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<br /> .
<br /> X � �
<br />�^ .,.__...
<br />� 4
<br /> . : ���, '��?��?��.i
<br /> ,' LTD. , a Partnership of Grand Island, Hal1 County and State a£ Nebraska,
<br /> in consideratiorz of the sum o� Five Hundr�d Tl�ousand and I�a/1(30 ---
<br /> DalZars in harsd paid, do herr.by Sk".LL and CONVGX unto I�,GRSCTJITt,1RAI�
<br /> SERVTC�:S; I23C.� , a Nelaraska Ce,.sporatian wit?� its princi�al o�iices at
<br /> i c3rand Island, Fi�13. 'c:ountY, anc3 atatr of Nebrasl.a, the follox,ri7c�
<br /> ;, -' c3escxib�d �re;�:is�s :�ituat�d i�a HaI1 County, anc� S�ate of Nelaraska,
<br /> to-wit:
<br /> . , :: ,
<br /> � I.,ats P'out- C�) , Fi.ve (5) and I�.3even t).l) , i n Gloodlanci
<br /> � :3econc� .5tii�divasion, an additican tc� Gzand 7:>land,
<br /> 2Setiraska,` toc�ether ca3:th the her..edita?�ten�s anc3
<br /> aFs�urter�ances therc�of, inr_Iud:?ng ari� ri�ht, tit3e an�
<br /> a.nt�r�st hc.reafter ac�uir�d }ay tk�e Mc�rt�a�or in the
<br /> abp�cre fl�scrib�d' premises, a.nd inci�zciinc�; a11 £zxturd��s,
<br /> ; �:quipment and'�Ppla.ances naw on, attar}ac>_d to ar usac3
<br /> , in coianection �•�it7� t}2e �r�nuses, or her�a£ter ac3dec�
<br /> thereto, r.crr�ar,dless of the mannFr or �.ntF�nt "o£
<br /> affi;�at.zc+n, a21 of zahirh sha12 be� d.cemee3 an �r.c�ssian
<br /> ta the :Era�hold, a Part of the .realty, zM*�ova.hlt, an{7
<br /> eneur�bered 2>y, this tdor.tc�a�e.
<br /> The-intention being to convey hc�reby an �bsoZute titl.e in f.ee sia,ipl�:.
<br /> TQ HE�t'F. �"�NS? :Pq HOi:D the premises �3aovc� descr?b�d, �JiL-h �Z2 th�
<br /> ' aF>�aurte:>n�ncc�s 'ther�unto belonc�ing: unto the saic� mc>rt,.�aRee or riaortc�ac��es'
<br /> and tc� its siaccessors arad as�ic�ns, far�v�r, nrr�vic�Fci always, ar�d thPse
<br /> : presents ar.e upozi t}ie express conc�i:tion tt�zat if the saici raartc,�agc�r ox-
<br /> " martgagors, �xecvtars, 'administr.ators qr assi�ns shall �ay or. r.au�� to
<br /> }��: .paa.c3 t� the said morti�age� or to its stz�;cessor.s ox' assic�ns; th�
<br /> siz°st af k'izre f3undred Thqusand iao.11ars ($SOU,QOO.QO} ,, »ayable �a=ifih
<br /> ' i rLt�x!�st thereon accc,�ding to t.he tenpr and e£fect of th� nzsar;is_>orj>
<br /> nc�tP eaf said Nlor�gagor, b�aring even date with th�.se }�re��nts, arzd �ha13
<br /> pay' a:tl taxes anc3 any ix�tterest nn, or inaturin� installinents c�f �arinci�al,
<br /> ' clue on �ny nrior mor#:c�age and a,sess�nesnt.s levied upan saicl rc:at ��tate " " =
<br /> anr� all othc>.r taxes� IPv.ie� ancl ��s��sane,nts leviec3 u}�on thi.s r:3orte�ag�
<br /> Qr tiae r�ote zahir� thi 5 rnortcra:�e is' c�iven to secure, ?�e.fore the s�m�
<br /> k>ecnm�v c��linc3uent arsd keng t}:� lauilc3.ings on �aid �remise.s insurc�e� �,s
<br /> rec,iia.red: by £irs� mcartgac�ees, loss, zf arzy, payab3e to such first
<br /> mor.tc�ac�e�"s or this mortgag�e, or batkx, then th�sa presents be v�ic�,
<br /> oth�r.zaise to b<� �nc� remzi,n �:n �ull f.esrce.
<br /> TT =S FUFtTHI3R 1�GI2PET) (.1) �'tiat if tha saiti mor.tc��gor shaZl fai3
<br /> - t� pay such ta�es and such znterest on� ar matur.ing inst,allr��nt4 or
<br /> ' �,raa�c:9.nal, due on any priraz martc,��ge anc7 proesarcy such insurt:�ncn, then
<br /> thir r�ortgac�ee m�y p;�1� such tax�s and sa.ach ,int�:r�st on, or. rat;�rin�
<br /> in,t�llments o£ y�r.inci�a2, ciuc, 07 siach �riar. <<ortgacse and ��rocurc•
<br /> �uch insurance; anci t}ie sur�i sa advanceci w:i_tl1 interP.st at teri per c~�nt
<br /> • s3z[12 be �a5.c� 'a� saa.c� mortg.��c�r., ane3 r_��.s mr,rtcac3F. �2�a�1.2 �t�nr7 a:s
<br /> 5ecura_ty for.- th� samr. !�) That � faziure to pay any o£ said rionF:y,
<br /> ' eithe� pra.nc.i�al or int�rest, on th.is or any �s-ior r.rnortc�age, when the
<br /> ! ::ame l�ecpmes d,uc� ar a fazlure to comgly wi.th any of. the far�going
<br /> agxeet*�ents� sha1.1 cau�e the who1P sum o€ r�oney her.F>a.n secured to
<br /> bec�m� du� and collecta;ble at once at the a�tir�n of. the ma.rtgar�eP.
<br /> �T 3"S FURTIiER �GR�ED That saic� rnortgagee, pendi.ng �areclo.sure of
<br /> , �2zi� r.zortgage and af.ter decre� and;pcndinc� stay theX�on ax ��pe�al t?iere- `
<br /> ? �r.�„�E �aa�.����nc>r�r3i.�nrr Raln c�•f rr��tni ^�asz� �mnr�n'-1cs�<9� � -R� i �.-��� �
<br /> . .�,tr�h t-,.��„� -;.Tr�
<br /> a�satur.inr, int�r�st� c�r maturi,ncJ in�:>tallni�nt.s c�f prz.nc5}�al, �n prior
<br /> raorts�ar�s, Praeure: .su.Ye insurancA and such surz�s sY,�7:1 be �ccid�cl &
<br /> ,
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