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., ., . . � <br /> '�"r �. " IA+d i S.. a �� ih. . a � .r a.�ed " n v„ r,:l� ..�., .., . . . ,.;i <br /> .� � . � aQ::�� , ; irn•, .. • , v,. .�/ f ` �. . r:� , .�.:.., . ,Y.y",. .. . « .: � '�. <br /> �� � . :�.�. : . �� :..... . u. ...y ' • r n. ��.::. V i 1�.:..<v'av� n . � �.:..(: :. .�'. : <br /> .. . . ' .. . . M� '. e <br />'�µ� .. <br />��., <br /> j^?P�' <br /> ��r . . � .. . . . . � � <br /> ' � ' BY-LAWS OF THE SHELTON TOiNNSHIP CEMETERY <br /> � � � � � �� � � SEC710N�1.TAe Oemetery sltualed 1n the� Southeast9uarter of the Southeast Quarter of the� 5authwest Ouarter of �� � . � � . <br /> . �,� � � � SecUon Slx (B), Town Nine (9). Range Twelve. (12) North�,.Couoty of Hall , Statebf �Nebreska, shall �be tlominated as the � �� . . <br /> � � � � S�elton Towaship�Cometery and 8ha11 be the Droperfy of Shelton Township; Buffalo County,. Nebraska, on ihe conCitions . . <br /> � � �� � set tnrt� in ihe� Deetl conveying said Cemetery � to Shelton �Township, Buftalo Counry, Nebraska, from the Shefton . � <br /> � - � �Cemetery AssociaUon . - � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . �� <br /> � � � � . SECTION � 11. The Shelion Township Cemetery shatl De under the ma�agement and controi ot a Board ol Trustees, . <br /> � � � � � �� � conaisUng of three quaiified etectors of the Townsnip of SOelton, who ehall �oltltheir olfice for a term ol three years, and � . . . <br /> � � � untll thelr successors are eleclatl antl qualifletl. � � � � � � � � � . . <br /> � �SECTION II1. At the annual town meeting of Stielton Townehlp held on the fiftR day. of March , 1978, the eiectors � � . . . . � <br /> � . � � � �, present anall eieet ona Trustee ior a ierm uf iTaeo i�i 'ra=��� �%� �'� �� �='= hh =�!fr,A 1p(q term oi two (21 yAara; and� one � � �� . . � <br /> � who shall hold his o(fice tor a term of one{t ) year, and there shall be elected annuaily thereafter one Trustee who shatl . <br /> p. ' � . . hold �Is office tor three (3) years. Said .eleclion to be by ballot, reqtiFring a maJorlty of e�l votes cast to conatitute an �� . � � � . . <br /> � �`"` . . . � � Af�'dtion. � "`4 .. � . . � � . .. . . . . � . . <br /> � l'a'1 SECTION IV�,Belore entering upon the dutfes ot tAelr office, each trusteeshaif lake an0.subscribe to the. following <br /> t= � � � .-.. ,•-, . oath belore Ue Tdwn qerk: � � � � � � � �� . . � � � <br /> � � q . v, � � { ";�:� t, , 4r; ,�,. tlo� solemnly Swear that 1 wi!I aupport the Conslitulion pt the United States, . .and the <br /> � `'�` �• � �dEtiStiWtlon of the-�Stat9bf Nebraska and t�at 1 wfll failhlully perform all the duttes (mpoaed upon me bY thestate lews, � � . <br /> «,ai � [,I� � �� �' � �? � . � �the by laws=of, �Sh9tto� township, antl especially Yhose laws and by-taws 9ovem{nq SheNon township Cemetery. � . . . <br /> k: � n � _.+ � �. :. " ,�.� SECTION�,V„The'-.board.. of 4rusteea shait meet not Ieter than ten (10) deys after the annual SownehlA maeUog and .- � . . <br /> . ; � �} '�'y �# � � � . � ,�.:; . �- ahalCorganlxe by.elect(ng nne of thelr number Chairmen, and another ot their number Sacretary. It shall be t�e duty �Of� � , <br /> . " � � � ��Q 1 �-;, ,. t e. Chalrmaq to �� presWe at �all� meetinga. ol lhe board, ��to .stg» all. deqCa a�d . ail :warceults: It ahall be .ihe duty of .the . . . <br /> � "' ��� "' �;., etary lo keep �a rac6rd ol all meeUngs; he shaN also �ave autha�ity to aell lota, iffsue and� sfgrt deeds tor s8me, to algn �. <br /> � �t7� � � � <� � � > ir ��;_, � � all warran[s on the(own$hip treasu�er, and��ec1 all moneys arising frOm the aale ol lots or irom any other soufce to� � <br /> , � a; f...! `;_ ,� �a_ .- �, , he benefit of4he Certlglery, and fo � pay Itie�same over lo the Township7reasurer, �taking his receipl lherafor. ' . , . . <br /> µ " � . �� ,_ � SECTI VJ. 7haSecretaty shadl befora entering u0on the dutiesof his office and nol later than ten {10) tlays after � � <br /> �.. i�y � ;,:� �appointm nt`ot electlon, give bontls lor twice the amount of monay that Is tia6le lo come into his hands in any one . <br /> � L.t � � � � ¢ `�% year, � conUitl�;upon t�e faflhtul performanca of his duty as Secretary. The amount of the bond6 shall be flzed by the ' � �. <br /> E^ �=�' �bw nship Boar�" wlia:ahall approve the sald bontls; sald Dond shall be filetl with the Townshfp Clerk and shall run to . . <br /> J . ' � , � � cn O� .�Tlrlton �TOwnship. . . .� : �,� . . � . � . . . . . . . , . . � . � . . .. <br /> � � � � � � � � '"�� SECTION VII. All monies arising from the sale of lois anC from all other sources ior lhe bene8t of the Cematery <br /> ti . �, � � shali wnsUtute a Cemetery )und and shaU �be kept seperate from the other funds of� theSownsbip by the Township, �. . � . � . <br /> Treasurer, and it Is hereby made Ihe duty of the Township Treasurer to keep an ifemized account of the receipts antl� <br /> � � � , � ezpenditures ot the Cemetery }und. � � � � � � . � � � . . � . � � � .. <br /> � - � � � SEC710N VIII . The Townshlp Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay �ail warrants on the Cemetery tuntl thai are - <br /> . � � � , � � � . signed by t�e Chalrman and Secretary oi the Board of�Trustaes, to a fimit of t�e funds on hand. in saitl Cemetery funC. � � � . � <br /> � � � . � � SECTION 1X�. It la hereby matle the duty ot the eleMore� present at the snnual TownsMp mee0n0 �o make a lavy . � � � <br /> � - � � � avhich in their judpment will raise sufNceN funds to meet the requlraments ol the cemetery for the ensuinp year. . . . <br /> � � � � � � SECTION �X. Tbe Trustees shall have power on behalf of the Townshlp to make ell wnuaets and alepaNntentl� all . � � <br /> � � � � labor � done; to direct Ihe expenditure of all money and auperintend el� ImprovemeNs and emballishments of ttie . . . . . � <br /> � . � � � Cemetery subject oniy to the �wtll ot a ma�ority ot the e�ectors present at any annual Townshi0 . meetinq, and ro have � . <br /> , � - � '. � � � � � genaral aupervisiori of the Camelary� and the Aroperty therelo 6elonping aod to � keep Ihe same lo as good repair as the . . <br /> � � � � � funGs wlll permiL � � � � � � � <br /> . � � � . � � SECTION'XL�The trustees �hall wntract no grealerexpentli[uresihan has been provfdetl tor frv t�e Cemetery fund, � � � � � � - � <br /> � � � � but the Township Board may, in case of. sud0en or unexpected emerpency, appropNate irom the general fund of the � � . � <br /> � . � � � Townshtp, suL°h`aurt� of money, as In their Olxretion snall be necessary to meet such emerpency, providetl the amount on � � . . � . � � <br /> ' �` � . � � � hand In the generel funtl wiil permit without serious tletriment to lhe olher interests of the Township. � . <br /> � � � � � � � � � SECTION XII. The Trusteea� ehali receiva the foflowinp compensation lor tba Ume expantled fa the interesta of . � . <br /> ", �� � . � � � � Shelton Township Cemetery: the Secretary shaU receive the sum ot one hundretl dollars per annum ; ihe Chairman s�all � . . � � � <br /> � x � � . � � � receive the sum . of ooe hundretl dollars per annum; the third member of Ihe boartl shatl receive the sum of o�e hunGretl � � . . . � . <br /> . . � � . � dollare per annum plus two doilare per trip for cemetery. businesa. . . � � <br /> �___,_�— SECTION XI�I. The Secretary shatl noi atlow any interments in any unsold lots in the Cemetery, ezcept in that part - � � <br /> � �7 � known ae the "Potler 's Fieltl " , and no lol shall be sold untfl it has been ,paid for In cash, or otherwise to the satisfaction <br /> ol ihe Secretary, who shall be responsible far the amount of all sales. <br /> . +(,,...' � � SECTION XIV. The Trustees may secure t�e services of a aultahle person do dlg and flll aii gravea. The . <br /> . � C � compenaation to be Daid for this work shall be determl�ed by the Trustees, bul sald compensatlon ahall be collecled by � � <br /> � �""� � � the grave-dipper from the party or parties havinq the intermenl made anE a�all be retained by him ea his total <br /> compensation for digging anC tillinfl saiC prave. <br /> � � �� � � � until a Bu�alOPermit sha Itp ve been o'btalned froms he Secre ary o'f the Boartl ot Trusteea YSald permitlttsha�ll ghve the � � � � � <br /> � � � �"� � � name of the�person to be burleC, the number of the bt, and the name o1 the owner of sald lof as shown by the bookn o( t�e � � <br /> : �U� -u, L`^. . . . CO Secretery. . . . � <br /> ; � , p <_ � � SECTION XVL � Any person may Durchase one or more lota in Shelton Townahip Cemetery lor the purpose of <br /> � d �.,,.. \ � interments, by paying the apOraieed vaiue of tbe same as establishetl by the Board of Trustees and complying with all <br /> , .. . � y r� � requirementa of these Ey-laws thet may reiate to or povam the sale of bte. . . <br /> �. . . �� �L SECTION XVII . All vawncies i� the nfflce ot Trusteee shall .De filled by appointment by the Townshtp Board, and . <br /> � Q � � tha appolntee shall ho10 of(ice untll the next annual townehip meetlop, when the vacancy ahall� be Iilled,by election. . . . <br /> � � � � SECTION� XVIIS . At least one half of all lot salea antl at leaat IlHeen dollan from each opening of 9rave by put in � � <br /> � � TOe Peroetual Care Fund. �� . � � � . � � <br /> w SECTION XI%. Theae by-laws may ba chanqed or amentled at any annual meetin0 by a maJority wte o� all electors � � � � <br /> �� `�" preeent and votlng. � � . . � . � � . <br /> � � . � . . � . �. . ; . � . . . � . . � . <br /> m <br /> r� � �., � � � . . . � . C . . . � ' . V . . <br /> 3 ��;> ' • . <br /> , *. C , W c� . W � o . . � <br /> W • � '� ' p • . o <br /> � ,� � . � . : W � m Q . � . . �o . V o � . <br /> , A . . . . . � � � , Y � . . <br /> � ">. 4} �' . Cf W z « , c - ' � , a <br /> � C L <br /> � �.. ..•. • .� , '. . . . . J . . J . C � U C � . . - . Y . . m • y . . . � <br /> � � : O � !d : 8 � � Z = <br /> � • _ : W a`a � o : � , � M p :.a�G vrurc� �y�1X <br /> , z 1 ~ a . _ � ,$ : e ; � : � ; a n u�s�'. ��w'� <br /> y . <br /> . . <br /> , . <br /> ' s�`a . � � Nf W . ' � � . . �K � oi` •<.a p � <br /> , _ � , , v ��, ."�i . _ -- . , <br /> - . ' r 9 � : � �rn � : _ � .. �,�( ,� �•; <br /> "" A v m 8 �. _ . -.. . _ . � t� ' t`." <br /> 1 � \ . _ _.. 4 , S'" <br /> ; .. <br /> � " �j .. <br /> , <br /> �« ��. . 4 . ,,� . , . . ., . . — — <br /> +,+��'� <br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . meMA, i . <br /> '� �.. . . . . . . . . . . . �� . � � <br /> ti. . � . . . . � � . . � . . . � . � <br />�. �. . � � � . . . . . . . <br /> �:� � <br />