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<br /> ; 203�/z—RELEASE OP MOATGAGE—Co�poraSion The HufCman Uenoral BupB�9 Aouae,Lincolu,NeDr. f
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<br /> �i IN`CONSIDERATION of the payment of the d�bt �a»ced tkesein, ehe Commercial National Bank ,;
<br /> �� & TYus t Cotnp3ny� Grand IS land� Nebraska here8y releases tlse nzortgRge s�urde to �
<br /> , �`•
<br /> r� yi
<br /> �? Commercial National Bank & Trust C0y ABC Engineered Trusses, Inc. �!
<br /> :,
<br /> `; on the following descriGcd real estate,to-2rsit: �j
<br /> f} �� ..�� :�. � . � _�
<br /> fj Lot Nineteen jl9), Kentish Hills Subdivision, located in the South Half �
<br /> '. of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SZNW�SW�)of Section �I
<br /> i� ' Twenty Fxve (25) , Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10� West of the
<br /> ;� 6th ':P.M. , Hall Co�cnty, Nebraska. =i
<br /> �` !
<br /> �f{ of Section 25 fn Township 11 , Ran,qe 10 of the 6th p, M., Hall �;
<br /> � Gounty, State of N2br8S1C.e. xvkich is recorded in Book 1�1 of Real Estate Mortgages, ¢age Sfi7 t}
<br /> ¢ of the�records of s¢id County. � � � � � � ;I
<br /> �; IN TESTIMONY WHERF_OF, the said Commereial National Bank & Trust Co. has caused
<br /> ;� ehese psesents to be exec+�ted by its yresidext and its Corporate Sea6 to be a�'ixed hereto this 6th {3
<br /> : ;� daY of OCtobeY , T977 ,t
<br /> (� , LJ�:tness .Cor_.erci .1_.Nat.'..nal Bank & Trust.._ o �
<br /> ; t, T� � �c y--� ,
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<br /> ? 31 ..._..: ... _.. -•-•-•---�----...--•-••-.--..............Attest .--- -�'I--)'`�---�f h so ......_, Cashier, Secreta>y ; } ,;
<br /> STATE oF Nebraska . �om Wrenfi.1t -7
<br /> j� .: _...... ..........................--••�Ss. On th:s....:a.ttt......day of---._.9�tober---:.... ._..._. r �..._..
<br /> ' 'g iiall....... .............._..�ounty before �xe, the undrrs:gned, a Notary Paablic in and f�r sa4d
<br /> � 1 . .. .._.. .. •---� -•--• -
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<br /> , i� Coasnty, ¢ersos:ally ca�s:e.__.Day�.d..R.:...JQhnson--.................._..--,•------......._......-----._..__.....--.-••----_-----._., Presr:�fent of the
<br /> ; � Commercial National Bank & Trust Company, Grand Island, Nebr. a Corporation
<br /> ,
<br /> �; to nze.perso�:ally hnown to be the Preside�st and identical person whose nanae is a�ixed to the above retease and `
<br /> �� acknou�ledged tlie e;�ecrition thereof to be his voliantary act and deed as such ojficer, and tJae voluntary act and deed f
<br /> ;� uf said Corporati.on. �,
<br /> � ; �� ; Yi�itncss r�zy hand and Notnrial Sea�?aEJ'���x!��.� .._:. _...___._._.._..._....__, in snid Cooanly the day and year �
<br /> ; last abovc written. /
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