<br /> �
<br />.� . � �
<br /> : f
<br /> Moarcac�-�g, �a i.o� a�—��e c�� r� sss-a us��
<br /> ��� o o�s��. nnoRrGA�e
<br /> r �� i
<br /> TffiS�It7DAV1IIBE� made e*�• � E1'll� ��a..� �F � �OctnFiPr � lg�_,yy�g��y�w� ..'�
<br /> DELORIS PETZOLDT;'a sinql`e person
<br /> �
<br /> ot Ha l l r,,. '
<br /> . tr.�xebmaka.u.:mertgaqor_.�ona�Eome Peda.al sa.mg..�ana Eo�'xseoaa4cn ol Cu�d.I.lm�d. ���.
<br /> � a oorporaEion organt�d-md eztetinq under tLe inrv�o[ Nabr�Ya witb�lts.Px+ndPal olfice�smd place ot busiaeas�at Gramil ta7mid.�Nebivtku.
<br /> �....m maxlqagee: . � �. . . . . .. . . ..
<br /> . . VfilitL�SSE7'ti: TLat rmd moctgaqor�. tor imd"m oo�ideration of We sum�of . � . . �
<br /> N I NE THOUSAND 6N HI 1NnRFn_�yp, Ti���pp� :-.-�- 44.._�_ � ;
<br /> . . . . � . . .� . . _�t�-���n�v--�� .
<br /> �� �'��the �eceip[�ot wLich��la Lerebp�aeknovledqed.�da�e�-by.theae�preaeale�mortgage��d�wmraat�unm�..raid. . � � ..�.. . .
<br /> mutqagea."tu acceaeozs aad -
<br /> ; . � .�gm, forevet,all tLe tollo�viaq.dexiibed rool estute, dtuafed in t6e cauatp ot_� �� � � � � � __ .� .
<br /> � ��- �..:md:3wte��of Nebaa�tn. to�wtt���'� . � . . . ,. � . . . . . � . . .:.. � . .� �'.
<br /> w
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> . ...� . Toqether wiW dl 6eating. lightin4, and P��1�4 �i�Pmnnt and fistsues.includEng xtc�kers and buzaera.�ercens, mwnSaS�s,ato�wiadowr �:�
<br /> md doors, ond wrindow ehudee o�r bliads, uaed oo ur[n aannection with smd pzoperty. whether the e�o �a now looaled on�id prvpettp
<br /> or hereatter placed tharmno. � . .
<br /> . . . . . . . .. t
<br /> � 70 HAVE�AND TO HOLD 73� SAPQE; toqeWer with all �d etngular tha teasmenra,hereditamenta and uppuTtenm�oas thereuaw belamg- �..
<br /> � ing..w in�ywise appertaininq.forevec amd warr�t t6e title to the eame. Said mo�tgagor�hrsobp covea�LS_.wiW euid mvipguyee
<br /> tha!–_5.��— �5___, ai 1he delivexy hereof.the Iawfu2 o�rnez---of the premises a6ove wnveqed�d d�oseiibed,ond- � . .
<br /> � IS
<br /> :t. aeize3 of a qood and indeleasible eatate ot inherit�ce therein,fzee and clear oE a11�encumbramoea. and tLat��e will vva�t.md� �
<br /> 3 �detend the title theretp Lwevez agmnst the cluims and demaacla o}all pex�sons whomacievar.
<br /> � �PROVIDED AI.WAYS, and this instsument is ozecute3 and delivered to aecure tLe papment d ihe avm at._.
<br /> Nti�E THOUSA�JD btv HiiNnRFn nr.in p�(�_0.0--�------------� ��. (�_
<br /> wfth iaterest Wereoa foqetLer with sueL ch� es�d advances as ma be due and� �'�-�e–�B �•
<br /> . . 9 Y S�Y� to amd mortqaqee under�We terms �md .
<br /> ��mndittana d 1Le pramis�my note oL even date }aerewi�h �d secured Lereby.executed bp rxid mnrtgagor�to aaid�mort9n9�.PaYable .
<br /> �
<br /> m exp:ess�d iu amd aota.md m eecure tLe perlormaace o!all the Wrnos �d condi4ams oomtained�theraia 'Thr tarms of wfd nMa �e. .
<br /> . .Leiebp.inmrporated bereia by tLis iaterenea. . . � .. .. . . . . �.
<br /> � It L Wa lntentioa aad aqrcement of the parAes hereto tLat this morigage shall dao aeeure �y iuhue adv�cea made W. emd �
<br /> morlgaqar—by wid awriqagec. rmd any and al! indebtedneee in additlon to the�ount abova efated wLieh aaid mortgngo�a.�or��p. .. .
<br /> of them. may owe to amd�mostgagee,ho�vever avidenwd,wLeNaer by nde.hook aeoount ar ot6erwfee. Shis morigage sLall ramtaa ia�tull - .
<br /> forca cmd edlecf�LeMeea�tLe�p�tiee Lareb aod their�Leirs. pecowwl repreaentativas..�ua�sora �d eaaiqna,�untii�oll..�ounb �eeu:od�
<br /> w�wl
<br /> hereundar.Lncludinq futtiro adv�eer. are paid in!ull with Samrast. . . . . . .
<br /> ... 7M ma�gaaNz_...�_.LerebY ass+�G� � to aaid.�mort9a9ee a57.�zenta �d ineame�ising at amy aad all tima��tiom said propextr. �d
<br /> . . 6ereby.autlro�izo�atad murlgagee or a.b ageat af Eb optiow upcm dotaul4 to take eL�uge o[said PropertY�md�cdIect�all reats��d�lmaoms � � . .
<br /> � theretrom and o t the�e to�tLe t o1 iuteraat, in�ur�ce IIg .
<br /> . PP Y PaY�a P�P�� P��um�. t�e�a,meea�eats. rePai» or imgrovemeab aewe-
<br /> emy�io�knep apud property Sa teameaDle coaditi4n, ar�b WLez ehaiqes or papments paovided!or lrezein�in tLe noea Lesebp senued This
<br /> � � rant aaslgameat rLall oontiuue In toiae ua4l.the uapafd halomce ot amd aote is fullp pa:3. Thw t,Jkaiina at posseasion 6e:aunder ahall in.no�
<br /> mmnv pzevant oz iela[d wtd moatqagee fn the coLsctioa of amd�ums b7�forecla�ure oz otLeawSae. � � � .
<br /> , ," a uc
<br /> . t�� �� The Eaiburo of�Iha�m�ortgaqee b aue:t�T of� fL rSqhb Lezeundez af�anp tlms ahall aot be consizued.as a wai�er of ib rlq6t to a.ssert � ... . ..
<br /> �� tLe s�e a[^' � � ..qpo�n and enlorca�aMct complianee wfeh dl the tarme aad pro�tafona od said nMe �d oi Wfn � �
<br /> �g�}r{,3. w ka5r p
<br /> . moctq��' . ��S?+8�."l"iR�^«R,�.°r����'}�� . .. .; . .� : .. . . �.� � .. �. .� . �
<br /> �. It �'�" i'h°�i�T'aiu�6,,��bai�aid to wid marlqaqea tha entlm�ount due it Lersunder.aad uader ths tezme aad��rnta[od
<br /> . � ba
<br /> � �� of�eaid�r Mcvr �i'BYb"V9tdvaaeea,md ang esMnsioxu�or reaewals tLezooE la a000rd�ce with�tbe terma �d grov3a3on�
<br /> ` � iLexeW,tmd,L�vid mozNgog r �6d1 aompip w[tL ail fhs s d eald aote aed d this : .. � �. �� . t .
<br /> , ( : S oftisawiae.lo.remqin ia�7ul1 torca md adeet.md aairl moc&jcgee�a6a11�be satitlad�b iLs paa�wio�aS cll�s�d �e�md .�� .. �
<br /> P�oPsnZ. map ,, _... �: �r .
<br /> . ` � optFoe.deel�e Ihe v.Lols oE�cid nota and all iadebtsdnea zaprareted tLorebY to'b�9mmsd3aN17 d�ro�d pa7abls.�d map loracloes.�ihia °
<br /> ,.t �. shpil draw 5atere�t atY...MLx legat a�xioa�b p�ot�et:.it�rigLt,��d fmm..tLs dat�.d�uch.detault all.item� aQ.indobte�ar�snued,Larebf� -�S �tp � °�", �
<br /> � .
<br /> � JB96 prs�•n••,,••• APDz�nt wadved. �.. �,
<br /> .: . . 1 1 , �.,. �� � . . �. � � � � ;�.e�
<br /> . � �, ;�S6is mo�tqag�s �6a11 De biadinq npon�a�d �LaII�nuc� b tha !wm$t d tLs L�in.���ec�on.��mini�aa nams�oas�md�of� � ,,��5,`�::
<br /> � ��r La
<br /> � ,..,�. MP.!ca!'�D�t1M.Letarta. . ,.. , ,,: . . . ��r ��ns�„"� :-.
<br /> �W WIYZIF83 W� �add )focq�v,�cr �•••�5 Lu�aob N[_ h a r� . :b....a tM dat�aud Te�ar tirwl al»�e � ' ;
<br /> I wriq�y, . , ,... , .. . : . .. . .. �� � ���i:
<br /> t
<br /> ,s` ���, ,,� v.�a-�.� � �,, �
<br /> �(oris Petzoidt, a s�ingle person
<br /> � �
<br />�
<br /> k'� �
<br />