiver
<br />, shall be:applied;first to payment :of the costa of manugemwnt of the Property� a2�d collection of rents , inoludin�, }wt
<br /> - not Iimited to, receiver's fees, pramiums on receiver's bondr and reasonabie � txornep 's iees; and then to the swns
<br /> �� secured. bythis Mortgage! Lender,and the receiverslial! hc liable to aceount onl� for those rent.s flctually received . �
<br /> �
<br />