<br />;��
<br /> C��.. _ � �
<br />��_ e . /' • . . . � fn+^rY. . . . ?�
<br /> � � � . . . � � . .
<br /> not extend or, ,posE.pone thc due date of' t6e monthlti� instnlluicnts re(et•reu to iti 7:�ar;�gruphs 1 nnd 2 hereof or �
<br /> change t1�C nn�out�t of suc;h instalhne*�ts. '
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Released. Lxtension oF the time for ��ayinent m• modification of amortization qi tiie sums
<br /> secured by tUis _l�Tortguge prantett by I.e�ider to nn,y .uccessor iii in 'terest ,of Borroiver sYial] not .operate to release,
<br /> in any manner, tiie liaf�ility of the original 2ivrrower and Borrnwcr', successors in interest. 7_ender sl�all not be
<br /> r' requited to commence ��rocee�iiiigs against sucl� successor or retuse to exten<t , time for payment or otlierrvise modify �
<br /> 1 ; amortization of tHe sums secured by t}�is \tortgage b}� reasa� of an,y r9emand made bq the original Borrower 'and �
<br /> ; ' 8orror.•�r's successors ;n inter�t,
<br /> � ; 11. Foxbearance by Lendar Not a Waiver. , Any forbearance by Lencler in exercising any rigI�t or remedy
<br /> hereunder, or otherwise afforded by ap��licable la�r• , sl�all not I>e a tivaiver of or preclude the;exercise ot any right F-:,
<br /> ' � or remedy hereunder. Tl�e procux•ement of insui•ance or tlie 3�ayine�it of taxes or other liens 'or charges by Lender
<br /> � I �hall not be a �vaiver of Lender's ri�l�t to accelei•ate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> ; , �.. 12. Hemediee Cumula6ve. �111 re�nedies provideci in fhis .1Sortgage are distir�et and cuYnulative to any other ; '
<br /> �, right or reinedy under tliis 1lortg�ge or �iffordec{ I�y ism• ��r equit,y, iiucl m�}- h� exercised concurrently, independ- i ',
<br /> . ently or successively. +' ' :
<br /> �-- 13. 5uccessors and Assigns Sound; Joint aad Several Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreemen$s
<br /> S � herein contained shall bind , and tlie rights I�ereuncier shall inure to, the rest�ective successors and assigns of I.endsr
<br /> ; ' � and Borrower, suUject io the proaisions o£ paragriipli 17 liereo{. :all coveriarits anii agrecments of Borrower shall <
<br /> G � be joint and several. The caption. and licading, of the }>arugraphs of this \Iortgage are tor convenience only and
<br /> ;tre not to be used to .interpret ar define the pi•ovisions Ler�;oi.
<br /> �', 14. Notice. Any noticc to F3orrower ��ro��icieci jor in 'cii �� \iui�igag� -ahu; f i,c � :rc:� x�y� :r.si!in� sucli nnt,ice b}�
<br /> Y r,ertified mail �tiddreased to 13orro�t�er at the Piroperty �ldiirev� .:ta� ked t�elo�r; except io� xny notir,e required under ��
<br /> � paragraph 18 hereof to` be giti�eti to Borro�aer ip tl�e ina�iuer �irescribed by� :q�plicai.>le I;i�v . �ny notice provided
<br /> � for imthis \iort�age shall he deeuied tn 1�<i�v been given to $orrotii�er u�hen given in thc umnner designated herein.
<br /> ` I5. Uniforai Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. Tl�is form of n3ortgage corn}�ines uniforin co��enunts
<br /> for national use and non-uniform covenants witl� limited vciriations b,y jw•isdiction to constitute a uniforn7 secu-
<br /> rity instrument covering real }>a•operty. `I'his \Iortgage shall be governed by the lt�1v of the jurisdiction in tivhich
<br /> the Property is located; In t.he event that 'any provision or clausc of this l4ortguge or the Note conflicts with t
<br /> applicable Iaw, sueh conflict shall noc affect other provisions ot this \tortgage or the 1Tote whicli cuxi be given �
<br /> effect without tlie confiicting provision , and to this end t.l�e provisions of the 1lortgage and tlie Note are declared a= `
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> ' I6. Bpnower's Copy. Borro�ver shall be furnis6ed a conforrned co��y of this il4ortgage at the time of execu- ;
<br /> : tion orsfter recordation hereof.
<br /> 7 ' 17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If all oi• any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> i or transferred by 13errower �vithout Lender's prior written consent , excluding (a) tlie creation of a, lien or encum-
<br /> ', brance subordinate to this liortgage. ( t�J the creatiun of a purchase nioneg security interesi for liausehold spp'.i-
<br /> anees, (c) a transfer hy devise, descent or by operation of la«- upon the death of a joint t.enatrt or (d ) ' the grant of
<br /> � any leasehold interest of three years or les, not containing an qpGion to' purLhase, Lender may, at Lender's option, ` "'
<br /> � declare all the sums secured by this l�Zortgage to �e i �r�inediately due .ind �iayable. Lender sliall l�a��e «�aived such
<br /> a '; Aptian Lo :lccelerate if, prior to tli? sale or #.r�nsfer, Lender snd thc person to wliom t,he Property is to be sold or
<br /> y transferred reacli agreementin �vriting tl�ut the credit of such person is satisfactoiy to Lender and that tilYe interest
<br /> � � ' payable on the sums securec3 Uy this �lortgage shail be at sucli rnte as Lender sliall request. If Lender has waived ' '
<br /> the option to accelerate provided in this paragi•apl� 17 :ind if Sorro�ver's successoi• in interest I�as executed a wrat-
<br /> 4 ten assumption agreement accepted in �vritix�g b,y I,ender, Lender shall release BoTro�ver from all obligations under
<br /> s this Mortgage and the Note. .
<br /> �- If Lender exercises such option to accelerate; Lender shall aua il Borrower notice of acceleration in'accordsnoe
<br /> ` ; �vith para�ragh 14 hereof. Such notice shnll pro�-icie a period of not' less than 30 days fran the date tt�e notice is
<br /> ; �nailed witliin ,which 13orrower inay pa�- tlxe sums declared due. If Boi•rol��er fails to pa_y sucli sun'is prior to the
<br /> � expiration of such period, Lender inuy, �vit]?out furtl�er not,ice or de�maiiJ on 13'orrower, in��oke any remedies per-
<br /> ' � mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. ; �
<br /> - k
<br /> '. � iv'ax-TTriFoi�a2 CovFrrnxTs. I3ox•ro�ver and Lendei• Yui•t.liei• cot-en<int and a�ree ati foli�ws : '
<br /> � 18. Acceleratioxi; Remedies. I�xce��t as �r�rorided in � rztragr;tpli 17 liereof; u�ion Borro�ver's hreach of any
<br /> � covenant or agreen�ent of BorroK�ei• irr tliis 11m•t�nge; iocluding -tlic covensnts to pay �rl�en due arry sums secured ;
<br /> by this :�Iortgage, Lender luior 4o ucceleritt�on sl�all uutil notice to Borro��•cr as proc�ided in pxragruisl� 14 tiereof � '
<br /> � ' specifying : { 1 ) tl�e breach , (2 ) tl3e lction rerauirecl to cure ;ucli bre.ich ; ( 3 ) s date, not less tl�etn thirty days
<br /> irom the �3ate the not.ice ic mailect to I3oiro��•cr, li�• \��hieli �urh brracli iuust be cw•ed; uncl (4) fhut failurc to cure
<br /> such breach on or beforc tl�e date specified in the notiicc ivay reault ' in acceIe�atioii c�f L2ic. smiis secured by this
<br /> Iviortgage xnd sale of the Yroperty. IF tl�ebretich is not cuce<i or, or before tlie �.�te specifie�l in tl�e notice, Lender
<br /> at Lender's option u�ay declarc aH of the suins secuc•ed by this \Iortgage to be . immediately clue and pay3b3e
<br /> i w•ithouE further deinand and �nay forceiose this ,llortgage by judicial {n•oceedin�. Lenc�er s3�all be entitlecl to cpllect
<br /> t ' in suc,h �roceeding all expenses of foreclosui•c, incluiling; but i�ot limited to, costs of docunient.ary evidence,
<br /> z A �tr - :t.�
<br /> k _�"' R� _ E4n� #.z�.]r 1'nnOrf.g,
<br /> �
<br /> � 19. Bonower's Right to Reinstete. 1'otwith:tanding Leiidei'a ucceleration pf the surns secured by this
<br /> � MorLgage, Borcower shull have the righG to have any T�roceedinn; i�egmi by' I�endci• to enforce tl�is i4lortgage dis-
<br /> contSnued atany time ;�rior to entry of a judgment ' enforcing ihi; 1•Iortguge if : Ya ) Borro�ver pays I.ender all
<br /> � sums aehich would be then due under this �Iortgagc, the Note and notes seeurin� Et�lure Arh�auces, if any, d�ad no
<br /> ; ucceleration occurred ; (b ) Borrower eures �ll hmache� bf �im• othei• eoven�nts or a�r��einents of i�orro�ver ron-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage , , (aj �orrowerpays all ressonable expense� incurred b�� I.ender im enforcing the covenants
<br /> , r and agreements of $orrower con#,ained in tl�is �Iortgage snd in enfoi•cing I,endcr's ren�edies as provided in para-
<br /> "' , grapl� 18 hereof, including, huf, not limited to, reasonflble a;ttornet-'s fecz ; anii id ) Borrower takes such action us �
<br /> � Lender may reasonsbly require to assure t��at the'<lien of thie �lortgage, Lender's interest in the Propertv and -�,
<br /> ' Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this 17ortga�c ,�haU continuc unirnpptired . Upon such jasyment �"°";�ts�c �' �'
<br /> " and cure by Borrower, this �4ortgage and tl�e obligations .ecured I�ereby .)�ull rem�in in fUll foi•ce and cffeet us if �e� ? ,� '
<br /> no aeeeleration had oeeurred. +r '�� � ;
<br /> 20, Assigament o! Reats; Appointmeat of Receiver: Lender in Possession, As sdditzonal security here-
<br /> 9 ,
<br /> _. � under, $orrower fier,ebq assi�ns to I.ender tlae rents of fl�e Property, ��rorided 'tl�at Borso�ti-er shall , prior-to acceler- �.
<br /> ation under peragraph 18' hereo# 'or aUaadonment af the Yro��erty; lia�•e U�e rigUt to collect and retain suoh rents ` `" � 'r
<br /> �' t ,, .,
<br /> se they become due snd payablQ. ,,,� y
<br />� Upon acceleiation under nsragra}�1� lf3 hereof cir ahancipnmen*. of the Ymlierty , I;endcr, in Pcrson , Uti- agcnt ,,,s, ;' '
<br />� r 'or ��. ju�icis23y s�pointed receiver shall be entitled ' to enier u��on , take pnssevion of and �nanage the Propertv
<br /> urcfl to colleet the raaw o: the Propert;{, ineluciii:g the�e past dt�e. �11 rcnts collected !�y Len<ler or t:fye re�eiver
<br /> shali be,applied first to payment of:the costs of inanagement of the PropertY an�l collection of rcnts, including, but
<br /> not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on rnceiver's I>onclr and reasannble attornev's ieeG, and then to the sutns �
<br /> secured by thir� il-fort,gage. Lender and the receiver slzall be liabie to r�ccount only for tt�ose rents aetnnllv recei��ed.
<br />� I
<br />. �
<br />�
<br />� �
<br />