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<br /> 0 �� � SHORT FORM —
<br /> �E�e�L Loan Number__34606____"_ _1_ ____S0 . �
<br /> FORM M0..2I t .IREV.8-72) .
<br /> r
<br /> ` ��'- ��c���-l�EAL `ESTATE M(�RTGAGE
<br /> .r��. John_W: Kissler and Sherry A. Kissler, husband and wife, jointly and each in
<br /> . . ............................................................................•-........_...---...----. ......... .._..---• �- •----.......
<br /> their own right,
<br /> � hereinaftercalled Mortgagors,in consideration of the sum of...�'?�.THOUSAND.SIX.HUNDRED NINETY,TWO
<br /> :' AND (36/100------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---...._. ••---•-•-�--� •-�---•--•.........................................................._.....--•......._.._.............._ _._...-••--._...... ..---•�---�
<br /> «2,692.06 ) �:►Z%i.AE29,ihe receig�t oi wideh i� IScic�aLiy ac'.:r.owl�g��, �o !+ereby MORT�AG�
<br />�,
<br /> and CONVEY an absolute title, including all the rights of homestead and inheritance, unto FIRST
<br /> = Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, the foltowing described real estate,situated in.....HaLl
<br /> County,State of N�BRASKA, to-wit:
<br /> A tract of land comprising the Soutnerly Six Hundred Ttaenty
<br /> (620) feet of the Easterly Seven Hundred Ninety-one and
<br /> Thirty-seven Hundredths (791.37) feet of the Southeast
<br /> Quarter (SE�) of Section Twenty (20), Township Ztuelve (12)
<br /> North, Range Twelve (L2), West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the reai estate above deacribed, with all appurtenancea thereunto
<br /> belonging unto the said Mortgagee, forever, pmvided always,and this mortguge is upon the express con-
<br /> dition that if the aforesaid Mortgagors, their heias, executors,administrators or assigns shall pay or cause
<br /> to be paid to the said Mortgagee, its succrssors or assigns, the principal sum herainabove set forth, all
<br /> according to the tenor and effect of a certain installment note of said Mortgagors bearing even date with
<br /> thia mortgage, and shall gay taxes and essessments levied upon said real estate,and all other taxes,levies
<br /> and assessments levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the
<br /> same or any inatallment thereof becomes delinquent, then this mortgage to be void, otherwise to remsin
<br /> in full force.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said Mortgagor shtill fail to pay auch taxes, .the
<br /> Mortga gee may pay the same and the sum so advanced with interest shall be paid by said Mortgagors,
<br /> and this mortgage shall stand as security for the same. (2) That Mortgagors covenant with the Mortgagee
<br /> that they ure lawfully seized of said real estate and covenaat to warrant and defend the said real estate
<br /> against the lawful claims of ali persons whomsoever. (3) That in case of a foreclosure of this mor.tgage, -
<br /> the plaintiff in such proceedings ahall be entitied to take possession of the pxemises,protect the same and
<br /> collect the rents, issues and pmfits fi,hereof. (4) That a fai2ure to pay any of said money or any install-
<br /> ment thereof when the same becomes due, or a fazlure to comply with �ny of the foregoing agreements,
<br /> shall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and collectible at once at the option of
<br /> the Mortgagee.
<br /> �� �K2��a.��2 '3
<br /> Signed this......... ......day of .._. .... .--.--._ -�----._ .. . . .._...�...._....., 19.��..... f
<br /> , � � � ��
<br /> •-��,t-u'-'� .I.. ...................---- -•-�--.....----....._._.....
<br /> ,
<br /> , oh""�,r�. Ris'sIe'r �
<br /> � ':. .� . .. �� . . . � � � �`!�.i.c'L::2..�/.�.�...... . L:�.�.Z.�.:�c'. . ..
<br /> � ,herrv A. K3ssler � ...... ...� .....
<br />� : . _._.��.::.�---•...Caunty. ��.
<br /> �
<br /> On this_- .at..�.....daY of��•dr••=•""�:..19��before me. the undeesigned,a 1STotary Pubiic.in aad for I " t., `
<br /> , �
<br /> � �_,,. �.
<br /> said Councy,pereonally came John W. Kissler and'Sherry A Kissler, husband and wife, ---- �` �
<br /> __...... ...._. ......... .. --.._ ,........ ........ ........_ .---..... .....--- .........
<br /> � � . .�peraonally knowa�to me..to�be the iden4cal persons whone names are�affised to.the�above and foregwng inattument, ae� � �';�n.t$,�,.
<br /> mort�ab'ors, and eac3�acknow7edged aa�d i�trument to be his or het voluntary act and deed ��'�
<br /> ; Neif�E.�Witliams �..,�� ... .!l��..
<br /> , W:��ss my-hana and `
<br />� , the dake 2ast atwve written: .�......-.•. ...... _........ ............
<br /> : �..'�.._'1'`�.3� / ////�J
<br /> � � ��$TATE .OF.�NEBRF,WltA . � � .�// ////%/� ,%q' �. �» .. .. � .,..' wt?z.' , ,
<br /> � . . . ' � � COMWSEi4M EXf i......� ..,. . .......�!c.'.'k.�._.:IK.^.:Ct.:T.r.'4�.�.r.:�.r..-�/ _...�.. � .
<br /> ' ............."'.....
<br /> /� ber 9, 1918 i z.r��,�,-ruvis�.
<br /> b1S' cvmmiasioa ezpires.....:.. ..:.(.. ..../�..:...�"""'�.::_...._......: _
<br /> � �
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