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<br /> not extend or postpone tlte du� dute o2 tl�e monthl?� iu:;t.ilLnent.� refe!•re<i f.o - in pa�.�graphs l .nnd 2 hereof or
<br /> ch3nge the amount oL sucli installments: '
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Released. Lxteiision of thc time fm� payment or modification of amortizatimr of the sums
<br /> - seeured by $3�is �'Iortgage granted by I.ender to any successor in u �terest of 33orro«�er shall not .ope;ate to release,
<br /> ' in any »Yanner, the liability of ` t,l�e original 13orrower uncl 13orro�i�cr's �uccessors iu interest: - I.ender shall not be "
<br /> required to commence l�roceedin�s aguinst sucli successor or refuse Eo estei�ct time for payment or otherwise modify �
<br /> r amortization of the sums secured by N� is llortgage by reason of anv demati<i inude by the original Borro�ver and '
<br /> � ' Borrower's successors in interest.
<br /> a- 21. Forbearaace by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exerciaing any right or remedy
<br /> i ', C^-' here�inder, or `otherwise afforded by apj�licable lutic, shall not be u s+�ai✓er of or preclu�3e the exercise of any right
<br /> Y �-` or remedy hereunder. -'The pi•ocurement of insurance or tlie paymenc of taxes or otlzer liens , or charges by Lender
<br /> ' �--1 shaIl not be a waiver of Lender°s rigiit to accelerzte the n�aturity of the indebtednesa secured by this NTortgage.
<br /> $ ✓ I2, Remedies Cumulativel All remedies �.�ro�'icied in this �lortgage are distinct and cumulative to uny other
<br /> ; ` right or remedy under this .13ortg�ge ox- afforderl l�r laa� or eqinty.; an�i m�y bc� exercised eqncurrently, independ-
<br /> „ ; � enti3�'or suceessively.
<br /> �` ; ' � 13. Sueceasozs and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liabiliiy; Captions. The co�•enants and`sgreements
<br /> ' herein contained shall bind , and ihe rights liereunder sl�al ( inure to, tLc respective successors aud assigns of Lender
<br /> ` and Borrower, subject so tl�c .proeisions of pura�retipl� 17 hereof. a11 co�•enauts snd agreerricnts of I3orrower sl�all
<br /> ' be joint tind sever�l , The calitions ssnd l�eading� r,f t:ie ��r�ragr:x��lis of 'tliis \Iortg�ge sre for convenience only and
<br /> are noG to be'uset3 to interpret or clefine tlte �irovisions t�ereoi. -
<br /> 14. Notice. Any' noticc to Borro�c�ei• l�i•o��ided Sur in Eliia \lortgage shall b� gi�•en kiy muiling such notiee, by
<br /> certified mr�il 'addressed to F3oi•rowei• ,�t the }'roperty .�ddre:; stuted belq�ti•, exce�7t fm• atiy notice ;rec�uired .under
<br /> paru�raph 1 $ liereof to be given to I3or•i•o���er in Che �u.�nner pi•esci•ihed f.>y ;�pp]ic;iblc la�v. .9ny notice �.�ruz�idecl
<br /> forin this �fortgage shali hr �eexned to l�a��c iieen gi�•en to Borro�cer ��•lien gi�•en in t.l�c manner <lesiguated herein.
<br /> # 15. Uniform Mortgcge; Governing Law; Sevesability. 'fhis form of mortg�,ge. combines uniform covenants
<br /> for national use and non-uniform covenants �vith limited varintions b}� jurisdiction to constitute a uniform- secu-
<br /> ` rity instrument covering real propert}�. 1'l�is \Iortguge shall be governed by t.he lativ of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> , ? the Property is locatied: In the event that a�iy provision or clause of il�is 14ortgage or tfie Note ' conflicts with
<br /> r applicable law, sucl� conflict shall not afTect otl�ei• provisions ot tfiis \ Tortgage or t.l�e Note �vhich co,n be given
<br /> effect without the conflictiag provision, and to i,}iis end the provisions of the �Iortgage and the Note are deelared
<br /> ? ' to be severable.
<br /> �� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnislieci a confortned coFay of this \Tortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> ; tion or after recordation hereof.
<br /> � 17. Transfer of the Property: Assumption. If :ill or any � iart ot tl�e Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> ? or tTansferred by Borro�ver without Lender's �irioi• written co��sent; excluding (a) the creatioiz of a lien or encum-
<br /> � brance subordinate to tl�is liortg�ge, ( b ) ttie creat,ion of a �urch�se itioney security interest for household appli-
<br /> r t�nces, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operaiion of 7i1��• ui>on t.hc deat}i of a `joint tenant or (d ) the grant oA
<br /> ° any ]easehold interest of tliree years or less not containing an opt,ion to purchase, Lender inat, at Lender's option,
<br /> ; declare all the sums secured by this 14ortgage to Ue irn�r�ediately due a�nd }�ayabic. Lender sl�all have waived sueh
<br /> M option to �ccelerate if, �n•ior to the sale or transier, Lencler and Cl�e ��erson to whom the Property is to' be sold or
<br /> � transferred rescl� agreemeni in writing il�at tlie credit of sucli person is s3tisf.sctory to Lender and tl�ati the inteTest
<br /> � payable on the sums secured by this _l4origrigc shall l�e at sucli rate as Lender shall request. IF Lender has waived
<br /> � Y the option to accelerate provided in this paragra}�I� 17 and if Borrower's cuccessor, in intei•esk has executed a writ-
<br /> t ten assumption ;agreement accepted in writing by I,ender; Lender shall release Borrower froY�i all obligations under '
<br /> 'i this Mortgage and theNote. '
<br /> ' If Lender exercises sucli option to accelerate, Lender shal] euail Boirower notice ot acceleration in accordance
<br /> s rvith paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice sha1F provide a perioci of not le,s tl�sn 30 days from ,the datc 'the 'notiee is
<br /> 's ' mailed within wl�ich Borrower msy> pr�y the suins declared due. If Borrower failc to ��ay , such sums prior to the
<br /> � expiiation ot such period, Lender muy , mikhout. furtlier notic� or �{ecnarid on B'orrower, invoke any remedies per-
<br /> � mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> � i�'ox-UxiFotzaz. Cpvr;xprTs, Iiori�ow•er aiid Leiidei� fui•t.}icr co��eliant and a�;ree ti5 follo���s :
<br /> � 18. Accelezation;' Remedies. Iszce��t us ��ro�•ide<l in i �aragi•:i� �l� 17 ' hereoC, u��qn i3orrowet's breucli of xny
<br /> ` � covenant or agree�nent; of $ori•owcr in tl� is 1Tort �age, inclucling tLe covenantis to ,pay ��chen �iue c�ny swns secured
<br /> by this �11o;tgage, Lencier prior to ucceleration slitAll �puiii noticc co liorro�virr as provicled iii pai•:agr•npii i4 liereof
<br /> ' specifying : , ( 1 ) the breacl� ; (2) the action required to curc �ucit t)rcucli ; 13 ) :ti clate; not less tl�an thirty days
<br /> � from #he date the noticc is ivailed to ]3�i•ro���cr, t �y� ���hicl� :iich bre;icti ivust l.�c cure<l ; and ( 4 ) that failuir to ciire
<br /> ; such breach on or before tl�e date specified i�i t3 �e notice uiay i•esult ii5 seceleratioti of tlic suin� securecl by this
<br /> S Mort.gage and salc of the Property. If tfit: breacl � is not cured on or Uefore thc dute specified in tlic notice, Lender
<br /> at ,I;ender's option may declare all of the sums secured liv tiii, \Tortgage to I�e irtnnediately due and "payable
<br /> ;� without further demand and may foreclose this :�lortgaige by judicial �n•oceedin�;. Lendea• shall be entitled tio collect
<br /> ' in such proceedin�- 311 etpenses of foreciosurc , inclu< li�ag, but not li�uited to , costs of ciocumentary evidence; -
<br /> ' � abstracts and title reports:
<br /> 3 19. Borrowei s Right to Reinstate. 1�oi��-itlistanding Lender'c; e�cceleration of the �ums secured Uy thi�
<br /> ; Mortgage, Borrocver shall have tiie right ' io have any ��roceedin�s begun t�y Lender .to enforce this J7ortgage dis-
<br /> � - continued aE any time prior to entry of a juiiginent enfopcing this \lortgage if : (x ) Borro��•er pays Lender sll
<br /> ; . * sums which would be theu due under this \3ortgage, thc �Tote ai�d notee securing Fuhire �d�•ances , if t�ny, had no
<br /> ' ' acoeleration occurred; ( b) Borrower curea uil l.ireael�ea of u�rv otl�er ca��eriant� or x�me�nents oi Fiorrowcr con-
<br /> , ; , taiued in this Alortgage; (c ) $orrower,pays xl� reaconat>le exE�ense� incurred k>V Lender in enforcing tl�e covenants
<br /> � � and agreements of Borrower contained in this 1Lortguge und in enforci�g Lender's remedies as ��ro�•ided in para-
<br /> � graph 18 hereof, ineluding, but not litriited to, reasonak�le st.torney�'� fee� : nn�i ( d ) Borrowrr takes suc}i action as ;
<br /> � Lender may reasonably require to assure that t2�e, lien oS this \lortga�e; Liinder's ,interert- in the ' Yroperiy � nd
<br /> . � $orrnwer'a obiigation to pay the sums secured by thi� Jlortgnge ;hall cont.inuc unimpaired : Llpon sueh payment � .; A y . �:;
<br /> : and cure by Borrower, this Mort�age :xnd the obli�atioi» �ecure�� hereb�� shall recnai�i in full furce a�ici efiect as if � � � " ��; '
<br /> ; no acceleration hsd occurred. '
<br /> � Ztl. Aasigament at Renta; Appointment of Receiver; Lender in Possessioa. As additional security herc- �z e
<br /> ander,;$orrowEr hereby assi�ns to Lend�r tl�e rents of the Px�opert.y. pi•oeided that Borrotcer shall , prior to acceler- �
<br /> ` ' ` ation under para gra ph i$ hereof or abandonmen t of t h e P r o p e r t y, h a v e t h c' r i g h t t o c o t l e c t a n d r e t ain auc h r en ts '•, "4��
<br /> ; as they become due snd pavable. - ' : . , 'r, <� , ,
<br /> : < _ � _v.;. .
<br /> 4� ' Unon a�celers#ien under }�sra�:�pl3 ?S l:er�^f o: abar.�r..ment af t;e }'ropertv . i.c�i�7er, in ��erson. bv a�ent .. ,� � '
<br /> or by judicially sppointed receiver shall he entitlecl to enter upon , tt�ke posse,sion of and niana�e tfic Property "�` ' �
<br /> : �n.'� tts coIIect tl�e rents 'oz the 1'roperty, inc1udirag those past due_ "All rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> � ahall be applied firsL to payment of the costs ot tnsnagement of tUe Property and colIcction of rent.s , including, but -
<br /> nut Iiuilt,e�i i,u, receiver'� Sees, pretniwna on reeeiver's bonds a�d ressonable attorney's fees, ynd then t,o the sums
<br /> � secured by this Mortgage.' Lender fsnd the receiuer sltall he ] iuhle to account only for tliose rents actualIy recei��ed . �
<br /> I, �
<br />�
<br />