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� <br />� <br /> �--+ � �: <br /> 1 ' --_'`✓ <br /> 77- v057'7� <br /> F� <br /> � - <br /> � . t <br /> y � <br /> t�t; ORDINAt�CE N0. 6198 . • ?, . <br /> s� r: <br /> � <br /> �� An ordinance creaCing Water Main Connection Distriet No. 333T, said water main lying <br /> �. <br /> � <br /> �: 3tt AirporC Avenue and Capital Avenue and being s�ithin and beyond the corporate limits of ` <br /> � . <br /> �� the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries of the district; providing fcr <br /> �� the la in of a water main in said district; '^, <br /> �r y g providing for plans and specifications and <br /> securin bids; rovidin for the connection fce for connectin to such water mafn; �� <br /> °� S P € g Providing <br /> Mfor certification to the Register of Deeds; and providing the effective date hereof. ` " <br /> � BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PLIYOR AND C011NCIL OF TtiE CITY OF CRAND ISLe�t7D, NEBRASKA: <br /> � ..SE IT pRDAIhED BY Tk:E :IAYOR APID COL'i:CIL OF THE CZTY OF CR11ND�ZSLAKD, NEARASKA: �' <br /> t,, . <br /> �� <br /> SECTION 1. Watcr Main District No. 333T lying in Airport Avenue from Che junction of �',r' <br /> � <br /> Fourth Strcet with Seventh Street to Capical Avenue, and in Capital Avenuc from Airport s`," <br /> � �, <br /> � Avenue to thc west sidc of Saint Paul Road, is hcreby created for the laying of an eighteen- f"�, <br /> �" inch (18"), or 4.5 centi.meters, c�aeer main in said streets, bcing within and beyond tha = <br /> �' . <br /> �� corporatc limits of thc Ci[y of Crnnci Island, Nebraska. <br /> S� <br /> �; SECTI02Q 2. Thc boundarics of such watcr main distric[ shall be as follows: <br /> P�' To nscertain the actual place of beginninr, corrJnence at the sectipn corner <br /> � et the jtenction og n;rperr .+••en;:e .nd r�pital Avenue; thence^.g cas� <br /> � on the seccion line in C��pital Avenue £or a discance of 133 feet, or 4U.538 i,';; " <br /> metcrs to ehc actual pl.icc ol bcp;imiing; Chcncc rUnning south on a linc <br /> � be3n� 133 fect, or 40.533 r,�eters, east of t.he scccion liiic in Airport Avenue <br /> s;; for a dist�ncc nf .''.,G47.^. £ce[, or 80f,.SG7 nicccrs, r�orc or lcss, to thc <br /> ���a, center nf 7th Strcct, bein�; on thc qunrtor section line runnin� <br /> ;�. . nnd west frc�ri Che quarter sec[ion corner in AirPorr Avenue; thcncc runninn <br /> �,rest on the center line of 7cti Screet for a ciistance of loG feet, or 50.u0 <br /> � meters, eo � �oint 33 icec, or 10.053 mecers, sacsc of thc scction line in <br /> Airport Avenuc; ehcncc runninr norCh on a linc 33 icec, or 10.058 metcr.s, west <br /> of the scccinn Linc in Airport Avenue for a diseance of 2,614,19 Feee, or <br /> �„' 79G.805 u�crers to a 4�aint 33 feec, or 10.053 r:teters, souch oF che sectio:i <br /> �' , linc in Capital Avenuc; chencc rumiin�; wesc on a line 33 fcce, or lU.OSS <br /> � mctcrs, south of anJ pars11c1 co chc seccion linc in C�pital .lvenue for a 1 <br /> distance of 1,273.7o icec, or 339.76o me[ers, to the nor[h�;est corner oi {' ' <br /> 600dricl� Subdivision; rhence runnin�; soutti on the �:est liiie af Goodrich Sub- <br /> �' division to a point 133 feee, o:• 40.533 meters, south of thc section Line in <br /> ,� Capital Avc�nue; �tience running �acst on a line 137 Leet, or 40.533 r,iecers, <br /> +�. south of �nd paraliel to :he seceion line in Cnnital Avenve for ❑ discance <br /> x- s �-. of 3993 fcet, or 1.217.OGo mecers, more or lees, co a point 33 feet, or 10.053 <br /> � o , w meters, west of thc seccion lir.c in Saiiit Faul l:oad; thence runninr north <br /> � • L and parallel to the section linc in Saint Paul Ro�d ior a distance oi 100 <br /> � � •'-' � feet, or 30.G8 meters, to a point 33 feec, or 10.058 meters, souch of the <br /> �,� Y ¢ section line in Capical Avenue; tiience runnin�; coes� on a line 33 Feec, or <br /> o�� , '"' W 10,055 metcrs, soucn oi snd parailel to thc section linc in Capital Ave:iue <br /> x': :� �— o to a point 6�0 feet, or 12.192 neters, west of rhe section line in Sainc Paul <br /> � ��� '�o Q Road; ehence runnin� norch on a line parallel to and 40 fcet, or 12,192 ;neters, <br /> �; q V c� west oE the section lire in Saitit Paul Road for a distance of 6b feet, or <br /> �� � 20.117 meters, to a point 33 feet, or 10.O5S �:ecers, north of the seccien 'line <br /> ,� , in Capital Avenue; thencc running eas[ on a line 33 £eet, or 10.058 meters, <br /> !� '-- north of and parallel co the section line in Capical Avenue co a poinc 33 <br /> feet, or l0.SS4 r.�eters, west of the seccion line in Saint Paul Road; thence <br /> �K running norch on a lir.e parallel co and 33 £eet, or 10.058 meters, caest of <br /> the section line in Saint Paul Road ior a distance of 100 feet, or 30.4o r�ecers, <br /> ;t to a point 133 feet, or 40.538 mecers, north of che section line in Capital <br /> � Avenue; thence running, eas[ on a line 133 feer, or 30.48 meters, north of ar.d <br /> `f parallel to [he section line in Capi[al Avenue for a discance of 5,346 fuec, <br /> �' or 1,629.461 meCers, n:ere or less, to a poinc 33 ieec, or 10.OSb mecers, easc <br /> ' of the section line in Airport Avenue; thence rurning south on a line 33 *eet, <br /> � or 10.O5S meters, east of che section line in Airport Avenue for a discance <br /> of 133 feet, or 40,535 neters, r.iore or less, to the section line in Capical <br /> � Avenue; thence running east on the section line in Capital Avenue for a s <br /> ,s dfstance oE 100 feec, or 30.48 rr.e[ers, to the actual place of be�inning, all � � <br /> ��'r � as shown on the plat, dated 9/22/77 marked Exhibit "A" at[ached hereto ar.d , ,�ti ' <br /> � incorporated herein by reference. . ,��� t ° <br /> !� SECTION 3. Said improvement shall be made in accordance with plans and specifications �{ ` � � <br /> i � . <br /> +;: prepared by the Engineer for the City who shall estimate the cost thereof, and submit the x�,�; <br /> � tN �,�s "� <br /> � v�„ <br /> . . . . � . � .. . � . ".n. <br /> �; . . . . .. �' <br /> �� � � . .� . . . � . � � . � . . <br /> :;1•: . . . . . . . . <br /> �1 � . . . . � � � � � .. . <br /> <pg.f <br />