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<br /> 4.1—SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED Feito�G WoIF Company,Lincoin,Nebr. .���
<br /> �',�.� ���1���U SURVIVORSI-IIP WARRANTY DEED �
<br /> (� RUDOLF F. PLATE and JEANNICE R. PLATE, Huaband and Wife; RALPH J. �
<br /> I: BTSHOP and ELLEN I. BISHOP, Iiusband and Wife; FORREST J. POLLARD
<br /> and 'IRMA E, POLLARD, Husband-and Wife; and DELBERT D. THEASMEYER
<br /> and LOIS A. TFIEASNIEYER, Huaband and Wife; each in his ' and her own
<br /> right aad 8s spouse of eacYY other , I�erein called the gi•antor whether one or more,
<br /> in eonaideration of SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/'IOOTHS 120LLARS �$6,'"j00.00�
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto HOWARD W. LEGG and,
<br /> LOREN.^� �. LEGG, Husband 8nd Wif'e
<br />� as joint tenants with right oE aurvivorsLip, and not as tenants in common, the following deseribed real
<br /> ' property in .::.................�all................_................ Couuty,Nebraska:
<br /> NcBRASKA OOClJiViE� N7'qR^�(
<br /> STAMP TAk
<br /> Lot Eleven ( 11�, Western Heights Third ��.� � ���
<br /> t Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraslca.
<br /> �—�._BY_�
<br /> ti'Cp'f�.h46�:T ATTE�CHE[�
<br /> a
<br /> To lia��e and to hold the above described preixiises together witli all tenements, hereditaments
<br /> and appurtenances Lhereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heisy and assigns
<br /> o£ the survivor of them forever.
<br /> ''� ` .And grantor does hereUy co��enant �vith the grantees and with their aesigns and with the heirs
<br /> and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is la«�fully seised of said premises; that they nre free from
<br /> encumbranee exeept for easements and restrictions of record
<br /> that grantar has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; aud that grautor rvarrants and will
<br /> defend the title to said premises against the la�vful claims of all persons whoxusoevea
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the granteea,
<br /> the entire fee simple title to the real estate shail sest in the survi��in; �rantee.
<br /> Septem �nd .77
<br /> . .1r''L-r'D.�- .... . .. ......��.. ... ................. ... :.....................:�.. .._....:..
<br /> vdolf . ate o rest J P lard �
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<br /> e ice . Plate I E. Polla
<br /> :
<br /> .............................Q............... :f.. .. ............:. . .....`'�':'-'.�-`,�"'-
<br /> :......... ........... .. .......... . . .............
<br /> Ralph J. B op Delbert D,�The smeyer
<br /> ��.�i^�1...... ..:.. ......... .............. .....��..�..`:?�.:..-.��....................... ...._.......
<br /> ... .. . .. � . ..........
<br /> E11en I. Bishop Lois A. Tbeasmeyer
<br /> STATEOF .............��?�:.'`'-�.�......................., County of ..............�€.1.�........................._.......:
<br /> Be£ore me, a notary public qualified for said county, personallv caiue RiJDOLF F. PLAT'E and
<br /> JEANN=CE R. PLATE� Htasband and Wife; RALPH J. BISHOP and ELLEN I,
<br /> BISHOP, Hvsband and Wife; FORREST J. POLLARD and IRMA E. POLLARD;
<br /> Husband and W3fe; and DELBERT D. TF3EASMEYER and LOIS A. �TFIEASMEYER;
<br /> Husband and Wife; eacti in his and, ber own Fi-�bt and as spouse of' , � " --�•�;;
<br /> eaab �ther _ "' ,
<br /> � � ��
<br /> kno�vn to me to be the identicxl person or persons tivho signed tlie foregoin� instrument and acknowledged � ��
<br /> � the esecution thereof to Ue his, her or their voluntary act and deed. �'� �'�
<br /> ` t� ;� `.
<br />� �.*a...�c�,.hand Rnd notariel seal on,.. ...`'ti:._.C'.,�"....�...�........................� 19..?..�... ;; ..:
<br /> � . .� ., �.. .� �� . . . . . �'. �wo.�:� .. ��—
<br /> ..........�,...�L�.......:............................ Notary Publie
<br /> �.
<br /> TIM PLATE
<br /> GENERA4 N07ARY it �}"/ 7
<br /> State of Pte6raska My cammission expires .....S.�r'�-..........f........................ 19..��....
<br />� My Commis,ion Expires
<br /> � October 17, 1974 �
<br />�
<br />