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1y �'4 yl� i}� _ <br /> 4� a.i��t �i,+i GS�t A <br /> � <br />,�� � <br />.''.�%�:. � � . . <br /> t <br /> I . . � � . . . . . . . . <br /> � � SGORSGh��E-�Savings �d Loan Fozm--(1f - CrxJit Pl� �255-2 (Special) . . � . <br /> . : ............... . . . . . <br /> �� : - _ �._ MORTGAGE <br /> I 77'- (1 a 5'7 3 3 �No .� <br /> rtns IIdaetarusE, maae :�,�. 7th a„o oE Seotember is�?by ana naa.e.n <br /> FLORENCE M: TOCKEY , a sinqie person <br /> 3 <br /> .o[ Ha I I � �� . . �County. Nebraaka, m mortgagor_.�d Home Fedeml Saviage and S.oaa Aneodatioa of Graad Ial�d, � . <br /> t a.corporaiioa orqaniaed and e�dsting under the laNs of Nebraaka with�ita pzindpal office aad plaoe of buaineas at Grand Ia7md.Nebraaka, <br /> aa mortgagee: . � � . . . <br /> i WiTNESSETH: Shat emd mortgagor—, tor �d in consideration of tha aum of , � , <br /> TWENTY-FOUR TNOUSAND AND NO/100--------------------__------ *,,,�� �524,000.00 ,, <br /> .� �� ihe receipt o! which is�hereby aelmowledged, do e5 bp theee preee¢is �morfgage and�w�rant unto eaid morlqagee,�its�euteeseors��d <br /> �� <br /> aesiane, forever, all ihe following dnncribad ro_al eetate. ei±izated ir. the ��_^.ty c!_H�7�� <br /> -.�d Stale�of Nabraeka.�to-wit: . � . � , � � . . . . � . . .. <br /> LOT SIXTY-FIVE (65) IN WOLFE'S SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY QF GRAPJD <br /> ISLANO, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> �� <br /> Mortgage re�recorded to show marital sta#us of mortgaoor-• <br /> ts .7oqather with ali heating, liqhtiag, and plumbing equipmonl ¢nd fixturas, including atokors and burnere,�screens,qwniage, etormwindow4 <br /> �C and doors,�d window shades or blinds, used on or in cronnection with said property,whether tha eame are now ]xated oa euid property <br /> yor hezeaffer plucad thereon. <br /> �.� . TO HAVE�AND YO HOLD THE SAME. toget2�er with all and singulaz the tenemenes.hereditc�ents and appurtenaaces thereunto�beloag• � <br /> �� ing,ar in anywiee appertaining,lorever,�d warrant the title to the eame. Said mortqagor—�hereby covenan[..;� with aaid mortqaqee � <br /> tha�_�_he��� at the delivery hereoi,tbe lawful owner_—of the premisee above conveyed�d deecribed,and �S <br /> �,$ ceized ot a good and indeleasible estate of inherilance therein,tree and clear oi csll eneumbrancen,and that _�I�e__will wacrant�d . � <br /> 3 de}ond the title.t6ereto forever aqainst the daims and demanda ot dl parsons whomsoever. <br /> PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and this instzument is executed and delivered to aecure the paymeat o!the sum oi � <br /> � � ,'�lE TY-FOUR THOUSAND AND NO/100----------------------------------nouaze (s 24.000.00 �. <br /> with iateaest thereon, toqether with such chargea and advances as may be due and paynble to aaid mortqngee under the tecros and <br /> �. <br /> conditions ot the promisaory note of even date herewith and secured hereby,ezecuted by eaid mo[iqagor._to eaid mortqagoe,papable �� � � � <br /> � as.expressed in eaid note,and to eecure the pezformance of all the torms and conditions coafained the�eia. The terma o! aaid nota are . . �� <br /> . Le:e6y incorporatad herein by tLie refereace. � � � . . . � <br /> It is tLe intention and agreement of the paztiea hereto that ihia moxtg¢ge ahall also eecure aay future advaneea made to eaid � � � . � � <br /> ' mortqaqor_ by emd mortgaqce, and any and all iadebtedneee ia additioa to the amount above stated which said mortgaqors, oz any � � <br /> o! them, map owe to eaid mortgagee, however evidenced, wLethez by account or otherwiee. Shis mortgaqe shall remaia in full � � . � �� <br /> Sorce..and etfect betweea the parties hereto and their heira, peraonal representatives, aucceasors and msigae, until ail amoun4 aecured � � <br /> hereunder.5ucluding futu-e advances, are pmd ia !ull with intereal. � . �� � � <br /> . The mortgagor��heieby aasign�_b saSd mortgagee all renta aad income arisinq at any and all lrom eaid p:opeNy and � . � <br /> .F�ezeby authorize amd morfgagee or ib ageat, at�[ts opHoa,.vpoa delault.10 take ch�ge of said property aad coilect all renU aad 3ncnma . � <br /> therefzom and vpply the aame to the payment of intereei. priacipal,inauraace premiume, fozea, aaaessmenta, repairs or improvements aeees- � � . � <br /> eary�to keep eaid property ia tenantabla condition, oz to other charqee or p¢ymente provlded tor herein or in the aote hereby aecured Thia � �� <br /> zent asefgnmeat ahQ1I continue in force until the uapaid balance of eaid aote is tully pmd R7to takinq ot possesaion hareuader ehall ia no � <br /> manner preveat or retard said mongaqee in the collection of eaid eums by foredosuze oz olherwisa. � � �� <br /> �� The tailure of tha,,�tg¢ t t anp of 3ta righta hereunder at �y Hms sLail¢ot be canatxued aa a waiver ot ita riqht to asaert �� � � <br /> 3 the eame at aDY��r tim.9 �O;;u�a�Fst,u a and eniorce atrict compliaaee with all the terma ¢ad proviaions of s¢id note ax�d of thia : � <br /> ... mortgage.; a,;g iwww:�a 2�'w�i+.`&�C:sI�O . . . . � . <br /> � .. ..i.,fzs�'x,a:.. �x..:y,�:a:,e.�.:'� . . <br /> . If aaid-� � �paSd to emd mortqaqee�the entire amount due it herauader,aad under the terme aad proviaions � � <br /> � of eaid aote hereby secured,including.fuhue advancee,aad aay exteasione or reaewaL ehereot 3a aecordaace with the terms �d proviaiona , � <br /> 6. thereot.aad i!eaid�mort : . . . ..�. . � .. .. . . � . . . . <br /> ga4or_shall oomply�vith a11 the provisiona ot sa[d note and o}this mortqage,then theee preaeaL ahall be void; <br /> ....S otheiwiae.-to� fuL�lozce and� amd mortgagea ehall be eaNtled to the pos�esefon ot all oi said propertp.�d Sts .r ^ <br /> optioa, dae]ase the whols�of said aote aad all iadebladue�� repre�eated therebp to�be immediatelp due md papabie,and map toreeloae tLis . x <br /> 'mortgaqe w.�tafco��ae4on!o.pioteet ita riqht,��md lrom the date ot such default all ttem� ot indebtedneas �eeured Larebp � - <br /> shall draw intereat at$96 c�aum. Appzuisemeat watved. . . . N <br /> � � f"j r* <br /> I This mortgage ahd1Y�binding upon �d �hall �nurs to ths banatit of tha hefn, ezeeutan,admfaistrators,�euceeaeon�d aeeiqns ot �I ,y <br /> the re�pectiva parlia�he:eto. � <br /> J <br /> IN V{RTNESS AfR�EQF..kdd.Mort9nqoF: �+�S� hsraucto��et her � +.�,�_tye day and year f[rst above '�� :e <br /> �� vrr(N . .. . . .. . .. � . . . .. .. .. � . � . . . <br /> � r <br /> 1 <br />� �./@A�Pc r • �2l _,. i�..•� <br /> FLORENCE M. TOCKEY" a� <br /> ,� a sing(e person - <br /> ri <br /> � ,— � <br />� � <br />� , <br />