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<br /> �LOAN NO. � Y O �@� � � w "MORTGAGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENI" � . .
<br /> Z V 0
<br /> � rHAr LOWELL J. ROGERS and ROJEAN A. ROGERS, husband and wife,
<br /> each contracting in his own right and as epouse of the other
<br /> �.of the County of � H8�.1 � . . and State of Nebmska, mortgngars,in considerafion oI the sum of � � � � .
<br /> SEVENTEEN TFIOUSAND TWO HUNDREll AND NO/100ths------------------------t517.200.00 )oo�uRs
<br /> � ihe receipf�whereof it heroby acknowledged, do hereby SELL ANO CONVEY to State Federai 5avings and loan As>o<iafion, Beatrlce, IVebra:kc,mortgagee, �
<br /> . . tha following described reol estate sifualad, �., Hall � co��ry,Sfo3e of Nebrosko,to wit: � � �
<br /> r,
<br /> Lot Fifty (50) in Kawthorne Place, being a Subdivision �f part of the Northwest Quarter
<br /> � (1QW 1/4) of Section Twenty-two (22), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range N1ne (9), West
<br /> of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> d
<br /> r'
<br /> ogefhar with all buildings,easements, improvements, fixYures or appurtenances now or hereofrer erected �hereon, inclvding,all appora�us,equipmant, . � ..
<br /> � . ��xtures o�orticles,whether in singla units or cantrolly confrolled, used to supply heat,gas,a conditioning,water, light, power,refrigeration,ventilation,� � �
<br /> �. �. . dishwashing,disposot, or other services,and any other thing now or hereohar fberein or�hereonr Ihe furnishing oF whi<h by�lessors to lessaes is wstomory or . � �
<br /> appropricta,including screens,window shodes,sform doors pnd windows,floor coverings, screen doors, in-a-door bads,awnings,stoves.and water heaters(all� �
<br /> �of which are doclorad to be a port of scid real esfate wheYher physi.<ally at�ached therefo or not).The Mortgagee is hereby subrogated to the rights of all mor- �
<br /> �. �� fgoyees, lienholders and owners pcid off by ihe proceeds of the lowi hereby secured.This mortgage consitutes a sacurity agreemenf wiYh respect to the chattels . ,� �
<br /> r� � coverod heraby and with rospact to the fixtures attachad to tha above described reol esfate in whi<h mortgagae has an ordinory security inYerest. � . �
<br /> � � � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tha said ro t with soid buildi � " � � �
<br /> p par y, rrgs,easemenh, impro�emenfs,fixtures,appurtenances, apporotus and equipmenf, unto soid . .
<br /> Mortgcgee,itz successors and assigns forever. � . � � � � � �
<br /> `r � The mortgogon represent and covenant with the mortgogea thaf fhay are lawfully seized in fae simple of said premises;that thay have good right and lowful� � �
<br /> oufbority to sail and corneythe wme;that ihay are Frae and clear from encumbrances;that ihere are no outstonding sewriry interests agoinst ony fixtures; aad�� � �
<br /> � � fhot they will warrant aod defend the titla to wid pramises a8ainst ihe cloimz of al I parsons,eod thot ihere are no outstaoding security i�terasts as fo any and o❑ � .
<br /> � of the above described fixtures. . � . � . �
<br /> �,. � � PROVIDED,alwoys and ihau presenfs ara upon e�cpress condifion:That,Whereos fhe ¢oid mortgagors have this day axecuted and delivered fo ihe said �
<br /> Asaociation,one cartain note!n fhe amount of the above wnsiderafion,which sum with inYerezt os provided by seid note or oay mutual modiFi<ation or extension � ��
<br /> k. . � �fhereof�ond ollsums which said Associotion shallpay out of ifs owo funds for taxes,insuronce or repairs on fhe property described herein,w fufure ceshodvance- �
<br /> �ments mode by the mortgogee ro the mortgogor,or his successor in title,for ony purpose at any time before the raleasa ond conce�lahion of�his moAgoge(provid- �
<br /> �� ed fhof the said odvancement,topaiher with the principnl bolonca due at.the time of fha soid odvoncement,shall not exceed the original umount of the mortgege � �
<br /> . and,providad furfhar,thet nofhing herein contoinedshall be coosideredas limiting the omounts thotshall be zecured hereby when odvonced ro protecf the�security�
<br /> � �. or in acwrdance wiYh fhe covenanf�confained harein)sha�l consfifute fhe debt owiog to said Aswciation and by said note soid mortgogors promise to poy soid �
<br /> �� � dabt and interest ro the Associotion in monthly instaliments as provided in soid note of evan doro herewith.Unless modified or axtended,tha final paymant is due
<br /> ��'. . j0� � manths from dote.� .
<br /> . �� Mortgopors further agree to pay,befora.delinquency,fhe sums secured hereby,ond a�l foxes and charges of every chorocrer asuued or now due,undar .
<br /> � ��fhe laws of Ne6roska,upon said real esYeta,ond upon this mwYgqqe or tha nota or dabt secured hereby;to keep the buildings upon said premizei insured for fire �
<br /> �� � ond extended coveroge in some company oi<ompenies occapfabla to moAgogee for on amount not less thon the value of the building,os determinad by the mor-
<br /> ' � �fgogee or ihe unpoid bolance of fhe loen,whichever is less;to keep all improvements in good repoir and condition,without woste during The lifa of this morfgoge;
<br /> �: � . and fo permit mortgagee or its ogenf to enfer upon soid premises fa ezamine the condition of mid improvnments in order ro ansure complionce herewith.
<br /> . �� Should defoult be mode in payment of the sum securad here6y,or ony part thareof,ond said dafault conf+nue for sixty (60)days, or should said insuronca
<br /> � not be promplly effected,or tozes or assesfmants not be paid before delinquency, or defoult in ony of the terms of fha note for which Ibis mortgoge is security,
<br /> or sa{d propeHy sold or trensFerrod by deed, corttmct,optiori,eazemenf,or otherv.isa,without opproval of o supplementai appliwtiai for essumption of Yhis mor- .
<br /> ' . � fgege and ibe debl evidenced thereby,by hhe Associafion,or in wse of Failure to duly observe ond be governed by 1he provisions and�conditions of 1he Ghortar,
<br /> �By-lawa of soid�Associotion,ond rules and regulotions oF The Federol Sevings and Loon System, or if insurad by morigoge insuronce corporatio�s,to poy in odd- �
<br /> � itim aY Ybe op}ion of ibe Associo�ion, fhe prcrniums for said insumoce,or the discovery by ihe Associatim,o its officers, that ony of the s�atemenis confoined
<br /> in tFe opplicaTion for tbe loan executed by mortgopors are folu,or if a tax lien, odditionol mortgoge, mecbonics lien,or other encumbronce is fi�ed of record �
<br /> � �which.imposas aJien ogainsf Yhe abova described real estofe,then the whole of said indebhedness remoining unpaid sholl ot the opfion of the said Associafian,
<br /> , become�due and payabie wfthout notiu,fime being tha cssence of this<ontra<T.
<br /> . � . � . Should mortgagon fail to keep tha buildings i�wred,as harein agreed,or Fail to poy reol estote taxes and specia�assessme��:on the said mortgo3ed pro-
<br /> �� � � peRy beforo dalinque mortgagae moy effac*xaid i. onre.,pa�tmes and i uronce pre � ,ond oll soch paymea�s,w1r!.iereres�as p�ovided �n ihe first
<br /> �morigage note se<ured by ihis mortgoga,sho�l be a Iieo upon said premises and ucured hereby�m .
<br /> .�The mwtgogors hereby relinquish oll homastoad and morital righis of every kind in ond to the said premises.
<br /> � ���� �Por�fhe purpose of fumishing further securityfor ihe debt secured hereby,the mortgagors heraby assign,tronsfer ond sef over�o the mortgagee,to be appe ied � ,
<br /> ���� . foward fhe�poyment�of�Yhe note ond ali other sums secured hereby, in caxe of a dafoulf in ihe performance of ony of tho ferms ond condifions oF fhis mortgoga br �"��� ��'�+�'•.�
<br /> � Ihe zoid nate,oll}he renfs,revenues,and incoma to be derived from the morrgqqed premises dur'ng such fime as fhe.mortgoge indebtedness shall remain unpa'd; � N���,p
<br /> �.cnd fhe mortgagoe shall hwo powar}o oppoiot any agent,or ogenTs,,iY moy desira for fhe purpose of repoiring said premises and of renting rhe same and collecf- ���
<br /> L ing the renfy,rovenues� ond iocome, and if moy pay out of soid incane ail e�aenses of repairing said premises and nacessary commissions,ond expenses incurcad �. '
<br /> ..in renting:and�menoping the same,and oPcolleding�antals fherofrom;fhebalance remoining if any,tobe ppplied toward tha disc6arge ofsaid moAgoge indabted- qn�`:'
<br /> ����•��9a8ee shall oocounf for rents pctuelly collectad cnd nof for the rentol.value of said premises. �`.;
<br /> " � If Lha indebfednass seNrsd heraby�ba guaranteed or ineured onder fhe.Servicemen's Readjustmenf Act,as amendea, s ,� ......:-,.,-^d �hese- _ ��� ..�
<br />� .Lnt�er,anu.in.eifucf or1 fnu dole riel'6oi,siiall govam rhe riehh,duries and liabii.eties of fha part�6s hereb,and any provixio�s of rhts or otheryin5irumenh execured � . �
<br /> 'in con�ectionwilh soid indebteAness which nrc 7nmr.sis+ent with scid Ad or Rx�u�e:icns ar,. .,,:^b�cmended'o c..nfo::n there,a .
<br /> Tho ferms uud to dasignote any oF tha portiee Frerein sholl be�deamed to indude fhe heirs, representativas,.wcwssors and auigns of seid parties, ond the
<br /> ts:n"Moripagor"shelf oleo include any lowful owner,holder or pledgor of any indebtedness aecured hereby. T
<br /> .. . L-9� Rev.7-75 � � . � � � � � (rumble) .
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