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�:� <br />�_ <br />� ' <br /> t--w_.. � � <br /> � , . _ _ , <br /> ���; �� MORTGAGE-Saviaq��and loam Form--(Dtceet Crodit�Pl�)�.��.255-2 (Spxldl �� - � . . . . . ...�:. � <br /> .$'$. . . . . . . . �.+�w�w.,.....��.�.�..� . . . . . . . <br /> 3� ' <br /> ��m !�f�=� ��?� MORYGAGE <br /> : �� ': � .� � '. . �� �'. Loan No � � �� .���: , �.:��. <br /> �: TxIs trmENTt1FtE, mcae �h�• ���3rd :��;, or October��� .. . is�77�b aaa i,etween ���. <br /> � p <br /> MICHAE'L GALVAN AND%MARILYN J. GALVAN, husband and wi#e, each in. his and her own right <br /> ; and as'spouse of the other <br /> o� ��Ha� � � � Couaty,Nebraoka,as�'mortqagors_.�. aa.d Home Fademl Saviaqa�tmd�Loan AssociaHoa���of Grand Ielaad, � <br /> ' a'��coipo;atioa orqaalsed��d ezLt£nq�under tl�a lawe of Nebzwka with��ite pz3ndpal oflSce aad place of busineea at Grand Iel�d,Nebraalca, .� � ���-� <br /> . ;:. ..�mortgagee:�� � . . . � � . .. � ; . . . . <br /> � � WI1'NESSETH: Tha!satd`mortgagor 5� tor cad�ia�coaaideration of�tha sum ot � �� <br /> F I VE'TNOUSAND'TWO HUNDRED F I FTY AND NO/100--------e�--�------<-----`nallara (g 5�250.00 � <br /> � tLe zeceipt.oi wfiich�fe fiereby acknowtedged, do—�by thene�presente moriqage and�wsarant unto eafd mortgagee,.ita suweesorn omd �� ' - <br /> cmafgas, torever, all the following deeezibed real eatate, attuatad fn the county ot H�� 1 <br /> ���_.�d'State'ot . .. . � . .. . . . . � � � . �� .. � . .. . . . . .� �:���, <br /> LOT SEVEN (7) IN BLOCK NINETY SIX C96) IN THE ORIGINAL TOWN, NOt�I CITY OF <br /> GRAND ISLAND, NALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> ;$ Toqether with all hea�ing, lighting. and plumbinq equipment and fixturee,includiug etokere aad burne:e, ecreeas, awni¢qa,sYorm mtndowe 3 <br /> . ;s and doors,and window ahadea or bliada, ueed on or in coaaection with said propexty, whather the eame are now Iocated on said propertp � � <br /> , 2 or h¢reafter placed tha:eon. � F <br /> { � � F <br /> YO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAiv�, together with all cmd siagula:the tenementa,hereditamenta and appurtencmcea thereunto belong- <br /> F ing,or in anywiee appertaining,torever, and warzant the title to the same. Said mortqagor�hereby covenanL_ with eaid martgagee <br /> , �� tha!_—�e_.� a�e , ut the delivezy hereof, the lawful owner S of the preausee above conveyed�d deeczibed, and a��-' � �� . <br /> � <br /> . eeized of a qood and indefeasible eatate oi inheritaace therein, tree and cleaz of all encumbrancea, and that=_he v wll! warraat and � <br /> . defond the tille thareto forevez againet the claima and demands o! all peraons whomacever. � . � � <br /> � PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this iastrumeat is executed and delivered to secure the paymeat of ehe sum of <br /> F I VE THOUSAI'JD T6�0 HUNDRFD F I FTY AND NO/100-----------------.--.-- �lare �g 5�250.00 � <br /> with interest Eaereon, together with auch charges and advances ae may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and � . � .. <br /> i <br /> � conditiona ot the promissory note o! evan date he:ewith and aecured hereby,executed by eald mortgagoz S to said mortgagee,payable � � � <br /> � � as expresaed in sald note,and to secure the perfozmaace of all tha terma and coaditiona coa4ained thereln. The terau oi said note are � � . .�� <br /> ` hezeby incorporated herein by thia zetarence. � . � �, <br /> 2 It is the intention oad agreement o} the parties hereto that this mortgaqe shail alno aecure any tuture advancea made to said <br /> . � mortgaqoz� by sc3d mortgagee, aad any and all indebtednean in addition to the amount above stated which said moriqagore, or cmy . . . . � <br /> of them, may owe to said mortgagee, howavez evideaced whether by note,baok occount or olhezwIse. This morigage ahall remaia in full � . � � <br /> torce and e(fea between the parties hereto and thair he'us, pezsonat repreaeatadves, aucceaeore and aeaigna, until all amounta eeeured � � � <br /> . hereunder,including Sufuro advances.are pafd in Sull with interenL . . . �. � .� � <br /> The mortgaqor S hezeby aeaigi�to said mortgagee all rente and iacome arisinq at any and all timea txom eaid propezty aad � �� � <br /> � hereby authozize aaid mortgaqee or iro ageat, at ib option, upoa default,to take charge of eaid property and collect all reats and ineome �� . <br /> the:etrom and apply the eame to the payment of intarest, priacipal,inaurance premiumn, taxee, Qeaesamente, repmre or improvements necee• <br /> � sary to keep said property ia tenansable condition, or to other charqea or paymenta providad Sor herein or in the note hereby secured Thia . � � � � . � <br /> rent aseignment shall continue in lozce until the unpaid�balance o2 eaid aote is tully paid. The taking o!possession hereunder ahall in ao � - . <br /> ir <br /> massner prevent or zetazd aafd mortgagee in the eollectlon of said nums by foredoaure or otherwisa. � � <br /> � The tailure ot the mortgagee to aaeetC any�of;te dghte hereuader at oay time nhatl not be conatrued aa a waiver ot ita rtght to aaeert <br /> �� the eame at any 1¢ter Sime,vad to iaelot�'Upon und eniorce etdct compliance wfth all the terma pnd nrovieions ot said note und of thie � � � � �� <br /> � mortgage. � . � �. �. � <br /> If aaid mortgagor5 ahall cauae Io be paid to eaid mongagee tha entire amount due it herevndez,and undez the texma�d provieion� <br /> j o!sa3d note hareby eecuzed,including tuture advancee,and any eztenetona or tenewala thezeof ia ¢ccordance with the tarms aad provldona � ` <br /> jthereof,and iS aaid mor�gagor S_ shall wmplp with all the proviaioas of eaid aote�d oi thia moztgaga, then thene preseab shall ba void; F �� � ��,� .� <br /> S otherwiae to remain ia 4u11 fozce and effoel, �d amd moztgagee rhall be entitled to the poeseeafoa at all of eaid�pcope:ty,..and.may,.at ita • __ , �,, , <br /> + option, declare the whole of eaid noto and all indebtedneas repre�eatad theroby to be immed3ately due and payable,aad may forecloae Ihis p� <br /> mozigage or take aay othar legal aotion to proteet ite righp and lrom the dato of euch de2ault all items ot indebtednese aecured hereby � � . '.1�F <br /> I ehall draw intereat at�%per¢anum. Appraiaemant waived. . � '�,; L <br /> , Thie mortgage�ahall be binding upou and ahalt anurs to tLe b�nelit ot tha helz�, ezeeutors, administratora, auc�eaeore and aeeigas ot � �,"°?.. <br /> lhe zeapective partiee haroto. . . _� f � <br />`" .�, IN V✓ITNESS V✓HEAEOF, smd Mortqagox� ��+Ve Lezeunto �s� the i r �aac�_the day and lirat above� � <br />�. �} written./f /� / . . <br /> £ ,I /1 I /.'� `� 1 / <br /> £ �IY�t'�'fl�(l .,,a,��..,..-� %J')�,25 p,1„c� �/ ��A <br />� } -�chae a van —laPa�ijf`n ��C`afiva � �� <br /> -� � _ __---- <br /> '�' � <br />_''� <br /> ,� <br /> � <br /> � <br />