<br />�:;
<br /> � , �- -I
<br /> .jFa ". . . . . . . � .
<br /> § . . . . � . . . .
<br /> not extend "or postpone the due date oi tlie �nontlily inst;�liments i•eferred ta in paragraphs 1 and Z hereof or
<br /> change the°amount of su�li installments. _
<br /> 1D. Borrower Noi Released. Extensiou of the t9it�e for'pa,yment or modification of amortizution of the sums
<br /> secured by this _l�Iortgage granted by I,ender to'any :siiecessor in iixteresG of Borrower sha;ll not .operate to release,
<br /> in any mannei; tlie laa�ility of tF�e original Boi•rowcr and }3orr�icci's successors in interest: Lender shall -not be
<br /> : � requiied to commence j�roceedings against such successor ol� refuse Eo extend time Por payment or other�vise modify
<br /> an�ortization of the sun�s secured by tliis llortgage by reason of any decnand mads by the original Borrower and
<br /> Bonotver's successors in interest.
<br /> *"� li. Forbearance by bender Not a Waivea Any forbeai•ance by Lender in exercising any right pr remedy
<br /> ° � hereunder, or. otherwise affordeii by applicable la�ti�, shall not l�e a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> �r',' or remedy heceunder. The procurement of insurance or tl�e payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lende;
<br /> Sha,ll not be a wnicer of LendeT's right'to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> �- ' 12. Remedies Cumulative.- Ail remedies provided irY t1�is \Zorkgage Are distinet and cumulative to any other
<br /> '-4� right 'or remeciy under this JIo7•tgage or'afforded hr- la�r oi• equity, and niay bc exercised, concurrently, independ-'
<br /> � ently `or successively, ` , • , -; i
<br /> � 13. Succes�sors and Xssigns Bouad; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements '
<br /> j^� herein contained shall bind , and the rights liereunder sl�all inure to; the res��ective successors 3nd assigns of Lender ? '
<br /> and Borrocver, su�ject to tl�e provisions of p.�ragrapl� 77 1�ereof. All covenants and agreeruents of Borrower shnll
<br /> be joint and several. The captions and l�eadings of the paragra�7hs of tl�is \ Im•tgage aie for con�enience only and
<br /> are not 'w be used to interpret or define ttic pt�ovisions hereof.
<br /> 14. Notice. Any notice to Borrowei• ��ro��idec� for in th�s \lortgaige sh:ill hc given by inailing such notice by
<br /> eertified ir�ail addressed to Borro�ver :�t tlie Yroperty Address st:ited belo«•, cxeept far an,y notice requireci wi�ler
<br /> paragraph IS hereoF to be given to I3orro�cei• in the inannei• prescribed by a�>plic.itile la���. Any notice provided
<br /> for in this J3ortgage :h�ll be dee�ned to havc been given to Borro�i•ei• ���hen given in the inanner designated herein.
<br /> 15. Uniform Mortqage; Gove:ning Law; Severability. This fortu of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br /> for national use and non-uniform covenants tvith limitecl �-ariations Gy jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> ' rity 9nstruinent covering real property. This �lortgage shall be governed by the la«• of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> j the P;operty is located. In the event that any provision oi• clause of tliis �4ortgage or the Note conflicts with
<br /> � applieable la�v, such conflict shall not affect othcr provisions of tliis \lortgage or the Note whicl� can be given
<br /> effect without t.he confiicting provision , and to tl�is end tl�e provisions of the J'fortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable�
<br /> ° 16. Borzower's Copy. Borrower sl�all be furnished n confor�ned copy ot this A4ortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordation liereof.
<br /> 17. Transfer of the Broperty; Assumption. If ull or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> E or transferred by T3orrower without Lender's prior written consent., excluding (a ) the creation of u lien or encum-
<br /> � brance subordinate to this �4ortgage, (1� ) tl�e crention of s purchase money security interest for household appli--
<br /> ; anees, (c) a transTer by devise, descent or b,y operation of la��� upun tlie death of s joint tenant or (d ) the, grant of
<br /> any leasehoid interest of tliree yexrs or less not containing an option to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option,
<br /> d declsre sll the sums secured uy this Mortgage to be im�nediately riue and payuble. Lender shall have waived such � °
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to Cl�e sale 'or transfcr, Lenderand tlie ��eison to wltom the Property is to be sold or
<br /> transferred reacli agreement in writing tGat tl�e credit of sucli �>erson is ,atisfactory to Lender and tliat the interest
<br /> gaysble on Lhc �um; secured Ly thSs 13ortgage siiali be at sucli rate us i.ender shall rec�uest: If Lender has waived
<br /> the optiomto accelerate provided in tl�is paragraph 17 and if Borro��rer's successor in interest has executed 'a writ-
<br /> '; ten assumption agreeraent accepted in �vriting by I,ender, Lender shall release Borirower from slt obligatinns under
<br /> + this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> � If Lend2r exercises sucl� optiou io accelerate, Lender shall ±nail I3orrower notice of acceleration in accordance
<br /> rvitl� paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice sGall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the dnte the notice is
<br /> � ; � � � iti$iled within whict�� Borrower may pa3� the sums declz�.red dua lf I3orrow�er fails to pay � sucl� sums prior to` the �
<br /> expirstion of suchperiod , Lender may, ���itl�out fiu-tl�er notice or deruand on li'orrower, invoke a,ny remedies per-
<br /> ,:' mitted by paragraph `18 hereof.
<br /> iv'ox-17xiFoaM Cov�xAr; �rs. Soi�ro�ver �uid I.eiidei• #'urtl�er co��enant and ahi•ee a5 foIlo�vs :
<br /> ; 18. Acceleration; Remedies. Except as pi•o�-i�led ' in j >xa•agru� ,l� 77 hei•eof; u�ion 13orrower '., breaciY of anyr
<br /> � covenant or agreement of Borrower in this \ Iortgnge, including t6c covenants to � rty }vhen <9uc 3nv sum:; secured
<br /> � by this 1lortgage, Lender I�rior to acceier.ttion shitll n'i:�il notice to I3orro�ver :tc ��rovi�icd i�i I>;si•agraph 14 Izereof
<br /> i4 speciFying: ( 1 ) the breacli ; ( 2) the siction rc<�uired to cure sud� l�reach , (3 ) 1 date, not. less tlinn tliii�Lv davs
<br /> from the date thc notice is �iiai]ec1 to 73oi•ron•er, G�� �rhicli ;ut�h L�reach iuust I>e ciired ; and (41 tl�at failure to cure
<br /> such breach on vr before the date s��ecified in tl�e notice may result in acceleration of tl�e sums sccured bv this
<br /> :�4ortgage and sale of th<: Property. If the breach is not cured on or before tl�c d�ite specired in the notice, Lender
<br /> at i.ender's option niay declare nll of tl�e sums securec9 bv this 1lortgagd to ` be immediatei,y due e�nd payable
<br /> withooti further c�emand and mny foreclase this �4ort�ai�e bti� juclici.il �n•oceeding. Lender slinll hc entitled to collect
<br /> im sucl� iiroceeding ali expenses of forcclosui•c, inclu�ling, htii not liiuited to, coste. of docuinentury evidence,
<br /> ; absiracts and tit3e reports.
<br /> 19. Bozrower's Right to Reinstate. \'ot��-ithatanding I,ender's .tcceleratian of the swi�s secured by this
<br /> ?1�fortgage, Borrower shall ha�e tl�e right tio ha��e any rroceeding� , begun by� 1.ender to enfome this 14ortgage dis-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enfoYcing thi, \Iortgage if ; Iai Borro«•er pays Lender ssll
<br /> � sums which would be then due under this �iortgsge, tLe �ctte nncl nutes securing Futui•e Advances , if any, l��d no
<br /> , ; accelert�tion occurred; ( l�) Borrower cures all breticLes of nnv other co�•cnaiitc or a�rr�mcnt� nf Rorrower con-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage ; (c) Borrower pays all reasonable ex��enses incurred f>y Lender in enforcing the covenants
<br /> ; and agree�ents . of Borrow•er contained in this \-fortgage � ncl i�i e��foi•cin�; I;endcr', rert2edies as ��rovided in parA-
<br /> : ' graph 18 hereof, including, butnot limited to, reasonable itittorne��'� Pees : atici id ) �3orrowr.r take� such action ns ,
<br /> Lender may reasonably reqnire to assure lhat the lien of tli �s Jlortgage, Lehde�'s inferest in the Yroperty and
<br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this 11ortg.��e 'shitll continue uninipairecl: Upon such payment ;;: ,w " - " ;"`4 `
<br /> ' and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the nbligations securaci l�ereb�• �hall reniain i❑ fiill force and effect as if � � a �+-< -
<br /> ; no aceeleration hsd occurred. � ,
<br /> , 20: Aasi
<br /> � gnenent ot Reate; Appouatment of Receiver, I,ender in Possession. i1s additional securiGy here- � ;`+ `
<br /> under, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender tlie rents oi the Property, pi•o��ided that Borron-er shall , prior to acceler- �;�� -
<br /> ation under paragraph 18 hereof oT abandonxnent oF the Proj�erty, iifivc the right to coilect and retain such rents '_�- �?,
<br /> � �� , ..
<br /> , as they become due and gayable. � ;� -
<br /> . Upon 'acceleiation nnder paragra��l� ] g Ac�reo{ or ;i1,xn�onmcnt of the Yro}�ertti�, Lendcr, in ��crson , bti� agcnt
<br /> or by judicially appointed receiver shall he entitleci to enter upon , take posse�sion of and ivanage the Property �� "
<br /> and to collect the rents of the Praperty, includSng khose past due. All rents collecteci by 'Lender or the receiver
<br /> , , shali be applied first to psyment oF the costs of management of #.lre Property aiid collection of rent.s . includin�. but
<br /> not iimited to, receiver's fees, premiums �,n rcceiver's boni3. and reasonable attorney'h feee . ,ind then to the sum,
<br /> �
<br /> secured by th9s Mortgage: Lender and the receiver shall bc liahle to accounk onl�� for those rent� act�.�ally received. �
<br /> ,
<br /> � � ,
<br /> _ II.. _
<br />�
<br />�
<br />