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<br /> ThisIndenture,Madebyandbetwc�en _M & J CONSULTING COMPANY
<br /> _.. .. _____....._ ............._..... . . . ._..... __.. .__ . _...._......_.
<br /> -------------- -- ---- ------------------
<br /> -- .-... .-. . .. . ... wh ct�er ne o mo eherein fter r ferrecl�to mortgagor
<br /> 8na THE OVERLAND NATIbNAL BpNK OF GRl�N6 TSLA�fD, Granc� is�anc�, t�ebras�Ca, �iereina�'ter �
<br /> � referred to as Bank
<br /> 7'heMortgagorforandinconeidr.rationof($5Z�0��.��..) --- -----
<br /> FIFTY_;SEVEN:,THOUSAND. AND...N0�100. -.:. .. .._ ------ - --- ---...--npi.i,AT�,C.p�ydbythebank,
<br /> the recei t whereof ia hereb acknowled ed, has . ._.
<br /> p y g granted, bargained, eold and conveyed, and by the preaenta, does grant,
<br /> bargain,sell and convey,unto said bank,Ghe following described nrnI property situated in Uie County of :.....H d7 7
<br /> ......... ._...:.._..._
<br /> and State of Nebraska,t/rwit:
<br /> to the recorded plat thereof. ; , . � . > �
<br /> together�with all thc tenements, heredikaments and apgw�tenances to the same Lelonging, and all the estate, titic, claims�and .
<br /> � demands whatsoever nf the mortgagor of, in or to said premiaes or nny part, thereof; and said martgugor does hereby�cov- � �� �
<br /> enant, that the mortgagor is ]awfully seized of said premises,that said premises are free from incumUrance and mortgagor � � ��
<br /> � will warrant and defend the title Co said premises against the clxims and demands�of all persons whomsoever. . � � .
<br /> . �PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon theae conditions: � � � �. � � .
<br /> ` � WHEAEAS, the mortga�;or has executed nnd delivered to the Bank .........d CeY"Cdl ll , ,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,, promiasoxy�note
<br /> . ...... . _. .
<br /> dated October 3, 7977, for $57,000.00 at 9.75% interest, on�which monthly
<br /> interest payments will be made commencing November 1, 1977, and on the first day
<br /> of each month until October 3, 1978, when the entire unpaid principal balance
<br /> and accrued interest shall become due and payable.
<br /> �and has agreed to mainfai❑ fire, windstorrn and exter.ded covr_ra�e insurance on said premises in amounts sequired�and in
<br /> � � companies approved by the�bank�and with standard mortgage clauses which policic.s shall he delivered to the bank, and�hras .
<br /> a�reed to pay all taxes and assessments levied agai.nst said premises Uefore tke same become delinquent and to maintain said .
<br /> premises. � � � � � � ��
<br /> � � Now, therefore, if the mort�agor shall compiy with all of the provisions of said note and the provisions hereof, then
<br /> � these presents shall be null and void. . � � � �
<br /> � � �However, if the above note and i��texest thereun or anY payments ca]led for thereon are not paid whun�due or if any� � �� �
<br /> of the eovenants of this instrument are not complied with,the bank, or the holder hereof, at its option may,deciare�the� re- �
<br /> � maining bulance of said indebtedness due and payable and znxy maintaain an action rt law or in equity to recover all amounts� � �
<br /> i � � � due and enforce the provisions hereof. In the event of �.he failure of rnortgagor Yo �naintxin the premises, or to.maintain � �
<br /> �. insurance as is above provided for, or to pay taxes ui•assess�ients,the holdex•hereof may advance the sum or sums necessxry � � �
<br /> . �to obtuin compliance and such arnounts shall be added to the amount due on the abr�ve mentioned�note and bear interest�at '� �
<br /> the higheat legal rate. � � � � � � � �
<br /> � IT IS FURTHER AGAEED, this martgage shal? constitute notice hereof, that this mortgage is�security for not�oniy � .
<br /> the smount advanced concurrenily with the execution hereuf but all future advances which�may be made at the option af the
<br /> parties or their assigns up to the total smo�nt steted in ihis rnort�age,to the same ektent as advancec originally made�here- �
<br /> . under. Further notice is hereby given thnt the tenor of each Mortgage Note ilidudii�g the interest rate, payment, matnrity, �
<br /> � penalties, and other terms shall concurrently upan�ekecution becume a part of this mort�age. � � � . .
<br /> � IT IS FURTHER AGR}]ED, that the. ssid Mortgagor sha:t and will pay all taxes levied upon this mortgage or the debt � �
<br /> . secured thereby, together w•ith any other taxes or assessments which may� be levied�under tS�e Laws of Nebraska, against the �
<br /> - � � said Mortgagee or the legal holder of the said principal note(s) on account of thisindebtedness. � � � �
<br /> �� IT IS FURTIiER AUREF.D, if at any tirrxe, while the mortgage is in ef£ect und the note for which this�mortgage is � � ��� '�
<br /> � given as security, or any part thereof, remains uapaid, the ur�dersigned Mortgagoe•s sell, convey or contract to� seil the real� � � � �
<br /> estate herein described,or any part thereof, or thr. bforLgagors do not ha�>e�or cexse to have title Co said real estate or any �
<br /> ' part thereuf,then and in any such events, the ➢Zm�t��gee may,at its option,declare the unpaid principal Ualance, and interest, � �
<br /> � of the note secured hereby immediately due a�id payaLle. 7n the event that t�hese premises are not now,or should hereafter,not � � �
<br /> � �� be occupied tay mortgagor then this instrument sha11 constitutc.an assignmes�t u£rent3ls and service of a copy thereaf upun the � . �
<br /> ' occupant shall be su{ficient to require all payment for rentul or use of the prexnises after date of such service to made to � � � �
<br /> , mortgagee. . . � �� � �
<br /> , sx,e�,ea r.n�8...........3rd.............aay or. . October. ....... ..................,is.��.._......_.._
<br /> �n nresence of _M,&__J_CONSUL. ING COMPANY
<br /> --:.:_......� . ...... .......... BY��t�t.�-�,� . .. .:..'. . .. c ....:..... .
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<br /> .. .. . .... ..... .1.�--.. �-�.�
<br /> :.:...:.............�.��..�:_ :.:. . .
<br /> . . ...
<br /> STATE OF.... .........NE.�RASISA...... ..._..., County of.._..... HALL......._ . ..__.._
<br /> , � � Before me, a notary gublic qualified for suid count.v,per�onall,V came � � � - .
<br /> �� � known to me.to be the ide.ntieul perso❑ or t'>ersons whn siened�,he foreroin�instrument ancl ack�+o�r�cd���d t?:e exccu'ioi:them- � � ' �
<br /> � � � of to.be his,her or their voluntary act and deed. . � . . . . .
<br /> , ��. � � Witneas mY:hand and notarial seal on._....... .. .. .................. . ............_...... ..---,19......... � . . � .
<br /> ..� . ,� . � . . . . � � � � � :C �'.�` �'.
<br /> ��1VSy commiasion expires � ........:. ...._.... �..:._..._, 19..�....... �. .......... � � ....... ....... .I�otary Public. � _. ._:.�. ,'� �.
<br /> � ....................................... . � ...
<br /> � � � 3
<br /> ` STATE OF �� �� � � � � � � � Entered on�numerical�index und filed Sor record �� �. � ���'� -
<br /> . . . lsa. �� � . .,� ,
<br /> � County�.......:.. � � � , ;...._� �� � � � . in the Reg�ister of Deeds Of£ice of said County the ', �`��,`
<br /> .... .
<br /> ' ... ..:,---:� �� _....�.......day ot... .. :..... ......... ....�1;1........,. at_.... . .........�_.�...o'cdock and_:,. ..........._. .__�._.....minutes ._ �.. .......M., . . � �� � .,�'� . ��,4:r �
<br /> ` �.�. .. .and recoxded in-Bonk. : � ..._.. cf.__. .. .� � ..atpag�... ...... �. . . � . � ��,{ '
<br /> _......... ......._.._._ . .......... ........,.............�
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<br /> , .. . .. . . � � � . . � .:... ..� .....�... . ....... .._... .. .... ........iieq. of Deeda �
<br /> . . . � . ..Hy.... .........._... ......._........ ...... .. . . . ........Deputy .
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