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<br /> � � �..�RdOYtiGAG£-Savinqs aad Lam Poric--(Diract Czed31 Pl��.255-2 (SPeaall . . .. . .�� .: � .. . � .
<br /> ��`- O fJ e5�319 MC?RTGAGE
<br /> �- �xo �
<br /> �`� rt�s n�inE.NSUaE.�'�mnae�m�• � ��:5th� � .,,,,o. � � . October��� � � �1977�. �����,� �.
<br /> `GORDON D. BAINBRID6E AND ROGENE L. BAINBRIDGE`, husband and wifie, each in his and her
<br /> own right and � spouse of the other
<br /> aL He l� CountY.Nebzmta.m mor6gangor 5�d Homo Fedeml S�vin4r'and Loan Jiseodatioa o!Gracd Lland
<br /> ` ;.. �. o.�orporatioa.oaganised and entHnq.mder�tLe lawa�of Nebraeka w3tb'Ita prindpal oflite�d plaaa o}bua[�as at Grand laimd.Nebraska, . .
<br /> � ���.mon4a9ae: �. � . � . . . . , . . .,.,.. ::
<br /> WI2NE55ETH: 74at�wfd mortgagor S� .1os amd ia�camaideratioa�d the sum ol . . . � � .
<br /> ONE HUNDRED SIXTY THREE THOUSAND-AND NO/100�-�----____r-_T___�-�-.,__ 163;000.00
<br /> _ *�.,nR.� (�[ _).
<br /> % � [he�receipt�of'ohicli�Is�Letebp�Imowledgad.'dn bY��these preaenta-�mort9Q4e �d�wanant.unto�eatd moitqaqee.�-Ns �ueaeesoss �d '�� ��. .�:�.
<br /> . �:..aesiqns. loraver, ai!the tollowiaq describrd reai eetate, eimated in tLe ooun�Y o[--- Ha I I_ � � � . .
<br /> ,;.md Stnte��::o1:Nebraaka..�to-wit.� :.. ..... �:�� . . ,. .. .. . ... . �. ... . �� . . . .. ..
<br /> . " ? ��tIIer w[th all�heatiag..li9htiag. �d pl�.mbinq equiamenY and� fixtures.iincluding stokere cmd bumers.�eena.�awaiag�, stormwiada�vs .
<br /> + . ,..� �,��d doors,and. �rindow shadce or�blinda, veed on or in rnmecdon witl�a¢id property.mhether the eame�e ao�r loarted a�aaid piopesty. .
<br /> or horeafter ploc�ed thereom. � .
<br /> � 70 HAVE AHD TO HOLD SfiE�SA2dE, txgeeLer with all �3 magulm tLs teaemenis.Srue.:;'s:���is�d nppurtemaees thareunfo beloaq- �
<br /> . ing,or in anywise appertainiag.forever.cmd wan�t tf�e title to the a�e. Sadd moatqagor S herehy coveaaat_-with aaid mortgaqee�. . .
<br /> �that�he_�L. a�E-' at the delivery hereof. the lawiul owner S of the premiees a6o�e mavaped�d daecsibed,�d are . .
<br /> S .seired o! a�good and�indefeaaible eetato of inheritmca therein, Free aad clem�af all�eae.vmbrtxncee,and tLat��.will r�rmst mad�
<br /> �.dalend.the titla tLereto torereez againat the ctaime m�d demands ot all peraona whomsoever.
<br /> ����PROVIDID� ALWAYS, aad iLis inatrtimeat is execuDed delivered to mcare the papment d tLe sum oi
<br /> ONE HUNORED SIXTY THREE THOUSANO AND N�100---��--------�---«--�--��� 163,000,00 ,
<br /> (t
<br /> ..�.. .�avtlh inleseat therewn, togather with�sueh oharga�s aad advaaces as map be due �d payable to amd mortqagee uadar tha terms aad
<br /> oondiHons d�the.promiwwp note of even date hisrewith and seeured hereby.ezeeuted bp�md mock�a9o$ to wid.mangaqee,payab7e � .
<br /> m�ezpreseed fn �aid dote.aad�to securo the pertorm�ce d all the terms md oo¢diHaoa canta7netf�t6are5n. 76e temu of aaid�nobs eQe . . �
<br /> herebp inwrpomted hereLn bp thia[eference_ . . � . . . ... . . . . ... . � .. . .. � .
<br /> :�Ii 3a the inleation and agzeement at the pariiea hcreto that this mortgaqe aLall aleo saeure �p luhae adv�oes made fo� wid �.
<br /> v oes
<br /> ��mori4ngoz�—�bp said mort4aq¢e..�d�y �d aL indebtedness in additioa.m the�ount above dated �vhieL wid mortgagots, oe�emp . � . .
<br /> oi ebem, mey�owe to�aid moctyagee. however ev[deaed whetLer by note.book acaount or WLerwlra. 76ir mo+tgaqe ehaII remmn in iull .
<br /> s
<br /> torce.;a�..elfecc�betweea�the p�Hee Le:eto Qad t6efr�Lefra..yacs�al represeatativos. aucoea�pzs.md maiqas. unlil all �wa4 �nqued .
<br /> haceuoder.includ3nq�luture�advmce�.�e paid ia futI witla i¢tarW. . . . . .
<br /> ; .�. ..�..ibe morh�gor5�:Lersbq rnWe� .ta smd�moctgaqee all reats md�9amme �ieiag at my and all timws lrom smd pcopoity�d ..
<br /> �lcoreLp autho�iaa smd.mortgagee or its ageaL d�ita optien. up� default.to take ch�qe a4�add prapetty�and callxt"aU�reab��d income � .
<br /> .. tberelrom aad apply the w�e to the payment of.3aler�4 Pi�+Pa�3aaaxraote pxamtume..�tmos.�ats, ra'Pcdn or��improsemenb neeee- . �..
<br /> wry to.keep.aaid P=aP@«Y ia tenantabla ooadition.<x lo other cL�gss or paymeals Provfded for.Lece3n or ia Ws�te hereby sacured. T63s . �
<br /> - �raat assFgamenl�chal!matinua ia £orce vutii 1Le unpaid bal�ee ot emd nole�3s lutlp p�d '[La 6vlotag o[P�+►ion Larauadsr ehall in no
<br /> ��maanez.�prevent�or retaid.�said�moitgaqee in tha eoll.ctioa�ot emd sums bp faeelonare or otL,eiwisa. . . .
<br /> mo
<br /> �: 3 ��� S6e tdlurs oE We.mortgpagee W.�ert �p.M 9fa righls Leieunds=at�p tims aLaL nW be oomat�usd as a vdve+af ib righl W�eat � . .
<br /> $ tLa�avme ct cmY latcr time.�d b YnaiN�up�md ealarea stzlct complicmce w3th a!1 tho terms �d pre�� d add naes md od thie � .
<br /> ' � mort9u9e• .� .._... .:. .. . . .�:. � . . .. � .. . .
<br /> � 2t wid morlga9e�- S,��all ovuae ro be pa3d to wtd mwrtqaqae.ffis satire�ount due it Lersun�dar.�d uader ihe tezm�r�nd pm�►l�iaos
<br /> � j ot etdd not�a hezebX�ecviced.Snrluding 3utuca ad�a.�and m4p sstwnsSoaw.or re�waW theree[:En c�cvs�asa wUL.tLe ts�s�.�d pro�istams � €
<br /> � d j ALeieot.aad ii.aaid�rha21 eomplp with all tLa pzoviaiams ot�cdd mte�d o!tLis mostgaga.tLsn tLew preisnts�sLali bs�dd; � . ��
<br /> � mprtgcgee�LaII be sntltiad to tLa PQI� o!all of�d ytqpmstz.and may.at tEs� ."" �� • . .T,�, .
<br /> '� 3 9�4�'��rsmt�'In.31n fpll latCs Rnd�s�flect.�cmd tatd , ..
<br /> 4 Z pptiw,daelose ths wLds ad wid�nooe and�.a21 ladsbbdOe�rePca�sated tberoby b b�immsdfa/sif dne md pafabla.md map lore�lws H�S �_ 4 F , �
<br /> S .��9a9e o* faba aap otLer 1ogal,aetlo�n Lo�ixoroc�.its tiqLt, m�d trom the da1� at sueh default all ftem�ot indabtednm��ecurmd hsroby � „� ;��
<br /> ■ha0 draw inteiest at 91 j per�aum. Ap�t wad�ad. � �. � . � � . . '* �
<br /> ` �+o x
<br /> ., � ' ����L'��4 VP���6a11�OYie tO IL� �nslit L�tbe b�fi1L �li.LlCfL G��iaf. ntmN�O[i�d Otl{qaa at J �. ? ,, �
<br /> � 1kw;wP,!�'t�9�.:PQ+tlosLaieb. �� . � . . . . � . � . . �o-
<br /> k ��.
<br /> , _ , -_. , � �
<br /> ni wmffSs «aa �a�ar s_ea_ve y�� � fihe i r y�m+� m.my ana ys�arn abo.. , ti `
<br />� �w`��Gzs�� �.. � � a
<br /> � .� o r
<br /> �`� =M�r. .�
<br />� or on �n ri g �ogen L. Bainbridge
<br />� � �
<br />� � ' �
<br />� � �
<br />� �
<br />� �
<br />