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..'.l �::.+ � �_.^.; ^r ' ""'..„ �. ,.S" ".::.M1 � ..:.: �,p� ,:.4t <br /> . ,. . . . . .r .• ' ' :. . �"�.:. � ...;. �... �. �;':��.. <br /> p <br />�•ms" <br />�� . . .. . . . � � . . . . . .�. . <br /> t <br /> a�oarcAc�—so.�. �a t� F�—tn��e c� r�r zss.a ts�a� <br /> . �`,7`.:(�0 5 8 F I� MORTGAGE <br /> ���.. . � . . . ,� . .. . .� . . I.o�No . �. � .. . <br /> rxis�vnE,'�ae ��• 7th ,,�,.o, October is?� r,y�d D.�a.- <br /> J. RUSSELL MEAD AND FERN H, MEAD, husband and wife, each in his and her own right and <br /> as spouse of the other <br /> � j .o! .,.�.�3� � � � � r..,w.Nebtaalus,m S �d tbme Fedeml � <br /> . � � . �mort9'a�or—. Sa+'in9s and Lo�Aasodation ot Grand Id�d, .. <br /> a mrpoiation wganiud�md eastinq under the laws of Nebrmt�wrtth ita prindpal o(fice�d place of bu�ineas m Gr�B Ialaad.��2debmakrr. <br /> � . � m ma»qagee: . . <br /> � S� VV1TN£SSESA: That enid mortqagor�5 !or and ia rnnuderation of the�um of___ . <br /> TWENTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100---_-!_=----- *,,,� �y 26250.00 �, <br /> . �the�recaipf�of wLich��is�herehp acknowledged.�da_�— by tl�eee Presents morigaga�and��mrrant unto uIId marigagae,�its sumeseo=a tmd� . <br /> . � �igns. }ozever,all the tdtowriaq dewcribed ieal mtate, mtuated in the counry ol._--- Ha� � ..--- <br /> . �.,..�md�Suste�o[-Nebtmka, towitc... . . . . . . . <br /> THE SOU7HERLY FOUR FEET (S 4.0' ) OF LOT ONE ( i ), BLOCK TWENTY-FIVE (25), IN <br /> PACKER AND BARR'S SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br /> NEBRASKA, TOGETHER WITH THE NORTHERLY F1FTY AND FIVE TEN7HS (N 50.5) FEET OF <br /> VACATED BLAKE STREET, IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA MOP,E <br /> � PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT <br /> ONE (I ), BLOCK TWENTY-FIVE (25) IN PACKER AND BARR'S SECOND ADDITION AND <br /> RUNNlNG EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT ONE (I ) A DISTANCE OF <br /> ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN (III .0) FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF CUSTER AVENUE; THENCE <br /> ` RUNNING SOUTNERLY ALONG AND UPON THE WESTERLY LINE OF CUSTER AVENUE A DISTANCE <br /> OF FiFTY AND �IVE TENTHS (50.5) FEET; THENCE RUNNING WESTERLY AND PARALLEL <br /> TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT ONE (1 ), BLOCK TWENTY-FIVE (25) PACKER AND <br /> BARR'S SECOND ADDITION A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN (III .0) FEET; 7H�NCE <br /> RUNNiNG NORTHERLY ALONG AND UPON THE WESTERLY LINE OF PACKER AND BARR�S SECOND <br /> ADDITION A DISTANCE OF FIFTY AND FIVE TENTHS (50.5) FEET TO THE POINT OF <br /> .BEGINNING, BUT SUBJECT TO A SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ACROSS THE SOUTHERLY PART OF SAID <br /> xo,_�P�i.TY���R�s�i��.��aS�pZ��� �r����N�r�i�,�`�����m�T��������,m.G���H��.Qaasm�p�aRo:.. <br /> .�F � and�,doora,�d window a6cdee�or blinde, used on or in coanection with smd propezty,vc6asthe:tha same�e now loanted on s�d pmpertp <br /> � w hereattez plaeed iheraon. � � . <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, togetLer �vit6 all and sinqulaz the tenemeats.heredilumeats�d appur[ea�es tLereunw belong- <br /> � inq,or in aaywiae appertaining,lorever.�d warr�t the titIe to the eame. Said mortqagor 5 hereby aovenan�_ wftL emd martqaqee � � � <br /> �� t�a�_. are ��delivary Lereof, the lawful owner—`n!the p�emisea anooa�onoeyaa m,a a�a,ana_ are <br /> . � seized ot a 9��+d indeteaaible eatate of inheritance Werein. 4eo and clear ot a12 encumbiaaces. �d Wat ��—will wmzcmt��d � . . <br /> .defead the tiUe �hereto foiever ag�anst the claims and dcmaada of all persons whnmsoevez. � � <br /> � PROVIDEA ALWAYS, �d tLis imezument is ezecuted and deliveied to necure the papmeat ot the eum et <br /> TWENTY S I X THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED F I FTY AND NO/100-----------..----T,,,1��. �s 26,250.00 <br /> a. <br /> �svifh interew4 thMeon,togeWer with wch ch�qes and adv�ces as may he duo �d papable to aaid mortgagee vader We terms �d � , <br /> � conditions�af the promisaor�y note o[ evea date herewith and aecured herebp.ezecuted bp eaid mortqagor � to wid mortgagee.jwpnb}e � . <br /> as o:pcesaed in aald note,and W secure ehe pedomuance ot all thv tezms and coud'itlona eontmned�tha=�n, TLe teim� oE emd aote m�e <br /> Lereby incorporated Lerein by tLia :eterenoe. � . <br /> It is t6e tateauon and agreemeat oS the p��ies herato that this mnrtgage aha71 alao aecu�e �y /uture a,3veaces mady b�emg <br /> n <br /> � mortgogor S bp satd mortgagee. m�d any �d all indebtedneu in add[tion to the�ount abo�� atated wbieh ecrio morigagars,�or�mp � <br /> � of them, may owu to wid mortga9ee, ho�vever evidenced, wLet6er by nWe,book aocount or aberwiee. 7'6ia morf9s-.�.=a1wLL ramma Sn luIl <br /> Sorce��and efiect betwem the p�tiea Lezeto �d iheu Lei:a, pecsoaal repreaentative., sucoerson.�d maiqns. uu,ti! a11 �ounta eecurad . <br /> Lereunder,includ"inq future adv�roa.mre pmd in tull with iatereat. � <br /> . � � ..2Le mo�tqaqo[�_� msiqa___ to eaud mo�tqaqee all reab and ineome �img at�p �d all timea hom amd propartp..and . <br /> hereby wthorirs�smd mortgaqae az ita aqenL at ib opriow upon defaulL Lo take cL�qe o!aald propertp md collect aL�renta �d Inoome . . <br /> . �the�efrom and vpply the same to 1he paymen! ol iaterest,pziaapol.fneurvna paemiums,t�ea,measmeals. repmrs or improvemenls neceo- . . <br /> sary to keeP rsaid pioperty ia tenantnbie ca�dition, oc to dLei cha�gea or papme¢fs pro�Idad(or hereia or la the note Lerebp sec�ved. i}�is <br /> reat assignmcat a6a11 camtinue in force uafil tLe unpctid ba3�ce af said nota is fullg paid. The taddng of posaeemon Lereunder ahall ia ao - <br /> ,manner preveat or retard.eaid moetgaqee ia xhe collectioa ot amd aums bp t�eclonue ar o�L�exwiae. � � <br /> ,�. . .�. .. .. i . . <br /> . �� � ?he tvilure of tLe mortgugee�ta aseert�p of lts riqLla Lereunder at�y time aLall not be comahued oa a waiver d its iiqLt to mseK� . . . <br /> 1he same at any laler time:�d W-imist upon pnd entorce atrict compiienoe miW QSl the terma �d prowWm o( amd note �d of thia <br />�, � mort9a4e• . . . . ... . . . .. <br /> I!aaid�moxtgagox 5�6all cauae b he pa{d W aadd mortqagee the eatire amouat dua ix heteunde:�,md uadar the term�md pm�i�fons �.. . <br /> , � of eaid aote herebp,eecurad.tacludinq tutuce adv�aa.cad�p e=lensiona or ienawds thereo! In aeaosdanca�with the oe� tmd proviaions. : � � �;, <br /> ' thereoi.�d it�said mortgagor.5.__a6a11 comply wiiL all tba providans d cid note�d ot thia mo:tgage.then tLa�e psneau ehali be�odd.; . . . � a , <br /> ' � z otheiwriae to ramain Sa Eull locw and elfaet cmd�dd moitqage�o eLall be enNNed to the poreastoa e�t ail 01�amd Propatt9,md ifs �,"�i � "`t„" .. <br /> �option,dedme�ttw whoie of smd��nota�d al2 indebte�ee� =epres�ated thesebp b bs immsdialely�due and-payabla:�.d may forealwe�thia � . :� <br /> mactqaga or taka my otLer loqcl accan b proteet fb zlqht, �d Scom tha data d iuch defautt all lteau ot iudebtedneL �ecured LaiebY . w� l� �;�� ; <br /> ehvll draw inleremt at 986�per�a� Apju�wameat wai�ed � � s>-i - <br />_ � �:Thi. mo.tqay. .hali�:�he 6isdro9 uPoa aad�.hal,��.our,to.tL..bumflt ad�ths Ldn. s�a..ndmini�Oramrs. weoe�on md �ign.ed � �� � a'; r � <br /> ��-� ffie rmpaetiw p'afiw he�aty . : ._ . ... ... . . . ` <br /> . . �It!T .. . ... g. .aW.2tos�qaqa�s_hv Ve Lereunw .se � the i�r ,•aaa. G tLe aa,�a y.K+�•:rst abo.o � d �..�'� �— <br />� 3i �l �� ��..�(,�t�Lc,�r �. 1� ,, <br />_ f �cc-��c:�/.�1-r.�-cR•�e_= <br /> J. �Rfissel i Mead Fern H. Mead <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> � _ — <br />� <br />