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�;�:�� <br /> a- <br />�•�:' <br />.� `n , <br /> , �.�- <br /> .�._ � � <br /> � I7- l) (1 � g �J6 - <br /> TKE� MORTGAGOA_ FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: . <br /> � � � i � � That Lhe,�Mortgagor witl Pay�� the indebtednexa" �.as hereinbe(ore �.prm•ided. � � � � - � � :'- . . <br /> � � . . That Lhe Moztgagos ie L1ie oWner of eaid propezty in fee simple and has good �righf and lawful aut.hority to � sei! and�� <br /> � convey Lhe same asid that the same '4s :frGe and ;clear ot any lien 9r encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warranf aT�d defend the � � � � <br /> �. . title to. �said ' pretnisee sgainyt the claims itG all per'sons' whpm.�oevvr. � � . � . . <br /> � � To pay� iir"unediately; wlien�due anc3 payable�all� geneial taxes, s��ecial taxess, ::special assuassmenLs, waler charges, sewer serv-� <br /> ss <br /> � � �ice� charKes. and :o'ther taxex ��a�d . charges :against. said pro}rerly , anci al! ta7ces Ic�viFd 'yn the de.bGsecured hetrby, and t.o . furnish the� � <br /> �� �� Morfgagee, �fxin � x�quast;�� with 'the� � originai -crt duplicate rect`ipts IherefoX, 7'he Murtg^agox �qrr��x� that there shal! be �arlded to� <br /> � �aok; monthly payment required hereunder or �hnder fhe cvidenee of debt secur��c] hereby na amount esti[nated hy the MortKagee �. <br /> ` � `to Fre sufficic�ni- �to '�'enalile . the Morf,qagee to pay, as they becom<�� du�e, all� � taxes, �tshessments, �nd :;imilar churges upon the Pre}n- ; � <br /> � . ises subyr.�ct thereto; any deSceency becausc• '6C �lhe iirsufficie�icy ���i�t such additicinal kiaymcmts " shall fie � f�srYhwith�. der>cisite<i by the -�. � � �.� <br /> � � Mortig.igc>.r with t}i�: i�iortgagee � upon . demand by. lhe Mortgagee Any cfefautt under this pazagrxaph s}�ail be rico:ned a df•fautt . iri � � <br /> � . j�aVmEnL'�ot � t.axes, �astiessment�, nr similur� � charges� requirr�cl Yirreiin�ler. :� . � . . � � . . ; <br /> . . 'Che Mortr;a€nr arqeNv thak t}ai re �.ht.1. 1 ..t.� �hv 3d•ip.1 � .� �, � a�h� mr;� rhty ;a2;m.,r! •�t . ar.nc_.,a3 . _ .� t_ - t ' . - ; ti .. �. <br /> � - - - - ' - — . . . _. . ._ . ..�.e ' _".. ... <br /> � � . . � unzler an� a�n�'.unC estimateel by the Mortb'�+�'ee. to be sufiieient, to enable thc: Mortgaag<•e 1<+ F>ay, as it � bccvmrs � �lue ttae �insurancc•. � <br /> � � prerriiuin ��in :any; ir�sur�izice. .policy delivcre3 � to t}�e Mortgagec. . Any �ieficiency hecausc� o( the. � insu�ciency <�f . yuch additSonai , T�ay- . <br /> � � � ments stiatt h.� �fi�'i�Chwith dc �osited� 6 � � � i}�� � ���rt a or � with t}�r� Nlc,xtgayce �u�x�n dkrniand t�y � thE MorLgagE�e Any �defaiatY dndPr this� � � <br /> 7 ' Y B � <br /> � . . �aragra�:>h � s}sall � k� di:emed a defeult in the {�ayment � of incvranc� premiumti. IC t.he' policp � or pohii�s �il� {�osited � aro such�'a5 trorne:�. <br /> . owners or all risk polici�as, anc3 l.fie c3epersiYs are insu(Ticicnt to »ay entire premiurn , 1:he h9uitgagtie_ may� :ip��1y tAF• . deGi�n to <br /> . � � pay premiums on risks required tn }x. insur�:�d by this mnrtgx�ge. . � � � <br /> � � � Faymcn4s msde t>y the Mort�;agor uncler t.he abovc, paragra}>hs may , at the nption c,f ihe Mortgagee, he held ' by it and <br /> � � �� � tommingted wi(h other such funi3.s or its own �funds for the �paynii�nt �>f ��:;uch items , :ind unti ! sn apptii�rd. such payments are herekay � � <br /> . ptec3gpd as security for the ur� paid batance ui the mortt�i3ge indetitcdness. � . � � . � � � <br /> � . � Tb {yrocure, deliver � tu, � and rnainLsin fur Chr bc•nefit of t� V�ze Murtgag�ee during the lifc+ oC thi:i mortgt�ge ori�inal poiieies and � � � <br /> renewals therevf, � delisered at lrast ten dayh Ixfore the expirat.iun c.�f any �uch palicie�„ insux�im; trgainst fire anrl .oti�er insurabte <br /> hxzrqrds, casualties, and r.ontingencies as tlie Mortgagee � mny r�vire, � eri nn t�monn4� equa! Lo the . indcbtedness secun�d bq Yhia <br /> . � � M�rtgage, and in companies acccptable tn the Mortgei�;ee, with ioss payable cl:susr in (acor nf and in form acceptabte to the Morfga- . <br /> . � �re. En Lhe tvent any policy is not renew�d un ar b4fure teri �4ays of iks trzpiraGon. Che Mt,� rtgagce may J�rocure insuranca� � nn �the � . <br /> , emproveme.nt�s, pay thc premlucn therefor, and such :urn shall become immcdiat��ly due and jaay:�ble with at ihe rat.e sr4 . <br /> � � � fort}a in said noG> yaid and shall Ix� :;ecur��ci by this m<,rtgage. Failure on the part of the !L2<�rtgagnr tu furnish such renewals � . <br /> ' as are herein required or f:ailuse io pay any nums advancec3 hcreund� r sha1L�, a�t the optic�r of the M�.rtRnRee, co+istitute a d�Cauk � � <br /> �. under the terms of this mortgage. '1'he deli�•ery af such policiee �hall, in the e�•enf nf detniilt, cnnstitute an assiKnmrni. of khr � un- � � <br /> , <br /> �earne.�ci premium. . � � , � � � <br /> . . � . � . . � , ,. _ , . . . ,. . .,f los.. ..�� „�:.n �a� u. �a :.-. a " st m.; b. . .a...ed U.. t`� "."c . � . . � <br /> � . tinY >unik iri'2iVeu uy t)u• . iur�.�,ugrr + v i.eai�ni . ., F � u .. a. . y . ".^� <br /> �. � snd � applied toward t.he PaY�nent ut the dcbt he� eb.v su�urerl , or. al tlSe oplion of thc A1ort.gagee, sucii � sums � either a�hollv ur in . . <br /> � � � part may kxr pald uver tn the Mortgaguc tu k»� used fo n�pair 5uch buildings or io build ' new Uuildinbs ui their Ptacr �or foc�� any <br /> � � . rsthes purpu.�e � or object safisfactory to the Mi.irtgagec without aHveting ehe tien on the morigage fur t.hc futl amount �<�cured here- <br /> � . . � . by laefore such payment e.ver tiK.k place. � . . � . . . � <br /> � � 1'o prompUy repair, restore or ra�build any buildings or improvement�s nuw ur herraftrr on � the prcmises which may be- . <br /> � came damaged or deslroyec9; to kee{� said premises in goeid condition ancl repair and Frer_ from any mechanic's lien or olhrr Sien or . <br /> � � . olai:n of lien not expressty sulwrdinatcd to the lien here��f; not� [o suffer ur percnit any unlr�wful use o[ or any i�uisance te� �exist . on � � . ' <br /> said �property nor to permii waste on said premises, nor to du any other ac4 whereby the property hereby cnnveyed shali ixcome . � <br /> � leas valuable, nor W diminish .or impair itx vulue by eny act or nmission to act ; tu comply with a❑ re<7uiremen.s uf taw with respect � ;� <br /> � to tihe mortqaged prernises and the use. thereof. � � . . � � � � <br /> ' � � That shuu.ld t.he prrmises ur an.v Part thercof be taken or damagc-d bV reason of any {�uhlic impraveinenf. ur coni3ennat.ion � <br /> � � prcrceeding, or under thc right of eminent domain, ur in an,v other manner, the �lurtgage�e shall be cntitlfd to� all comf>ensations. . . <br /> � awards, and any other payment or retief [herefor, and Shall he entitted, at � ita optir>�, tti commence�, �appear in� a�nd Prosecute in ' ita � <br /> �� . � own � nume � any action or proceeding, or ta muke any compromisF� «r se.ttiement in t�.onnection wilh such takinq bx damage. All such � � . � <br /> � . � eompenastion.� awarcis, �-damages: righV of � action �� and f�roceeds are hereby� assiKned tn � the Tvleutgagee, who� may, aftex '� deduciing . <br /> � � � � therefrom �all � it4 expensea, ��release any- moneys so received� by it� or apP�Y Ghe same un any indeMedness secured hereby�. 4'he �� Mort- ' . . . .. <br /> . . � � gsgor.agtees � to� axecute such . further assignme�ts nf any compensukiun, awards, damages: and rights � o[ actio� . and proceeds as ihe �' � � � <br /> � � . MorCgaBee �maY, � require: .�. .. .. . � . . . . . . . . � . . . . . : . . ..:. � '_., <br /> � . . . . . . Tbai in case of failure to perforrn any of the cuven:ants }ierein. Lhe blortgagee may do on thc � '.�1orLgvgor's behalf exvervYhing �vX � . . <br /> � � :;o covenranted; that the Morigagee may also do eny act it. may deem neccessary tu protect [he lien thereof; that the !vlortgag�r wilt � � . � , � <br /> � � repay vpon demand �any.� �noneys� paid or � disbursed� 6y the Mortg�gee ��[or any �of the abovepurposes, �and such moneys toget6er � with � . - . <br /> � interesL �t}�eretin at the rate� �provided� in 'said nute- � shall becume �so much� . ai3ditional inc�ebt�iness'�hereby scKtured and' may he �'in- � � <br /> � cluded in any decra:e toreclosing this mortgage and tK� paid uut of the rents or prnce•eds o( sale of said �r>remises � if � n4t othemise�� . �. . <br /> � � paid; that it shall not be obligatory u�wn lhe Mortgagee to inquire into the validity of any licn. encumbrances. <ir claim � in ad- � " � �. <br /> � . vanc3ng�moneys��as� alwve � auv.t�orized, bui . nothing � herein cantai�necl . shall .bc:��. constxued �as�� requiring the Mortgagee �to�. ad�ance� any , . . . � � <br /> � � moneys�.for�. any :auch� purpUse nor to �do .any act tiereunder: and that Muctgagee shail not incur. any,.�rer;unal. liability.. becau+e o[ any�- � � <br /> . . � �� thing ;it .may . do or �omit �ta dg hereundea � . . . . . � . . � � � . � � - � � � � � � � - � � <br /> � � In the event ot �the default . hy Mortgagor in �the payment of any, instaliment , as rcquired � by� Lhe Nole secured hereby, �or . : � � � <br /> � � � � � � Sn the pe�rformanc�e of the obligation in this morLgage or in the note � secured thereby, the D4orfgugee sl�all be entiUed to declare the . � . . � . <br /> . . dn6¢ S�:yLc.3 hetEri�i �L� .�na �73Yx���e ��':thouY netice, arld .the M( n�tgag�i• chr� ll be rntiqed Ht iGs e+ption. withuut n<�,ticf�. eitYier bY � G`�lf <br /> � � � or by a F��ver to Ue appt�inted by fhe court thereof, and without regard� to the adequacy of any security fur the indebtedness se- . <br /> . ' � �cured herebq, to 'enter upon and take pos§ession� ciT the mortgaged premises, and � to collect and receive the rents, issuea �and profits <br /> � � � thereof, .and appty the same, .less costs of operati�n ancl mllection, upon the indebtcxiness �:securPd: ��by this mortgaRe ; I said � tenfe. . . f <br /> � � ' �� � � issues and profil8"being.hereby��asaigneti to Lhe�Mortgagee as fartfier secuiity for the � payment ot all � indebtedness �secured� hereby. �. � � . � t{ <br /> " � � � � ThP Mortgagee shall have � the powez to aPP��nt any agent or agents it may desire for the purpace oi repairing� said prem - � � ���•� ,, , } � �� �'�',, �'` � <br /> � � � ises:� rent�ng the .�same; ,Callecting the rents,. revenues and income , ancl it may pay nut of said inwme all expenses. incurred . im m�t- �. � A„�'�1„ '=�s.-^ <br /> � � ing and� �managinS �he eame and ot�. collecting the cenials therefrom. The balance remaining, if any, shall be �applied toward the ;��z . <br /> g g s assignment ie to 3erminate and become null and void upon of this mortgage. ; �i��;; <br /> ��. discharge oI the� mort a e� indebtedness. Thi„ . ., . .., . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,. . y . <br /> . . . . . � . �W, <br /> �. :' . . �.�� � . . . � � '. � , -z s, '.;� . ;�..� <br /> . � . . � � � . � . �. .:' . .�. . . . , :.;<; .., . . .. ,. .. ` . ._ . . � . . � . . . : . � . . . . , : � � [ r, . ; : �.�.. <br /> . . . . . . � , .: . <br /> � : . �.� �� � �.. _._,__ . .._ __.._w_..........__.,_....._-__.�.._..........'-'_.. : . . .�t:� <br /> X .. . . . . . . . . . . � . . <br /> � <br />� . <br /> � � <br />